Senior Java Developer Resume Profile
Executive Summary
Dynamic Solution oriented IT Professional with over 11 years of significant and progressive experience in information technology consulting focusing on web-based and client/server based applications. Sun certified consultant with extensive experience with both core and advanced Java technologies which includes AngularJS BootstrapUI JSP JSP Custom tag libraries JSTL Servlets EJB AJAX JNDI JMS JDBC RMI JAX-RPC JAX-B JAX-WS and various other middleware technologies. Proficiency in developing Web Services using SOAP WSDL UDDI using IBM Web sphere Application Server. Having excellent knowledge of enterprise design patterns Hibernate Spring and Struts.
Project Experience
Senior Java Developer / AngularJS Lead
- Perform API development module integration and web designing using AngularJS Spring MVC and JBoss Fuse OSGi using agile methodology.
- Set up the AngularJS framework for the application.
- Setup the Bootstrap for customizable UI design.
- Establish dependency injection in AngularJS.
- Implemented the Jasmine testing methodology.
- Carry out Junit and unit testing by TestNG and Junit for the Spring Objects.
- Implement REST-based web services with AngularJS.
- Integrate projects using SOA architecture.
- Developed business components using EJB3.0
- Integrated JBoss Fuse OSGI with the existing framework of AngularJS and spring framework.
- Ensure best programming standards and performance by using most of the features in spring framework.
- Utilize Spring DAO Spring Transaction API for transaction management.
- Lead a team of three java developers who were working from TCS Offshore.
IT Environment Java1.6 J2EE 6.0 Eclipse3.x/NetBeans7 Tomcat6.x/WebSphere7.x Spring3.x IBatis3.x Ant1.x Maven2.x AngularJS1.2 BootStrap3.x JUnit3.x CSS Oracle11g RESTful Web Services UNIX Red Hat Linux11.x Rally for Agile and defect tracking SVN as repository Jenkins for CI Fuse11.x server.
Senior Java Developer / Tech Lead
- Perform API development module integration and web designing using JSP2.0 and Spring MVC using Agile.
- Set up the Spring MVC framework.
- Establish dependency injection using Spring framework.
- Carry out unit testing by spring context objects and Http Servlet mock objects.
- Develop JAX-WS Web Services WSDL XML and SOAP for the application.
- Implement REST-based web services.
- Integrate projects using SOA architecture.
- Utilized JPA as persistence and developed business components using EJB3.x
- Create database schema triggers and indexes on Oracle database.
- Ensure best programming standards and performance by using all features in Spring framework.
- Devise business components using Spring API stateless session factory .
- Work with Spring DAO IOC and session bean factory.
- Utilize open JPA API for transaction management.
- Convert existing features in the application towards globalization of the application which is internationalization of the web representation.
- Conduct front-end and backend coding for integrating Spring service layer.
- Process front-end coding which involves developing multi action JSP pages and updating the Spring configuration.
- Lead a team of three java developers who were working from FGS global services.
IT Environment Java1.6 J2EE 6.0 Eclipse3.x Glassfish3.x Spring3.x Open JPA Ant1.x AJAX ADFS Server JNDI JUnit1.x JSP2.x Log4j SLF4J JSTL CSS Oracle11g Web Services WSDL UDDI IBM ClearCase IBM ClearQuest JMS UNIX Windows XP Pro Red Hat Linux 11.x
Senior Java Developer
- Performed API development module integration and web designing using JSP2.0 and Spring MVC using Agile.
- Implemented Spring MVC framework.
- Established dependency injection using spring framework.
- Carried out unit testing by JUnit and mock objects.
- Developed the mail service alert and verification service.
- Implemented Web Services WSDL XML and SOAP for the application.
- Integrated projects using SOA architecture.
- Crafted database schema triggers and indexes on Oracle database.
- Ensured best programming standards and performance by using all features in spring framework.
- Devised business components using Spring API stateless session factory .
- Worked with Spring DAO IOC and session bean factory.
- Utilized Spring API for transaction management.
- Converted existing features in the application towards globalization of the application which was internationalization of the web representation.
- Wrote several custom tag libraries such as combo box and checkbox to handle business requirements.
- Provided front-end and backend coding for integrating Hibernate with Spring DAO.
- Processed backend coding which included implementing session fa ade pattern using persist classes mapped to database.
- Executed front-end coding which involved developing multi-action JSP pages and updating the spring configuration.
- Created clustering in WebLogic AS.
IT Environment Java1.5 J2EE 5.x Eclipse3.x WebLogic10.x Spring2.x Hibernate3.x Ant1.6.2 AJAX Sun Identity Manager JNDI LDAP JUnit1.x JSP2.0 Log4j JSTL CSS Oracle10g Web Services WSDL UDDI NDM File Transfer CVS JMS UNIX Windows XP Pro Sun Solaris
Java Computer Specialist
- Performed API development module integration and web designing using JSP Struts and JSTL.
- Designed and developed web applications using HTML JavaScript JSP and Struts framework.
- Implemented Struts 2.0 framework.
- Established dependency injection using spring framework.
- Configured the configuration file for Spring.
- Developed the build 0803 of CKC API.
- Set up Web Services WSDL XML and SOAP for the application.
- Integrated with core system by JMS and web services artifacts.
- Created database schema triggers and indexes on Oracle 10g database.
- Carried out user interface development for the CKC application for major enhancements and bugs.
- Ensured best programming standards and performance by using all features in Struts framework Struts dynaforms and Struts validator.
- Devised business components using Spring API.
- Utilized Spring DAO IOC and session bean factory.
- Worked with widgets such as display and decorator.
- Converted existing features in the CKC application towards globalization of the application which was internationalization of the web representation.
- Wrote several custom tag libraries such as combo box and checkbox to handle business requirements.
- Processed front-end and backend coding for integrating iBATIS with delegator.
- Conducted backend coding that included implementing session fa ade pattern using persist classes mapped to database.
- Executed front-end coding that involved developing action forms JSP pages and updating the Struts configuration.
- Provided WebSphere AS administration.
- Crafted nodes and deployed applications.
- Supplied available round-the-clock 24x7 support for applications for any issue.
IT Environment Java1.5 J2EE 5.x RAD7.x WebSphere6.1 Struts2.0 Spring2.x iBatis2.x AJAX DOJO Ant1.6.2 JNDI JSP2.0 Log4j JSTL Oracle 9i with Toad SQL Navigator 5.x Web Services WSDL UDDI PVCS JMS ADFS Server UNIX Windows XP Pro
Senior Java Tech Developer / System Analyst
Performed in all areas of business requirements API and web designing using JSP Struts and JSTL.
- Developed the P L API using Struts framework integration with Spring.
- Designed and developed web applications using HTML JavaScript JSP and Struts framework.
- Constructed the Struts1.3 framework.
- Established dependency injection using Spring framework.
- Set up and configured the AOP DI dependency injection IOC inversion of control for Spring.
- Implemented Web Services WSDL XML and SOAP for the application.
- Created database schema triggers and indexes on Oracle 10g database.
- Carried out user interface development for the P L application for major enhancements and any bugs.
- Met with sales and marketing departments to understand business requirements and molded them into technical requirements towards development.
- Ensured best programming standards and performance by using all features in Struts framework Struts dynaforms and Struts validator.
- Converted existing features in the P L application towards globalization of the application which was internationalization of the web representation.
- Wrote several custom tag libraries such as combo box and checkbox to handle business requirements.
- Processed front-end and backend coding for credit card approval system Thailand and loans.
- Executed backend coding which included implementing session fa ade pattern using persist classes mapped to database.
- Conducted front-end coding that involved developing action forms JSP pages and updating the Struts configuration.
- Supplied available round-the-clock 24x7 support for applications for any issue.
IT Environment Java 1.5 J2EE1.4 Eclipse3.x WebLogic9.x Struts1.2 Spring2.x Ant1.6.2 JNDI LDAP JSP2.0 Log4j JSTL Hibernate3.x Oracle 9i with Toad Web Services Rabbit MQ WSDL UDDI PVCS JMS UNIX Windows XP Pro
Senior Software Engineer
- Developed session beans to maintain authentication user roles.
- Established various beans for sorting searching based on front-end reference number.
- Interacted with client and provided technical support.
- Set up check-in check-out update build compile and execute and tested changes.
- Gathered and gained understanding of business partners requirements.
- Created use cases sequence diagrams and class diagrams using Rational Rose.
- Designed additional JSP screens for adding interactivity to web-pages for the application.
- Utilized Struts tag library extensively html logic and iterate .
- Worked with tiles templates for page layout and navigation.
- Implemented MQ Series for application to application communication.
- Wrote a number of test cases following the test driven development.
- Executed data access logic using Hibernate for any data access purpose and established the backend process to access Oracle9i database.
IT Environment Java J2EE JDK 1.4 Struts 1.2.0 Hibernate3.0 Spring1.2 JDBC JUnit UML XML Eclipse 3.x MQ Series WebLogic 8.x Rational Rose HTML Ant1.6.2 JNDI LDAP JSP 2.0 Log4j JSTL Oracle 9i with Toad Web Services WSDL UDDI PVCS UNIX
Languages Java C C
Java Technologies JDK1.6 Servlets JSP JNDI JMS Struts Framework Spring framework SOA JDBC EJB s Java Scripting Custom Tag Libs SAX DOM Parsers MQ Series
Design Methodologies UML RUP Rational Rose OOAD OOP Design Patterns SDLC models E/R Diagrams
RDBMS Oracle SQL/PL 10g/11g MySQL Server in UNIX Linux
Web Technologies AngularJS Bootstrap RESTful Web Services WSDL HTML XML DHTML JSP2.0 JSTL1.2 Tiles Java Scripting MS Front Page CSS3.
IDEs and Tools IBM WebSphere 6.0 RAD6.x/7.x BEA WebLogic 6.1/7.0/8.1 Eclipse 3.x IntelliJ Idea 4.5.2 SQLDeveloper Ant Maven build Tools Toad Tool
Web Servers WebSphere AS WebLogic AS Apache Tomcat 7.0 J2EE Server Resin web server in Linux
Operating Systems MS-Windows /NT/2000/XP/7 Server/Terminal Server/workstation DOS UNIX Red Hat Linux 6.0/7.0/8.0
Other Concepts Tools Unix Shell Scripting Client Server Architecture Crystal Reports Rational ClearCase Rational ClearQuest PVCS VSS wincvs Secure FTP