Java Consultant ,resume Profile
- More than 9 years of IT industry experience encompassing a wide range of skill set, roles and industry verticals.
- Extensive experience with analysis, design, development, testing and implementation of large scale software applications.
- Good exposure to client interfacing while working at client location globally and giving client satisfaction a high priority.
- Strong skills in Object Oriented Programing, Data Structure, Software Engineering, Database and development knowledge.
- Experience in leading managing team. Handled multiple roles Team Lead, Programmer analyst, Application developer.
- Executed software projects for financial industry, Government and Public sector.
- Good communication skills, interpersonal skills, self - motivated, quick learner, team player.
Java 1.5,J2EE, EJB 2.0, XML parsing, UML
Tools and Frameworks
Curam V6, IEG, Hibernate, Rational Software Architect, Struts
Technologies Knowledge
SOA, Webservices, Design Pattern MVC Architecture
IBM's QMS Quality Management System, HP QC
Configuration Tools
ClearCase, ClearQuest, RTC, SVN
Quality and testing
JUnit, Clover, FindBugs
Java Consultant
- As Programmer Analyst, I am involved in Application Development of NJCASS New Jersey's Consolidated Assistance Support System . CASS is commercial off-the-shelf COTS software customized for the State of New Jersey. CASS incorporates all programs and eligibility rules into one integrated system. CASS supports the eligibility-based benefit programs supervised by DFD and DMAHS and the work activity programs for Work Confidential participants which are supervised by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development. I am responsible for customization of applications, implementing the new change requests and defects, delivering and execution of project following the SDLC of CEF Curam Enterprise Framework .
- Analysis of new change request and defects and calculating estimations.
- Implementing and delivering the changes and defects by the changing the model, components.
- Changing developing UIM, IEG, CTX and DMX, along with server side component and Modeling as per the use case requirements.
- Managing the change request and defects with HP Quality center.
- Creating JUnit, code review and release note document.
Environment: IBM Curam V6, IEG, Java 5, RSA 8.4, Eclispe, Apache Tomcat 6, Apache ANT 2.8, HP QC, Oracle, MVC Framework.
Team size: 30 - 35
Java Consultant Mentat
- Requirement study and analysis of the use case.
- Design the component and pages according to requirement.
- Design the database tables.
- Coding of the business layers in Curam framework.
- Developers level testing.
- Creating JUnit, code review and release note document.
Environment: IBM Curam V6, Java 5, RSA 8.4, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat 6, Apache ANT 2.8, RTC, DB2, MVC Framework.
Team size: 12-15
Lead Developer
- As a lead Developer responsible for Analysis, development, testing and design change of the LRUC application being developed for TFL Transport for London to automate the process of congestion control and vehicle charging of the transportation of London city . The whole project is divided into various modules and implements MDSD Model Driven Software Development .
- Incident analysis, iFix and monitoring the application in production.
- Configured the client to deploy the ear Enterprise archive in Web-sphere application server.
- Unit test and Fit test the application according to the business rule of the application.
- Analyze defect and provide the solution to the application.
Environment: Core java, Hibernate 3.0, Spring IOC, MVC framework, RSA Rational Software Architecture, Web-sphere application server 6.0, Rational Clear case, Rational Clear Quest, ILOG Jrule and DB2.
Team size: 10
Lead Developer
- As a lead Developer responsible for Analysis, design, development, testing and implementation of VISTA application being developed for Switzerland Government to automate the process of funds management and insurance that the government provides to its citizens. The whole project is divided into various modules and implements MDSD Model Driven Software Development .
- Responsible for implementing the Usecase as per the business rule of one of the functional group of Vista AS- Accounting System .
- Configured the client to deploy the ear Enterprise archive in Web-sphere application server.
- Unit test and Fit test the application according to the business rule of the application.
- Analyze defect and provide the solution to the application.
Environment: Core Java, Hibernate 3.0, Spring IOC, MVC framework, RSA Rational Software Architecture, Web-sphere application server 6.0, Rational Clear case, Rational Clear Quest, Web services SOA and DB2.
Team size: 60-80
- As a Developer responsible for Analysis, design, development, testing and implementation of MERINEWS, the first Citizen Journalism News Portal in India.
- Responsible for implementing the design of the components of the application based on the MVC Model View Controller framework.
- Implementing the design and deploy the application into tomcat web server as war Web Archive
- Unit test and Fit test the application according to the business requirement of the application.
- Analyze defect and provide the solution to the application.
Environment: Eclipse 3.1, Tomcat web server, Struts and oracle 8i.
Team size: 6-8
Senior Developer
- Responsible for requirement gathering and business knowledge of the module Offer order Agreement from the client.
- Investigating the existing system and develop the HLD High level Design and LLD Low Level Design for the new system.
- Implementing the designed document and provide the solution to the team and the knowledge transfer of the business rule.
- Unit testing and code review of the application and ensure the correct implementation of the business rule.
Environment: WSAD Web Sphere Application Studio, APBFW Application based Framework, Core java, Confidential
- Responsible for developing and implementing the LLD Low Level Design of one of the module of the system Offer order and agreement .
- Unit testing and integration testing of the application with other module of the system.
- Analyzing defects and provides the solution to improve the system.
Environment: WSAD Web Sphere Application Studio, APBFW Application based Framework, Core java, COBOL, XML and Oracle 8i.
Team size: 40-50