Lead Software Engineer ,resume Profile
Lead Software Engineer OOD,J2EE,SOA with experience in the design, development of web services/distributed systems, network management systems, geospatial systems, video/imagery systems and real time embedded systems.
- Languages : Java 1.7 , C , C, GWT, grails
- IDEs : Eclipse, NetBeans, MSVC
- Big Data : Apache Hadoop, Pig, HDFS, Hive
- OS : Solaris, Linux
- Virtual OS : vmWare, vCenter API, nWorks
- Web Services Containers: Apache Tomcat, Sun App Server, Weblogic, JBOSS
- SOA : Apache CXF, JAX-WS, REST, JSON, WSDL, Axis
- ORM : Hibernate
- Imagery API : NITF Nitro API, ENVI IDL
- Search : Apache SOLR, Lucene
- Linear Algebra : Eigen
- Messaging : JMS, Sun MQ, Apache-Camel
- Embedded SBC RTOS : pSOS, iRMX, LynxOS VxWorks , 680XX assembler
- Geospatial : ArcGIS, Google Earth Plugin API
- Security : Metro WS-Trust STS, PKI
- Ontology APIs : NetOwl, iXv, Jena API
- Protocols : SNMP Nagios, TCP/IP, UDP, SOAP
- Project Tools : Git, SOAPUI, XMLSpy, Maven, JIRA, SVN
- Network Monitoring : WireShark, eHealth, NetScout
Professional Employment
Role : Lead Software Engineer
Appstore Thick Client:
- Lead software engineer performed software design and development of
- an AppStore Java/C/REST/JSON thick web client for the National
- Geospatial Agency NGA Springfield VA. Purpose to make NGA geospatial
- web apps more discoverable, searcheable and downloadable by the user
- community.
NITF Image File Translator/Processor:
- Lead developer of Java/C automation tool that converted RSM Nitf
- images to RPC Nitf format. Tool highlights include total replacement of
- ENVI IDL dependancies,16x faster performance, multiple file processing
- and a Java Swing UI implementing a JNI interface to C linear algebra
- processing. Project also leveraged the Community Sensor Model CSM for
- image to ground i2g and ground to image g2i calculations. This brought
- immediate standards compliance, validation and acceptance within the
- community.
CMIS workflow Web Services Integration :
- Workflow Java JAX-WS, WSDL integration lead on Content Management
- System CMIS evaluate and prototyped integration of Bizflow with DoD
- CMIS. Developed Java server side workflow proxy client for integration
- with Bizflow controller objects. Proxy orchestrated workflow through web
- services stack.
Environment : Java 1.7,C,C ,Nitf,JAX WS,JNI,JSON,REST,
Role : Sr Software Engineer
- Composite Signature Intelligence Project CSIP
- Developer of geospatial visualization capability for significant
- activities SIGACTS data. Refactored system kml generation
- code that realized a significant code reduction. Conceptualized and
- developed prototype of an integrated web UI featuring google
- earth plugin. Researched and applied algorithms towards the development
- of density map contouring used to produce geospatial Heatmap
- visualizations.
Environment : Java 1.6, JBoss,Hibernate,Spring,KML,XML,Pl-SQL,Apache-
Role : Principal Software Engineer
- IATS Integrated Analytic Toolsuite : Development lead for enterprise data
- visualization web application project and an enterprise federated search
- web application project. Lead migration from GOTS federated search server
- to a REST based SOLR Lucene implementation. Responsibilities for all
- project deliverables, team scheduling, software deliverable documents,
- conducting customer facing presentations. Project integration featured
- semantic analysis, link analysis, geospatial and indexing technologies.
SingleSignOn :
- Systems Engineer for Enterprise Single Sign On SSO DIA
- Developed SSO web application, configured Oracle Access Manager OAM and
- Identification OID servers for enterprise management of Intelligence
- Community IC groups, users, roles and security profiles.
Network Engineering :
- Network Performance Systems Engineer for
- Enterprise Virtualization Team at DIA. Real Time performance monitoring and
- analysis of five global networks through deployment and integration of
- eHealth, SCOM, OPNET, NetCool NMS suites. Deployed NetScout probes to c
- capture real time network traffic for forensic analysis. Implemented
- monitoring of virtual server farms at multiple regional data centers.
Environment : J2EE,JSP,Weblogic,Apache Axis,Tomcat,
HTML,XML,Jena,RDF,Java 1.6,JAXB,Servlets,Linux,SVN,SOLR