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Principal Java Developer,resume Profile

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  • Objective To find an opportunity as a Senior/Principal Developer, Technical Lead, Software Architect, System Engineer, System/Software Analyst.
  • Computing Skills/Programming Languages:

Presentation Tools

Java , C, C , Objective C, Perl Java Script, JSP, ANT, Perl VISIO, PowerPoint, MS Project, Mind Map, UML etc.


Linux/Unix/Nucleus/VxWorks/Solaris Android 2.x/3.x/4.x iOS 4/5/6 Windows 9x/2000/2003/NT/XP/Vista/7/8 Mac OSX series

Additional skills

Excellent verbal and written communication, Partnership Opportunities and Joint ventures/Co-Ownership strategy development, Product Development Strategy, Product Roadmap, Return on Investment Analysis, Planning and Execution, Emerging Market Development, Customer Support, Product Presentation, Conference Organization, Training and Tutorial Preparation, Application Lifecycle, Management, Requirement Engineering and Analysis, Project Lifecycle Manager, Software Cost and Estimation, Product/Application Feature Optimization to fit Budget/Time Constraints, Software Encryption and Licensing Security Expert, GUI Expert


J2EE, SWING, JDBC, SQL, Web Services, XML, SOAP, REST/RESTFUL, JSON, AngularJS, ExtendJS SWT, AWT, HTML5, JGoodies, JQuery, JavaFX, Andorid, iOS, Eclipse, ActiveMQ, MOM, Servicemix, MySql, PostGress, Oracle JDBC, JPA, Hibernate, JNI, ANT, JUNIT, CUNIT, STRUT, P2P, XSLT, Ajax, JMS, Spring Framework, Spring MVC, Java Security and Encryption, Internationalization, UNICODE, Arabic IME, Cryptography, Core Java, Camel, ESB, EIP etc.


Eclipse, JBuilder, IntelliJ, MS Developer Studio 2013, Gliffy, Check Style for Java, SONAR, BEA Web logic, Apache, Sun One Studio, Subversion, CruiseControl, Jenkins, Hudson, Perforce, Scarab, JIRA, Acurev, Bugzilla, JProfiler, Dalvic iOS instrumentation, Code Coverage, Fitnesse, Crucible, Tomcat, Jetty, JMX etc.

Process Used AGILE, TDD, RUP, Waterfall, XP Organizations Java MUG, Java User Group, Eclipse/SWT User Group, Cruise Control Developer/User Group, Camel User Group

Professional Experience:


Principal Java Developer

Technical Lead Sabre Sonic Checkin - Open Systems Webservices

Major Responsibilities:

Lead a team of developers designing and developing a new generation of Airline Check-In system JAVA/OSGI/SOA/ServiceMix/Spring/Camel/ESB/XML/JIBX/JAXB/XSLT/Hibernate/Oracle/Sonar/XML-S py/Maven/JMS/MOM/JMX/JUnit Design, develop, maintain, document webservices for legacy Check-In system HOST/PNR/PRS/Ticketing//Merchandising/MDR/SDS/PADIS/IATA/EDIFACT/ATPCO Define product road-map and synthesize product feedback Define and implement Software Lifecycle processes Gather Business Requirements, Process Modeling, Budget Cost Analysis, Estimation, Planning etc. Design, Implementation, Debugging and Modification of OSGI/Camel/Spring SOA applications.


Software Lead/System Engineer

Major Responsibilities:

Design, Develop Java Swing Desktop Application for Mac and PC and Apps for iOS and Android platform Gather Business Requirements, Process Modeling, Budget Cost Analysis, Estimation, Planning, Design, Implementation, Debugging and Modification of desktop software applications Handle external requests and maintain communication between TI's Calculator Software Division and external stakeholders Work with internal business process owners such as the math team consist of 4 PhDs to improve math library , multiple program management team, various product engineering team, strategy team, digital rights management team, the software quality assurance team, and both internal and overseas programming resources Lead projects to create new software product lines that meet customer driven requirements and maintain internal strategic focus to support ongoing desktop application and enhancements. Leading such projects require strong interpersonal skills and the ability to prioritize tasks while successfully meeting both time and budget constraints. Develop Business plan for Emerging market to increase revenue growth in GCC region Work with MOE and other stake holders to develop market entry strategy Manage distributor/partner relationship in GCC region Define product roadmap and synthesize product feedback for Arabic market Conduct pilot sites deployment and gather user feedback Facilitate training for Saudi teachers who are new in TI-Nspire technology Work with T instructors for Professional development for new trainer at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Manage and present TI technology at technology conferences Project and Technical Skills History: with principal software technologies mentioned OTR - Online teacher resources J2EE/JSP/Servlet/Strut/XML based enterprise system. TI Navigator Desktop Applications - A classroom learning system client/server paid licensed application that helps teachers create and distribute curricula via wireless networks to connect to student handheld Scientific/Math devices/calculators like TI-Nspire/TI-84 etc. Swing/AWT/JNI/C TI Navigator Mobile App - A classroom learning system client app that helps teachers create and distribute curricula via wireless networks to connect to student handheld Scientific/Math devices/calculators like TI-Nspire/TI-84 etc. Android/Dalvic/iOS/ObjectiveC, HTML5


Software VP

Managed development of Web-based software applications 5 software engineer direct reports

Project and Technical Skills History:

BOT WebCrawler - An intelligent software agent written in Perl to extract product information from the Web. The product data then fed into a database to generate dynamic content with most up to date pricing information. Also developed a very user friendly Java Swing UI to administer and configure the application in real-time. National Weather Service.


Software programmer

Responsible for upgrading radar software working with weather scientists. Project and Technical Skills History: Weather View - A Java 2D graphic intensive application to create images from real- time radar data Swing UI The real time data were fed into the software for image processing. The software then applied math intensive weather algorithm to filter noise and generate dynamic images for quick modeling. It had a very efficient algorithm using hardware acceleration to produce image faster with lot of caching and multithreaded selective updates. This was a rapid prototype which helped the scientist gather information faster than the main frame would allow.

Designed and implemented CASE tool UML Tool with auto code generation.

Relevant Courses

Advance Java Java II Software Architecture and Design Software Requirement and Engineering Object Oriented Analysis Design Real-time Systems RTOS Advance Software Engineering Software Engineering I II Mobile Computer Systems Wireless Networking Data Network Graphical User Interfaces Advance Computer Graphics Algorithm Analysis Calculus Analytic Geometry I, II, III, IV Operating System Advance Engineering Math Compiler Construction Algorithm in Computational Biology Digital Design I II Project Management and planning Artificial Intelligence Compiler Construction Bio-Nano Technologies Database Design Data Structures Numerical Analysis.


  • Sponsor Title Training Institute
  • TI/UTD Business Development in Emerging Market UTD Navin Jindal School of Management
  • TI Android Boot camp
  • TI iOS and Objective C
  • TI BEA Web logic Server Administration BEA Education Services
  • TI Product Life Cycle using Harvest Texas Instruments
  • TI Customer Skills for Engineers Texas Instruments
  • TI MSI and Wise Installation System WISE, San Mateo CA
  • TI Developing J2EE Compliant Enterprise Java Applications Sun Microsystems
  • TI Advance Java Swing/JSP/Servlet Batky Howell
  • TI LDRA Test Suite Code coverage LDRA
  • TI Real-time OS - Nucleus RTOS Mentor Graphics
  • TI Object Oriented Design Pattern using Together Soft Together Soft Corsp.

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