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Sr Java Developer/mulesoft Resume

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Boston, MA


  • Over 10+ years of Software design, development experience in web - based and distributed enterprise applications on Java and J2EE Technologies, mule soft
  • Exposure to complete Software Development Life Cycle for complex information systems using various Commercial applications
  • Extensive experience in design and development of multi-tier application using Java, Servlets, JSP, Struts, JSF, EJB, XML, Web Services, Hibernate and Spring Framework.
  • Experience in designing User Interface UI applications and professional web applications using HTML5, CSS3, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, AJAX, JSP, JSON, Bootstrap, and AngularJS.
  • Experience in Struts Framework (MVC architecture, Internationalization techniques and XML related technologies such as DTD, XSD, XSL, XPath, DOM, SAX, Schema).
  • Proficient in building Web User Interface UI using HTML5, DHTML, CSS3 and Java Script that follows W3C Web Standards and are browser compatible.
  • Experience in Integration solutions using Mule ESB.
  • Worked on Cloud Based Architecture and used WMQ, CXF Pattern, etc. in Mule.
  • Created MULE ESB artifacts, created flows, configured MULE configuration files & deployed the application.
  • Integrated Salesforce and other external applications using SOAP API.
  • Experienced in designing and testing custom API using RAML.
  • Expertise in working with IBM MQ Series and WebSphere Message Broker on various platforms.
  • Extensively used Mule ESB components like File Transport, SMTP Transport, FTP/SFTP Transport, JDBC Connector, and Transaction Manager.
  • Tightly integrated the Mule ESB with different application integrations.
  • Experience in integrating Cloud applications like SFDC, Workday, and Intacct using Mule ESB.
  • Experience in Admin Activities using Mule Management Console (MMC).
  • Proficiency in working with N-Tier Enterprise/Web application with IBM Web sphere, BEA Web logic server and Apache Tomcat
  • Working knowledge in various J2EE Design Patterns like Front-Controller, Data Access Object and Value Object
  • Extensive Experience in using MVC (Model View Controller) architecture for developing applications using JSP, Java Beans and Servlets
  • Experience in client side Technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Proficient in using SQL and PL/SQL queries. Expertise with TOAD.
  • Experience on developing Applications using Eclipse IDE, NetBeans, and Toad.
  • Well experienced in building and deploying applications using ANT scripts, command over ShellScript, perl & Linux environment.
  • Strong experience in RDBMS using Oracle 10g, SQL Server, schema development, PL-SQL programming.
  • Experience in various version control tools like IBM Clear Case, Clear Quest, Visual Source Safe, CVS and Subversion.
  • Design and implementation of RESTful Web services.
  • Having Knowledge of Agile Software Development Methodology
  • Experience in writing technical documents like Functional Requirement Document, Detail Design, Creating screen mock ups, Test Cases, Conducting Code/Peer Reviews, Testing (Unit and Integration), planning and leading sessions
  • Ability to plan, prioritize and work under pressure in a small team environment with excellent analytical, logical, communication and programming skills.
  • Agile development.
  • Deploy, configure, and manage website hosting on goDaddy.com.
  • Lively with ability to rapidly assimilate job requirements and learn new methodologies.
  • Strong analytical, debugging and problem solving skills. Excellent communication, presentation skills and a good team player.


Languages: Java 1.5/6, C++,C, SQL

Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JMS, JNDI, JAXB,JAX-WS,JAX-RS,JavaScriptJSON,Jquery

Frameworks: Struts 2, Spring 2.5/3.0, Spring MVC, EJB 3.0, Hibernate 3.0/3.5, Angular js

Application Servers: WebLogic 10, IBM Web Sphere 4.x/5.x, Tomcat 6.x

DBMS: Oracle 8i/9i/10g, MS-SQL Server 2005 and MySQL

Operating systems: Windows and Linux

IDE Tools: Eclipse, NetBeans

Version Control Systems: Subversion, CVS

Unit testing: junit

Build Management: Maven, Ant

XML Technologies: XML, SAX, DOM, WSDL, SOAP

Other Tools and Libraries: Apache POI, Log4j

Defect tracking tools: HP Quality Center, Rational ClearQuest, JIRA


Confidential, Boston, MA

Sr Java Developer/Mulesoft


  • Created Mule ESB flows using Mule Studio, performed payload transformation & developed middleware frameworks for routing the messages to appropriate systems.
  • Expertise in using Mule Soft Any Point Studio in creating various flows to integrate API's, Databases and SaaS applications.
  • Hands on experience in creating activity workflow to manage sequential execution of the services in Mule ESB.
  • Created MULE ESB artifacts, created flows, configured MULE configuration files & deployed the application.
  • Gather requirements and planning on integration of both SAS applications using Mule ESB.
  • Implemented the Choice Exception Strategy to catch all possible Exceptions in the Flow.
  • Developed an Integration Component with third party application using Mule ESB and Web Sphere MQ.
  • Worked on connectors like SMTP, SFTP, FTP, imap which overridden the existing functionality whish suits the requirements using Mule ESB.
  • Integrated work flow rule engine (JBPM) for performing the validation process with MULE ESB.
  • Performed requirements gathering, analysis, and design and in development of application based on J2EE using Struts2, Spring 3.x and Hibernate 3.x.
  • Followed AGILE (SCRUM) methodologies with sprint planning every two weeks and daily stand up meetings to monitor the status.
  • Implemented the business using Struts and Spring implementation and achieved data persistence through Hibernate ORM framework.
  • Integrated the application with Spring framework for implementing Dependency injection and provide abstraction between presentation layer and persistence layer.
  • Wrote various Struts2 framework Action classes for interfacing with the business logic, form beans for presenting the data to JSPs and utilized Struts Validator framework to validate form data
  • Used Hibernate annotation for Object Relational Mapping (ORM) with MySQL5.x database.
  • Used Hibernate Caching features to reduce database access and increase performance.HQL, Session Class, Criteria to manipulate database.
  • Extensively wrote the PL/SQLand SQL programs and Designed and developed the views, materialized views, functions, procedures, packages, triggers and cursors.
  • Used HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSP, jQuery, AngularJS, AJAX, and Bootstrap in front end.
  • Successfully handled JSON/XML data and carried out JSON/XML parsing for form submissions and DOM manipulation.
  • Developed AngularJS controllers, services, filters and developed HTML templates with various AngularJS directives such as ng-app, ng-controller, ng-repeat, ng-if, ng-show, ng-hide, ng-change, ng-blur et
  • Implemented views using Struts tags, JSTL2.0 and Expression Language.
  • Wrote Jasmine unit tests using Karma to verify AngularJS modules and JavaScript utility routines.
  • Created DHTML pages, used jQuery for client-side validations, and AJAX to create interactive front-end GUI.
  • Used Java Mail to send activation e-mails for new registered users.
  • Used Amazon Web Services (AWS) that offers reliable and inexpensive cloud computing and remote computing services.
  • Created and configured EC2 instances on Amazon Web Services (AWS) for establishing clusters on cloud and created S3 buckets for our application.
  • Extensively used Linux, Unix system administration tools to create servers and deploy and run applications in development stage.
  • Worked on refactoringby moving business logic to the appropriate layer.
  • Worked on Unix Shell Scripting during deployment, error altering and automating project management task.
  • Worked on NoSQL Database Mongo DB 2.x for transferring some of the schema less data.
  • Developed Web Services using REST interfaces using MuleSoft's Mule Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) platform to deliver fast, reliable, and scalable integration API code.
  • Developed REST architecture based web services to facilitate communication between client and servers.
  • Used JAX-RS annotations to specify the type of data producing or consuming, validate the user requests, map user requests and to pass input parameters.
  • Used Rational Application Developer (RAD) which is based on Eclipse, to develop and debug application code and deployed application on IBM WebSphere 7.x server.
  • Pushing and pulling the code to/from the central Git Repository for code integration and version control.
  • Provided Technical support for Production environments resolving the issues, analyzing the defects using JIRA, providing and implementing the solutions for defects.
  • Developed the unit test cases Test Driven Development (TDD)and mock testing using JUNIT and Mockito frameworks.
  • Worked in pair programming, prototyping (wireframes), refactoring, and iterative development.
  • Involved in wrap-up meetings and in estimating the timeframe for each story and helped in deploying the application on the server for each iteration of the agile software development.
  • Created Maven build file to build the application and deployed on WebSphere Application Server.
  • Designed and developed various modules and services application with J2EE design architecture and frameworks like Spring MVC architecture and Spring Bean Factory using IOC, AOP concepts.
  • Used Hibernate in persistence layer and developed POJO's, Data Access Object (DAO) to handle all database operations.
  • Good understanding of typical integration technologies such as HTTP, XML/XSLT, JMS, JDBC, REST, SOAP, WebServices and APIs,
  • Responsible for creating MQ object scripts, documentation and troubleshooting WebSphere MQ related issues
  • Improved performance by tuning SQL statements, hibernate mapping, WebSphere application and consequently met the SLAs.
  • Implemented features like logging, user session validation using Spring-AOP module.
  • Using MULE ESB to route various service calls, to do validation of service input and to handle exceptions.
  • Used WSDL, SOAP, AXIS and JAX-WS technologies to create web services by generating stubs and consuming the existing services.
  • Developed server-side services using Java, spring, Restful Web Services.
  • Used Tomcat web server to deploy application locally and used IBM WebSphere to deploy application to development and QA environments.
  • Designed and developed several mediation flows of variety use cases using the MuleSoft Anypoint Studio of Mule ESB
  • Responsible for writing business rules and debugging edit logics in Rule Engine.
  • Worked with operations team for monitoring the performance issues and other operations issues as they arise.

Environment: Java, J2EE 1.5, Core Java, Eclipse, WebSphere, WebSphere MQ, JSP, Servlets 2.5/3, JSON, JQuery, JMS 1.1, Hibernate 3.2/3.5, Spring DI & AOP, Web Services-SOAP, WSDL, AXIS, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, UML, Mule ESB 3.5,Anypoint API, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Angular Js, Struts 1.1, CSS, XML, AJAX, Clear case, Toad, Ant, Log4j, Oracle10g, JUnit 4.

Confidential, NYC

Sr. Java Developer


  • Followed the rules of Agile (Extreme Programming) and understood the basics of the software engineering.
  • Implemented SCRUM Environment within development teams and other non-project teams
  • Designed and developed front end screens for new requirements using Mustache, Backbone libraries.
  • Helping the team to estimate stories, sprint planning, Daily SRUM etc.
  • Involved in consuming RESTful Webservices to render the data to the front page.
  • Applied Design patterns Singleton, Business delegator, Factory, Service locator etc.
  • Worked on resolving issues for Securing Web Portal with LDAP and DB2.
  • Involved in using Mustache, Backbone, Bootstrap, AngularJs JavaScript libraries in rendering the service response to application web pages for the users with HIPPA compliance.
  • Implemented RESTful webservices (JAX-RS) supporting both XML and JSON message to perform CRUD tasks.
  • Implemented various parts of a mobile application using RESTful Web services, JavaScript, AngularJS, Tomcat.
  • Used Web services - REST and SOAP for getting member information from third party.
  • Used Ajax for backend interaction and data interchange with a synchronous call parsing the XML data, creating an XML HTTP Request and reading the data in the response XML from action class.
  • Front end unit testing with Jasmine of single page of the MPA portal.
  • Responsible for developing GUI / user interfaces using JQuery, CSS & HTML.
  • Presentation tier was developed using JSP, JSTL, Java Script, and HTML.
  • Designed and developed the web-tier using Html, JSP's, Servlets and Tiles framework.
  • Involved in the deployment of applications in SIT Development & QA environment.
  • Developed server code using Hibernate, Spring and Web Services under the guidelines of Service Oriented Architecture.
  • Worked on connectors like SMTP, SFTP, FTP, imap which overridden the existing functionality whish suits the requirements using Mule ESB.
  • Used Soap UI to test the services.
  • Integrated work flow rule engine (JBPM) for performing the validation process with MULE ESB.
  • Written new and altered queries for the added functionalities using SQL.
  • Optimized queries to reduce computations using well-structured SQL queries.
  • Worked on change requests based on the requirements.
  • Deployed Mule applications into MMC (Mule Management Console).
  • Worked on Alerts Tab to receive Phone/email Alerts to display the status of flows deployed.
  • Involved in finding and fixing the RC (Root Cause) of the bugs/issues the existing modules.
  • Involved in validating the various fields in the screen by using Java Script and AJAX.
  • Involved in deploying and configuring the application on the WebSphere for all environments.
  • Wrote the request mappings and screen definitions for the application.
  • Worked with Clear Case for source control management, creating views, and performing code delivery, code labeling and code merging.
  • Supported deployment teams in merge issues while deploying the code to different environments.

Environment: LDAP, Spring, REST, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Jasmine, Mustache, Backbone, JQuery, JSON, SOAP, Unix, IntelliJ, Git, Ant, Jasmine, MongoDb, Log4J, Web Services, Tomcat, MySQL, Agile, Scrum, Angular Js, HTML 5,CSS 3.

Confidential, NYC, NY

Java Developer


  • Performed various Ready-for-Business Checks (RFBs) in the morning to ensure that the systems are up and running
  • Designed Interactive GUIs using Java Applets and Swing
  • Extensively used JDBC APIs for database connectivity and data retrieval
  • Debugged workflow issues using Informatica Powercenter
  • Wrote Perl programs to archive the log files on a daily basis to enable faster troubleshooting
  • Wrote Korn Shell Scripts to automate the sequential working of Autosys jobs
  • Created Hibernate mappings and debug issues related to data integrity
  • Extensively used Core Spring Framework for Dependency Injections of components.
  • Developed the application under J2EE Architecture using Spring, Struts, Hibernate, Servlets, Weblogic and JSP
  • Wrote Java Programs for one-to-one comparison of data obtained from different sources
  • Wrote Perl scripts to monitor the working of various processes pertaining to each OMS
  • Developed Perl programs to send email alerts and error logs in the event of process failures.
  • Setting the development environment on eclipse
  • Created a service account admin user under "Service Account" group, which was used by the RSF (Reporting
  • Services Framework) to create users, edit users, delete users, login to and logout from BOE and perform some ther tests (defined in the framework source code) automatically in "Application Users" group, under which we had five different groups corresponding to five different applications.
  • Developed common reusable component libraries (CRUD Scaffolding) to be reused in different projects throughout the company's IT team using GWT, Spring data, JPA.
  • Experience with SQL and basic CRUD operations
  • Developed JSP pages for presentation layer (UI) using Struts with client side validations using Struts Validator framework/ JavaScript.
  • Comprehensive experience in designing and developing applications using UML with Rational Rose.
  • Developed the Servlets for processing the data on the server
  • Involved in the deployment of Web-Service End-Points using Apache CXF.
  • Created Real-time Reporting systems and dashboards using Adobe Flex, xml, MySQL and Perl
  • Used WebLogic for design, development, and deployment of applications.
  • Mentoring of junior members for Agile (Scrum) process & Junit testing
  • Designed and modified User Interfaces using JSP, JavaScript, CSS and jQuery
  • Involved in designing the user interfaces using JSP.
  • Made SDLC recommendations and implemented Flex, xml development best practices.
  • Accessed and manipulated the Oracle database environment by writing SQL queries in the oracle sql developer for testing purpose.
  • Maintained VS Operating Systems RSF cluster communications subsystem.
  • Used Maven for building and deployment purpose
  • Used Clear Case for source Version Control.
  • Generated PDF reports using ECF and iText.
  • Implemented MVC architecture using Apache struts framework.
  • Use of multiple tools, including Apache POI, iText and JFreeChart to create reports and charts
  • Prepare Java/J2EE development structure for Eclipse, maven, Jetty
  • Used JIRA to keep track of bugs and issues
  • Integrated with Apache Tomcat.
  • Involved in creating user interfaces using JQuery.
  • Involved in coding for JUnit Test cases
  • Wrote various queries for data verification and manipulations
  • Resolved issues pertaining to Autosys job failures
  • Used SVN to keep track of source code versioning

Environment: Core Java, Perl, KSH, Shell Script, Solaris, Servlet, UNIX, Linux, Sybase, Oracle, Autosys, JDBC, Eclipse,Spring, Hibernate, Apache CXF, Clear Case, Struts, Tomcat, CRUD, JSP, JUnit, JQuery, JIRA, Maven, iText,Weblogic, SVN, UML, Informatica Powercenter, Flex, Agile (Scrum)

Confidential, Phoenix, AZ

Sr Java Developer


  • Involved in Redesigning the Card Activation and Registration flow
  • Redesigning Add a Card flow.
  • Designed and developed for the Presentation layer using JSP/Servlets and MVC Struts Frame work.
  • Developed the web-application using HTML5.
  • Developed and improved usable enterprise wide application using Front End Development using HTML5 and JQuery.
  • Worked as Frontend Developer using Javascript, JQuery, JSP, CSS
  • Developed User Interaction using JSP, HTML, Java Script, XML and server side components using Servlets.
  • Developed server side and front-end validation using Struts Validation framework and JavaScript.
  • Used JQuery to make the frontend components interact with the Javascript functions to add dynamism to the web pages at the client side.
  • Applied Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control in the SPRING MVC Framework.
  • Worked extensively on AJAX using DWR framework.
  • Implemented Brand new offers availability through the Account Options page, similar to the ones released for the domestic market (US) &Phase 2 International Markets.
  • Involved in the Dynamic form generation, Auto completion of forms, and user-validation functionalities using AJAX.
  • Implemented Spring core container for making code loosely coupled and Spring MVC for separating the presentation layer from the business layer.
  • Following Account Option offers would be built
  • Statement Delivery Options Alerts
  • Creditor Insurance
  • Interacted with external services like GDAS, CAS, EAC using WebServices.
  • Handled both functional and Technical aspects.
  • Daily support operations such as bug fixing in the frontend. Used JavaScript for error handling, Input validation, CSS and Event Handling.
  • Responsible for production support for Customers.

Environment: Java, Servlets,Sturts, JSP, JSON, JMS, Ajax, Spring MVC,RESTFUL, Web services (SOAP/WSDL), TOAD, Spring MVC, Maven, Agile, HTML5, Core Java, WebSphere Application Server 6.1.

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN

Sr Java Developer


  • Involved in translating functional requirements into technical requirements.
  • Involved in document analysis and technical feasibility discussions for implementing new functionalities.
  • Developed front end screens using JSP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Developed server side and front-end validation using Struts Validation framework and JavaScript.
  • Developed application using Spring MVC, persistent layer uses Hibernate.
  • Used DB2 as the backend database and Hibernate as ORM Tool to retrieve Data Access Objects.
  • Integrated three different vendors to a common platform using AJAX and implemented AJAX for server side validations, auto loading of data and to improve performance.
  • Involved in Various Stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) deliverables of the project using the AGILE Software development methodology.
  • Implemented the web services and associated business modules integration.
  • Used ANT scripts to build the application and deployed on WebSphere Application Server.
  • Configured the Web Sphere instance for data sources.
  • Used SAX Parser for parsing the XML document.
  • Fix the assigned defects in the Java, soap and restful web services and Flex code.
  • Used VSS as source control repository for configuring the source code using the subversion.
  • Involved in Unit Testing and Bug-Fixing and achieved the maximum code coverage using JUNIT test cases

Environment: Core Java, J2EE, HTML, JSON, Core Java, Agile, JavaScript, JSP, Ajax, Servlets, Struts 2, UML, JUnit, WebSphere.

Confidential, Morristown, NJ

J2EE Developer


  • Developed the application using the iterative and incremental software development process of SCRUM technology.
  • Generated Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • Developed application using Struts Framework that leverages classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture.
  • Integrating Struts with spring by delegating Struts action management to Spring Framework using proxy. Used Spring Framework for Dependency injection.
  • Used Spring IOC for dependency injection.
  • Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
  • Used Agile methodology to implement the application.
  • Involved in Spring MVC implementation
  • Hibernate frame work is used in persistence layer for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a relational database (oracle).
  • Implemented various design patterns in the project such as Business Delegate, Data Transfer Object, Data Access Object, Service Locator and Singleton.
  • Used SQL statements and procedures to fetch the data from the database.
  • Designed and developed the web-tier using Html, JSP’s, Servlets, Struts and Tiles framework.
  • Used Java Scripts for client side validations and validation frame work for server side validations.
  • Used log4j for logging messages and Rational Clear Case for version Control.
  • Used ANT scripts to fetch, build, and deploy application to development environment.
  • Consumed Web Services (WSDL, SOAP, UDDI) from third party for authorizing payments to/from customers.
  • Deployed the application on to JBoss application server.

Environment: Java, Springs, JNDI, Struts 2.0,HTML, JQuery, CSS, JavaScript, Hibernate, SQL,LINUX, ANT, Log4j, JUnit, XML, JSP, Servlets, JAX-WS, JSON, JSTL, AJAX, JBoss Application Server.


J2EE Developer


  • Involved in SDLC - Requirements gathering, Conceptual Design, Analysis, Detail Design, Development, System Testing and User Acceptance Testing.
  • Implemented Use Case Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams during the design phase using Visio.
  • Developed user interface with JSP and used JSP Tag libraries to simplify the application complexity.
  • Responsible in creating Servlets, which route submittals to appropriate Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) components and render, retrieved information.
  • Involved in implementing the DAO pattern for database connectivity and used the JDBC API extensively.
  • Used Scrum based Agile approach for the Software Development.
  • Designed and developed the UI using Struts view component, JSP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Worked on the PDF and EXCEL format file download of user data on JSP’s when user wanted to save his/her personal data on JSP page tables.
  • Extensively used Eclipse while writing code & used SVN for version control.
  • Extensively involved in writing SQL queries and PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions and Packages to meet the business requirements.
  • Involved in creating database objects such as tables, views, synonyms, indexes, sequences, and database links.
  • Optimized and enhanced the existing procedures and SQL statements for the better performance.
  • Used database level triggers such as LOGON/LOGOFF/DATABASE STARTUP and DDL triggers to track schema activities.
  • Utilized PL/SQL developer tool in developing all back end database interfaces.
  • Created stored procedures, packages, cursors, triggers, and functions to retrieve data from the database using PL/SQL.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, SQL, PL/SQL, Springs, Hibernate, JSF, Struts, JIRA, HPQC, Oracle 11g, SOAP UI


J2EE Developer


  • Involved in Requirements gathering, Requirement analysis, Design, Development, Integration, Testing and Deployment.
  • Responsible for the design and development of the application framework.
  • Designed and Developed UI’s using JSP by following MVC architecture.
  • Developed the application using Struts framework. The views are programmed using JSP pages with the struts tag library, Model is the combination of EJB’s and Java classes and web implementation controllers are Servlets.
  • Used JUnit for unit testing of the system and Log4J for logging.
  • Created and maintained data using Oracle database and used JDBC for database connectivity.
  • Created and implemented Oracle stored procedures and triggers.
  • Used Apache Axis for implementing and testing Web Services.
  • Implemented Different Design patterns like singleton, factory and J2EE design patterns like Business delegate, session façade, Value object and DAO design patterns.

Environment: Core Java, JSP & Servlets, Struts, JDBC, SQL, PL/SQL, Web Services, SQL Developer, Bugzilla, Oracle 11g, SQL Server

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