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Full Stack Java Developer / Site Reliability Engineer Resume

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  • Around 7+ years of experience in Java Development with a remarkable knowledge in all phases of SDLC, Waterfall and Agile methodology including requirement analysis, design specification, development, integration, testing and maintenance of applications using Java J2EE technologies and databases.
  • Experience with Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) methodology using UML tools like Rational Rose and Microsoft Visio.
  • Adapt to all phases of project life cycle from inception to implementation.
  • Strong programming skills in JAVA with a lot of experience working on databases and user interface.
  • Expertise in Core Java with strong working knowledge of Collections, Generics, Multi - threading, Polymorphism and Exception Handling.
  • Experience working with the Java8 features like lambda expressions, default and static methods in the interface, foreach loops, etc.g
  • Experience in developing web applications using Servlets, JSP, JMS, Spring Framework, JDBC, Hibernate, XML, JNDI and EJB.
  • Strong experience in developing applications using frameworks like Hibernate, MVC frameworks like Struts, JSF and IOC frameworks like spring and its subsidiary modules such as Spring Core, Spring MVC, and Spring Boot.
  • Highly experienced in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap and ReactJS, NodeJS.
  • Strong experience in using application servers like Apache Tomcat, BEA Web Logic, Glassfish Payara, IBM Web Sphere and JBoss.
  • Having Good Experience in database connectivity (JDBC) for databases like Oracle 10g, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, MS Access, PostgreSQL and MongoDB.
  • Expertise in Hibernate object-relational mapping (ORM) tool for java.
  • Strong experience in XML technologies including XSL, XSLT, DOM and JSON.
  • Working with IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ, Spring Tool Suite, IBM RAD and MyEclipse.
  • Experience working with Unix, Linux shell scripting and bash scripting.
  • Experience in Web Services Technologies like SOAP with WSDL and RESTful with Jersey, Spring Boot, and implemented SOA architecture with web services.
  • Virtualization of API’s using SoapUI and Ready API. Developed new features and provided support for all microservices.
  • Hands on experience in configuring Logging applications using Splunk and stack driver.
  • Hand on experience in front end performance tools like lighthouse, webpage test.
  • Integrated Google developer’s lighthouse tool into organizations CI/CD structure for continuous audits on every commit form each developer, to identify early potential causes for front end performance degradations.
  • Integrated with google team to publish a white paper with a business case on lighthouse tool.
  • Worked on debugging a webpage for potential threats on sitespeed as per lighthouse tool recommendations.
  • Conducted POC on new technologies like code splitting, Google AMP.
  • Experience working with the source control and version control tools like GIT, CVS and SVN.
  • Learned AWS out of self-interest, knowledge on lambda, SQS and cloud formation.
  • Ability to learn and adapt new technologies.
  • Proficient in various methodologies like Test Driven Development (TDD) using Junit, and Mockito., SCRUM, Pair Programming and Waterfall software development processes.
  • Productive worker with solid work ethics and exerts optimal effort in successfully completing tasks.
  • Ability to build rapport with diverse workforce in multicultural organizations.


Operating Systems: Windows XP/Vista/7/10, Linux, Unix

Languages: Java, C#, SQL, PL/SQL

J2EE Technologies: JSP, JSF, JNDI, JDBC, Servlets, EJB, JPA, Java Beans, JMS

Frameworks: Spring 3.0/2.5, Spring Boot, Hibernate 3.2/3.0, JSF, ELB

Web Technologies: HTML, HTML5, DHTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, React JS, Bootstrap, AJAX, JSON, Handelbar JS,.

Databases: Oracle 8.x/9.x/10g/11g/12c, Toad, MS Access, MySQL 5.x, MS SQL Server 2008/2012, MongoDB, Cassandra, DB2

Web Servers: Apache Tomcat, IBM Web Sphere 7.0/6.0, BEA Web Logic, IBM WebSphere, 11g/10.3/8.1, JBoss 5.1/6.0/7.0

Build & CI/CD Tools: Ant, Maven, NPM, Gradle, Jenkins, Dockers, spinnaker, Kubernetes.

Web Services: XML, SOAP, REST, WSDL

Tools: and IDEs: Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite (STS), IBM RAD, IntelliJ, NetBeans IDE, MS Visio, StarUML, Jenkins, Maven, JIRA, Gradle, Postman, Visual studio code.

Testing Tools: JUnit, Easy Mock, JMock, Mockito.

Version Control: SVN, CVS, JIRA, GIT, BitBucket, GitHub.

Performance and audit tools: Akamai mPulse Soasta, chrome devtools, lighthouse, Bluetriangle, webpage test, speed curve.


Confidential, TX

Full Stack Java Developer / Site Reliability Engineer


  • Design and develop resiliency4j patterns like retry, bulkhead using spring boot as a framework and Gradle as build tool.
  • Using maven as an external dependency to integrate all the patterns into one framework that can be utilized across organization.
  • Built frameworks like fault tolerance and retry patters and integrated them as a generic dependency to Internal organization framework called Chassis.
  • Creating demo applications to the teams on how to utilize the resiliency pattern framework in microservices.
  • Custom tailoring the log attributes and value to them and providing it to the application teams on in scope and out scope of fields and values required in the application logs.
  • Create, run Splunk queries and create dashboards to show the application performance.
  • Educate, implement SRE core concepts to application teams, create awareness and provide visibility on the performance of the application using tools like Dynatrace and Splunk.
  • Creating Gap analysis, SLO, SLA, SLI documentation for the teams to understand the application stats.
  • Perform capacity validation, load tests to determine using Jmeter to determine the stress, response time, latency and response error codes in the application.
  • Creating a pipeline inside Jenkins for the performance tests which will be a part of the CI/CD
  • Bringing a good visibility to business owners on the application reliability, performance and providing optimizations to the application teams to overcome any reliability issues.
  • Continuous monitoring the code for performant and resilient issues using an JSON which links to the application related AWS instances and lambda functions.

Environment: Java, Resiliency4j, Spring boot, Gradle, Jmeter, loadrunner, Maven, AWS, Splunk, Dynatrace, Cloudwatch, Jenkins, SRE core concepts, Observability, Performacne excellence, Resiliency.

Confidential, NC

Full Stack Java Developer / Lead,Front-end performance engineer


  • Participation in Agile development and attending daily scrum to update the team on the progress.
  • Attended retrospective and story grooming demoing end of each sprint as part of agile methodology.
  • Used spring framework like spring security, spring DAO, spring AOP, hibernate for building application.
  • Widely used spring boot and Java 8 technologies to build API.
  • Worked with OOPS concepts like Multithreading, collections, and exception handling.
  • Created and injected spring services, spring controllers and DAOs to achieve dependency injection and to wire objects of business classes.
  • Used maven to build and deploy applications.
  • Developed Restful web services using spring boot framework.
  • Worked with Oauth2 token based authentication/authorization with spring security.
  • Used postman for API testing, HTTP requests like GET, PUT, POST
  • Performed unit testing of Java Classes using JUnit and Mockito Framework. Implemented SLF4J and Log4J for Server-side/Client-side logging.
  • Developing the application using IntelliJ as the IDE and used standard/plug-in features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation, test case template generation and accessor code generation.
  • Worked with GIT and Bitbucket as repository for maintaining the code versions.
  • Used Spring Kafka API calls to process the messages smoothly on Kafka Cluster setup.
  • Configured process for deploying applications into GCP by using dockers and also created automation processes using jenkins and spinnaker for CI/CD.
  • Understand new features and their impact on front end speed metrics metrics like FCP, FMP, TTI and google webvitals .
  • Deep Understanding of ReactJS to help teams on performance part of the lowes webpage when migrated from internal frameworks to ReactJS.
  • Deep understanding of how speed impacts the page and optimizations to increase page speed.
  • Team/ tech lead for automated speed governance project which conducts performance tests on every commit to master.
  • Used dockers, Jenkins and Spinnaker for creating pipelines to run lighthouse tool locally on every commit from each developer.
  • Reporting and defining Pull request build status by collecting reports from the lighthouse tool.
  • Design develop critical solutions for teams to improve the performance of the front end web application.
  • Conducting POC experiments against the react JS code base for better performance.
  • Managing Real user monitoring tool to have better data and numbers in metrics.
  • Participating in scrum meetings for daily updates and reviewing the jira tickets.
  • Deployed in GCP environment to display saved results in dashboard form for historical and comparable data.
  • Research and POC on new technologies like webpack 5 code splitting and Google AMP, to see any possible performance acceleration for lowes e-commerce website.
  • Used npm to build and manage dependencies, used node for non-blocking events.
  • Designed and developed applications using JavaScript frameworks. Working with Exception Handling and other JavaScript concepts.
  • Integrated with Google team to learn and understand how important it is to have a good sitespeed score, conducted workshops for organizations.
  • Analyzed performance metric degradation as per Soasta and recommended solutions to domain page teams for better performance.
  • Debugging via function tracing using chrome dev and bluetriangle tool for better webpage performance and any also analyze any potential threats.
  • Worked on creating local instances of performance audit tools like webpage test and lighthouse.

Environment: Java 1.8, Spring, Spring Boot, JDBC, Web Services, REST, Node Js, Handlebar JS, Kafka, Postman, JavaScript, Groovy script, visual Studio code, IntelliJ IDE, Jenkins, Dockers, Google Cloud platform, HTML5, CSS. SOASTA mPulse, Speed Curve, Google Chrome dev tools, lighthouse tool, webpage test, Google page speed insights, GCP Spinnaker, Kubernetes, react JS etc.

Confidential, KY

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Understanding new user defines, MVP release scopes. Integrating with Team Members in discussions for implementing changes and new features.
  • Created and explained prototypes to end users and actively interact with client and business group to gather and groom business requirements.
  • PrepareTechnical Design Document using confluence, lucidchart.
  • Used Spring framework for the business layer using Spring Core, DAO, Spring JDBC, and Spring Web MVC.
  • Worked with existing Tibco messaging services which is subscribed by many down streams.
  • Used spring Data Framework to use the features of Spring JDBC and Spring ORM classes like JDBC Template to perform the database operations by connecting Data Sources available.
  • Designed and developed application using Spring Boot frameworks. Working with Exception Handling and other OOPS concepts.
  • Used glassfish payara server for deployments. Used Splunk and stack driver for logging alerts.
  • Developed Virtual services using Ready API for Performance and load testing.
  • Implemented workflows, services to accept new discounts to existing Java Pricing engine. worked with existing Microservices and API’s to process request and response and supported existing services.
  • Designed and implemented the UI using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery, JSP, JSON and AJAX.
  • Worked in Test Drive Development (TDD) using Junit.
  • Moved from SVN to GIT for better version controlling and involved in application testing after migration.
  • Perform code reviews for offsite team. Execute all the test cases and fix any bugs/issues identified during the test cycles.
  • UseAgile scrum developmentprocess during the project process to gather up the requirements and issues. UseAtlassian JIRAto fix and track the workflow.

Environment: Java8, Java J2EE, PostgreSQL9.2(PLSQL), Spring boot 3.0, EJB, Spring JDBC 4/5,Tibco messaging service, Maven 3.5.2, RUBY, Git, SOAP/REST Web Services, Intellij IDE, SoapUI, Ready API, Jenkins, Google Cloud platform, Splunk, Stack Driver, Glassfish payara41, HTML, CSS, Microservices.

Confidential, Dallas, TX

Senior Java Developer


  • Actively involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as Design, Analysis, Development and Testing.
  • Extensively worked with business analysts and product managers to help writing user stories in sprint planning.
  • Actively participated in the daily SCRUM meetings with our team to produce quality deliverables within time.
  • Worked on designing UML (Use-case, Class and Sequence) diagrams using MS Visio.
  • Designed and developed applications using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery.
  • Involved in coding the backend logic using Spring Boot, Spring MVC Framework.
  • Involved in implementing DAO pattern for database connectivity with Hibernate.
  • Used Java messaging service JMS API for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information.
  • Involved in writing and implementing SQL queries Confidential the DAO layer using SQL and HQL.
  • Created Hibernate Named Queries in Hibernate mapping files and implemented them Confidential DAO layer.
  • Used Hibernate for Persistence layer. DAO wrapped all the Hibernate functions.
  • Worked with AngularJS router for developing Single Page Applications SPAs.
  • Created Custom Directives in AngularJS, making use of Modules and Filters objects according to the application requirement.
  • Used Spring boot to developMicroservices, to increase productivity with application properties Auto Configuration method.
  • Used Git to maintain the version of the files and took the responsibility to do the code merges from branch to trunk and creating new branch when new feature implementation starts.
  • Implemented CI/CD pipelines for various DEV/QA teams in Multi Family group.
  • Converted java projects into Maven projects by creating POM file and ensured all the dependencies are built.
  • Responsible for administration tasks such as Installation, Configuration, Monitoring and Performance Tuning of JBoss Application Server.
  • Expert in rules-based programming using JBoss.
  • Used JUnit and Mockito framework for writing unit test cases in Test Driven Development.
  • Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Jenkins.
  • Used Spring Tool Suite (STS) IDE tool for application development.

Environment: Java 1.8, J2EE, JMS, Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, REST, SOAP, Log4J, Hibernate Tools, JIRA, Maven, JUnit, Git, Oracle 11g, JBoss, HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS, NodeJs.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Java Developer


  • Involved in designing, developing, bug fixing, documenting and unit testing the application.
  • Implemented MVC pattern using Spring MVC. Used existing JMS API for information exchange.
  • Created proof of concept using Node Js, Bootstarp, HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Implemented modules into Node Js to integrate with designs and requirements.
  • Implemented interceptors to check things like Terms & Conditions and Customer Hierarchy Confidential login.
  • Developed Business logic with the help of spring and Data Access was implemented by using Hibernate.
  • Used spring framework in the development of a business bean and to interact with the Hibernate ORM tool.
  • Handled the security and Authorization using Spring Security and OAuth authentication Protocol.
  • Performed CRUD operations like Update, Insert and Delete data in MongoDB.
  • Worked on MongoDB database concepts such as locking, transactions, indexes, replication and schema design etc.
  • Implemented DAO pattern to work with the database.
  • Developed different dynamic UI Screens using HTML, jQuery and JavaScript.
  • Understanding, Analyzing the Business requirement and developing the Required Components.
  • Involved in development and of support search, pricing and order management services.
  • Collaborated with technical team members to integrate back-end and front-end elements.
  • Product development was in an Agile (SCRUM) methodology, where progress and task assignment are discussed in everyday meetings.
  • Implemented unit testing using JUnit.
  • Used Maven for building and managing dependencies of the application.
  • Used SVN (Subversion) for version control.

Environment: Java 1.8, J2EE, JMS, Spring MVC, jQuery, Log4J, OAuth, Eclipse, WebLogic, Maven, JUnit, SVN, MongoDB, Ajax, Node.JS, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery.


Junior Java Developer/Application tester


  • Oversee all stages of design, development, and deployment of new Java-based vendor applications.
  • Created and explained prototypes to end users.
  • Designed and developed applications using Spring frameworks.
  • Have Experience in working with Multithreading, Exception Handling and other OOPS concepts.
  • Wrote SQL and implemented Spring ORM using Hibernate.
  • Involved in implementing the MVC framework- which is based on Spring and Hibernate.
  • Worked on generating the web services (JAX-RS) classes by using Service Oriented Architecture
  • Worked on Rules Engine and Workflows.
  • Involved in writing DAO layers using Hibernate to access the Oracle database.
  • Implemented Hibernate to map all the tables from different data sources to make database updating.
  • Developed various test cases and performed unit testing using Junit
  • Participation in training on how to understand a business requirement.
  • Participation in training programs as a trainee.
  • Understanding applications, team structure.
  • Creating sample application configuration for understanding servers and databases.
  • Training new teams to understand business, applications, technology, roles and corporate structure.
  • Understanding new technologies, testing the UI elements and application functionality manually.
  • Understanding source code version management tools.
  • Debugging the source code through logs.
  • Using IDE’s for debugging, compiling and configuring java applications.

Environment: Spring, JSP, Servlets, Oracle, Java Script, jQuery, Hibernate, Web Logic, HTML, XML, CSS, Eclipse, SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, Web Services, Workflows.

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