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Java Full Stack Developer (microservices And React Js) Resume

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  • 13+ years of experience in Software Life Cycle Development (SDLC) process which includes Requirement Gathering, Analysis, Developing, Testing and implementing life cycle utilizing approaches like Agile, Scrum, Waterfall and Test - Driven Development (TDD).
  • Rich exposure to Financial, Banking, Healthcare, insurance and Telecommunication domain.
  • Extensive experience in development, Enhancement and Support of applications in Client/Server Technology using N-Tier J2EE architecture
  • Experience in implementing microservices using Spring Boot applications
  • Worked as a Technical Architect and Developed Mobile and Web projects using Android and Spring Boot Applications for Product Development.
  • Extensive experience of Coding and maintenance of J2EE based applications using Java 8 version, Java Collections, Data Structures, Multithreading, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, JSF, EJB, AJAX, JMS Custom Tag Libraries, JSTL, XML and Web Services.
  • Experience in Spring Framework such as Spring IOC, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring DAO, Spring ORM, Spring MVC, Spring Rest, Spring Resources, Spring JDBC, Micro-Services.
  • Experience in Developing User Interface (UI) Rich Web Applications, and Web Service Applications using Front End/User Interface (UI) Technologies like Object OrientedJavaScript, Backbone JS, Angular JS, React Js, Node JS, Bootstrap Framework, Media Queries, CSS Frameworks.
  • Expertise inAngular JSframework and React JSframework and its ability to create simple and scalable code for SPA.
  • Experience in building application wifReact JS, Redux, Require JS, inMVCarchitecture.
  • Experience in Angular / React Js development using Test driven development (TDD) using unit testing frameworks such as Jasmine Protractor, Karma and Selenium.
  • Experience on AWS cloud services like EC2, S3, RDS, ELB and EBS for installing and configuring.
  • Experience on AWS Code pipeline, Code Build, Code Deploy.
  • Worked wif Kafka, Active MQ, Rabbit MQ is used for Messaging for decoupling applications by separating sending and receiving data.
  • Performed unit testing using JUnit and Mockito aiding test driven Development in some scenarios.
  • Experience in writing test cases using features files to Automate the application using Cucumber/ Selenium framework.
  • Experience in working wif different databases like Oracle Db, SQL Server, DB2 and MySQL & very good experience in OOAD and UML methodologies, Class diagram using Rational Rose.
  • Good working noledge of NoSQL Databases like MongoDB, Cassandra.
  • Hands on experience in configuration and deployment of multi-tier applications using servers like WebSphere, Web Logic, Tomcat and JBoss.
  • Experience in the field of release automation for Java application to achieve continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD).
  • Exceptional Skills in Backend Development wif Python using the Flask framework wif the latest in the technical communities and have a track record of delivering scalable backend solutions and APIs.
  • Expertise wif different tools in Hadoop Environment including Pig, Hive, HDFS, MapReduce, Sqoop, Spark, Kafka, Yarn, Oozie, and Zookeeper.


JAVA/J2EE Technologies: Java, J2EE (Servlets, JSP, EJB, JavaBeans, JDBC, JMS, JPA, JNDI, JAX-WS, JAX-RS),MVC,Struts

Programming Languages: C, C++, Java 8, Python 3, SQL, PL/SQL

Messaging Servers: ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, Kafka

Web Technologies: JavaScript, AngularJS, Backbone JS, XML, HTML5, CSS3, XHTML, XML SchemaDHTML, JSON RPC, AJAX, jQuery, WebSocket, Knockout JS, React, React js, Angular JS & 2, XSL, XSLT, SED, DTD.

Databases: MySQL, Entity Framework, Oracle, MS SQL Server, DB2, Cassandra, PL/SQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Couchbase.

Web/App. Server: Oracle WebLogic Application Server, IBM WebSphere Application Server, Apache Tomcat Webserver, JBoss Application Server

Architectures: EJB, Multi-Tier Enterprise Application, JDBC, Extreme Programming (XP) and Continuous Integration (CI)

Web Services: SOAP, Restful, JAX-B, JAX-RS, WSDL, AWS, Apache Axis, XML, XHTML, XSLT and JAX-WS

Frameworks: Struts, JSF, Hibernate, Spring, Junit

Version Control Tools: GitHub, CVS, SVN, Rational Clear Case, Sub Version

IDE/Tools: Eclipse, RAD, NetBeans, IntelliJ, RAD, ANT, Maven, Jenkins, Bugzilla, JIRA, Rational Rose, RSA, Spring Tool Suite, JBOSS Developer Studio, Jenkins for CI/CD

SDLC: Agile - Scrum, Waterfall

Build and Performance Managing Tools: Ant, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, JIRA, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, SonarQube

Testing: Junit, TestNG, Jasmine, Selenium, Mockito, Power Mockito, Cucumber

Design Patterns: Builder, Template, MVC, Intercepting Filter, Front Controller, Session Facade, Business Delegate, DTO, DAO, Service Locator



Java Full stack Developer (Microservices and React JS)


  • Involved in SDLC cycle like Analysis, Designing, developing, Testing and deploying the Enterprise applications using Java and Object-Oriented Design Patterns based on business requirements.
  • Daily Interaction wif Client’s Technical Architecture in meetings to focus on the performance and implementation of code development.
  • Implementing new API’s using Restful Web services using Spring Boot to interact wif mobile application and Clients legacy systems.
  • Experience usedSpringBoot which is radically faster in building cloud Microservices and develop aSpring-based application wif very less configuration.
  • Used KafkaMessaging Services to interact wif external interfaces.
  • Involved in designing, developing and testing the web application by using the HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and ReactJS
  • Created the responsive UI components using React/Redux and to dispatch events to the store.
  • Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Implemented client-side Interface using React JS and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and Redux library.
  • Involved in creating custom components and library components for displaying data using React wif Redux, ES6.
  • UsedReactHttp service to make GET/POST/PUT/DELETE to deal wif API request and response.
  • Created various template and data-driven form components usingReact Forms and define module-level routing for various components in the application usingReactrouter.
  • Developed unit test cases using Jasmine, karma, web pack and usedangulartestbeds and async utilities to mock async calls.
  • Created collections and performed CRUD operations onMongo DBusing Mongo Repositoryandspring Mongo Templatefor persistence.
  • Involved in writing the test cases for the application using Junit, Mockito.
  • Developed an information pipeline utilizing Kafka and Storm to store data into HDFS.
  • Loading spilling data using Kafka, Flume and real time Using Spark and Storm.
  • Implemented various hive optimization techniques like Dynamic Partitions, Buckets, Map Joins, Parallel executions in Hive.
  • Updated many pre-existing functional tests to reflect enhancement/changes in the code. Creating test cases wif good functional and code coverages and help wif automation of test suites.
  • Server instances are created on AWS and worked on Code pipeline wif Tomcat, Swagger are installed and used for deploying Microservices.
  • Followed AGILE methodology wif SCRUM meetings.
  • Used GitHub to maintain the version of the files, code merges and creating new branch when new feature implementation starts.
  • Coordinated wif the offshore team for requirement transition and providing the necessary inputs required for the successful execution of the project.

Environment: Java 1.8, Spring Boot, Kafka, IntelliJ, Microsoft Visual Studio, TypeScript,React Js, Git, Cucumber, SOAP, Jasper Reports, Jenkins, AWS, Oracle, Mongo DB, Flume, spark, Kubernetes.


Java Full stack Developer (Microservices and Angular 5+)


  • Involved in all phases of project from analysis and requirement phase to delivering the project.
  • Created System Requirement Specifications (SRS) report of the project by collecting all the requirements from client.
  • Developed the functionalities using Agile Methodology.
  • Implementing new API’s using Restful Web services using Spring Boot to interact wif mobile application and Clients legacy systems.
  • Developed single page applications using Angular 2, Typescript, HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component-based architecture provided by Angular 2.
  • Good noledge on using Angular APIs like @angular/http For making HTTP requests, @angular/common Common core things including form validation, @angular/router Routing for our entire app .
  • Used Hibernate Transaction Management, Spring/Hibernate Batch Transactions, Hibernate cache Concepts.
  • Experience in handling messaging services usingApache Kafka.
  • Designed overall Microservices architecture including Gateway, API Service, Core Service, Discovery Server and Monitor Server usingSpringCloud Netflix.
  • Built a stored-procedure-as-a-service microservicesthat is generic: will take sproc name and parameters and spit out output or error from the database
  • Loading the data to Cassandra Cluster wif the help of Java API.
  • Created and configured EC2 instances on Amazon Web services (AWS) for establishing clusters on cloud and created S3 buckets for our application.
  • Worked on Multiple AWS instances, set the security groups, Elastic Load Balancer and AMIs, Auto scaling to design cost effective, fault tolerant and highly available systems
  • Design and develop microservicesbased applications using Spring Integration and Spring Boot framework.
  • Developed data pipeline utilizing Flume, Sqoop, Pig and Java MapReduce to ingest client behavioral information and money related histories into HDFS for analysis.
  • Deploy and administer microservicesbased applications on Cloud infrastructure using Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
  • Exposed the Web Services to the client applications by sharing the WSDL.
  • Created DDL and DML SQL scripts for creation of database objects in SQL Server db.
  • Created logical and physical data models putting to practice, concepts of normalization and RDBMS.
  • Created new tables, PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, views, indexes and constraints, triggers and Required SQL tuning to reduce the response time in the application. Used Jenkins to load JAR files from Database required for running the application.
  • Used Maven building tool for creating EAR file to be deployed in application servers. It is also used for Dependency management of code in application.

Environment: J2EE, Java 1.7, spring Boot, Angular, Microservices, SQL Server, Hadoop, Scala, MapReduce, AWS, jQuery, JavaScript, Cassandra, Eclipse, Web Sphere, Agile Methodology, SVN, Maven, Jenkins, JUnit, Winscp.


Java Full stack Developer


  • Developed the application by using Scrum methodology in agile environment.
  • Designed the architecture based on the popular J2EE Model 2 approach of MVC design paradigm.
  • Developed application on Spring framework by utilizing its features like Spring Dependency injection, Spring Security, Spring Web flow wif Spring MVC
  • Used Spring Rest Template to use the exposed REST Web Services.
  • Involved in developing code for obtaining bean references in spring framework using Dependency Injection (DI) or Inversion of Control (IOC) using annotations.
  • Involved in designing the interface along wif the Design team for better usability and handling across Android mobile application development to maintain their relative nativity
  • Successfully deployed the app on the AndroidMarketplace and supported the app for different releases of AndroidOS
  • Developed Business components using Java Objects and used Hibernate framework to map the Java classes to the database using Annotations.
  • Development of application communication through asynchronous message using JMS, MQ, MDB process message in point-to-point scenarios.
  • Developed Java/J2EE code, business logic using Spring, Hibernate framework and OOP concepts, involved in Peer code reviews.
  • Implemented Responsive development using Bootstrap and CSS3 media queries.
  • Used Spring Security for implementing the authentication, authorization, and access-control features.
  • Published Restful services using Spring MVC and consumed rest services using spring-rest template.
  • Functionality is implemented by developing RESTful web services using spring boot, JPA, Cloud foundry and Oracle.
  • Experienced in writing complex SQL queries for extracting data from multiple tables.
  • Extensively executed SQL queries to view successful transactions of data.
  • Extracted data from various sources like Oracle, flat files, and SQL Server.
  • Development of XML/XSLT/XSD for schema definitions.
  • Unit testing and Integration Testing of application.
  • Coordinated wif the testing team for bug reports and fixes and tracking these tickets through JIRA.
  • Good experience wif test driven software development and unit testing tool like JUnit to write and run repeatable test.
  • Used GIT HUB for maintaining the component and to release version management.
  • Used Jenkins to build the War file.
  • Tested web services on SOAP UI and SOAP Sonar.
  • Used Log4j for logging errors, messages, and performance logs.

Environment: JDK 1.6, Spring Framework, Oracle, Eclipse 3.2, Maven, WebLogic 11g, SVN, JUnit, Log4j, NoSQL, REST, Hibernate 3.3.


C / Java Full stack Developer


  • Developed the application by using Scrum methodology in agile environment.
  • Involved in Designing phase for migration of PRO*C application to Java application
  • Designed the architecture based on the popular J2EE Model 2 approach of MVC design paradigm.
  • Developed application on Spring framework by utilizing its features like Spring Dependency injection, Spring Security, Spring Web flow wif Spring MVC
  • Used Spring Rest Template to use the exposed REST Web Services.
  • Involved in developing code for obtaining bean references in spring framework using Dependency Injection (DI) or Inversion of Control (IOC) using annotations.
  • Involved in designing the interface along wif the Design team for better usability and handling across Android mobile application development to maintain their relative nativity
  • Successfully deployed the app on the AndroidMarketplace and supported the app for different releases of AndroidOS
  • Developed Business components using Java Objects and used Hibernate framework to map the Java classes to the database using Annotations.
  • Development of application communication through asynchronous message using JMS, MQ, MDB process message in point-to-point scenarios.
  • Developed Java/J2EE code, business logic using Spring, Hibernate framework and OOP concepts, involved in Peer code reviews.
  • Implemented Responsive development using Bootstrap and CSS3 media queries.
  • Used Spring Security for implementing the authentication, authorization, and access-control features.
  • Published Restful services using Spring MVC and consumed rest services using spring-rest template.
  • Functionality is implemented by developing RESTful web services using spring boot, JPA, Cloud foundry and Oracle.
  • Experienced in writing complex SQL queries for extracting data from multiple tables.
  • Extensively executed SQL queries to view successful transactions of data.
  • Extracted data from various sources like Oracle, flat files, and SQL Server.
  • Development of XML/XSLT/XSD for schema definitions.
  • Unit testing and Integration Testing of application.
  • Coordinated wif the testing team for bug reports and fixes and tracking these tickets through JIRA.
  • Good experience wif test driven software development and unit testing tool like JUnit to write and run repeatable test.
  • Used GIT HUB for maintaining the component and to release version management.
  • Used Jenkins to build the War file.
  • Tested web services on SOAP UI and SOAP Sonar.
  • Used Log4j for logging errors, messages, and performance logs.

Environment: JDK 1.5, Spring Framework, Oracle, Eclipse 3.2, Maven, WebLogic 11g, SVN, JUnit, Log4j, NoSQL, REST, Hibernate 3.3.

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