It Specialist Resume
Kansas City, MO
- Oracle Certified Professional in Java and J2EE with 7+ years of experience
- Experience in Design, Development, Maintenance, Enhancement and Testing of Applications.
- Experience in Object Oriented Analysis, Object Oriented Design and Object Oriented programming.
- Experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Project Methodologies and Quality processes.
- A fast learner with very good Technical, Analytical, Communication and Coordination skills.
- Team player with excellent Inter-Personal and Organizational Skills, and ability to handle Multiple Responsibilities.
- Experience working in Insurance Domain in USA for a Leading Insurance companies like AllState, and StateFarm
- Experience working in USDA(United States Department of Agriculture) on various Agricultural online signup Applications for last 3+ years.
- Good Experience working on Application Servers like BEA WebLogic, IBM Web Sphere 5.0 , 6.1 and JBoss.
- Experience working on Configuration Management and Defect Management tools like CVS, VSS, Dimension, Clear Case, Clear Quest, SVN and Lotus Notes.
- Experience working on Databases like Oracle, DB2,SQL Server and Postgres 7.0
- Experience working on SQL and PL/SQL across projects.
- 2+ years work experience in Spring framework and JPA.
- Experience working on Spring JDBC.
- Possess Strong experience working on MVC (Model View Controller) framework like Struts,Stripes and IWSP.
- Experience working on IDE like RSA, RAD, WSAD, Eclipse and TogetherJ.
- Good Experience working on both Front End and Back End Programming.
- Experience working on J2ee technologies like JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java Servlets, Enterprise JavaBeans components(EJB), Java Message Service (JMS), Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), Java Transaction API (JTA).
- Worked on front end Technologies like XML, XSL, XSLT, HTML, AJAX and WebServices and JQuery.
- Worked on Junit TestCases for EJB’s and Services,Data Access Objects and Data Managers.
- Used Emma for evaluating code coverage’s and increasing the coverage’s using Junit test Cases.
- Worked with Maven tool for building projects and using external components.
- Worked on AICS framework provided by Accenture for State Farm Insurance for Designing and Coding .
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
Front End : HTML, XML, XSL, XSLT, JavaScript, JSP,JSTL,JQuery, AJAX, Web Services (JAXB, XML, SOAP,WSDL). IDE: Visual Interdev , JRun, IntelliJ, Eclipse, TogetherJ, WSAD(2+ years experience), RAD,RSA Version Controllers: Visual Source Safe, CVS, Dimension 9.1(Serena), Clear Case, SVN Application Server: Web logic 6.0 ,7.0,8.0, Jboss, Websphere 5.0.2,Websphere 5.1.2, Websphere 6.1 Web Server: Apache/Tomcat 4.0.x, Programming Language: SQL, PL/SQL, Java MVC Framework: Struts 1.0, 1.1 , IWSP,Stripe Database: Oracle8/9i, Postgres7.0, DB2,SQL Server 2000 J2ee Technologies: Servlets, JSP, EJB 1.0/2.0,Taglibs,JNDI,JTA,JPA,Spring,Hibernate Build Technologies: Ant. Maven Job Functionalities: Requirement Analysis, Design(Object Oriented), Development, Testing(Junit testCases), Operating System: Windows 98, 2000, Unix Designing : IBM Rational XDE, UML
Project Jboss Conversion
Platform Java, Servlets,JSP, JQuery,Stripe,MVC, JBOSS,Tomcat XML, JDBC SVN, LOG4J,SQL, JSTL, , AJAX, Freemarker Templates ,ANT,Oracle ,ANT,
Duration September 2011 - Current
Client Confidential
Job title Employer Developer II Working on JBoss conversion of the current projects with changes to the Technology used by bringing in new Framework like Stripes and cleaning up the existing code to separate the code as a MVC framework.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- Converted Javascript codes to easily usable jQuery and used Ajax for dynamic displays like List box.
- Working on converting application from Weblogic to Jboss
- Worked on converting queries to FreeMarker templates using FTL Language.
- Coded ANT Scripts to create WAR files for standalone application.
- Worked on DisplayTag and Jgrids for effective Front end Displays.
- Worked on Paging for Table displays
- Coded Service and DAO classes for application.
- Created Oracle Stored procedures for Retrieving Data for Report Displays.
- Used Jstl to render data on the Jsp screen and used custom Tags for formatting Data .
- Worked individually on Java Swings to create a desktop Application to manages Users, Roles and Permission using Jtree, JPanel, Event listeners
- Worked on converting a CCPM project from Struts to Stripes and used Design patterns to make it more J2ee compliant and efficient.
- Worked on creating CustomTags for framework related Requirements
- Created Transfer Objects and design Patterns specific to project Requirements.
Project GRP
Platform Java, Servlets,JSP, Java Script,SDLC, Struts,MVC, JBOSS, Junit, XML, Spring JDBC, SVN, Maven, LOG4J,Spring,SQL,Struts, JSTL
Duration November 2010– September 2011
Client Confidential, Kansas City, MO
Job title Employer IT specialist Working on new development of a signup Application for USDA. Worked extensively on Spring JDBC on back end and Spring Architecture. Involved in Middle and Backend development and writing service as wrapper for calling external services like Web Service and EJB.
- Coded Jsp’s using Struts tags and Jstl tags for creating the UI for signup Used Tile Definitions and Struts config xml files for controls and Screen display
- Coded Service Interface and Service Implementations based on requirements converting contract objects to Business Objects to access Data Managers and Data Access Objects.
- Coded various Contracts, Business Objects and Value Objects based on requirements for data transfer.
- Coded Data Access objects to handle conditional requirements of the projects for accessing data in Database using Spring JDBC.
- Worked on Junit Test Cases to handle code coverage and to simultaneously test Service , Data Access Objects, DataManagers.
- Worked on writing Sql queries. For CRUD operations.
- Worked on implementing service for current application which was used as a wrapper for external service calls like Web service and EJB.
- Used Maven tool for building projects.
- Worked on Spring Framework injecting Services,DAO and helper classes for usage.
- Worked on Java and J2ee Design Patterns to meet requirements and identifying the correct pattern to be used.
Project ACRE LIP LFP ELAP-livestock PRS
Platform Java, Servlets,JSP, Java Script,SDLC, Struts,MVC, JBOSS, Junit, XML, JPA,Rational Clear Quest,SVN, Maven, JPA, LOG4J,Spring,SQL,Struts, JSTL
Duration December 2008– November 2010
Client Confidential, Kansas City, MO
Job title Employer IT specialist Worked on projects allowing Farmers to signup for various agricultural programmes in 2010 and 2009 using Signup and PLT applications . Projects required accessing common agricultural Data from Web-Services like Farm Records ,SCIMS and Compliance.
- Coded Jsp’s using Struts tags and Jstl tags for creating the UI for signup and Plt screens.Used Tile Definitions and Struts config xml files for controls and Screen display
- Coded Service Interface and Service Implementations based on requirements converting contract objects to Business Objects to access Data Managers and Data Access Objects.
- Coded various Contracts, Business Objects and Value Objects based on requirements for data transfer.
- Annotated Contracts to handle validations at service layer.
- Coded Data Access objects to handle conditional requirements of the projects for accessing data in Database using Entity Managers.
- Worked on handling Optimistic locking by handling them in DAO.
- Worked on Annotating business objects for persistence to map to the table and fields
- Worked on Junit Test Cases to handle code coverage and to simultaneously test Service , Data Access Objects, DataManagers.
- Worked on writing Sql queries. For CRUD operations.
- Worked with interacting with the external services like FarmRecords, SCIMS and compliance and to use data for the applications.
- Used Maven tool for building projects.
- Worked on Batch Adds updates and Deletes using the Entity manger .
- Worked on Spring Framework injecting Services,DAO and helper classes for usage.
- Worked on Java and J2ee Design Patterns to meet requirements and identifying the correct pattern to be used.
Project Crop Acreage Reporting System
Platform Java, J2EE,Servlets,JSP, Java Script,SDLC, Struts,MVC, Rational Software Architect(RSA- Eclipse andWebsphere),SQLStudio 2005, Singleton Pattern,Junit, XML,JDBC, Rational Clear Case, RationalRequisitePro, Rational Clear Quest, Web service(SOAP,XML,WSDL), Cactus, Ant,JDBC, LOG4J
Duration January 2008– September 2008.
Client Confidential, Kansas City, MO
Job Title Employer IT specialist Matrix
Crop Acreage Reporting System: It is a Web based Acreage Reporting Application. This web- based Application will provide the capability to perform acreage and compliance Determination via the web.
- Involved in Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of the ApplicationLayer (Front End/UI) for CARS project.
- Coded Application Layer in Struts, CSS, Jsp, TagLibraries,Jstl, JavaScript and Html.
- Worked on Business Delegates, Business Service and Business Contracts for Middle Layer.
- Worked and gained Knowledge onRUPmethodologiesused in our Project.
- Coded classesto callWebServicesand retrieve Data using SOAP,WSDL,JAX-RPCXML, and DOM Parser for Persistence layer.
- Worked on Cascading Style sheets (CSS),JSTL, Struts tag libraries,JSPand HTML for Designing the GUI.
- Worked onMVCarchitecture using Struts Framework.
- Coded Junit Test Cases for Business Services.
- Experiencegained usingClearCase,ClearQuestfor configurationManagement.
- Experience gained in RSA environment.
- Extensively coded Action Classes, Action Forms andJSPand worked on ApplicationResources, Struts-configand Tile Definition for developing Graphical User interface.
- Worked on Unit testing in Development as well as Integration Environment
- Worked on writing Test Cases for Business layer for Quality Acceptance which was usedfor codingJunitTest Cases.
- Worked on documenting Test Plan and Test Casedocuments for various Iterations in the project(QCartifacts)
- Workedon DocumentingDesign Documents(Navigation Maps) for ApplicationLayer.
- Worked on writing Test CasesinJunitfor Business servicesin Cactus Testing Environment.
- Used JNDI for Web services Call, and EAuth callto avoidhard codingofURL inthe code.
- Coded Business Validators, Business Services, Business Contracts, Domain objects and builder Classesfor theapplication.
- Coded User Defined Exceptions for FATAL, CONTRACT and Business level exceptions.
- Worked and Coded on Data Access Objects for DatabaseTransaction using JDBC.
- Worked on Java and J2ee design patterns used in our project like Business delegates, Singleton, Decorator etc.
- Worked onJAX-RPCfor Retrieving Data from web Services.
Project Alliance –Auto and UX Transaction
Platform RAD (Eclipse, Websphere), ClearCase, Clear Quest, XML, SOAP (Web service), Struts, Tag, Java, JDBC, JSP, XML.JSTL, HTML, DB2, Servlets.
Duration July 2007 – December 2007.
Client Confidential, USA.
Job title Senior Programmer Analyst
The Current Project Alliance has 3 modules for Auto Insurance, Property Insurance and Common Team. Auto Insurance handles Quick Quote, Full Quote, Endorsement and New Business. Communicates with ThirdParty to provide Consumer Reports and Vehicle Inspection Reports. The application has been developed for providingaccessibility for exclusive Agents.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Involved in Coding Action Classes, Action Forms, Helper Classes, Jsp, HTML (Front End Code), JavaScript, AJAX.
- Involved in Handling Change Request and Defect Fixing.
- Worked Extensively on Clear Case and Clear Quest for Config Management and Defect Tracking.
- Extensively coded Data Transfer Object, Request, Response Adapter and Business Delegates.
- Coded in AJAX to retrieve data for Auto and Home based Insurance information.
- AcquiredDomain Knowledge on Auto and Home Insurance requirements.
- Ability to understand the Project Code Framework without assistance.
- Extensively Coded JavaScript functions and worked on XML Schema.
- Worked on Cascading Style Sheets(CSS),Servlets and HTML.
- Involved In Writing Design Documents and Development for Major Change Request.
- Worked on DB2 Database Environment.
- Worked on Junit Test Cases for EJB’s.
Project Contents Inventory (Patni Computer Systems)
Platform WSAD 5.1.2, Websphere 5.1.2, Java, XSL, HTML, DB2,Rational XDE,UML
Duration August 2005 – June 2007
Client Confidential, Illinois, USA
Job title System Analyst
The current Contents Inventory system has slow response time and cannot handle the increasing contents item volume. The complex architecture is a client application with AIX, NT, and MQ series mid-tier services as well as client side COM DLL access. This architecture is getting increasingly difficult to support. Microsoft is phasing out Java Virtual Machine and will not support Java VM after a particular period. The goal of this project is to Develop and implement a "thin client" Fire Contents Inventory application to replace the current application. The new application was developed to meet the comprehensive technical and business requirements and comply with standards. Simplify navigation to increase the efficiency of data entry, quote research, and user effectiveness. Roles & Responsiblities:
- Involved in Coding Screens in XSL using XML and XSLT for Presentation Layer.
- Coded Business Objects in Java for logics corresponding to the Inventory Modules used Error Code for Validations.
- Used Rational XDE for designing ActivityDiagrams, ValueObjects and Business Activities. Generated the Code for Deployment and Development from the Diagrams and used ECS framework for development and Deployment.
- Involved in High Level and Detailed Design of Projects Modules as per Business Requirements.
- Involved in Unit test Case Documentation Preparation and Testing.
- Involved in SDLC of the Project.
- Used J2ee Design Patterns like ValueObjects extensively in the Project.
- Extensively Coded Custom Mapper Java Classes for handling dynamic queries in DB2 for Search Scenarios based on various criteria’s.
- Coded Screen Element Invalidation for handling Security access based on User roles.
- Used Locking Mechanism to handle more than one user access to the application.
- Extensively written SQL in DB2 for the modules access using View, Update Delete and insert queries.
- Used QueryMappers and Formatter classes to handle DB2 Queries in Application.
- Designed and coded Business PROC using activities like Business Logic, Decider and EIF.
- Designed and Generated ValueObjects for Data Layers.
- Designed and generated the Dialog Flow Activities for Paging, Field Validation and Screen Element Invalidation.
- Worked on Junit TestCases for EJB’s.
- Worked on AICS framework provided by Accenture for State Farm Insurance for Designing and Coding.
Project Centrex Management System (Southwest Bell Communication)
Platform WSAD 5.1.1, Websphere 5.1, Java, Jsp, Servlet, EJB, HTML, Java and J2ee Design Patterns and Oracle 9i
Duration 01/05 - 07/05
Client Confidential Illinois, USA
Job title FrontEnd /Application Interface Designer and Developer.
CMS is the Pacific Bell tariff name, it allows the clients to login to the systems themselves and accomplish various tasks within an hour around time. Typically clients access the system through the business office. often the turn around time of a couple of days is too long , so clients use CMS as a backdoor. CMS provide complex support, daily production support, changes and enhancement of the current System. The Ameritech Centrex Mate web (Graphical) user Interface will allow current and future Centrex mate Users ("Customers") to administer their Centrex lines via a graphical user interface. The ACM GUI will be access via a web browser the application will not be available through the World Wide Web. Instead, authorized customers will access the application via secured dial -up lines. The CCRS application has character based as well as GUI based front end .Client can access CCRS through CCRS GUI installed on their desktop or they can access the UNIX servers and use the character based front end.
Roles & Responsiblities:
- Involved in High Level and Detailed Design for Requirements at the Front End Development.
- Involved in reviewing High Level, Detailed Design and Codin Standards for the Application.
- Involved in Coding of Front End using JSP, Servlet,Javascript,HTML and XML
- Involved in Coding of Application Interface (EJB) both Session beans and Entity Beans used Container Managed Persistence for EJB.
- Coded Value Objects for handling Data in the Application
- Coded Java and J2ee Design Patterns like Singletons, Business Delegates, Session Façade and Service Locator.
- Involved in CIT and SAT testing.
- Worked on Junit TestCases for EJB’s.
- Worked on Message driven Beans using JMS.
- Involved in Unit and Integration Testing of the Application.