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Java Full Stack Developer Resume

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Minneapolis, MN


  • Full - stack developer with over 7 years of experience with all stages of the development cycle, for projects in AGILE and SDLC models.
  • Working knowledge in multi-tiered distributed environment, OOAD concepts, good understanding of Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and familiarity of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
  • Extensive experience in designing and developing Enterprise Applications for J2EE platform using Core Java, Servlets, JDBC, JSP, Struts, EJB, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring DATA, Spring JDBC, Hibernate, XML, Web services, JMS, Eclipse, Maven.
  • Expertise in implementing Web services and JMS for the synchronous and asynchronous communications between two applications running in different servers.
  • Very good hands-on experience in design and development of Spring Boot applications with Microservices.
  • Strong working experience in MVC architecture using Spring Framework and Hibernate.
  • Good knowledge and hands on experience in Data structures, Multi-Threading and Design patterns.
  • Hands on experience in Web services- Rest and Soap and JMS, MQ and KAFKA, HTML5 and CSS.
  • Proficient in creating Web Services using Spring Boot.
  • Expertise in application development using Servlets, JDBC, JNDI, spring, Hibernate, JSF, EJB2.0/3.0, XML, Web Services- SOAP.
  • Knowledge in implementing a Microservices with Spring Boot based services.
  • Expertise in Web Services architecture in SOAP.
  • Experience in developing Web based GUI's using JSP, HTML5, DHTML, CSS3, JavaScript, JSON, jQuery, EXTJS and Ajax.
  • Experience in Bootstrap (Responsive Web Design) and Backbone.
  • Strong working experience Object Relational mapping (ORM) tools like Hibernate (Hibernate Connection Pooling, HQL, Hibernate Caching, Transactions).
  • Expertise in design patterns including Front Controller, Data Access Object, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Service Locator, MVC, Data Transfer Object and Singleton.
  • Experienced in the functional usage and deployment of applications in JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere and Apache Tomcat.
  • Experience in Database Design, Creation and management of Schemas, writing Stored Procedures, functions, Triggers, DDL, DML SQL queries. Experience in writing SQL and PL/SQL programming.
  • Good knowledge on configuration management and build tools like Bit Bucket, CVS and GIT.
  • Hands-on experience on CICD pipelines with DEV ops technologies like Jenkins, Sonar, Cloud Foundry and Docker.
  • Involved in building and deploying Apache MAVEN scripts for deployment and customizing WAR/ JAR file management for web applications.
  • Well experienced in using JUnit for performing unit-testing framework.
  • Expert in Various Agile methodologies like SCRUM, Test Driven Development (TDD), Incremental and Iteration methodology and Pair Programming as well as implementing Waterfall model.
  • Worked using IDE like Eclipse, My Eclipse, IntelliJ & NetBeans
  • A very good understanding of Groovy and Grails.
  • Expertise in using configuration management tool like SVN and GIT for version controlling.
  • Highly motivated team player with strong communication, analytical, documentation and organizational skills.


Languages: Java, SQL, PL/SQL

Enterprise Java: JSP, Servlet, JNDI, JDBC, Java Security

Tools: & Framework: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, JMS, Log4J, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security.

Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, ReactJS

Mark-Up/XML Technologies: XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, JSON

Web Services: SOAP, Restful, UDDI, WSDL, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS JAX-WS, JAX-B, Axis2, Jersey, Micro Services Architecture and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Web/App Servers: Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, Web Logic Server

Database/Clients: Oracle, My SQL.

Development Tools: Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans

O-R Mapping: Hibernate and JPA.

Build Script: Jenkins, ANT, Gradle and Maven.

Testing Tools/Others: JUnit, Soap UI, Postman, Jenkins and JIRA.

Version Control: Tortoise SVN, CVS and GIT Hub.


Confidential, Minneapolis, MN

Java Full Stack Developer


  • Worked on the development and testing of the infotainment module using Agile (SCRUM) methodologies.
  • Worked on requirement gathering and providing use cases for business, functional & technical requirements.
  • Mocking of services required for Unit tests in applications and setting up mock components for camel integration testing.
  • Responsible for designing the User Interface by coding in HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap to build this SPA Single Page Application.
  • DevelopingOracle Service Busprojects for integration between legacy systems.
  • Experience in developing proxy services, business services inOracle Service Bus.
  • System was developed using Java/J2EE technology working closely with the core team and a scrum master.
  • Responsible for developing java components using Spring, Spring JDBC, Spring Transaction Management.
  • Used Spring JDBC in persistence layer that is capable of handling high volume transactions.
  • Used Spring framework for middle tier and Spring-JDBC templates for data access.
  • Used JavaScript for performing client-side validations.
  • UsedSpringFramework in conjunction with Hibernate to develop backend functionality.
  • Implement modules into Node.JS to integrate with designs and requirements.
  • UsedSpringcore annotations for Dependency InjectionSpringDI andSpringMVC for REST API's and Spring Boot for micro-services.
  • UsedSpringframework to achieve loose coupling between the layers thus moving towards Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) exposed through Restful Services.
  • Designed and developed various modules of the application with Spring MVC architecture and Spring Bean Factory using IOC, AOP concepts.
  • Participated in requirement gathering and framework implementation sessions through Agile TDD methodology.
  • Developed and delivered SOAP based Web Services and used Apache-CXF and SOAP UI to test the services
  • Involved in creating and Deployment of REST API and Microservices in Java J2EEE using Spring Boot.
  • Implementation of authentication for Restful web services using Spring Boot Security Starter.
  • Developing the application for incident creation and retrieving the events using restful web services with spring Boot.
  • Worked extensively on spring boot for building web service.
  • Analyzed the Node.JS server structure in legacy project, then mimicked the REST service by usingjavaJAX-WS API and did the corresponding configurations.
  • Maintained source code in GIT Repository.
  • Extensively involved in coding with Angular, jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile to add functionalities and effects like Accordion, Infinite Scroll bar, Slider bar, Draggle/Droppable, Resizable, Progress bar.
  • Implemented RESTful Web services in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to retrieve data from client side and made REST API calls from AngularJS and parsed the data to client and handled the security and Authorization usingSpringSecurity and OAuth authentication protocol respectively.
  • Utilized Node.js to create a fast and efficient chat server.
  • Developed strategies and supported tools to create an efficient integration and release process using Jenkins.
  • Responsible for the overall layout design that meet cross-device compatibility using Bootstrap, color scheme of the web site using HTML5, and CSS3 and Responsible for creating detailed wire frames and process flows.

Environment: Java J2EE, Java SE, Servlets, Spring, JAXB, Angular 8, Node.js, XML, XSL, XSD, CSS, React, Java Script, Vue.js, Swing, AWT, JNI, JFC, ANT, AJAX, MVC, HTML, Eclipse, JUnit, JTS, UNIX, Hibernate, Oracle, Windows.

Confidential, Chandler, AZ

Java Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in all the phases of SDLC including Requirements Collection, Design and Analysis of the Customer Specifications, Development and Customization of the application.
  • Work with team to develop application and services using Agile development methods.
  • Created new workflows for Enterprise business Markets (EBM) workflow Engine to sell enterprise products.
  • Designed and developed various modules of the application with Spring MVC architecture and Spring Bean Factory using IOC, AOP concepts.
  • Proficient using WebSphere V9.0.5 tool that gives JEE application platform to develop application.
  • Modified the existing workflows to reduce execution time and improved the throughput.
  • Thorough knowledge of Motive Workflow builder enabling debugging and analyzing workflow executions.
  • Played the role of configuration controller to validate and maintain the project as per the company and Tl9k standards.
  • Designed use cases for the Application as per the business requirements.
  • Participated in requirement gathering and framework implementation sessions through Agile TDD methodology.
  • Developed and delivered SOAP based Web Services and used Apache-CXF and SOAP UI to test the services.
  • Implemented Single Page Design and customized directive and filter criteria by using React.JS with Node.js.
  • Integrate the front-end application with Node.js.
  • Involved in creating and Deployment of REST API and Micro-Services in Java J2EEE using Spring Boot, MongoDB.
  • Implementation of authentication for Restful web services using Spring Boot Security Starter.
  • Developing the application for incident creation and retrieving the events using restful web services with Spring Boot and MongoDB.
  • Worked extensively on spring boot for building web service.
  • Extensively used Core Java such as Exceptions, and Collections.
  • Designed the system based on Spring MVC Model architecture. Developed a business logic layer using Spring Dependency Injection and client-side Java-beans for DAO Design Patterns.
  • Used JSX for UI development in React.js for faster and type-safe performance.
  • Used Flux in React.js to keep the data flow unidirectional and to implements this flux pattern Redux framework was applied.
  • Used Maven for compilation and building JAR, WAR.
  • Used Log4J for logging and tracing the messages.
  • Used STS for developing, debugging, integrating, and deploying the application.
  • Maintained source code in GIT Repository.
  • Involved in the day-to-day sprint development activities and delivered per sprint timeline.
  • Written unit test cases using JUnit and Integration test cases and integrated with Jenkin jobs.
  • Coordinated with the onsite and offshore developer’s w.r.t ongoing issues and follow up.
  • Utilized Node.js to create a fast and efficient chat server.
  • Responsible for the overall layout design that meet cross-device compatibility using Bootstrap, color scheme of the web site using HTML5, and CSS3 and Responsible for creating detailed wire frames and process flows.
  • Used Hibernate as persistence framework for DAO layer to access the Oracle10g database.
  • Proficient in using GIT for Version Control.
  • Actively involved in code reviews and in bug fixing.

Environment: Java, JSP, JavaScript, Ajax, React.js, JSX, Node.js, Maven, Spring Boot, MongoDB, POS, DOJO, Spring, Hibernate, Microservices, Backbone, HTML5, CSS3, Rest API, Log4J, GIT, Agile, Jenkins, XML, Windows.

Confidential, Plano, TX

Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in all the phases of SDLC including Requirements Collection, Design and Analysis of the Customer Specifications, Development and Customization of the application.
  • Involved in the day-to-day sprint development activities and delivered per sprint timeline.
  • Written unit test cases using JUnit and Integration test cases and integrated with Jenkin jobs.
  • Coordinated with the onsite and offshore developer’s w.r.t ongoing issues and follow up.
  • Utilized Node.js to create a fast and efficient chat server.
  • Responsible for the overall layout design that meet cross-device compatibility using Bootstrap, color scheme of the web site using HTML5, and CSS3 and Responsible for creating detailed wire frames and process flows.
  • Used Hibernate as persistence framework for DAO layer to access the Oracle10g database.
  • Proficient in using GIT for Version Control.
  • Actively involved in code reviews and in bug fixing.
  • Created new workflows for Enterprise business Markets (EBM) workflow Engine to sell enterprise products.
  • Designed and developed various modules of the application with Spring MVC architecture and Spring Bean Factory using IOC, AOP concepts.
  • Modified the existing workflows to reduce execution time and improved the throughput.
  • Thorough knowledge of Motive Workflow builder enabling debugging and analyzing workflow executions.
  • Designed use cases for the Application as per the business requirements.
  • Participated in requirement gathering and framework implementation sessions through Agile TDD methodology.
  • Developed and delivered SOAP based Web Services and used Apache-CXF and SOAP UI to test the services.
  • Developed Web Applications with rich UI using CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery plugins and Struts 2 framework.
  • Involved in creating and Deployment of REST API and Microservices in Java J2EEE using Spring Boot.
  • Implementation of authentication for Restful web services using Spring Boot Security Starter.
  • Developing the application for incident creation and retrieving the events using restful web services with spring Boot.
  • Worked extensively on spring boot for building web service.
  • Extensively used Core Java such as Exceptions, and Collections.
  • Designed the system based on Spring MVC Model architecture. Developed a business logic layer using Spring Dependency Injection and client-side Java-beans for DAO Design Patterns.
  • Used Maven for compilation and building JAR.
  • Used Log4J for logging and tracing the messages.
  • Maintained source code in GIT Repository.

Environment: Java, JSP, JavaScript, Angular 6, Ajax, jQuery, Maven, Spring Boot, POS, DOJO, Spring, Microservices, Backbone, HTML5, CSS3, Rest API, Log4J, GIT, Agile, Jenkins, XML, Windows.


Jr Java Developer


  • Responsible for system analysis, design and development in JEE using MVC based architecture.
  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as requirement gathering, modeling, analysis, architecture design & development and the project was developed using Agile Methodologies.
  • End-to-end Project Management, including customization of product based on the customer's requirement, meeting delivery deadlines on development, testing, implementation phases of the system and customer relationship consulting.
  • Developed the front end of the application using HTML, CSS, JSP and JavaScript.
  • Developed Web Services to implement SOA using SOAP.
  • Data access layer is implemented using Hibernate.
  • Involved in debugging the product usingEclipse3.6 andJIRABug Tracking.
  • Test automation for web application using Cucumber.
  • Worked extensively in the backend Oracle database.
  • Used Spring Batch for scheduling and maintenance of batch jobs.
  • Using spring validation framework for server-side validation.
  • Used various design patterns to direct best solutions.
  • Helped to finish assignments using several frameworks such as: Java applet, Spring MVC, Hibernate.
  • The several technologies were used to create and deploy web pages such as JSP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Used Hibernate as ORM tool to store the persistence data into the Oracle database.
  • Developed Web Services using SOAP and XML.

Environment: Java, JEE, JavaScript, Hibernate, HTML, CSS, JSP, Spring, Oracle, Windows, Apache Tomcat, MVC.

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