J2ee Developer Nh
Please use this table to list the skills noted in the Required/Desired section of the requirement. In addition, please respond with the years of experience for each skill and the last time each skill was used. Add or delete rows as necessary.
Skill experinece Last Used
Exp w/ Software & Client/Server application development & Internet Applications using Java/J2EE
6+ years
Experience in developing applications using Object Oriented and Web based technologies
6 + years
Exp related to Servlets, JSP w/ custom tags, Struts, Applets, EJB1.1/2.0, Java Beans, JDBC, JSTL, XML, JavaScript, XSLT, HTML, CSS or similar tech.
5 + years
Experience with different IDEs like Eclipse 3.0, JBuilder.
5 + years
Dev exp in server-side apps using techs related to Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JNDI, JMS, JSTL, CORBA, UDDI, WSDL, SOAP, XML/XSL, & deployed on app servers.
5 + Years
Experience in Database and Interfacing (Back-end Front-end connectivity) skills using DB2 (SQL).
4 + Years
Excellent understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
4 + Years
Hands-on experience in developing top-down and bottom-up JAX-WS WebServices and JAX-RS RESTFul Web Services.
3 + Years
Hands-on experience in working with .jar, .war and .ear files.
5 + Years
Employment HistoryNH April 2011 - September 2012
Senior Java/J2EE Developer
Description: Liberty Mutual Insurance Company is a 100 billion capital worth insurance company. It is well known for its Auto, Home and life insurance products in USA. This company offers financial services (fixed, indexed, and variable annuities) and life insurance products through banks, financial planners, regional dealers and independent agents. The BRP Solution Center provides services and project support for a wide variety of business partners and applications.
- Developed user interface using Java Server Faces (JSF) and Ajax to provide a component based model.
- Used client side scripting languages such as JavaScript and JQuery.
- Used JAXB to marshal/unmarshal the XML– Java Object and Java Objects – XML.
- Used spring for bean management across layers and for loading database configuration and hibernate mapping files, created data source instance for instantiating Hibernate Dao Support’s session factory object.
- Used Hibernate to develop DAO layer for performing CRUD operations on the database and configured it with Spring Hibernate Dao Support.
- Created Hibernate mapping files for mapping POJO to the database tables. Wrote named queries for querying underlying database.
- Developed ANT scripts to build, package and deploy the application and used Log4j for the Logging system.
- Worked on web services with annotations using jax-ws and jax-rs and axis2 and SOAPprotocol for web services communication.
- Developed JUnit test cases for unit testing the application and mocked the services using Jmock.
Environment: JSP, JSF, Spring, Hibernates, Ajax, JavaScript, Applets, JQuery ,Java 1.5, JDBC,Web Services, Apache Axis, SOAP, WSDL,SQL, JSTL, JNDI ,Java Beans ,web logic, My Eclipse 6.5.1, Oracle 10g, JUnit, JMS, Log4j, Ant, EJB 2.0, TOAD, Subversion, HTML,CSS, Agile/Scrum methodology.
FL February 2010 –March 2011
Senior Java/J2EE Developer
Description: According to the new FCC CPNI (Customer Proprietary Network Information) regulation changes, carriers must authenticate the identity of their telephony customers prior to revealing customer account and billing information in a customer facing application. If the user profile has not been created yet, then this application redirects the user to create CPNI profile page. To complete the CPNI profile the user has to choose PIN number, secret question, secret answer, marketing opt-in flag, and preferred method of contact.
- Participated in requirements gathering and analysis.
- Designed the application usingRational Rose and developeduse case, class, package, sequence, and component diagrams.
- Developed application using Struts, Spring, and Hibernate frameworks.
- Developed login, change CPNI profile, change PIN, confirmation, and landing pages usingJSP.
- Developed BEAN classes, model classes, and handled page navigation usingStruts framework.
- Designed and developedWeb Servicesto store and retrieve user profile information fromdatabase.
- Worked on web services with annotations using jax-ws and jax-rs.
- UsedApache Axisto develop web services andSOAPprotocol for web services communication.
- Implemented DAO layer usingHibernate ORM(Object Relational Mapping) framework.
- WroteHQL (Hibernate Query Language)named queries for data retrieval.
- Integrated this application with existing customer tools application.
- UsedCVSas the version control system and Antbuild script for building the application.
- Wrote unit test cases usingJUnitand tested the entire application.
Environment:Spring, Hibernate, Struts, Applets, JSP, servlets, JavaScript, CSS, Web Services ,HTML, Ant, Rational Rose, CVS, Java Beans, Eclipse, JMS, JSTL, JDBC, JNDI, JUnit, Log4J, Oracle 10g,DB2, Toad, Linux, Windows.
GA October 2008 – January 2010
Senior Java/J2EE Developer
Description: UPS seeks to simplify international shipment processing by providing a comprehensive international document solution which will meet the needs of the customers, and close the gap with the competition. This initiative seeks to accomplish the goals by providing an International shipping document solution, provide a comprehensive and easy to use International shipping document library.
- Involved in all phases of the application development such as Analysis, Design, Development, Deployment, and Testing.
- Scrum (Agile) methodologyis used for the application development.
- Designed the entire application using Sparx Enterprise Architect.
- Implemented application based on Model- View - Controller(MVC) architecture using Struts framework.
- Configuredhibernate configuration file, andhibernate mapping filesand developed POJO’s to map objects torelational database.
- Worked on web services with annotations using jax-ws and jax-rs.
- Wrote Hibernate Query Language (HQL) queries to store and retrieve the data from database.
- UsedJUnitto write unit test cases to improve the software quality.
- Wrote build file using Maven to automate the build process.
Environment:Spring, Hibernate, Struts, Applets ,J2EE (Java 5, JSP), Servlets, JDBC, Web Services, WSDL, Web Logic, Eclipse, JavaScript, Java Beans, CSS, JNDI, EJB2.0,HTML, Junit, JSTL, JMS, Maven, Subversion, Oracle9i,DB2, PVCS and Linux.
IA July 2007- September 2008 Java/J2EE Developer
Description: Stellar Support is an e-commerce application which is used for activating and subscribing different John Deere products like JDLink, Green star pro module, Apex, Star fire Receiver, and Autotrac Universal Kit. I worked mainly on JDLink module. The JDLink equipment management solution shows machine information including location, utilization, performance, and maintenance data to manage where and how equipment is being used.
- Involved in Analysis, Design, Development, Deployment, and testing phases of the JDLink module implementation.
- Worked with business analysts to find out the requirements and designed the JDLink module according to the customer requirements.
- Developed web application usingJava EE 5, Struts, Spring, and Hibernate frameworks.
- ImplementedDAOlayer usingHibernate persistence API.
- Wrote HQL(Hibernate Query Language) queries for retrieving subscriptions and other activations information from database.
- Used JSP to implement all the web pages that are required for activating and subscribing JDLink equipment.
- Involved in designingJSPpages using Struts tags to encapsulate the logic to generate the content for the page.
- Useddesign patternslikeBusiness Delegate, DAO, Façade, Factory and Singleton.
- Used JavaScript for client side validations and manipulating html elements.
- DevelopedAntbuild file to automate the build process.
- Created unit test cases forbusiness logic methodsusingJUnit.
- UsedStreamas the version control and HP Quality Center for tracking issues.
Environment: Hibernate, Struts, Applets, Java Beans, JDBC, JNDI, JSTL, Spring, JSP, EJB 2.0,Servlets,JMS, Java EE 5, RAD, Web Sphere, DB2,Web services ,CSS, Toad for DB2, Star Team, Ant, JUnit, Log4j, Windows.
WI August 2006 - June 2007
Java/J2EE Developer
Description: Demand Bid Creator is an end to end application in which user can create demand bid orders about the required power for his/her company. Demand Bid Creator has lot of web services related to various demand bids. All the other applications in WE Energies access these services.
- Developed web application usingStruts and Hibernate frameworks.
- UsedJSPfor developing screens for creating and updating demand bids, financial schedules, bid forecasts, bid adjustments, bid profiles.
- Wrote action and service classes and defined action mappings in struts-config.xml file.
- Configuredhibernate configuration file,hibernate mapping filesand developed POJO’s to map objects torelational database.
- Implemented DAO layer usingHibernate and wroteHibernate Query Language (HQL)queries for persisting demand bid related information.
- Developed both client and server side web services using Apache Axis and tested web services using web services explorer tool.
- Used jQuery for event handling and AJAX implementations on the JSP pages.
- DevelopedAntbuild file to automate the build process.
- Wrote unit test cases for important business methods usingJUnit.
- UsedCVSas the version control and Bugzillafor tracking issues.
Environment: Struts MVC, Applets, Hibernate, JavaScript, CSS, Junit, AJAX,JQuery, Servlets, JSP, Web Logic, EJB 1.1,Eclipse,JDBC, JNDI, JMS, JSTL ,DB2,Web Services, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XHTML, Ant, CVS, SQL Server, Toad, Bugzilla, MS Visio, Linux, Windows XP.
India May2005 – June 2006 Java/J2EE Developer
Description: This project has been designed to support the Private Banking area by providing the registration and maintenance of customers requesting access, secured login capability to the customer, user profile Information and trust account information to the customer, over the internet.
- Performed analysis and created UML diagrams, class diagrams and sequence diagrams usingMS-Visio.
- Web application is developed using theStruts MVCframework.
- Used JSP to create login page, user profile, and account information pages.
- Wrote Custom tags and Tag Library Descriptor (TLD) for encapsulating dynamic functionality and used JSTL tags for populating data on the JSP.
- Developed server side utilities using Java Beans, XML, and EJB.
- Developedmessage driven beans (MDB)’s for receiving the messages from other systems.
- DevelopedDAOlayer usingJDBCand wrote severalSQLqueries to store and retrieve results from database.
- Developed Unix Shell Scripts to perform administrator related tasks.
- Used Java Swing for developing internal GUI applications.
Environment:Swing, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, Custom Tags, TLD, Java beans, EJB, JDBC, Oracle, XML, JMS, Eclipse ,IBM Web Sphere, Net Beans, WSAD, Rational Rose, Clear Case, Unix, Shell Scripting.