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Full Stack Developer Resume

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  • 7+ years of experience in design, development and implementation of software applications using Java, J2EE, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud API Gateway.
  • Hands - on experience using Spring Framework in business layer for Dependency Injection, AOP, Spring MVC, transaction management and using Hibernate as a persistence layer.
  • Extensive knowledge on the spring modules like Spring IOC, Spring Boot, Spring DAO, Spring Web flow, Spring Security, Spring MVC and Spring AOP.
  • Implemented modules using Core Java APIs, Java collection, Java 8(Streams), multi-threading, and object-oriented designs.
  • Experience in working with many java versions like JDK 6, JDK 7 and JDK 8. Good in working with apache server and build tools like Ant and Ma
  • Expertise in React JS framework to develop the SPA.
  • Experienced in React JS and working with React Flux architecture.
  • Good Experience in React.js for creating interactive UI's using One-way data flow, Virtual DOM, JSX, React Native concepts.
  • Good experience on working with Amazon Web Services like EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, AWS Identity and access management, AWS Cloud Watch, Amazon EBS and Amazon Dynamo DB.
  • Experience in working with, S3, SQS, Cloud front.
  • Excellent understanding of enterprise application development on cloud platforms like AWS and Azure.
  • Complete knowledge on Agile and SCRUM structure of software development by conducting meetings and co-ordinating with the team members to meet the deliverables.
  • Strong analytical,debugging skillswith experience in fixing production issues.
  • Ability to learn and adapt quickly to new environments and emerging new technologies.
  • Excellent analytical, communication, organizational and interpersonal skills.
  • Worked extensively with AWS that support automation using Cloud formation to create Virtual machines, SQL database, Auto scaling, Elastic Search, VPCs, Subnets, Security Groups, Cloud Watch, S3, IAM, etc.
  • Experienced with Handling Cloud environments (AWS and Google cloud).
  • Experience in integration tools like Spring Integration, Apache CXF, Apache Kafka and Apache Camel to integrate the enterprise application technologies with existing JVM environment.


Programming Languages: Core Java, J2EE, PL/SQL.

Web Technologies: JSON, JSP, HTML, HTML4/5, CSS, DHTML, JavaScript, Angular JS, AJAX, React JS.

XML Technologies: XML, XSL, XSLT, SAX, DOM, AXIS, XML Beans and JAXB.

Web/App Servers: Apache Tomcat 4.0/5.0/6.0, Web Logic 8.1/9.1, Web sphere 7.0, Web SphereApplication Server 8.0 & RAD 8.5, JBoss

IDE: Eclipse, Net Beans, Red Hat Developer Studio, WSAD, IBM RSA development IDE, IntelliJ

Tools: Jenkins, WebEx, TOAD, Xml Spy, Ant, PL/SQL Developer, JUnit, JMock, Maven

Operating systems: Windows, UNIX, Linux and MS-DOS.

Databases: Oracle 8i/9i/10g/11g/12c, My SQL, MS SQL Server, DB2.

Frameworks: Struts, CSS Frameworks, Spring (Dependency Injection, Spring MVC, Spring Access,DAO, Factory Pattern, Core, Spring Context, Spring AOP, Spring DAO, Spring IOC, Spring JDBC, Springwith Hibernate), Hibernate

Methodologies: AGILE-SCRUM, Waterfall

Web services: SOAP, RESTFUL

Cloud Technologies: AWS

Version control: GIT, SVN, CVS


Confidential, GA

Full Stack Developer


  • Worked in all phases of software development life cycle (Requirement, Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing and Deployment). Followed Test Driven Development (TDD),Scrumconcepts of theAGILEMethodology (SAFe) to produce high Quality Software.
  • Developed a Retirement Planner and Savings Software Platform for Financial Advisor’s from Scratch and Involved from End to End.
  • Involved in implementing application flows using Spring framework.
  • Experience on modifying the existing Backend code for different level of enhancements.
  • Migrated to Spring Boot 2.
  • Implemented modules using Core Java APIs, Java collection, Java 8(Streams), multi-threading, and object-oriented designs
  • Implemented Spring Cloud API Gateway for Security.
  • Implemented OAuth2 for Request Token Validation.
  • Designed and developed the application using agile methodology and followed Scrum.
  • Used Spring-IOC to inject beans and Spring MVC architecture for developing the application.
  • Written Unit Test Cases for all the developed use cases and did integration testing using Junit.
  • Used aws 8 service to make GET/POST/PUT/DELETE to deal with API request and response from Angular to send the request and get the response from Node.JS.
  • Experienced with Spark Context, Spark-SQL, Data Frame, Pair RDD's, Spark YARN.
  • Import the data from different sources like HDFS/HBase into Spark RDD.
  • Involved in converting Hive/SQL queries into Spark transformations using Spark RDD, Scala.
  • Getting data using Kafka and processing using Spark
  • Developing traits and case classes etc in scala.
  • Developed user interface by using the React JS, Flux for SPA development.
  • Implemented react JS code to handle cross browser compatibility issues in Mozella, IE 7, 8, 9, Safari and FF.
  • Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application
  • Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Used JAX-RS for creating RESTful web service where the request and response are in JSON format.
  • Used Spring Boot for building cloud Micro services quickly and develop spring-based applications with very less configuration.
  • Written various Docker-Compose files in YAML to run multi-containers applications. Worked on Docker Version Manager to switch between Docker Clients.
  • Established a local dev workflow that centered around minikube to validate deployments in Kubernetes. Created REST API to store, update, read & delete bucket information on Console using Kubernetes interfaces
  • Involved in setting up Kubernetes (k8s) to cluster & orchestrate Docker containers for running microservices by creating Pods. Took several microservices into production with Kubernetes backed Infrastructure.
  • Used Java 1.8 fundamentals like parallel streams and filters through lambda expressions to handle searching.
  • SoapUI Testing for Alfresco API
  • Configure Alfresco on Windows Server. Design, develop, test and management the functionality in Alfresco.
  • Alfresco Admin user support and create customization functions for users.
  • Created Build and Deploy Plans in Azure Devops.
  • Written test Cases using Junit 4 & 5, Mockito2 and developed mutation test cases.
  • Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Maven in multiple environments.

Environment: Java 1.8, JSON, Spring 4/5, GIT, Bamboo, RESTful, LINUX, Dynamo DB, Amazon Web Services EC2, S3, CI-CD tools, Spring Boot 1.4 & 2, Alfresco and Liferay APIs, Microservices, Azure, Spring Cloud API Gateway, Kong, Envoy, OPA, Rego, Junit 4/5, Swagger, Angular 8, Node 10, HTML, CSS3 .

Confidential, GA

Full Stack Developer


  • Implemented the applications using spring boot and micro services.
  • Worked on UI for Layered Security and Sample modules and hands on experience with Spark streaming to receive real time data using Kafka.
  • Used Kafka Rest Proxy to build data test pipelines and Kafka Elasticsearch Connectors to push datafrom Kafka to Elasticsearch.
  • Develop new extensions to desktop ecommerce platform using ATG commerce modules.
  • Debug and troubleshoot ecommerce website application issues.
  • Performed AWSCloud administration managing EC2 instances, S3, SES and SNS services.
  • Developed API for using AWS Lambda to manage the servers and run the code in AWS.
  • Involved in writing Java API for Amazon Lambda to manage some of the AWS services.
  • Responsible for implementation of ATG best practices.
  • Designing and creating RESTful API’s using Spring WS Developed and modified database objects as per the requirements.
  • DeployedSpring Bootbased micro services and Docker container in internal cloud server.
  • Created and consumed web services (SOAP & REST).
  • Worked on Configuration of Internal load balancer, load balanced sets and Azure Traffic manager. Managed Docker orchestration using Docker Swarm and also responsible for the containerization of applications using Docker.
  • Design and implementation of web applications in Java and HTML5/Javascript using Eclipse, Swing, GWT, JPA frameworks; and GIT maven source code environments.
  • Designing solutions on Azure, AWS, Google, Soft Layer & other hybrid cloud options
  • Clear concepts of Azure Service Management (ASM - Classic) model vs newer (ARM - Azure Resource Management) model and experiencing in setting up RBAC roles (OOB) and Custom RBAC roles to Subscription level, or Resource Manager Level to manage Azure Resources.
  • Profound Knowledge in developing HTML5 pages using DIV layout, Web Accessibility and Web Usability. Used Maven as a build tool. Implemented Java to XML binding.
  • Hands on experience on Azure VPN-Point to Site, Virtual networks, Azure Custom security, end point security and firewall.
  • Implemented the project as a multi-tier application using Spring MVC & used core Spring concepts like AOP, IOC.
  • Deployed Spring Boot based micro services Docker container using Amazon EC2 container services and using AWS admin console.
  • Developed JSP pages using Custom tags and Tiles framework and Spring framework. Developed the User Interface Screens for presentation logic using JSP, Tiles, and HTML.
  • Implemented various screens for the front end using React.js and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and redux library.
  • Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations, and Flux concept.
  • Responsible for React UI and architecture. Building components library, including Tree, Slide-View, and Table Grid.
  • Implemented stable React components and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.
  • Used React JS for templating for faster compilation and developing reusable components.
  • Design and Coding of various JAVA, J2EE modules like Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Rest, Hibernate.
  • Executed automated test cases for Unit testing and Integration testing using JUnit.
  • Used JIRAto manage the issues/project workflow.
  • Developed Swagger Service which used for Deploying API Gateway CFT.
  • Develop quality code adhering to Scala coding Standards and best practices.
  • Implemented the associated business modules integration using spring and Hibernate framework.
  • Designed and documentedREST/HTTP APIs, including JSON data formats and API versioning strategy.
  • Implemented application level persistence using Hibernate and spring.
  • Developed and maintained UNIX/Perl/ANT, Ruby, Python scripts for Java/J2EE build and release tasks.
  • Documented release, builds, and source control processes and plans for J2EE applications.

Environment: Java 1.8, JSP, CSS, HTML 5, Spring 4.0, Hibernate 3.0, JMS, Maven, Log4J, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, JUnit, Oracle 11G, WebLogic 12.0, Unix,, GitHub, Angular JS 2, SOAP & RESTFULL Services, Kafka, Scala, Jenkins, JUNIT 4.0, JIRA.

Confidential, St. Louis, MO

Full Stack Developer


  • Implemented framework in the presentation tier for all the essential control flow, business level validations and for communicating with the business layer.
  • Actively involved in using Angular, Bootstrap and HTML5 to enable client-side date to meet specific criteria by applying various validation variable.
  • Developed the presentation layer using JSP’s, CSS, AJAX and Java Script.
  • Implemented a Continuous Integration & delivery (CI/CD) framework using Jenkins, Chef in Linux Environment. Experience in Auto-scaling and Cloud Watch Monitoring.
  • Design EC2 instance architecture to meet high availability application architecture and security parameters
  • Worked Confidential optimizing volumes and EC2 instances and created multiple VPC instances in AWS Cloud environment.
  • Using Azure Functions to integrate applications and run backend processes according to schedules without provisioning/managing servers.
  • Implemented UI using Angular, Java Script, jQuery, HTML5 & CSS3.
  • Designing and creating RESTful API's using XML Spy and Spring WS Developed and modified database objects as per the requirements.
  • Involved actively in designing web page using HTML, Angular, JQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap and CSS.
  • Created and consumed web services (SOAP & REST).
  • Implemented the project as a multi-tier application using Spring MVC & used core spring concepts like AOP, IOC.
  • Design and Coding of various JAVA, J2EE modules like Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Rest, Hibernate.
  • Executed automated test cases for Unit testing and Integration testing using JUnit.
  • Conducted auto deployment of software applications in secured and managed environment using Docker container technology.
  • Designed and documentedREST/HTTP APIs, including JSON data formats and API versioning strategy.
  • Implemented application level persistence using Hibernate and spring.
  • Developed and maintained UNIX/Perl/ANT, Ruby, Python scripts for Java/J2EE build and release tasks.

Environment: Java 1.8, JSP, CSS, HTML 5, Spring 4.0, Hibernate 3.0, JMS, Maven, Log4J, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, JUnit, Oracle 11G, Docker, GitHub, Angular, SOAP & REST Web Services, Jenkins, JIRA.

Confidential, Oakton, Virginia

Java Developer


  • Involved in Analysis, Design, Development, UAT and Production phases of the application.
  • Implemented the project using agile-scrum methodologies using JIRA.
  • Expertise in Core Java with strong understanding and working knowledge of Object-Oriented Concepts like Collections, Multi-Threading, Concurrency framework.
  • Implemented the project as a multi-tier application using Spring MVC & used core spring concepts like AOP, IOC.
  • Improved the throughput using the concepts of multithreading like Executor Services & Concurrency API.
  • Developed RESTful web service using spring and JAX-RS for retrieving data from server and internal communication. Create and consume web services (SOAP & REST)
  • Developed XSLT files for transforming the XML response from the web service into HTML as per the business requirements.
  • Developed the Persistence Layer using Hibernate.
  • Used Business Delegate, Singleton, Front Controller, Factory and DAO design patterns
  • Developed stored procedures, triggers and sequences.
  • Involved in performance tuning of application and environment for optimized performance during month end load using JProbe.
  • Used Jenkins for continuous integration, GitHub for version management & Maven for building the application.
  • Involved in building and maintaining Cloud based infrastructure.
  • Implemented logger for debugging using Log4j
  • Served as POC for on call support in the production team on a rotation basis.

Environment: Java 1.8, JSP, CSS, HTML 5, Spring 4.0, Hibernate 3.0, JMS, Maven, Log4J, JavaScript, Ajax, JUnit, Oracle 11G, WebLogic 12.0, Unix, GitHub, Angular JS 1.X, SOAP & REST Web Services, Jenkins, JUIT 4.0, Jmockito.


Java/J2EE Developer


  • Understanding the requirements by interacting with business users and mapping them to design and implementing it following the AGILE Development methodology.
  • Followed Agile Scrum two-week development cycle to streamline development process with iterative and incremental development
  • Developed UI screens using HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, AngularJS and JSP templates.
  • Involved in implementation of application using conventional design practices (SOA-Service Oriented Architecture, MVC-Model View Controller).
  • Involved in Enhancement of existing application utilizing AngularJS and created dynamic menu.
  • Developed Web services component using XML, WSDL, Restful and SOAP with DOM parser to transfer and transform data between applications.
  • Configured and managed Jenkinsas a deployment tool.
  • Implemented spring service layer with dependency wiring, transaction, DAO and annotations.
  • Developed Hibernate configuration files and queries and implemented DAO classes
  • Integrated with Quartz for scheduling support and developed cron schedule expressions.
  • Performed code review, unit testing, functional testing, system testing and integration testing.
  • Improved the performance of the backend batch processes usingMultithreadingand concurrent package API
  • Used JDBCfor database connectivity with oracle.
  • Designed/Implemented application package and dependencies with Maven.

Environment: Java 7, JEE 1.6, JSP, SOAP/Restful web services, SoapUI, Spring 3.1.2, ActiveMQ, Scrum, JavaScript, Mockito, Maven, CVS, Eclipse, Spring Boot, JDBC, Multithreading, Toad IDE, Jenkins, JUnit, Log4j, WebLogic 10.3, Apache Tomcat 7.0.

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