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Sr. Software Engineer J2ee Resume Profile

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Omaha, NE


  • 11 years of Experience in Architecture Design, Integration and Development of Enterprise level Geo-Spatial Applications for Transportation DOT-511, Railroads , Medicare, Telecom Projects.
  • Master of Engineering Electronics , Pune University, INDIA.
  • Expertise in UML Modeling, Test Driven, Agile, Continuous Integration Methodologies in Global Delivery Model along with the Deployment of Applications on UNIX, Linux, Maven Jenkins.
  • Great at converting legacy apps with Grails, SpringMVC REST/SOAP, Angular-JS JQuery.
  • Experience in handling onsite, offshore teams with project planning through JIRA, Primavera
  • Experienced Team Leader, Project Leader, API Developer and Technical Leader.
  • Experienced in Continuous Integration, Agile, and Waterfall methodologies.
  • Excellent Prototype Developer using Grails, JQuery, HTML5, iPhone mock and Mockflow.

Technical Summary

Server Side Technologies and Frame works:

  • Grails2.x, JDK1.6, Spring and Spring MVC 3.x, Hibernate 3.x, EJB3.0, Quartz Schedulers.
  • Web Services SOAP/ REST , JAXB API, X-Fire, Axis2, JMS, XML Blaster XML Beans.
  • Oracle Primavera P6 Web Services API integration.
  • Integration with middleware technologies like JMS, SOA, QUARTZ, XML Blaster MoM etc.

Web/UI Technologies and Frame works:

  • MVC, Struts 2/1, JSF 2/1, GSP, JSP/Servlets, Rich/Prime/ICE/My Faces/ADF Faces.
  • HTML5, CSS3, HTTP User Agents, W3C Standards, Smart Phone application UIs.

Geo Spatial Technologies and Mapping APIs:

  • ESRI SDK, ArcGIS Server 9/10 Catalog/Map/IMS, JavaScript Web APIs, Online services.
  • Geo Server, Open Layers, Geo Web Cache, Post GIS, Shape files, Oracle Spatial, SLD.
  • Google Map API V2/3, OGC services WMS,WCS,WFS , formats KML, GML, Geo JSON

Design Patterns:

  • Singleton, Prototype, Factory, Composition, Aggregation, Structural, Behavioral, Builder etc.
  • Front Controller, DAO, Session Facade, Business Delegate, Architectural.

IDEs, Tools and Servers:

  • Eclipse, Net Beans, IBM RAD, SQL Developer, TOAD, Web Logic, Web Sphere, JBoss, OC4J, Tomcat 6/7, Jetty, Oracle 9/10, Mysql4/5, Postgre SQL, Post GIS, Open LDAP.
  • JUnit3/4, Maven, J-Probe, J-Meter, JIRA, SVN, CVS, Clear Case, Git hub, HPQC, Linux ES, UNIX, AJP Connectors, AW Stats, Selenium, HPQC.

Telecom Wire Less, Wire Line, NMS

  • Hands-on with the APIs like Net Expert, Web NMS , West-hawk SNMP, Open NMS.
  • Understanding of Telecom Protocols and Standards like TMN, ITU, ETSI, MAP, SS7 3GPP, LAPD, TCAP, BSSAP, SS7, MAP, SNMP, GSM, GPRS, CDMA, SS7, IMS, IN.
  • Real time experience in RF Planning, Network Planning, Network Deployment, Integration, Network Optimization. HLR Testing in Distributed Architecture, PGW, CNTDB, LDAP, Call Processing, Subscriber Administration


Software Engineer J2EE,



  • Designed Complete TCDMS application as pluggable modules that works on REST implementation. Main modules of the system are Core-TCD, P6Module, and CM-Module.
  • Core-TCD is built with Spring MVC REST implementation and extensively used design patterns like Builder, Composition and Aggregation to build the complex objects of Subdivision which holds various objects of Train Control Data Management System. This module integrates systems like EFMS, WIU, Signal CAD systems using schedulable jobs. Data is normalized and validated and generated CCLs custom xml to support generic PTC data model for various TCD features.
  • CM-Module mainly designed to perform and keep track of the changes implemented on PTC Track. Every Track change will be tracked though this module. This module internally uses P6-Module and inbuilt workflow system to escalate issues while implementation in all the phases of Track Profile changes.
  • P6-Module designed and implemented to integrate Project Management tool P6 functionality into TCD project. Oracle Primavera P6 is integrated through its web service API to create and modify Project, Activities, Activity Codes, Resources, EPS, and WBS along with Scheduling of the Project is implemented by considering the SLA of Project and Activities in addition to Re-Planning Release feature.
  • Core-TCD Module is designed as deployable module to any Web Application containers along with CM-Module and P6-Module as executable java archives.
  • Core-TCD performs all the request processing related HTTP and JSONs with the help of spring framework Jackson JSON library default converters.

UI and GIS Maps Design

  • UI is designed to run on static server which is de-coupled completely from the back end Java server and independently deployed on the Apache server.
  • UI is built with Angular-JS, JQuery frameworks and JQuery plug-ins like UI, GRIDs, validation, widgets, HTML5, CSS3.
  • UI built to interact with backend in AJAX way using JSON formats for request, responses.
  • GIS view is built with ESRI JavaScript Web API, JQuery and DOJO frameworks.
  • Base Maps are designed from ESRI online services. Base Track layer and infrastructures related layers are built with Restful services and loaded on the Map as Overlays.


  • JDK 1.6, Spring 3.2, xml beans, JBOSS EWS, STAX Parser, Angular-JS, JQuery, ESRI JS-API, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, MS Visio. Maven, SVN, Oracle P6, Eclipse 4.x, Oxygen, Jenkins, Star UML and Mockito Junit framework.

Sr. Programmer Analyst J2EE



J2SE, J2EE, Struts2, Hibernate, Spring, JQuery, Quartz Job Scheduler, Log4J, IBM RAD 7.5, Oracle 10g, Web Services, Web Sphere Application Server 6.1, Linux ES, SVN, SVN, Agile, OOAD, UML, TDD, Continuous Integration methodologies.

Technical Lead J2EE/ Grails,



  • Designed and implemented the complete system with Grails1.3.5, J2EE technologies with
  • Quartz, Web Services, SOAP-UI for the integration of the various GIS, Spatial Elements
  • Designed Xml-Blaster to work in publishes and subscribes mechanism.
  • JQuery JqGrid UI frameworks are used for Ajax functionalities in the UI.
  • Data Model is designed with PostgreSQL and GIS data is designed on PostGIS with spatial
  • Functions, Triggers, Procedures, PL/SQL SQL statements
  • Designed the rules, validations normalization for GIS data sets or fields in the application.
  • Linux servers are installed with Postgre/gis, JDK 1.6, Tomcat6, Apache, and AWSTATs.
  • Automated the logging and web statistics usage reports generation with AWSTATS with the
  • Help of Shell scripts and Cron Jobs across all machines in the deployment model.
  • Performed unit testing with JUnit, load testing using Apache JMETER.
  • Configured the apache and tomcat to forward the user requests to the application servers.

GIS/Map View Implementation:

  • Generated the shape files from ArcGIS 9.3 server to build back ground Maps like, Regions,
  • Queries and filters of Arc Catalog, Arc View tools
  • Counties, Communities, Parks, Highways, State Roads, Local Roads by using PL/SQL
  • Shape files are loaded in Geo Server data store and generated the WMS layers and Implemented SLDs with Open Geo standards for Line, Point, and Polygon Geometries using
  • Filters, CQL filters and rules. Configured Tile Cache server to cache the static WMS layers.
  • Map Styles are built using Geo-Styler plug-in with the Geo Server.

Project Leader J2EE,



  • Responsible for requirements analysis from the existing Desktop application built with ESRI
  • Mapping tool Arc Map and converting to the requirements which fits into Web Application.
  • Responsible for project delivery which is built from the scratch including Architecture design, UML modeling, development, testing and deployment of the application.
  • Configured and Enabled the Spatial features under MDSYS user by running the admin scripts
  • Designed and Implemented different modules with JSF and AJAX4JSF, spring and
  • Hibernate frame work to deploy on to the Tomcat 6.0 server by following MVC II Architecture.
  • Designed and implemented the interfaces using Ajax auto complete functionalities for various
  • Spatial features like Metadata and Index creations, building and running spatial queries with
  • Dynamic Segmentation, Reverse Dynamic Segmentation are implemented for LRS.
  • Conversion of Geometries, Identification of NULL Geometries, Listing the Geometrical
  • Properties based on the selection of geometry features, assigning the spatial feature to
  • Different vendors and applications are implemented using Oracle database SDO operations.
  • Integrated all geometry features with the OC4J server so that user can view the geometries on the
  • geometry features within the application.
  • Map. Map Builder and Map Viewer are used from OC4J to configure the Map to view various
  • Integrated Spatial Component Admin Tool with Digital video logger to view the Geometry features in
  • the Google Map API for the project tracking purposes.
  • Extensively used OC4J, Map Builder, and Map Viewer to design and generate maps within the
  • application. Images data for the segments is stored in the form xml files and Oracle.
  • The highway images and mile points data is integrated with Google map API with Google street map view to have the compatibility with current geographical data.
  • Used JIRA portal to maintain source and track the activities of the team members.

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