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Full Stack Java Developer Resume

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  • Having 6 plus years of IT experience in Software Development Life - Cycle (SDLC) phases of design, development, implementation, deployment, testing and maintenance as per quality standards using Agile and Waterfall methodologies.
  • Good Experience in Application Software Development and Design, Object Oriented Design and Analysis (OOAD), Software Testing and Debugging.
  • Having experience in preparing the FRDs (Functional Requirements Document) and TRDs (Technical Requirements Document).
  • Expertise in application development using JAVA, J2EE, JDBC, Struts, IBM WCS, JSP, Servlets, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, HTML5, CSS, Java beans, EJB, Hibernate, JSTL, JNDI, and XML.
  • Excellent implementation knowledge of JDK1.6/1.7/1.8, SpringBoot, Web Services.
  • Experience in RDBMS using MySQL, DB2, Oracle.
  • Good knowledge ofJavaScriptframework AngularJS, Reactjs, NodeJs, Vue JSand JQuery library.
  • Experience in NOSQL databases like MongoDB.
  • Involved in configuring, deploying applications on Apache Tomcat.
  • Extensive experience in design, development, and implementation of Model-View-Controller (MVC).
  • Experience in Database Design, writing stored procedure, DDL & DML SQL queries.
  • Developed the code for front end using JavaScript, AJAX, HTML, CSS.
  • Extensive experience with Java/J2EE Design Patterns like Factory, Singleton, Prototype, Facade, IOC, Data Access Objects, MVC, DAO, DTO.
  • Good experience on working with Amazon Web Services like EC2, S3, Amazon RDS, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, AWS Identity and access management, AWS Cloud Watch and Java APIfor Amazon Lambda
  • Configure continuous delivery pipelines for deploying Micro Services using Jenkins CI server.
  • Robust design and development experience in J2EE including JSP, Servlets, JDBC, JNDI and JMS.
  • Strong Experience in RDBMS using PL/SQL to write Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Prepared Statements.
  • Experience in using Remedy and ServiceNow tools for tracking/assigning the issues and resolving them.
  • UsedApache Camelas Integration Framework for messaging/routing.
  • Experience in creating build scripts using Maven.
  • Hands on experience of Build & Deployment phases and usage of Continuous Integration (CI/CD) tools.
  • Strong TDD (test driven development) and continuous integration experience using JUnit, Mock Framework.
  • Experience in ExecutorService framework using newFixedThreadPool method to create a Thread pool for executing tasks in parallel (Multithreading).
  • Proficient in developing UML diagrams using Rational Rose and Visual Paradigm.
  • Strong Experience with version control tools such as Bitbucket.
  • Experience in maintaining the code quality using SonarQube.
  • Managed messaging services likeKafka and RabbitMQ.
  • Worked in container based technologies likeDocker,KubernetesandOpenshift
  • Experienced in remodeling and improving the performance of the applications.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills & relationship management skills, problem solving skills, enthusiastic & self-driven, with a high degree of commitment, open to work with new technologies in a dynamic, fast - paced and deadline driven environment.


Languages: Java (JDK 6/7/8), UNIX Shell Scripting

Project Methodologies: OOAD, UML, SDLC, Waterfall, RUP and Agile

Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Unix, Linux (Fedora/Ubuntu)

Web Technologies: HTML5, Bootstrap, Angular, DHTML, JavaScript, AJAX, XML, XSLT, CSS, JSON

J2EE Technologies: JMS, JSP, JDBC, XSD, JAXB

Web/Application Servers: Apache Tomcat, Web Sphere Application Server, Web Logic Application Server

Databases: Oracle, MySQL, DB2, Mongo, Dynamo DB

Frameworks: Spring (Boot, Dependency Injection, Batch, Spring with MVC), Log4J, Apache Camel

Web Services: RESTful

IDEs: STS, Eclipse, IntelliJ

Design Tools: Rational Rose, Visual Paradigm

Testing Tools: JUnit 3.8, Mock Framework

Build Scripts: Maven

Version Controllers: GIT, SVN


Confidential - MA

Full Stack Java Developer


  • Prepared FRD's (Functional Requirements Document), and TRDs (Technical Requirements Document).
  • Prepared Design documents for the execution flow between UI, API to DB team.
  • Followed Scrum (Agile) methodology with 3 weeks sprint in developing the application.
  • Built Single Page enterprise scale highly componentized application using CSS3, Angular 5 and Bootstrap.
  • Experience in developing Microservices using Spring Boot.
  • Spring Controllers were used with AngularJS to route the control to desired Java services.
  • Responsible for creating and maintaining architecture for Restful API using Spring Boot.
  • Good experience on working with Amazon Web Services like EC2, S3, Amazon RDS, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, AWS Identity and access management, AWS Cloud Watch.
  • Implemented Design Patterns like MVC, DAO, DTO, Business Delegate, Factory, Singleton, Prototype and Facade.
  • Create multiple Kubernetes Clusters in AWS and deploying a Docker Image on top of Kubernetes Cluster for testing purpose.
  • Used ExecutorService framework using newFixedThreadPool method to create a Thread pool for executing tasks in parallel (Multithreading).
  • Created custom Plug-ins, templates, and functions for AngularJS application.
  • Developed JSP’s with STRUTS custom tags and implemented JavaScript validation of data.
  • UsedApache Camelas Integration Framework for messaging/routing.
  • Used Jenkins for integration and build the projects.
  • Developed persistence layer Data access objects usingDAO pattern, JDBC, Hibernate,JPA ORM mapping tool.
  • Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins for continuous inspection of code quality.
  • Used Mongo DB to store the actual data to be processed by scheduler.
  • Used Oracle DB to store the patients biographic and treatment data.
  • Used Tomcat 8.5.31 as server for local development and for deploying the application in lower regions.
  • Involved in AngularJS end-to-end testing using Protractor and unit testing using karma.
  • Implemented Log4j framework for logging messages at various levels.
  • Developed and Executed test cases using JUnit Framework in Spring Tool Suite IDE.
  • Used SVN and BitBucket as version control to check-in and checkout the code and change management.
  • Used JIRA to track/update the daily tasks and production issues.
  • Used ServiceNow to create change requests for deployments and also used to track incidents.

Environment: Java 1.8, Spring Tool Suite (STS), Apache Camel, Apache Kafka, Embedded Tomcat 8.5.31, Oracle DB, Mongo DB, JPA, Bitbucket, Spring Boot, RESTful Web Service, Kubernetes, Javascript, AWS, Microservices, Jenkins, SonarQube, ServiceNow, JIRA, JUnit, Log4j.

Confidential, MA

Sr. Java Developer


  • Prepared FRD's (Functional Requirements Document), and TRDs (Technical Requirements Document).
  • Prepared Design documents for the execution flow between UI, API to DB team.
  • Followed Scrum (Agile) methodology with 3 weeks sprint in developing the application.
  • Developed Single Page Application (SPAs) using Twitter Bootstrap 3 and Angular 2 for User Interface for calling different REST endpoint URLs.
  • Used Spring IOC & Spring AOP for dependency injection and logging respectively.
  • Developed Microservices with Spring Bootand Spring Batch along with the test cases.
  • Used React JS for improving the performance of the app by using the Reusability concept.
  • Involved in writingJava APIfor Amazon Lambda to manage some of theAWSservices.
  • Used Amazon Cloud Watch to be monitoring the applications that run on the AWS.
  • Implemented SOAP based web service for sending the data XML constructed using JAXWS.
  • Implemented RESTful web services to send the Request Parameters and get the Response parameters in JSON format.
  • Rendered the XML to display the output onto the UI.
  • Implemented Design Patterns like MVC, DAO and DTO, Business Delegate, Factory, Singleton, Prototype, Facade.
  • Used ExecutorService framework using newFixedThreadPool method to create a Thread pool for executing tasks in parallel (Multithreading).
  • Used JavaScript for the web page validation and Struts Validator for server-side validation of data.
  • Integrated Maven into the Eclipse for building the application in local.
  • Used Jenkins for integration and build the projects. Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins for continuous inspection of code quality.
  • Used React JS for templating for faster compilation and developing reusable components.
  • Integrated Veracode into Jenkins to find the vulnerabilities during the development and deployments.
  • Used DB2 database to store the actual data of the user operation.
  • Used Oracle database to store the user parameter selection.
  • Installed and Configured Postgre SQL from source or packages on Linux machines.
  • Making changes to the existing web applications and creating new components using React JS.
  • Used Tomcat as server for local development and for deploying the application in lower regions.
  • Used Web Sphere as server for deploying the application in Production.
  • Involved in developing web page using ReactJS, Redux andNodeJS.
  • Implemented Log4j framework for logging messages at various levels.
  • Developed and Executed test cases using JUnit Framework in Eclipse IDE.
  • Parallelly supported production to resolve the issues in timeline based on the priority of the issue.
  • Used SVN as version control to check-in and checkout the code and change management.
  • Implemented client-side Interface using React JS.
  • Used TortoiseSVN for managing the different versions of the source code and for merging the code and comparing the files before check-in the code.

Environment: Java 1.8, JSP, Bootstrap 3, Angular 2, Eclipse Neon, Scrum Methodology, Tomcat 8.0.44, DB2, Oracle, Web Sphere 8.5, SVN, TortoiseSVN 1.7.9, Spring 4.0, Spring AOP, JPA, Spring Boot, Microservices, RESTful, SOAP Web Service, Kubernetes, XML, Linux, Jenkins, SonarQube, Maven 3.0.5, SQL Developer, JUnit, Log4j.


Java Developer


  • Participated in Agile Scrum methodology for application development. Analysis, design, coding, unit, and integration testing of business applications in an object-oriented environment.
  • Developed mock-up screens in the prototype to demo the application screens to business users using HTML, AngularJS, Bootstrap.
  • Used Angular-JS, AJAX for asynchronous validations for the input fields of the forms with the data existed in the database.
  • Created single page applications with nested and multiple views using AngularUI-router, custom directives for reusable components used across the application.
  • Extensively used Core Java collections, Generics, Exception handling, Design patterns for functionality, such as portfolio summary and user information also developed Services, Business Delegate, POJO, Controller and Dao.
  • Experience using Microservices to build flexible, independently deployable software systems.
  • Extensively Implemented Spring boot, dependency Injection (DI) and aspect-oriented programming (AOP) features along with hibernate.
  • Working with Bootstrap Components, which are written in AngularJS using Angular-UI components.
  • Used JMS (Java Mailing Service) API to mail notifications upon the success or failure when the backend processes are completed and to send mail notifications regarding any system related problems.
  • Configured Spring declarative transaction manager and implemented transaction management in DAO layer.
  • Used JSON for data exchange between application modules along with XML and WS-Security for autanticating the REST messages along with encryption and decryption.
  • Created Multiple Views as well as Nested Views with the halp ofAngularJSUI-view & UI-sref.
  • Focused on Test Driven Development (TDD) thereby creating detailed JUnit tests for every single piece of functionality before writing the actual functionality.
  • Involved in configuring builds using Jenkins with Git configured and used Jenkins to deploy the applications onto Dev, QA, UAT environments.
  • Worked on Atlassian products such as Git for Version control, Source tree, Jira for project tracking, Confluence for project Wiki.

Environment: HTML5, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, AngularJS, Bootstrap, SpringBoot, Maven, Spring Boot, Servlets, JSP, REST& SOAP webservices, JIRA, Eclipse, Bitbucket.


Java Developer


  • Prepared FRD's (Functional Requirements Document), and TRDs (Technical Requirements Document).
  • Prepared Design documents for the execution flow between UI, API to DB team.
  • Followed Scrum (Agile) methodology with 3 weeks sprint in developing the application.
  • Responsible for creating and maintaining architecture for Restful API using Spring Boot.
  • Implemented Design Patterns like MVC, DAO, DTO, Factory, Singleton, Prototype.
  • Implemented Angular JS Controllers to maintain each view data. Implemented Angular Service calls using Angular Factory.
  • Used ExecutorService framework using newFixedThreadPool method to create a Thread pool for executing tasks in parallel (Multithreading).
  • Used Jenkins for integration and build the projects.
  • Testing all application controllers extensively with Angular JS's built-in testing facilities.
  • Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins for continuous inspection of code quality.
  • Used Oracle DB to store the network notifications data.
  • Used Tomcat 8.5.31 as server for local development and for deploying the application in lower regions.
  • Used Apache Camel as Integration Framework for messaging/routing.
  • Implemented Log4j framework for logging messages at various levels.
  • Developed and executed test cases using JUnit Framework in Eclipse IDE.
  • Used BitBucket as version control to check-in and checkout the code and change management.
  • Used JIRA to track/update the daily tasks and production issues.

Environment: Java 1.8, Spring Tool Suite (STS), Apache Camel, Embedded Tomcat 8.5.31, Oracle, Web Sphere 8.5, Bitbucket, Spring Boot, RESTful Web Service, Jenkins, SonarQube, JIRA, JUnit, Log4j.

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