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Senior Java Backend Developer Resume

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Plano, TX


  • Over 8+ years of IT Experience in Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Deployment and Implementation of Multi - Tier distributed applications in technologies like Core Java, Java Beans, J2EE (JSP, Servlets), Springs, Hibernate, JDBC, XML, Web Services and Design Patterns.
  • Strong understanding & expertise in web technologies like HTML, HTML5, DHTML, JavaScript, AJAX.
  • Good understanding and experience in Functional and Reactive Programming.
  • Excellent Knowledge on Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD).
  • Expertise in designing responsive UI.
  • Installed and configured multi-node Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark cluster for data store and data processing. Importing structured data into HDFS using Sqoop.
  • Created JUnit tests to automate unit testing at build time for business-critical applications.
  • Hands on Experience with Spring framework like Spring IOC and Spring DAO and Spring Boot.
  • Comprehensive knowledge in Core Java.
  • Expertise in using Integrated Development Environments like NetBeans, Eclipse, My Eclipse, RAD.
  • Proficient in Web Services, UDDI, SOAP, REST, SOA, and XSD’s.
  • Experience working with RDBM using PL/SQL, DB2 and Sybase.
  • Excellent analytical, troubleshooting and time-management skills.
  • Good Working Knowledge in front end technology like HTML5, JavaScript, Ajax, Groovy, CSS. Exposure to ExtJs.
  • Strong Expertise on Presentation, Web Front End, Business Logic tiers, Middleware & Backend Database tier of the system.
  • Good knowledge in using middle ware architecture like JMZ.
  • Implemented Korn Shell Scripts to work on flat files.
  • Strong knowledge of XML, DTD, SCHEMA, implemented Log4j for logging.
  • Strong experience in technologies such as JSP Servlets, Struts, spring Batch (IOC & AOP), Hibernate, EJBs, MDBs, Session Beans, JDBC and JNDI.
  • Strong Expertise in developing applications using Core Java, Servlets, JSP, J2EE, JMS, Spring, Hibernate, Oc4j, JDK, Multi-Threading, JNDI, Maven, JDBC 2.0, ANT, HTML, XML, SVN, JavaScript, JQuery.
  • Deployed applications on Azure by using AppDynamics.
  • Designed and developed custom mongo DB applications specific to client need.
  • Experience working with NoSQLdatabases like MongoDB and Cassandra.
  • Implemented Cloud technologies like Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Extensively used Agile/Scrum and waterfall development methodologies.
  • Hands-on experience on using Java Mail APIs to send e-mails.
  • Hands on experience in using Linux, UNIX and Suse Linux.
  • Used n - tier, 3 - tier and Distributed Computing Architecture.
  • Worked on creating various types of indexes on different collections to get good performance in mongo DB
  • Cloud Front, Cloud Formation, IAM, S3, Amazon RDS, Elastic Cache, SNS, SQS.
  • Design and development of web-based applications using different Web and application servers such as Apache Tomcat, WebSphere 6.1, JBoss 7 and WebLogic 8.0.
  • Experience on different OS like UNIX, Linux, and Windows operating systems.
  • Knowledge on Unix Shell Scripting like Perl scripting and korn scripting.
  • Capable of Designing strong front-end using AngularJS, NodeJS, ReactJS.
  • Expertise inReact JSframework to develop theSPA.
  • Extensively used selenium testing to enhance the automation of the unit testing
  • Used Selenium for automation and recording JUnit test cases and supported POS application.
  • Experienced inReact JSand working withReact Flux architecture.
  • Experienced in working withRedux architectureusing complex Object-Oriented concepts in improving the performance of the websites.
  • Expertise in web-based GUIs development using Applets, Swings, JSP, HTML, DHTML, CSS.
  • Experience in working with IDEs like Eclipse, My Eclipse, and Net Beans.


Web Technologies: Core Java, J2EE (JSP, Servlets), HTML, HTML5, CSS, Hibernate, MDBs, Session Beans, JavaScript, AJAX, DOJO, ExtJs, Java Mail, SAX, DOM, XML, DTD, SCHEMA, Angular JS, ReactJS, Servlets, JSP, Struts, Spring (IOC and AOP), Agile, Cloud, Oracle, JSF

Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, UML, HTML, SQL, PL/SQL, Java Enterprise Edition

Web Services: SOAP, WSDL, REST, JAX-RPC, JAXB, JAX-WS, Apache Axis

Distributed/ Middleware: JMS (Java Messaging Service via Messaging Service)

Design tools: Ration Rational Rose, Visio.

Databases: MySQL, SQL Server, Mongo DB, Oracle, DB2, Informix.

Software tools: NetBeans, Eclipse, MyEclipse, RAD, SQL, TOAD, UML, SQL developer, Subversion, Clear case, JUnit.

Application/Web Server: Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, Jboss7, Websphere8

Operating Systems: UNIX, Suse Linux, Windows, macOS


Design Patterns and Other tools: MVC, ANT, Front Controller, Service Locator, Business Delegate, Transfer Object, Factory Pattern, Singleton, DAO Pattern


Confidential, Plano, TX

Senior Java Backend Developer


  • Involvement in the Product Life Cycle from Gathering Requirements, Developing, testing and successful deployment of the application.
  • Involve in Agile methodology process and participates in daily stand-up meetings, tracks task status in Jira, and maintains project and product documentation in Confluence
  • Monitoring production programs for expected performance, including monitoring application and responds to errors and emergency problems and resolves related issues
  • Re-designed, re-architected and built the existing application using Java 11, Spring Boot, Spring Reactive Stack (WebFlux), GCP and Maven.
  • Implemented Caching to different layers of the application using Reactive Redis to improve performance and reduce latency.
  • Responsible for development and maintenance of application software working with established processes using Eclipse IDE, tomcat and WebLogic Server tools.
  • Implementation and administration of containers using dockers, AWS, cloud foundry, Kubernetes. Puppet, Chef and Ansible for automation.
  • Worked on UI for Layered Security and S&L modules and hands on experience with Spark streaming to receive real time data using Kafka.
  • Experience with distributed systems software such asZookeeper, Cassandra, etc. and protocols such asgRPC.
  • Developed CI/CD system with Jenkins on Kubernetes environment, utilized Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment for the CI/CD system to build, Test and Deploy.
  • Used spring framework REST features and JDBC module to persist the data to the database.
  • Migrated existing on-premise infrastructure into cloud using Azure and its associated Services.
  • Responsible for designing, coding, testing, implementing, maintaining and supporting application software that is delivered on time and within budget.
  • Writing various High-Level Technical design document and Low-Level Technical design documents.
  • Writing complex PLSQL stored procedures in Oracle.
  • Used MAVEN as build tool.
  • Designed and developed the Rest based Micro Services using the Spring Boot.
  • Experience in cloud provisioning tools such asTerraformandCloudFormation.
  • Involved in build and deployment of micro services with Jenkins.
  • Build micro services for the delivery of software products across the enterprise.
  • Involved in creating various UML diagrams based on requirement documents
  • Provides RESTful API Services guided by best practices found in the Richardson Maturity Model.
  • Performs functionality testing of application using JUnit test cases.
  • Implemented solutions using Hadoop, Apache Spark, Spark Streaming, Spark SQL, HBase and Scala.
  • Use of tools such asPMD, find bugs, Jenkins, Sonarto ensure the continuous integration in the project.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring, Struts, Hibernate, JSP, JDBC, Servlets, WebLogic, Tomcat, Java Script, XML, CSS, HTML, JUnit, AJAX, JQuery, MY SQL Server, WinSCP, Putty, beyond compare, DB Visualizer, Windows, Unix.

Confidential, San Jose, CA

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in the gathering requirements from Business users and Business Analyst.
  • Developed Server-side components by using EJB and web components using JSP, Servlets, J2EE Environment.
  • Extensively used JQuery for frontend components to interact with JavaScript functions which adds dynamism to webpages at client side.
  • Implemented Spring MVC, AOP, IOC to develop intranet web application.
  • Used LDAP as an active directory.
  • Designed Strong front end using EXTJS.
  • Developed components forE-banking module (MVC, N-tier Architecture,JAVA/J2EE).
  • Designed, implemented and tested the Spring4.x Domain Model for services using Core Java.
  • Tested the functionality of the application using JUnit Struts Test Cases.
  • Designed custom filters to intercept all the requests.
  • Developed MongoDB data schema for core areas of the system.
  • Implemented Java and EJB in Mainframe DB2 environment.
  • Rearchitected spring application which used Java Swing for the GUI and ActiveMQ for distributed messaging.
  • Implemented ESB architecture to provide communication between the different applications.
  • Used SOAP Xml web services to transfer the amount to transfer application.
  • Designed a prototype which includes full functionality by using JavaScript, JQuery, backbone.js, node.js and boot strap connecting to restful server on different domain.
  • Worked for inter portlet communication regarding JSR - 286portlet complaints in Liferay Portal.
  • Implemented controller and the model part of E-banking components by developing Forms Groups and E-Banking Custom/Extension Value objects.
  • Designed framework using BIRT Runtime, Java, MySQL, iText and web server technologies.
  • Developed static and dynamic Web Pages using Servlets, JSP, HTML, HTML5 and CSS.
  • Implemented multi-threading in applications using Java Executor Framework.
  • Worked on optimizing quires using TOAD for database query testing.
  • Used CVS and GIT in configuration management.
  • Provided multimedia support in design and development
  • Provided RESTful API Services guided by best practices found in the Richardson Maturity Model.
  • Designed and developed the input/output data formats in XSD for the WSDL files and accordingly implementing services using Apache AXIS2.
  • Designed and developed required WSDL and XSD for the services.
  • Implemented fundamental java projects using Net Beans and Eclipse3.5 IDE.
  • Used JavaScript, XML Spy for validating the WSDL and XSD's.
  • Worked as the Reference Data Manager for the project to facilitate the test data management in Sybase tables during the various test phases.
  • Handled trade analysis for theselectionof enterprise services on cloud-based infrastructure as a service solution.
  • Designed Java Server Pages (JSP), Tiles, Ajax and Java Script for presentation layer.
  • Developed and implemented automated testing and strategies.
  • Achieved Functional and Regression Testing, both via script recording and VB scripting
  • Used Hibernate for loading and storing objects.
  • Built spring-based java and scala micro services to support enterprise web application.
  • Refactored the monolithic code in micro services projects.
  • Deployed the application in JBOSS 7 Application Server.
  • Designed new cross-browser accessible interfaces using JQuery and JavaScript
  • Achieved source code maintenance using Visual Source Safe (VSS).
  • Work with clients on their day-to-day interactions with CVS Caremark.
  • Used portal development based on the Java Specification Requirements (JSR).
  • Using Liferay portal open source developed Layout & image portlets.
  • Deployed complex systems on client site that includes EMC Documentum & IBM FileNet.
  • Maintained security rich data transport throughout the messaging cycle using WebSphere MQ/TM.
  • Expertise inMavenfor build,Jenkins and SonarQubecontinuous integration.
  • Performed the tasks of video editing, interface designing, audio editing and recording.
  • Automate Datadog Dashboards with the stack through Terraform Scripts.
  • Write terraform scripts for Cloud watch Alerts.
  • Designing and developing components and coupling them as web services to the product using SOAP with Apache CXF implementation.
  • Designed new features using STRUTS MVC and resolved Jira bugs and request.
  • Developed Strong front end using Swing.
  • Responsible for creating and maintaining the regular expressions used by the URL rewriting engine of Ovi Share that enabled RESTful API URLs for the website and its web services.
  • Worked on responsive design and developed a singleISOMORPHICresponsive website that could be served todesktop,Tabletsandmobileusers usingReact.js.
  • Maintained states in the stores and dispatched the actions usingredux.

Environment: Java 1.6, Struts 1.3, Spring 3.0, SOAP, REST, SOAP UI, JBOSS 7 Application Server, IBM® WebSphere (TM) 7.0, Eclipse, Adobe CQ, Oracle 10g, Hibernate 3.0, JDBC Template, JSP, JSTL, Servlets, JavaScript, Angular JS, ReactJS Design Patterns, GWT, Grails, JQuery, AJAX, HTML5, CSS 3.0, Maven, ANT, Jenkins, XML, PL/SQL, JDBC, UML, JNDI, JUnit, JAXB, SVN, web services (JAX-RS), Log4J, Agile Methodology.

Confidential, Fort Worth, TX

Sr. Java Developer


  • Responsible for all stages of design, development, and deployment of applications.Developed several UML diagrams; Activity diagrams, Sequence and Object diagrams using Microsoft Visio
  • Designed GUI of the application using JSP, HTML, Java Script for validations, CSS and AJAX.
  • Developed using new features ofJava1.7 Annotations, Generics, enhanced for loop and Enum. Used spring and hibernate for implementing IOC, AOP and ORM for back-end tiers.
  • Used Hibernate extensively for developing many applications. Written POJO classes and provided mapping using xml for java to relational database.
  • Worked in Agile Development which includes SCRUM process, Sprint, Daily Stand up meetings.
  • Developed interactive screens based on HTML, CSS, ANGULAR JS and JQUERY to dynamically generate HTML and display the data to the client side.
  • Researching JavaScript based frameworks likeReact Native and Ionic/Cordovafor frontend.
  • Worked onReact JS Virtual DomandReact views, rendering using components which contains additional components called customHTML tags.
  • Implemented various screens for the front end usingReact.jsand used various predefinedcomponentsfromNPM (Node Package Manager)andredux library.
  • Worked in usingReact JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations,andFlux concept.
  • Responsible forReactUIandarchitecture.Buildingcomponentslibrary,includingTree,Slide-View,and Table Grid.
  • Called Rest web services through Angular JS services to get JSON Object and modified the response object to display in UI.
  • Used Angular JS filters for filter functionality in search box and Iterator functionalities.
  • Created and modified the CSS classes to change the look and feel of the screens.
  • Used JQUERY selectors to show and hide content on the screens.
  • Used Spring Security for authentication and authorization extensively.
  • Designed and developed Application based on Spring MVC Framework using MVC design pattern.
  • Used Ajax for sending and retrieving data from server by giving URL to get JSON data for models and to populate models from the server.
  • Responsible in all phases of development which includes design, development and testing of the application.
  • Used Junit to write repeatable tests mainly for unit testing.
  • Used DAO pattern to fetch data from database using Hibernate to carry out various database.
  • Used Hibernate Transaction Management, Hibernate Batch Transactions, and cache concepts.
  • Used Abstract Factory design pattern in development which helps for encapsulation of the concrete classes.
  • Participated in using Web service in support of the product.
  • Developed web services in Java and Experienced with SOAP, WSDL for exchanging data between portal and other modules.
  • Implemented Struts Framework which is based MVC design pattern in the application.
  • Used MAVEN as build tool.
  • Used Spring Batch for scheduling and maintenance of batch jobs.
  • Used EHCache as the caching framework along with Hibernate.
  • Generated Entity classes and schema using them
  • Used SVN as source control.
  • Used XML to transfer the application data between client and server.
  • XSLT style sheets for the XML data transformations.
  • Used LogBack extensively for logging Errors to regular Debug and Exception statements.
  • Used MAVEN as build tool.
  • Involved in complete development of ‘Agile Development Methodology’ and tested the application in each iteration.
  • Wrote complex SQL and HQL queries to retrieve data from the Oracle database.
  • Involved E2E Development by integrating Front End and Backend by Debugging.
  • Involved in fixing System testing issues and UAT issues.

Environment: Java 1.7, J2EE, JSP, Spring 4.0, JDBC 3.0, Spring Security, SOAP Web Services, XML, JNDI, REST Web Services, Hibernate 4.0, EhCache, JMS, LogBack, Oracle, Spring MVC, Tomcat v6.0, Eclipse, Oracle 11g, SQL developer, HTML 5, CSS 3, Spring batch, Maven, Jenkins, Junit 4.0, JavaScript 1.2, JQUERY, XML/XSLT, SAX, DOM.


Software Developer


  • Played a key role in developing Use Case, Sequence and Class diagrams during design phase using Rational Rose.
  • Created JSP pages for displaying account information, Loan applications, Loan fulfilments etc.
  • Implemented several JavaScript validations for the JSP pages.
  • Implemented several Custom Tags for JSP pages.
  • Used Composite JSP pages using Struts tiles framework. This involved creating page template
  • Played a key role in the design and development of application using J2EE technologies.
  • Developed server components using EJB’s. As part of it, implemented Stateless session beans.
  • Implemented Message Driven beans (MDB’s) for processing to messages coming from a mainframe system.
  • Used DOM and SAX parsers with JAXP API.
  • Developed SOAP web services from the scratch and consumed partner's web services.
  • Designed Controllers for the application.
  • Tested applications in different prospective during unit test cases.
  • Used hibernate to deal with large databases the organization has.
  • The development model was semi-agile.
  • Actively participated in production support.
  • Implementing JUnit test cases to test Java classes.
  • Utilized Rational Clear case for version control of the application. This involved creating development streams and defect streams.
  • Utilized WSAD for developing the application.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Struts 1.1, EJB 2.1, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, XSLT, SQL Server 2005, XML, WSAD 5.0, WebSphere 5.X, Rational Clear case and JUnit.

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