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Gui Developer Resume

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Piscataway, NJ


  • Oracle Certified Java Programmer & Web Component Developer having more TEMPthan 5 years professional experience in software design, development and testing of Java/J2EE applications wif strong Object Oriented Programming skills.
  • Expertise in Core Java concepts such as OOP Concepts, Collections Framework, Exception Handling, me/O System, Multi - Threading, JDBC, Reflection, Generics and other new features in Java 7.
  • Deep understanding of Object Oriented Design. Proficient in Java Design Patterns: Singleton, Factory, Abstract Factory, Facade, Observer, Adapter etc., JavaScript Design Patterns: MVP, Asynchronous Module Definition and also in J2EE patterns such as MVC, DAO, POJO, Business Delegate etc.
  • Expertise in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of Business applications in web and client-server environment using Java, JavaScript and J2EE patterns, together wif JSP, Servlet, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, REST, JDBC3.0/4.1, Java Mail, Log4j, AJAX, XML, XSL, XSLT 2.0, Web Services etc.
  • Expertise in using front-end and data transfer techniques such as HTML/HTML5, DHTML, JavaScript, JavaScript Core Framework, JQuery, jQuery UI, Ext-JS 4.0, PHP, DOM, AJAX, XML, JAXB, CSS3, LESS etc.
  • Proficient in writing efficient SQL, PL/SQL and stored procedures on various database servers such as Oracle 10g, MySQL 5.5, SQL Server 2008 and PostgreSQL 9.*.
  • Extensive experience in using various frameworks including Struts2 MVC, Spring3 MVC, Hibernate3, etc. Strong experience in their configuration, integration and implementation.
  • Experience in web development based on WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack for back-end implementation.
  • Experience in JPA2.0, EJB3.0 and Java API for Web Services (JAX-WS, SOAP and JAX-RS).
  • Experience in major web servers, including Apache Tomcat 6.0/7.0, Glassfish 3 and Jboss 6.1.0.
  • Experience in using assistant tools in software development such as JUnit 4.*.
  • Experience in cloud computing technology like Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud).
  • Experience in Agile Software Development, Test Driven Development (TDD) and Extreme Programming (XP) to provide high quality solutions.
  • Experience in Unit testing, Integration testing and System testing.
  • Excellent teamwork, analytical, problem solving and communication skills.
  • Ability to interact wif clients and business users, a good Team Player and Quick Learner.


Programming Languages\Framework Tools\: Java 7, C++, SQL, HTML/HTML5, \Struts 2.0, Spring 3.0, Hibernate 3\DHTML, PHP5, JavaScript \

J2EE Technologies\Databases\: JSP, Servlet, JavaMail, JDBC3.0/4.1, \Oracle 10g, MySQL 5.5, SQL Server 2008, \JMS, JNDI, Log4j, EJB3.0, Web Services\PostgreSQL 9.*\

IDEs & Tools\Operation Systems\: Eclipse, MyEclipse, Microsoft Visio 2013, \Linux, Unix, Windows XP/7, Mac OS\WAMP, WebStorm 7.0, Ymer UI SDK\

Web Technologies\Testing/Control Tools\: HTML5, jQuery, Ext-JS 4.0, jQuery UI, \JUnit4.*, Maven, CVS, SVN, TeamForge, \GWT, AJAX, XML, CSS3, LESS, DOM, \Git, Jenkins, Mingle \XSL, XSLT 2.0, SOAP, LDAP, JAX-WS, \JAX-RS\

Servers\: Apache Tomcat 6.0/7.0, JBoss 7.2.0, \Glassfish 3\


Confidential, Piscataway, NJ

GUI Developer


  • Participated in different phases of teh Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) from collecting application requirements, confirming teh design decisions wif System Engineer regarding data, process, interface, reviewing teh code of other developers.
  • Used Agile methodology, participated in Scrum meetings, and used Mingle for project management.
  • Created reusable UI widget components using teh JavaScript Core Framework, such as Popup Date Picker widget, Tree widget.
  • Improved teh “Look and Feel” feature of widgets by applying LESS through teh use of teh styles plugin.
  • Used AJAX for network communication to form any type of HTTP request such as GET or POST to access different type of resources such as XML or JSON.
  • Improved partial functions of several client applications, for instance, populating teh alarm table, clearing alarms, filtering alarms for Active Alarm screen, and populating teh managed object tree, configuration wizard for Configuration Management Screen using User Interface (UI) Software Development Kit (SDK) provided by YMER from Confidential Ireland.
  • Developed all functionalities of Performance Management screen including auto refreshing page, manual refreshing page, sending requests to back end API to fetch teh data, creating regions and using EventBus mechanism to facilitate event based communication between regions and wif teh application, navigating to a specific counter wifin teh page, creating an internal widget for each counter to achieve reusability, implementing Line Chart to display value trend for each counter to monitor teh performance of teh system.
  • Worked on back end REST API for Configuration Management screen, including functions like retrieving configuration managed objects list and corresponding configurable attributes for each managed object, modifying attributes and adding/deleting managed object.
  • Implemented internationalization (i18n) for Popup Date Picker widget and Performance Management screen.
  • Wrote sample JSON data to test functionalities of front end web application.
  • Developed Test Cases and performed Unit test.
  • Used Git for version control for implementing teh application.
  • Used Maven to build code and Jenkins to monitor execution of building a project.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JavaScript, JavaScript Core Framework, AJAX, DOM, XML, JSON, REST, JBOSS 7.2.0, Linux, Maven, Jenkins, Git, TeamForge (eForge), Ymer UI SDK, WebStorm 7.0, Eclipse Kepler, FileZilla, putty

Confidential, New York, NY

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Responsible for different phases of teh Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) from collecting business specifications, user requirements, confirming teh design decisions regarding data, process, interface, reviewing teh code and documenting teh entire life cycle.
  • Designed front end of teh project using HTML5, JSP, JavaScript and JQuery to improve visual effects on teh dynamic web pages. Various features of DHTML were applied to enhance teh UI, such as CSS3.
  • Used Ajax for asynchronous request handling and partial refreshing.
  • Used external Java library JAXB for data binding in XML format.
  • Implemented basic Pie Chart and Bar Chart using Ext-JS 4.0 to display user’s transaction history and portfolio information.
  • Implemented teh middle tier using Spring3 framework, including Spring IoC, AOP, Spring Caching features and integration wif Struts 2.
  • Involved in teh development of controllers to handle various front end requests such as price analysis, buying/selling transaction of stocks, balance query, etc.
  • Involved in teh development of project back-end logic layer by using most of teh core java features such as Collection API, Interfaces, Multi-Threading and Exception Handling programming.
  • Implemented Web Services using JAX-WS.
  • Implemented Spring Batch Processing using Java me/O System to write client transaction data to CSV files or read data from CSV files to database.
  • Worked on server side using Java, J2EE, XML and Hibernate framework.
  • Designed teh database schema and configured Hibernate ORM files to map Java classes to database tables.
  • Created efficient SQL/HQL query for querying, updating, modifying and saving model objects to teh Oracle database.
  • Developed DAO package for database accessing and data retrieving.
  • Implemented message communications using JMS.
  • Used JavaMail to implement automatic mailing service after any successful transaction.
  • Tested system functionalities using JUnit.

Environment: JDK 1.6, J2EE, HTML5, JSP, JavaScript, JQuery, Ext-JS 4.0, CSS3, Ajax, DOM, XML, JAXB, Spring 3.1, Struts2, Hibernate3.2, Oracle10g, Tomcat7.0, Windows7, Eclipse3.7, JMS, JavaMail, JUnit 4.8

Confidential, Flushing, NY

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Developed front end using HTML, JSP, JavaScript and JQuery and back end using Spring and Hibernate frameworks in Eclipse.
  • Used AJAX and XML to process asynchronous actions between front and back end.
  • Implemented basic Pie Chart and Bar Chart using Ext-JS 4.0.
  • Participated in Spring framework configuration integrating wif Hibernate in back end.
  • Implement Hibernate framework and configure XML files for mapping between Java classes and Oracle database.
  • Extensively use HQL query language to interact wif Oracle database to fetch data and push to front end.
  • Designed and developed back-end functions wif Java Design Patterns such as Chain of Responsibility, Singleton, Proxy, Adapter and Builder, etc.
  • Used generics to transfer data and exception handlings to deal wif exceptions such as file me/O exception.
  • Handled message requests using JMS.
  • Hacked teh LDAP autantication method, and developed a new/simple method to autanticate teh user’s id and password for teh application wifout using teh third part credentials binding
  • Implemented various confirmation email and report emails using JavaMail technology.
  • Developed Test Cases and performed Unit test using JUnit, Integration test and System test.

Environment: Java 1.6, J2EE, Spring 2.1, JSP, Hibernate 3.2, Apache Tomcat 6.0, LDAP, JMS, JavaMail, Eclipse3.5, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, jqPlot, AJAX, XML, Oracle 10g, JUnit 4


Senior Java Consultant


  • Involved in design, develop and support phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Used Agile methodology and participated in Scrum meetings.
  • Built teh application using TDD (Test Driven Development) approach.
  • Involved in developing UML Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • Developed Custom Tags to simplify teh JSP code. Designed UI screens using JSP, CSS, XML and HTML. Used JavaScript for client side validation.
  • Extensively used JSTL tags and Struts tag libraries. Used Struts tiles as well in teh presentation tier.
  • Actively involved in designing and implementing teh application using various design patterns such as Singleton, Front Controller, Service Locator, Business Delegate, Façade and Data Access Object.
  • Integrated Spring wif Struts and Hibernate.
  • Used Java Message Service (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such as loan status report.
  • Designed and developed Utility Class that consumed teh messages from teh Java message Queue and generated emails to be sent to teh customers. Used Java Mail API for sending emails.
  • Developed Web services for sending and getting data from different Credit bureaus using SOAP messages, such as Loan Applications, to transfer data from Branch Server to Head Office Server, tan used SAX and DOM XML parsers for data retrieval.
  • Used DB2 as teh backend database using UNIX OS. Involved in teh design of teh database schema and development of Stored Procedures.
  • Deployed teh application on Websphere Application Server 6.0.
  • Used JUnit framework for unit testing and Log4j to capture teh log that includes runtime exceptions.
  • Used CVS for version control for implementing teh application.

Environment: J2EE, IBM Websphere 6.0, JSP, Servlets, JMS, XML, SOAP, WSDL, SAX, DOM, JavaScript, Rational Rose, UML, HTML, JNDI, CVS, Log4J, JUnit, DB2, Windows, Unix


Java/PHP Developer


  • Responsible for creating UI pages using PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP and JQuery.
  • Used Ajax for asynchronous request handling and page refreshing.
  • Used PHP to connect to MySQL database.
  • Wrote SQL in PHP to handle teh transactions and data persistency in teh back-end.
  • Used SOAP to transfer data between PHP and Java. Creating WSDL files to support communications.
  • Used jQuery UI to improve visual effects of web pages.
  • Involved in teh development of business classes wif core Java 1.5.
  • Implement server-side EJB beans and web-based front-end.
  • Created Stored Procedures and Triggers in MySQL using PL/SQL.
  • Used JavaMail to send automatic email notifications to users for teh finished transaction.

Environment: JDK 1.5, PHP, JavaScript, JSP, jQuery, jQuery UI, MySQL, AJAX, Apache Web Server, Eclipse 3.0, EJB3.0, JavaMail

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