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Full Stack Java Developer With Aws Resume

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Tampa, FL


  • 8 years of experience in all the phases of software development life cycle with Analysis, Design, Development, Integration, Implementation and Testing of various client/server, N - tier and Web Applications.
  • Experience includes several significant international assignments in the US and India, including the ability to work in an Onsite-Offshore model.
  • Experience in reviewing client requirement, prioritize requirements, creating project proposal (scope, estimation) and baseline project plan.
  • Strong implementation knowledge of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using Agile and Scrum methodologies.
  • Expertise in developing applications using Java, J2EE Technologies, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, XML, JavaScript, HTML, AJAX and Android Touch Frameworks.
  • Proficient in implementing Single page applications usingAngular JS/Angular2/4/6/8along with custom directives, UI routing and filters.
  • Experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and OOP through implementation and testing.
  • Experience in GUI development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, AngularJS, Bootstrap, JSP, JSP and XML.
  • Designed and developed an application using Struts 1.0 & 2.0, Spring 2.5/3.0 and Hibernate 2.0 & 3.0 Frameworks.
  • Good knowledge of Design Patterns like Singleton, DAO, Factory, MVC, Service Locator Pattern, Builder Pattern, Proxy Pattern etc.
  • Experience in working with NoSQL databases like MongoDB v 3.x and RDBMS database like Oracle 11g, MySQL 5.7
  • Experience with MVC frameworks like Spring, Struts and ORM tools like Hibernate
  • Hands-On experience in Web designing & development using HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, jQuery, XML, Bootstrap JS, JSP, JSON, JSF and AJAX
  • Experience in integration of Salesforce.com Applications with Other applications with an emphasis of the Web Services/XML.
  • Experienced with AngularJS directives ng-app, ng-init, ng-model for initialization of AngularJS application data, implemented AngularJS Expressions, Directives, Controllers, filters and created AngularJS service layer
  • Extensively worked on implementing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using XML Web Services, Handling SOAP Request and Responses, creating Web service clients, handling communication calls to methods and External Interfaces
  • Proficient in building Restful web service by building Node.js Server in the back-end to handle requests sent from the front-end jQuery Ajax calls
  • Worked on Salesforce to Salesforce integration through Rest API
  • A goal driven developer with significant experience of working with various software development approaches such as Agile, and have a good understanding of approaches such as Waterfall, and Spiral
  • Proficiency in working with IDE's like RAD, WSAD, Eclipse 3.x, NetBeans, Maven, and JBuilder
  • Worked on JDBC for mapping the java objects to relational database and SQL queries to retrieve, insert and update the data from the database
  • Tremendous knowledge in working with databases like Oracle, DB2, MS SQL, PL/SQL and MySQL
  • Good experience in installing, deploying and testing with multiple Application Servers like WebSphere 5.1/6, WebLogic 10.1/8.1/7.0, JBoss Application Server and Tomcat web container
  • Strong work experience in application integration using Web Services such as JAX RPC, JAXB, JAX-WS, SOAP, WSDL, JAX-RS, RESTful.
  • Involved in writing Unit Test using JUNIT
  • Experienced in working with the Microsoft family of operating systems (WIN10, WIN8, WIN7), UNIX and LINUX
  • Experience SFDC Salesforce.com CRM platform using Visual force, Apex and Java Technologies as Developer and Administrator
  • Strong exception handling and troubleshooting skills, as well as computer network design, installation, and support abilities
  • A highly-motivated, productive and customer-focused team player
  • Strong communication, interpersonal, organizational, time management, analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Reliable and dedicated with the ability to grasp and apply new procedures quickly; organize and prioritize tasks to meet deadlines and adapt readily to new challenges


Java Technologies: JDBC, Servlets, JSP, JST, Struts, Spring 2.5/4.0, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP, REST), JSF, JMS, JAXB

Frameworks: Apache Struts 1.3/2.0, Spring 2.5/4.0, Spring MVC, Hibernate, jQuery 1.6/1.8, JSF, JUnit, Testing, Log4j, Spring Boot, ANT, Maven, IBM MQ Series 5.3

Application Servers: WebLogic 8.1/10.3, Tomcat, JBoss, WebSphere 6/7

IDE & Tools: Eclipse 3.3+, IntelliJ, NetBeans 5.5+, RAD 7.0, Rally, Quality Center 8.0, Visio, AQT, SQL Developer, TOAD, SOAP UI, Rational Rose, JBuilder, Console, Jenkins, Sonar.

Reporting Tools: SQL Server Reporting Services

Databases: Oracle 10g/11g, MySQL, MS SQL Server 2008/12/16, MySQL 5.1, DB2

Version Control: GIT, SVN

Software Process/Methodologies: Agile, Waterfall, Test Driven Development

Operating Systems: Unix, Linux, Windows

Architectures: J2EE, Layered, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) MVC1, MVC2


Confidential - Tampa, FL

Full Stack Java Developer with AWS


  • Involved in gathering and analyzing System Requirements.
  • Developed application using Spring, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP and RESTFUL).
  • Used Hibernate for connecting to the database and mapping the entities by using hibernate annotations. Extensively used to access Hibernate in data access layer and used Hibernate Query Language (HQL) for writing the queries
  • Developed and Consumes SOAP and Restful web services and validated using SOAP UI.
  • Involved in the migration of the UI using Angular and Java.
  • Responsible for developing the UI pages using Angular 6/7, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Bootstrap.
  • Responsible to Style, look and feel of the web page with SASS that extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variable, mixing, operations and functions.
  • Implemented AngularJS Controllers to maintain each view data. Implemented Angular Service calls using Angular Factory tested all application controllers extensively with Angular JS built-in testing facilities.
  • Core Java concepts such as OOP Concepts, Collections Framework, and Exception Handling, I/O System, Multi-Threading, JDBC, Generics.
  • Used various Core Java concepts such as Exception Handling, Collection APIs to implement various features and enhancements.
  • Involved in creating and consuming Restful Web Service using Node JS.
  • Used various Angular custom directives and developed reusable components and templates that can be re-used at various places in the application.
  • Deployed the application on Amazon Web services (AWS) and used it to provide a large computing capacity for scalable solutions.
  • Created POJO’s and DAO’s for the database entities using Spring JDBC annotation mappings.
  • Used Java 8 features in developing the code like Lambda expressions, creating resource classes, fetching documents from database.
  • Built single page apps, modules, graphics and reusable components using React JS.
  • Integrated with Spring Cloud projects to provide distributed tracing and other features.
  • Developed MicroServices with spring and tested the application using Spring Boot.
  • Used Spring Core annotations for Spring Dependency Injection, Spring MVC for Rest API’s and Spring Boot for MicroServices.
  • Worked with Angular to develop single page applications, worked with ngrx for managing Angular applications.
  • Created Typescript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using Component-based architecture provided by Angular.
  • Used Spring IOC to maintain loose coupling between layers published the business layer as services and injected the necessary dependent components and published cross cutting concerns like Logging, User Interface exceptions, Transactions using Spring AOP and annotations.
  • Deployed applications into Continuous integration environments like Jenkins to integrate and deploy code on CI environments for development testing.
  • Developed application using Spring Modules following MVC design pattern.
  • Primarily focused on the spring components such as Dispatcher Servlets, Controllers, Model and View Objects, View Resolver
  • Involved in the design of new services using Spring Boot.
  • Involved in the enhancement and technology upgrade of the system.
  • Used GitHub as version control tool to maintain the code repository.
  • Used JIRA tool for Issue/bug tracking, monitoring of work assignment in the system.
  • Involved in deploying the application on development and Staging environments using TeamCity.
  • Used Gradle build tool to automate the process of generating Docker files, building Docker Images and pushing them to Docker Private Registry.

Environment: Agile, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX and Angular 2,XML,DAO,POJO, JPA,JAVA,Java8, Springs(IOC,AOP, JDBC) Frameworks, Spring Boot, Microservices, JSP, Hibernate Framework, AWS Restful Web services, AWS, Hibernate, Angular, SQL, PL/SQL, TeamCity, Docker, Spring Boot, Eclipse, Oracle, Autosys, Tomcat.

Confidential, Piscataway, NJ

Java Developer (Full Stack) with AWS


  • Developed multi-threading projects, considered concurrency situation and security aspect, avoid of SQL injection. Using synchronized method and synchronized variable.
  • Built an enterprise level single page application (SPA) usingMEANstack: Mongo DB, Express, Angular 1.5.5 and Node.js v4.
  • Extensively used CSS, Java Script, and jQuery, Ajax to enhance functionality and user experience on web pages.
  • Single Page Application development using AngularJS and NodeJS.
  • Used JSF UI component to develop front-end web pages; have used faces-config.xml to manage faces servlet and managed beans.
  • Provided technical guidance to business analysts, gather the requirements and convert them into technical specifications/artifacts.Simplified client-side scripting of HTML using jQuery, a cross-browser JavaScript library.
  • Used java 1.8 lambda expressions along with streams for performing chain operations such as filter, map, collect on a collection.
  • Extensive experience on Full stack including Server, Network, and Hosting Environment, Data modelling, Business logic, API layer / Action Layer / MVC, User interface, User experience and excellent understanding what the customer and the business need. Developed high-performance web applications using Struts and jQuery and XML Http Request.
  • Using tools like Cucumber for writing acceptance test scenarios using TDD and ATDD/BDD.
  • Configured spring and Mule EJB to manage Actions as beans and set their dependencies in a context file and integrated middle tier with Struts web layer. Extensive experience with Drools.
  • Hands on experience of the core Business Rules Engine (BRE), web authoring and rules management application (Drools Workbench) and Eclipse IDE plugin for core development.
  • Wrote JavaScript validations to validate the fields of the user registration screen and login screen.
  • Dealt with Hibernate open source ORM framework for persistence management.
  • Designed a network of web pages, where the user progresses through an application by selecting links, resulting in the next page being transferred to the user and rendered for their use using REST.
  • Developing Rest Services using Rest Template with Spring Boot and Gradle.
  • Containerized the Spring Boot microservice using Docker.
  • Participated in front end development using JSF 2.0, JavaScript, HTML 5, CSS 3.0.
  • Used JBoss, an application server, to implement the Java Platform Enterprise Edition, create applications and to integrate applications with other applications. Created continuous integration builds using Maven and SVN control. Configured JDBC and LDAP Security in the application server.
  • Worked on Web Services using java API for XML Services (JAX-WS) and build, deploying Restful Web APIs Services and micro services.
  • Developed LDAP server configuration files to enable encryption support for password storage.Developed UI with AJAX, DHTML and JavaScript for more interactive web pages.
  • Used log4j for tracking errors and debugging the code.Implemented Spring MVC architecture and increased modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns using Spring AOP.
  • Deploy the micro-service in Dev space of pivotal cloud foundry (PCF) and help dev ops team to deploy in higher environment.
  • Developed application with Front-end JavaScript frameworks with Angular JS. Used node.js to develop the web application for the network.

Environment: Java 7, Spring 3.3, Hibernate, Java/J2EE, Web services, Servlets, JavaScript, JSF 2.0, JSP, Spring Boot, MongoDB 3.4.5, Node, HTML5, CSS3, XML, ANT, AJAX, Angular JS, Junit, PCF, SOAP, Restful, JDBC, Tomcat, JBoss, Maven, SVN, Git.

Confidential - Memphis, TN

Java Developer


  • Extensively implemented the framework with multi-threading to implement loader with
  • JDK 1.5 features. Analysis, design and development of application based on J2EE and design patterns
  • Involved in all phases of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) and used oops concepts.
  • Developed user interface using JSP, HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
  • Involved in developing functional model, object model and dynamic model using UML
  • Development of the Java classes to be used in JSP and Servlets
  • Implemented asynchronous functionalities like e-mail notification using JMS.
  • Implemented Multithreading to achieve consistent concurrency in the application.
  • Handled the exceptions using try and catch blocks.
  • Used Collection Interface to develop internal logic of the application
  • SOAP service created with top down approach using Apache Axis2 framework, with marshaling and un-marshaling and producing WSDL file.
  • Dependency injection using Factory Design Pattern and Spring IOC.
  • Exposed and implemented top-down and bottom-up SOAP web services.
  • Used the spring framework for managing the navigation and page flow and working with applets development.
  • Created SQL queries and used PL/SQL stored procedures.
  • Used Test Driven Development approach and wrote many unit and integration test cases
  • Involved in writing flexible queries at DAO layer.
  • Used Eclipse as IDE tool to develop the application and JIRA for bug and issue tracking
  • Followed strategy of TDD using Junit based testing where writing test cases first and then writing logic based on test cases to reduce QA cost.
  • Used ANT tool for building and packaging the application.
  • Code repository management using SVN.
  • Implemented the project using SAX, DOM and XPATH to retrieve the data from the xml documents.
  • Implemented the project using Web Services (JAX-WS), WSDL, UDDI, SOAP to communicateWith other systems (RITA, RADAR) by using apache Axis.
  • Used spring framework for the business layer using Spring Core, Spring Web MVC, Spring AOP modules.
  • Developed back end interfaces using stored procedures, Functions, Anonymous PL/SQL, Table level triggers.
  • Used Perforce as version control tools to maintain the code repository.
  • Involved in deploying the application on development and Staging environments.

Environment: Core Java, Struts, Servlets, HTML, CSS, JSP, XML, JavaScript, DAO layer, Spring, Integration testing, WSDL, Water fall, OOPS, Eclipse IDE, AXIS2, Oracle, SQL, JDBC, JUNIT,ANT, SVN, Apache Tomcat Server.

Confidential: Mechanicsburg, PA

Java J2EE Developer


  • Worked in a highly dynamic AGILE environment and participated in scrum and sprint meetings.
  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis, Code development and Production rollout.
  • Developed the backend using Spring Boot, Spring, JPA query factory, Restful API.
  • Developed and implemented several test cases using Junit and Mockito framework.
  • Designed and implemented Restful web services.
  • Implemented SQL Queries stored procedures and triggers using PostgreSQL.
  • Involved in designing the database migration from DB2 to Azure Cosmos DB for transferring data.
  • Redirected users to the original URL when a valid shortened input was entered using redirect function
  • Implemented Micro Services using Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Spring Micro Services
  • Experience using azure cosmos db portal to maintain applications.
  • Developed Spring Boot based Microservices & implemented Spring cloud/Netflix API architecture patterns (Eureka Service discovery, Configuration server).
  • Worked on Angular JS, which combines web applications with Model View Controller capability to make development and testing of code efficient.
  • Involved in overall system’s support and maintenance services such as defect fixing, future enhancements, testing and documentation
  • Actively participated in requirements gathering, analysis, design, and testing phases.
  • Designed use case diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams as a part of Design Phase using Rational Rose
  • Developed the entire application implementing MVC Architecture integrating JSF with Hibernate and spring frameworks.
  • Designed User Interface using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and XML.
  • (Used Angular router and implemented module wide routing and created different forms using Angular data driven and template driven forms.
  • Used JNDI to perform lookup services for the various components of the system
  • Developed the Enterprise Java Beans (Stateless Session beans) to handle different transactions such as bill payments to the service providers
  • Developed deployment descriptors for the EJB have to deploy on Web Sphere Application Server
  • Experience using AWS for hosting virtual instances and handling scalability
  • Prepare and execute AWS Cloud Formation JSON template to provision infrastructure on AWS Cloud for American Family Insurance pre-prod and prod environments
  • Built RESTAPI end-points for various concepts.
  • Usedspringvalidation framework to implement the server-side validations and used the AngularJS, AJAX to get the data from the server asynchronously by usingJSONobjects.
  • Worked on Salesforce to Salesforce integration through Rest API
  • Developed logging aspect for logging statements across the spring service and data access layer using Spring AOP
  • Used Spring declarative transaction management for managing transactions in the application
  • Extensively worked on SOA and web services to get the data from third party systems and configured JMS queues on server
  • Design and Implemented asynchronous process using Spring JMS Template and MQ
  • Involved in sending instruction to create MQ to Middleware Team, Create Queues, Queue Connection factory, Listener port to WES team
  • Used Postman to test RESTful web service
  • Performed administrative tasks - creating Users, Profiles, Roles, Permission Sets, Page Layouts, Record Types and configured sharing rules based on Organization role hierarchy
  • Developed custom Objects, Fields, Dependent picklist values, and validation rules, Page Layouts, Search Layouts and Tabs

Environment: Java 1.8, J2EE, NO SQL, Azure Cosmos DB, Spring Framework, Hibernate 4.5.x, HQL, SQL, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Apache CXF, MVC, Jersey, JSON, Jackson, Gson, Spring Security, Jenkins, RESTful Web Services, DB2, Postman, SQL, GIT, MAVEN, Postman, Mockito, TestNG, Log4J, Apache Tomcat, Maven 4.0.0, Jenkins, GitHub, JIRA.

Confidential - Charlotte, NC

Sr. Java Developer


  • Involved in gathering and analyzing System Requirements.
  • Involved in the development of UI using internal framework (Atom) and Java.
  • Imported the data using Spark RDD and transformed using actions on RDD.
  • Used Spark/MapReduce jobs to parse the JSON or XML data.
  • Implemented Spark using Java utilizing Data frames and Spark sql for faster processing of data.
  • Involved in the processing of data feeds using big data technologies like hive, scoop and Spark.
  • Involved in the development of batch process to transform the data in hive to xml and send it to downstream systems.
  • Designed the application and worked with offshore development team.
  • Used spring framework for the business layer using Spring Core, Spring Web MVC, Spring Batch modules.
  • Used RTC as version control tool to maintain the code repository.
  • Involved in deploying the application on development and Staging environments.
  • Used Splunk for viewing the extracting the logs and server information.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Restful Web services, Angular JS, SQL, PL/SQL, Hive, Hue, Spark, Scoop, Spring, Splunk, Serena, Eclipse, Oracle, Jasmine, RTC, Autosys, WebLogic


Java Developer


  • Developed application business components and configured beans using Spring IOC
  • Developed presentation layer using Spring MVC and used annotation-based mapping to map the JSP post backs to the controller methods
  • Extensively used DAO design pattern, including mapping DAO objects, configuration file and classes to interact with the Sybase database
  • Used Rational Clear Case for version control and change management, and SVN for design document control
  • Generated POJO classes and Hibernate mapping files using Reverse Engineering
  • Developed DAO classes using Hibernate Template from spring with Hibernate API
  • Designed and Implemented MVC architecture using Spring MVC
  • Developed administrative interfaces with the technologies of JSP, JavaScript, spring and Hibernate.
  • Designed and modified User Interfaces using JSP, JavaScript and CSS
  • Involved the CRUD operations
  • Used Eclipse as an IDE for developing the application
  • Primarily focused on the spring components such as Dispatcher Servlets, Controllers, Model and View Objects, View Resolver
  • Implemented Multithread concepts in java classes to avoid deadlocking
  • Developing Supplier, Buyer Packing list modules, which include implementing the business logic. Getting the data from database and displaying it in grid and perform the validations.
  • Developing EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) files module, which includes converting the EDI files to XML files and parsing the XML file and capturing the desired data from XML (using DOM parsing) and inserting the data in database using JDBC.
  • All this task needs to be performed for every scheduled time interval.
  • Developing Login Module, for user Authentication, and Authorization and loading the specific roles. Developing the event calendar in Login page which displays the list of events in the month using AJAX, alert framework, which includes fetching the alerts data from database and sending the emails using Java Mail API.

Environment: Struts, Servlets, Jsp, Tomcat Web Server, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, JDBC, Java Script, RDBMS: Oracle, Eclipse

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