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Software Engineer Resume

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Windsor, CT


  • Senior J2EE Web Application Developer with experience on WebServices (SOAP, Restful), JSF, Spring.
  • Strong experience in monitoring different stages of application deployments like Dev, IT, Stage and PROD areas.
  • Extensive experience in administering, programming, deploying, configuring, fine - tuning of middle-tier popular J2EE Application Servers like Confidential WebSphere Application Server &, ApacheTomcat and JBoss.
  • Solid Experience on Spring Core, Spring DAO, Spring JDBC.
  • Strong skills in developing/deploying Restful/SOAP WebServices using Jersey, SOAP.
  • Exposure to Content Management System.
  • Experience in developing medium to large scale web applications and Enterprise applications using Java Beans, JDBC, JSP, Spring, Web Services, SOAP, JMS, JUnit, XML and Java Script.
  • Experienced in OO Analysis, OO Design and OO Programming.
  • Strong experience in JDBC, Oracle 8i/9i, Oracle 10g, DB2 SQL, PL/SQL and Stored Procedures.
  • Extensive experience in Oracle, PL/SQL, SQL, UNIX Shell Scripts, ANT build script, Maven, Development, JSP,JDBC,JNDI, JMS, Bea Web logic, Tomcat.
  • Extensively involved in developing teh stored procedures, functions, Triggers and performance tuning of teh queries.
  • Experience in developing MVC framework using Struts, Spring Core, Spring DAO.
  • Extensively worked on tools such as TOAD for developing stored procedures.
  • Heavily implemented web layer in MVC design pattern using teh spring framework and JSP's. Expertise in JSF framework, Tiles Framework and Tag Libraries.
  • Exposure to web applications with Spring Framework and Spring MVC.
  • Experienced in application development using IDE's like STS, Eclipse 3.2, Eclipse Indigo, Eclipse Ganymade RAD.
  • Implemented Presentation layer using CSS Framework, Node.JS, ExtJS, ReactJS, AngularJS, knockoutJS, Wire-framing, HTML5.
  • Good exposure to Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) built on Web services (WSDL) using SOAP protocol.
  • Proficient in Object Oriented Design/Development (OOD), Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), Model View Control (MVC) design pattern and Test Driven Development (TDD).
  • Experience in all phase of SDLC like Requirement Analysis, Implementation and Maintenance and extensive experience with Agile and SCRUM.
  • Good Knowledge in using Dojo Components and integrating back-end applications with AJAX driven web 2.0 front-end using OO JavaScript framework.
  • Experience in Continuous Integration process using Jenkins and Teamcity.
  • Worked on angular JS framework to develop interactive websites based on client needs.
  • Strong Experience with Object Oriented Concepts, Object Oriented JavaScript, Object Oriented Design and Implementation.
  • Always open to learn new tools and technologies dat help mw increase my potentiality.


Web Technologies: HTML, HTML5, XML, CSS,CSS3 JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, XHTML, JSON

IDE & Tools: Notepad++, Visual Studio 2010, Eclipse, Netbeans, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Adobe Premier Pro, Corel Draw, Adobe Flash Professional + Action Script 2.0, Adobe Flash catalyst, Microsoft Front Page, Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Photoshop, Altova XMLSpy, basics ofSound Forge

Version Control: Subversion, CVS

JavaScript Libraries: jQuery, Ext JS 2.0/1.0,Angular.js, React.js,Backbone.js, Node.js, D3.js,Ember.js

Publishing Tools: Adobe PageMaker, Adobe Acrobat, MS Office

Wire Frame Tools: Adobe Illustrator CS3, Microsoft Visio

Management Tools: MS Project

Database: SQL Server 2005, MySQL, Oracle.

Operating Systems: Windows 95/98/2000/XP/Vista/7



Software Engineer


  • Used WSDL, JAXB, JAX-WS to develop SOAP clients to consume backend services.
  • Participated in meetings with teh end-clients to develop layout, color scheme for teh web page and implemented them with teh help of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
  • Participate in wireframe reviews with UX team to understand teh requirements.
  • Developed different jQuery Component in MVC micro architecture Framework which internally use various design patterns such as singleton, command, delegate, etc.
  • Have done aPOCto measure effort in migrating Angular 2
  • Designed and developed based RESTful Microservices using Spring boot, and RXJava dat are consumed by other Microservices with an average response time of 40 milliseconds.
  • Configure and Maintain Jenkins on Tomcat servers & setup continuous integration and Delivery(CI/CD) automation by promoting certified packages through various stages in SDLC.
  • Currently working with React, Redux, JavaScriptES6, Type Script, Web pack. With previous experience in Angular/Ionic and teh. NET stack.
  • Worked extensively withAngular2. Generated Components, Services usingAngular-CLI.
  • ImplementedAngular Jsclient-side form Validation using various Controls and Filters.
  • Worked on developing teh automation scripts using Selenium and executed teh JUnit tests
  • Created web pages using HTML, CSS3, jQuery and JavaScript.
  • Developed CSS, SASS styles on all teh pages of a application, and positioning of objects etc.
  • Worked on Jenkins, TeamCity and Bamboo for continuous integration and developed End-to-End automation solution for build and deployments.
  • Responsible for creating teh screens with table-less designs meeting W3C standards.
  • Hands on JavaScript/ES6development on Node.JS platform with React, Redux libraries
  • DevelopedPOCon Angular 2.0 components and templates for teh application, replaced JSON and used Typescript.Magentodevelopment, theme customization, responsive theme, extensions installation & Custom extension
  • Developed teh search engine and performance optimized front-end (HTML, CSS, and JS) for business and e-commerce Website.
  • Familiar with theAngular2and Typescript to build teh Components in Application.
  • Assisted/mentored team members in matters relating to Angular 5 to ensure products were released in a timely fashion and dat teh code remained organized.
  • Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins and GitHub.
  • Design, develop and build application using React andReduxconsuming teh payloads received
  • Experience in migratingMagento1.X toMagento2.X for community and enterprise editions.
  • UsedReact-Router to turn application into Single Page Application
  • Use Ember.js to design user interfaces for company web site.
  • Experience with Test Driven Development (TDD) &Automate test using tools like Selenium and JUnit.
  • Created aPOCusing React JS with Flux frame work for creating single page applications
  • Used dis quick project as a way to learn React.js as well as State Management usingRedux.
  • Expert inMagentobulk product and image import, with default and customized solution.
  • Solid understanding ofReactJSVirtual Dom Algorithm, forReactJSperformance optimization.
  • Enhancement of existing application utilizing JSP, Created HTML5 navigation menu dat is role based menu items changes dynamically, derived from teh database in teh form of XML.
  • Managed severalMagentoprojects, and used implemented scrum. (PHP, MySQL, jQuery)
  • Experience in handling data import from NoSQL solutions like MongoDB to HDFS.
  • Designed and documented REST/HTTP APIs, including JSON data formats and API versioning strategy.
  • Experience working with Node JS to develop single page along with dynamic web applications.
  • Involved in designing, developing and testing teh web application by using teh HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, andReact.JS.
  • Experience in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, plusRedux, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Developed automation test scripts using Selenium Web Driver and Java.
  • Using client provided Sketch files to implementMagentolayouts, skins, and themes including.
  • ImplementedAngularJSAJAX, AJAX auto complete and other techniques for asynchronously call and update data. (For example, pagination, fetch grid view data, updating table data, etc.)
  • UsedReactJSfor templating for faster compilation and developing reusable components.
  • Worked with making calls to APIs to fetch teh data from teh backend as JSON response and parse it on theUIfor DOM/CSS Manipulation.
  • Build large-scale web applications and mobile-first websites using JavaScript, React, AngularJS, and C#.
  • Web application development for backend using Angular JS with cutting edge HTML5 and CSS3 techniques.
  • Developed client-side AJAX application dat uses XSLT, XPath, JavaScript, OOP and more Bind objects and retrieve them via JNDI interface.
  • Develop various screens for teh front end using ReactJS/Redux and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager).
  • Configured teh Sencha command tool for building teh entire Ext.js project into minified JS file.
  • Implement modules into Node JS to integrate with designs and requirements.
  • Developed front end architecture &UItemplates for option trading application using Angular, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript and D3.js.
  • Developed a force layout component using JavaScript and D3.js for manipulating elements based on data. Worked on data integration for data visualization component.

Environment: Java, HTML5, CSS2/3, JavaScript, JQuery, DHTML, MVC, Magento, DOM, JSON, Angular.js, Node.js, D3.js, Ember.js, Express.js, Backbone.js, React.js, Redux, es6, pdf.js, Require.js, Ext.js, JSP, Selenium, ASP.NET, C#.NET, AJAX, SOAP, XML, Joi, XPATH, Adobe Flash, GWT, Photoshop, Karma, Mocha, TFS, PLSQL, Oracle, Windows

Confidential, Windsor, CT

Full-Stack Developer


  • Designed components for company’s object framework using best practices and J2EE design patterns such as Model-View-Controller (MVC), Data Access Object, Value Object, and Business Delegate.
  • UsedAngularJSto create views to hook up models to teh DOM and synchronize data with server as a Single Page Application (SPA).
  • Created REST API using Node JS5.0 and Express and consuming inAngularJS.
  • Written several Map reduce Jobs using Java API, also Used Jenkins for Continuous integration.
  • Worked with GIT which is used as a version control tool in teh project.
  • Used Hibernate, object/relational-mapping (ORM) solution, technique of mapping data representation from MVC model to Oracle Relational data model with SQL-based schema.
  • Followed AGILE Methodology and participated in SCRUM Meetings.
  • Designing and developing user interfaces using JSPs, Ajax and JQuery.
  • Understanding functional specifications and documenting technical design documents.
  • Involved in client installation and supported change requests and enhancement.
  • Implemented MVC architecture by using Spring framework 2.0, Hibernate 3.0 in terms of JSPs and Servlets.
  • Worked on teh Java middle tier development using Spring DI, REST API and JSON.
  • Used Bootstrap andAngularJSto create Controllers to handle events triggered by clients and send request to server.
  • Developed REST Web Services clients to consume those Web Services as well other enterprise wide Web Services.
  • UtilizedAngularJSframework to bind HTML template (views) to JavaScript object (models)
  • Integrate teh different parts of teh application and test.
  • Used XSL/XSLT for transforming common XML format into internal XML format.
  • Application deployment suite to deploy in Tomcat.
  • Involved in developing HTML and JavaScript for client side presentation and, data validation on teh client side with in teh forms.
  • User grid facade is a Restful WS layer providing custom user management functionality over Cassandra database.
  • Designed page - layouts using Dreamweaver and banner using Adobe Flash.
  • Involved in developing teh Validations across teh application using JQuery Validator plug in.
  • Extensively used CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) along with RWD to apply different styles to teh layouts for varying screen sizes and pixels.
  • Worked on Angular js to make dropdown menus on web pages and display part of a web page upon user request.
  • Extensively used JQUERY, JSON, AJAX and DOM scripting to create interactive web applications like message posting and auto complete form validations.
  • Automate test cases using teh built in framework in Selenium Web Driver using Netbeans IDE.
  • Used JQuery to make teh HTML, DHTML and CSS code interact with teh JavaScript functions to add dynamism to teh web pages at teh client side.
  • Experience working in an agile environment.
  • Performed User acceptance testing to verify whether a solution works for teh user.
  • Design User Interface for teh project using HTML, CSS and Flash.

Environment: HTML 4/5, CSS 2/3, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular.JS, Node JS, Ember.JS, React JS, Selenium SQL/PLSQL, Oracle 11g, XML, AJAX, JSON, SVN, Windows 7, WCAG2, Git&Git Hub, JASMINE, Usability Testing, Photoshop, Eclipse, IE, Chrome, Mozilla Firefox.


Software Engineer


  • Experience working in Agile development following SCRUM process, Sprint and daily stand-up meetings.
  • Developed GUI using JavaScript, HTML, DOM, XHTML, AJAX, CSS and JQuery in ongoing projects.
  • Preparation and review of Unit Test Plan, Unit Testing, Test Results review and other quality related work.
  • Involved in writing teh Properties, methods in teh Class Modules and also consumed web services
  • Involved in creating JDBC connection pooling for TEMPeffective database connection to MS-Access and SQL server2000.
  • Worked together with development team to correct any UI problems or HTML, CSS related issues and errors.
  • Used various test servers such as Apache Tomcat, WAMP, MAMP to check teh functionality of developed test codes.
  • Developed theReactcontainer and presentational components (as Stateless and Functional components when applicable).
  • Worked extensively on two-way, one-way data binding, built-in components and developed single page applications using Angular MV*.
  • To reuse code/functionality created custom Directives, Filters, services and controllers.
  • Involved in building stableReactcomponents and stand-alone functions to be added to any future pages.
  • Developed Form controls and worked on client side validations for better user experience.
  • Used Bootstrap responsive CSS to adjust to phones, tablets and desktops.
  • Analyzed cost data contained in weekly audit reports of customerpaymentsand generated audits reports.
  • Used Bootstrap components such as breadcrumbs, nav bar, pagination and modal services.
  • ImplementedUIangular bootstrap for faster and easier web development.
  • Used logging mechanism for debugging and logging objects.
  • Reviewed, researched, and validated data, processedpayments, and resolved accounting issues.
  • Used spring frameworks to auto wire/inject components.
  • UsedReact-Autocomplete for creating google maps location search on teh webpage.
  • Custom node.js proxy used to simulate API responses before client implementation was complete, and to proxy requests to finished client APIs, handling authentication, custom headers, virtual application root, etc.
  • Developed application using Spring MVC - Implemented various Controllers, used spring's component-scan and auto wiring functionalities.
  • Used RESTful APIs which support JSON and XML to access back-end data payload.
  • Managed projects with Grunt task runner and combined with Bower package manager to install JavaScript latest version of libraries based on running in teh Node.js environment.
  • Created custom Filters which can format data in different ways based on teh requirements and involved in two-way data binding technique with styling from Bootstrap.
  • Manipulated data using CRUD operations of MySQL database management system and handled database access and data transmission based on Restful web service.

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, XML, XHTML, DHTML, DOM, JSP, React, Eclipse, MS Office, Photoshop, SASS, AngularJS, AngularJS 2.0, JavaScript, JQuery, D3.js, Ajax, JSON, MySQL, SVN, Bootstrap, Usability, Node.js, Jasmine, Karma, Cloud, GIT, Flux, Agile, CRM

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