Senior Java Developer Resume
Tampa, FL
- Seeking a challenging position in an organization, where I can utilize my skills and efficiency for organizational growth and professional growth.
- Software Professional having 11+ years of Software Development Life Cycle including hands on experience in Java/J2EE technologies such as Spring, Web Services (Soap and Rest),Hibernate, XML,XSD,JSON,JSF,MAVEN,KAFKA,HTML5,CSS,JAVASCRIPT,ANGULAR JS. JENKINS.
- Proficiency in entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process including Requirement Analysis, Preparations of Technical Specifications Document, Design, Coding, Application Implementation, Unit testing, System Testing, Documentation and Production Support.
- Experienced in developing web applications using Spring MVC, business logic using spring (IOC, AOP, SECURITY), persistence using Hibernate.
- Well versed withJAVA/J2EE design patterns and have hands one experience implementing design patterns like Data Access Objects (DAO), OBSERVER, TEMPLATE METHOD, VISITOR PATTERN, MVC PATTERN etc.
- Experience in describing data using XML (DTD, Schema) and working with XML management technologies like XSD and Web Services using protocols such as SOAP and WSDL.
- Expertise in RDBMS, JDBC, Hibernate, Oracle and SQL.
- Experienced in SOA and Web Services with Axis2, JAX - WS and JAX-RS.
- Good Knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms.
- Experience in NoSQL Database Neo4j.
- Profound work experience in Cloud with OPENSTACK.
- Expertise in Performance analysis with Memory Analyzer Tool and HP Diagnostics.
- Experience working on Version control tools like SVN and Git revision control systems such as GitHub.
- Ability to plan, manage, motivate and work efficiently in both independently or in a team effort.
- Good exposure in overall SDLC including requirement gathering, development, testing, debugging, deployment, documentation and production support.
- Good experience in deploying multi module applications using ANT/ MAVEN and Jenkins.
- Experience in working with software methodologies like Agile and Waterfall.
- Ability to quickly grasp any new technologies and concepts.
- Experience in using Tools like Eclipse, Intellji, Soap UI, Sonar.
- BDD Testing using Cucumber.
- Experience in Middleware Frameworks.
Languages: Core Java 1.8, XML, Multi-threading, JDBC, UML
Web Technologies/ APIs: J2EE, JNDI, Servlets, JSP, Spring MVC, XSD, XPATH, JAXB, Web services, REST
Frameworks: Spring (Core, AOP, JDBC,SECURITY), Hibernate, Angular js2.0,KAFKA
RDBMS: Oracle 10g, MySQL
IDEs: Eclipse Galileo/Indigo, Intellji
Servers: JBOSS Wild fly, Apache Tomcat 7
Caching Framework: JBOSS-CACHE
Version Control: SVN, Tortoise, GitHub
Continuous Integration: Jenkins
Build Tools: Ant, Maven 2.x
Issue Tracker System: HP ALM
Testing Framework: JUNIT, MR Unit
Performance Tools: HP Diagnostic Tools, Memory Accessor Tool, SOAP UI
Operating System: Windows 7, UNIX, Linux
No SQL Technologies: Hive, Neo4j
Confidential, Tampa, FL
Senior Java Developer
- Involved in the High Level Design, Writing UML Diagrams and HLD Document.
- Implement the Business Logic using Core Java, J2ee Concepts.
- Writing Restful Services using JAX-RS.
- Applied Object Oriented concepts (inheritance, composition, interface, etc.) and design patterns (singleton, Observer, Visitor Etc.)
- Designed and implemented the user interface using HTML5, XHTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, and Angular JS..
- Used SOAP UI to test the request and response of the application
- Ensured that the code developed meets quality using Sonar.
- Perform Junit Testing and using Soap UI to test Rest Apis.
- Debugging the code, analyzing the defects, applying fixes.
- BDD Testing using Cucumber.
Environment: Java/J2EE, RESTful, XML, XSD,JSON, Eclipse, Angular JS Soap UI, JBOSS, UNIX/ Windows, Cucumber.
Java and Hadoop Developer
- Managing and scheduling batch Jobs on aHadoopCluster using Oozie.
- Developed REST based Web services.
- Used Hibernate in persistence layer and developed POJO's, Data Access Object (DAO) to handle all database operations.
- Applied Spring IOC Container to facilitate Dependency Injection.
- Developed custom Map Reduce programs for data analysis.
- Installed and configured various components ofHadoopecosystem.
- Writing Hive Queries and enhanced Hive performance by using Compression Techniques.
- Implemented techniques for efficient execution of Hive queries like Map Joins.
- Fixed defects as needed during the QA phase, support QA testing, troubleshoot defects and identify the Source of defects.
- Prepare High Level Design Document to give the overall picture of system integration
- Writing Acceptance Criteria and Unit Test Cases.
- Mentoring Junior Members and perform Code Review.
- Involved in agile methodologies, daily scrum meetings, Sprint planning's and Creating Stories.
- Use of Agile Methodology with Stories, Sprint and Scrum
Environment: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Rest Services, Sqoop, OOZIE, XML, XSD,HIVE, MAP REDUCE.
Senior Java Developer
- Involved in the High Level Design, Writing UML Diagrams and HLD Document.
- Implement the Business Logic using Core Java, J2ee Concepts.
- Writing Restful Services using JAX-RS.
- Designed and implemented the user interface using HTML5, XHTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, and Angular JS.
- Applied Object Oriented concepts (inheritance, composition, interface, etc.) and design patterns (singleton, strategy Etc.)
- Applied Spring IOC Container to facilitate Dependency Injection.
- Used Neo4j Apis to interact with Neo4j Databases.
- Ensured that the code developed meets quality using Sonar.
- Perform Junit Testing and using Soap UI to test Rest Apis.
- Debugging the code, analyzing the defects, applying fixes.
- Mentoring juniors and reviewing the code.
- Writing Cypher Queries.
- Developing consumer code to receive SNMP Alarms from Kafka.
Environment: JAVA/J2EE, Neo4j, RESTful, KAFKA, Spring, XML, XSD, Angular JS, Eclipse, Soap UI, JBOSS, UNIX/ Windows
Senior Java Developer
- Actively involved in the entire application life cycle including design, development, debugging and testing of the system.
- Used various CoreJavaconcepts such as Multithreading, Exception Handling, Collection APIs to implement various features and enhancements.
- Designed and developed various modules of the application with J2EE design architecture, Spring MVC architecture and Spring Bean Factory using IOC, AOP concepts.
- Created HLD and LLD for projects.
- Developed REST based and SOAP Based Web services.
- Used Hibernate in persistence layer and developed POJO's, Data Access Object (DAO) to handle all database operations.
- Writing Junit Test cases.
- Used Maven as build-automation tool and Jenkins for the process of Continuous Integration the project.
- Involved in various internal releases of the application and supported the application modules during testing and production phases.
- Developed layout, color scheme for the web page and implemented them with the help of HTML5, CSS3, andJavaScript
- Experience inSecurity-Systemdevelopment for Web Applications. Involved and developed security implementation using spring security system against Database Authentication.
Environment: JAVA, Spring CORE, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Spring Boot, Tomcat, Tortoise, Hibernate, Oracle, JUnit, SOAP, XML, SQL Developer
Java/J2EE Developer
- Used various CoreJavaconcepts such as Multithreading, Exception Handling, Collection APIs to implement various features and enhancement.
- Used Dependency Injection feature of Spring MVC framework and O/R mapping tool Hibernate for rapid development and ease of maintenance.
- Preparing the functional specification and Acceptance Criteria.
- Writing Junit test cases.
- Used Maven as build-automation tool.
- Meeting the requirements as per the road map of the project
Environment: JAVA, Spring Core, Spring MVC, Tortoise, Hibernate, Oracle, JUnit, SOAP, XML, SQL Developer
Java/ J2EE Developer
- Involved in the Development of the product.
- Implemented J2EE standards, MVC architecture using JSF Frameworkand SEAM.
- Writing DAO Layer using Hibernate.
- Involved in debugging the application for any existing issues.
- Used the CoreJavaconcepts to implement the Business Logic.
- Writing test cases and documenting the work done.
Environment: Java, Eclipse, ORACLE, JUnit, Hibernate, JSF, SEAM, Tomcat.
Java/ J2EE Developer
- Study and analyze the business process flow and existing system.
- Developed Applications using WLP.
- Java and Quartz programming
- Writing test cases and documentation.
Environment: Java, Eclipse, QUARTZ, ORACLE. WebLogic.