Senior Java Analyst/architect Resume
- A dynamic consultant with more than twelve years of solid experience in system analysis, architecture, requirement gathering, design, development, testing, troubleshooting, maintenance, and enhancement of new and existing projects.
- Successfully executed projects in diverse domains such as Finance, Airline, Shipping, Telecommunication, User Management, Media, University, Pharmacy, and Federal Government.
- Proven experience working in large as well as small teams and also independently.
- Experience with different methodologies like WaterFall, RUP, XP and Scrum.
- Experienced in designing, developing and maintaining and supporting Internet/Web, E - Commerce, and Client Server applications on both UNIX and Windows platform.
- Experience with different types of J2EE Application and Web Servers like iPlanet, Weblogic, IBM WebSphere RAD, JBOSS, OC4J, and Apache-Tomcat.
- Thorough understanding and implementation experience of developing SOA using middleware J2EE technologies such as XML, EJB, and WebServices.
- Strong skills in developing front-end web based solutions using JSP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSTL and tag libraries.
- Proven experience using OpenSource Frameworks like Struts, Tiles, Spring, and can adapt to in-house grown version of these frameworks too.
- Exposure to Integrating applications with Third-Party tools and softwares like SiteMinder, WebSEAL, PolicyDirector, I2-TradeMatrix, SAP, Siebel and Flux Job Scheduler.
- Worked with SCM tools like cvs, clearcase, subversion, starteam and good exposure to build tools such as Maven and Ant.
- Ability to work in tight schedules and efficient as well as proactive in meeting deadlines and escalating red flags.
Languages: Java 1.x, 1.5, C, C++, PL/SQL, Visual Basic.
Enterprise Java: JSP/Servlets, EJB 1.x, 2.0, 3.0, JMS, JNDI, JDBC 2.0/3.0, JTA, Log4J API, JavaMail, J2EE Design patterns.
Java Standard Edition: Serialization, JNI, Java Security, Java RMI, Socket Programming, JavaDOC, Internationalization & Localization etc.
Mark-up/ Scripting Language: HTML, DHTML (CSS), XML, XSLT, Shell Scripting, JavaScript, ActionScript..
XML Technologies: XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, XPath, SOAP, WSDL, DTD, Schema, SOA, XMLBeans, JAXB, JAXP, JAX-RPC.
Tools: & Framework: Struts 2.0/1.3/1.2.8, Spring 2.0/1.2.9, 2.5.6, Hibernate 3.2/3.0, Spring MVC, Web Services, Log4J, Apache Common Library, LDAP, Junit,Ant, Maven, Axis/Axis2, Jasper reports.etc .
Application/Web Servers: Web Logic 4.x, 5.0, 9.0, 6.x, 8.0/7.0, Web Sphere RAD 7.0, 7.1, Apache, Tomcat 5.4/4.x, JBoss 4.0/3.2.
CASE Tools: Rational Rose, ER-Win, MS Visio Professional.
DBMS / RDBMS: Oracle 10g/9i/8i,6, SQL-Server 2000/2005, Sybase SQL Anywhere 7, TOAD.
Security: SiteMinder, WebSEAL.
Testing Tools: JUNIT, Cactus.
Version/Source Control Systems: Rational Clear Case, SVN (Subversion), CVS, VSS.
Defect/Bug Tracking: Rational Clear Quest, Bugzilla.
IDE & Reporting Tools: Eclipse 2.x, 3.x, JBuilder, IBM Web Sphere Rational Architect 7 NetBeans 4.0, IDE Reports 0.5.0.
Infrastructure Software: MS Projects 2000, Dreamweaver and other office automation and Presentation Software
O/S & Environment: Windows Vista/XP/2000/NT, Win 2k Server, Sun Solaris UNIX, HP UNIX.
Other Skills: Requirements engineering, UML, Design patterns, code reviews, test planning.
Confidential, Willmington, DE
Senior Java Analyst
- Architected a generic web service architecture using Spring WebServices, JAXB, Hibernate enabling transformation of responses into SOAP messages.
- Coded the Spring webservice endpoint classes for products, campaign and devices modules
- Coded the Spring service layer for the above modules.
- Integrated POJO based domain model using annotations with Hibernate ORM for persistance related operations for the above modules.
- Implemented unit testing of the backend components using Spring testing framework.
Environment: Spring 2.5.6, Hibernate Core 3.1, Hibernate annotations 3.4, ECache, WebServices, XML, XSD, Oracle 9i, Tomcat, Maven, Weblogic 10g, Windows XP, Eclipse 3.1, Tortoise SVN,, MS Word.
Confidential, NY
Senior Java Analyst/Architect
- Implemented the HUBMB Java library to enable HUB system to interface with MediaBank software using Core Java JDK 1.5 and MediaBank 3.0 Java API.
- Designed a Standalone Java application HUBFORMA to be run as a scheduled job to synchronize media information between HUB and VCIS systems through excel files.
- Implemented Procedural routines using Core Java JDK 1.5.
- Implemented Excel library using POI 3.7 .
- Implemented Data routines using SQL Server 2005 stored procedures, JDBC 2.0.
- Supported application in Production.
- Designed a web based application HUBPROV to facilitate integration of content providers information with inDAB.
- Identified requirements by working with the business analysts who provided the HTML screens.
- Created the SRS capturing the functionality using MS Word, Visio.
- Coded the front end modules using JSPs, JavaScript, Struts formBeans, Core Java JDK 1.5, Struts actions, .
- Coded the backend logic using SQL Server 2005 stored procedures, Core Java JDK 1.5,JDBC 2.0.
- Designed a web based search tool Veutopia to enable retrieval of cable media products information to generate XML based metadata files.
- Coded the SRS after capturing requirements and HTML screens from business analysts.
- Coded the front end HTML screen wrappers using JSP, JSTL, Spring taglib.
- Coded the Spring based form bean POJOs and the controllers.
- Coded the backend business logic using SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedures, Spring framework JDBC core and helper API, Core Java JDK 1.5
- Coded the metadata generation logic using Core Java JDK 1.5 (File, Directory, NIO) API, DOM, JDOM
- Coded the media id retrieval component by communicating with the MPS server using Java URLConnection API, JSON-RPC.
- Supported both web applications throughout UAT and staging in WebSphere 7.0.
Environment: JSP 2.0, Struts 1.3.8, Html, JavaScript 1.2, Spring 2.0, Eclipse 3.1, Apache-Tomcat, SQL Server 2005, Windows XP, JDK 1.5, HTML,XML, XERCES, JDOM, JSON-RPC, Apache Excel POI 3.7, cvs, Websphere 7.0, MediaBank 3.0, FoxPro 7, MS Word, Visio.
Confidential, Kansas City, MO
Senior Java Analyst/Architect/Senior Java Lead Developer
- Participated in the requirements analysing phase of documenting, organizing the client requirements using RequisitePro.
- Constructed Use cases from the requirements and documented them using RequisitePro.
- Prepared process flow diagrams using Visio.
- Converted Mockups of GRP application HTMLs into JSPs and used JSTL.
- Architected the design and development of Data access tier using Spring, Apache DBUtils, xml and Core-Java.
- Architected the design of the TILES-JSP layer and enabled integration with the Spring.
- Architected the exception framework from the data-access to the presentation tier using Spring.
- Architected the design of a dynamic web based reporting architecture to accept dynamic set of input arguments through XML and filter using HTML controls and generate PDF, excel reports from .jasper files
- Architected the design and development of pagination module for the search screens using Spring.
- Designed and developed the contract wizard workflow using Spring MVC.
- Responsible for all validation of contract wizard JSP pages.
- Coordinated development activities with other senior developers from different teams.
- Developed the transactional Spring-service-DAO layer classes for implementing the operations required
- Designed reports using iReports IDE and generated them using Jasper Reports 0.6.7.
- Migrated the SOILS DAO layer from DBUtils to Spring JDBC architecture.
- Implemented the webservices layer for the SOILS application to get farm, tract and producer related information from the FRS application using JAX-RPC, SOAP.
- Provided transactional support to the SOILS service layer using Spring Transaction framework.
- Provided maintenance support to the BCAP Spring based web application by executing the change requests through Clearquest.
- Troubleshooted solutions for complex issues mentoring other developers.
Environment: JSP 2.0, JSTL, DBUtils, Spring 2.0, IBM Rational Architect 7.1, IBM Rational RequisitePro 7.0.1, JBOSS 4.0, Eclipse 3.0, JAX-RPC, SOAP, Maven, SQL Server 2005, Windows XP, Windows NT 4.0, JDK V1.4, HTML,XML, Jasper, ClearCase, Clearquest, iReports, JUnit.
Confidential, New York
Java Lead Developer
- Used Agile methodology Scrum for delivering feature change requests stored in ClearQuest as part of the fortnightly production releases.
- Used XMLSpy tool to edit and in some cases reverse engineer XML schemas from database tables.
- Coded the changes to the Meta GUI trees using Struts Actions, XML DOM, and XPath.
- Made changes to the existing XSLT based MetaScript Engine to reflect changes in the front-end screens.
- Redesigned and architected the Webservices framework using JAX-RPC API to support integration tier changes.
- Used IBM WebSphere (RAD) as IDE, and for building and debugging and deploying the application locally.
Environment: Java JDK 1.5, Java Collections, EJB 2, IBM WebSphere RAD (app-server), Clearcase (version control), Struts, ClearQuest, XMLSpy, XML DOM, Webservices(JAX-RPC on SOAP), XPath, XSLT, JUnit, TopLink and Windows XP Workstation.
Confidential, Cambridge, MA
- Introduced team to complex J2EE concepts acting as a bridge between SAP-ABAP teams and management.
- Established the J2EE Architecture for migration using design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Template Method, Session Façade, Value Object and DAO.
- Participated as a Web developer in the development of Struts actions and formbeans for the PI Space Registration, Inspection modules.
- Mentored ABAP developers for developing screens for the PI Space Registration, Inspection modules using JSP, Tiles, Struts html, bean, logic, core tag libraries and JSTL.
- Got Exposure to Client side validation routines using DOJO JavaScript.
- Designed and developed the Spring based middle layer using the delegator proxy based Spring-Struts solution.
- Developed the Model business JavaBean objects, Domain transfer SAP-JAVA (JCO) connector proxies.
- Developed the Spring service methods using Eclipse based SAP2JAVA API for communicating with SAP BAPIs and RFMs.
Environment: JDK 1.4, Java Collections API, Struts 1.1.7, Spring 1.2, JSTL, Html, CSS, Tiles, JSP 1.2, I.E, FireFox, DOJO-JavaScript, SAP (BAPIS, RFM), Eclipse 3.2, Subversion (version control), OC4J 10g (app-server), Kerberos, Windows XP Workstation.
Confidential, VA
Java Developer
- Used Agile methodology XP for development using User Stories.
- Developed the presentation and controller logic for the screens related to my user stories using JSP’s, Struts Form beans, actions and tag libraries.
- Developed the Business Delegate and Façade Stateless Session, Message-Driven EJB’s and the JDBC-Oracle DAO’s and enhancement and modifications for the existing Stored Procedures for the modules in my user stories.
- Developed the Build scripts for the DAO, Web and EJB and app tiers using ANT and packaged the application.
- Enabled Standalone Unit testing for DAO’s, EJB’s using JUnit and Struts validations, and Server wrapped testing using Cactus Framework.
- Provided a J2EE based wrapper solution for scheduling different BNY- Confidential processes and jobs using Flux API.
- Created J2EE DAO’s for above Oracle Stored Procedure jobs, Remote as well as local BRIO SQR, shell script jobs.
- Carried out the maintainance of the application by executing change requests through Clearquest.
- Implemented an architecture using stateless Session EJB and reflection based solution to execute existing Standalone batch jobs by integrating the Flux Jobs Scheduler.
Environment: JDK 1.4, Java Collections API, Struts 1.2, Html, CSS, Tiles, JSP 1.2, I.E, FireFox, Ant 1.x, Cruise Control, JUnit, Eclipse 3.0 (IDE), Clearcase (version control), Clearquest, JBOSS 4.0 - Apache Tomcat 3.1 (app-web server), Flux Scheduler, SiteMinder, Windows XP Workstation, Solaris-Unix (dev, test, staging)
Confidential, IL
Tech Lead(offshore - onsite)
- Enhanced the performance of the application by introducing the Service Locator Pattern using Singleton, JNDI API.
- Acted as a coordinator between the offshore team and the Onsite client Team for troubleshooting technical, build, UAT issues.
- Created a JavaScript library for reusable functions.
- Resolved offshore team queries in developing Stateless Session, Entity Beans (CMP, BMP),
- Developed an ANT script for building and packaging the application in the EAR format replacing the shell script build files.
- Architected the Migration phase of the application to WebLogic 8.1 H.P UNIX box facilitating the removal of dependency on IPLANET 4.0.
Environment: JDK 1.4, Stateless EJB, Entity EJB, Stateful EJB (1.1), Novell ICHAIN, IPLANET 4.0, WebLogic 6.1, 8.1, ANT, DreamWeaver, TextPad, Ant, Windows XP workstation, H.P UNIX (dev, test, staging, production).
Senior Software Engineer
- Developed the backend tier components using Session Façade and Value Object patterns using Stateless, Entity (CMP, CMR) EJB, Java Collections API and Core Java helper classes.
- Implemented Unit testing classes for this component code using JUnit Framework.
Environment: JDK 1.4, Java Collections API, Swing, EJB (2.0), WebLogic 7.0, Oracle 8i, JBuilder 7.0 (IDE), StarTeam7.0 (version control), JUnit, Windows NT server (dev, QA, staging).
Confidential, Redwood City, CA
Programmer Analyst/Software Engineer
- Provided a centralized access for JDBC operations using DAO architecture and implemented the backend Oracle 8i SQL DDL scripts.
- Implemented stored procedures in Oracle 8i and enabled access through the JDBC tier.
- Integrated application with the customized SupplyChain solution (TradeMatrix 5.0) from I2 using RMI and customization along with integration of TradeMatrix JSP’s with IBM WebSEAL to enable authorization.
- Carried out maintainance of the application by fixing bugs and executing change requests through BugZilla.
- Responsible for the critical task of client data migration from Oracle 8i to IBM Secure Way Directory (LDAP) Server using JNDI, JDBC, SQL.
- Used the pdadmin tool as a part-time IBM WebSEAL administrator for creating application junctions, ACL’s, groups, roles, mapping users to groups etc.
Environment: JDK 1.3, JSP 1.1, Java Collections API, Servlets 2.2, JNDI, JDBC, JTA, JUnit, Oracle 8.1.7 SQL, Oracle 8.1.7 PL/SQL, I2 TradeMatrix 5.1, IBM WebSeal, IBM Policy Director, WebLogic 5.1 (app server), JBuilder 4 (IDE), cvs (version control), BugZilla, Sun Solaris UNIX (dev, test, staging, production).