Java Programmer/analyst Resume
Columbus, OhiO
- 7+ year’s extensive experience in the development of Web & Distributed Applications. Well versed with various phases of Software Development Life Cycle process (SDLC), which includes designing, developing, testing and implementation like Agile, Scrum and Test Driven Development.
- Extensive hands on experience in application development using Java, J2EE, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, Servlet, EJB, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using Web Services, JDBC, XML, Java Script, Ant and JUnit.
- Expertise in developing Java applications based on Spring Framework, Hibernate Framework and Struts Framework.
- Experience of Struts Architecture, Flow of Struts, Struts Controller and different Actions Forms like Dynamic Action Form, Dispatch Action etc.
- Excellent experience on spring’s Module like Spring AOP, Spring ORM, Spring DAO, Spring Web MVC etc.
- Experience in working with windows 2008 server.
- Proficient in implementing various design patterns like, Model - View-Controller (MVC), Service Locator, Singleton, Factory etc.
- Experience in using UML and Object Oriented System Design.
- Experience in deploying Application Servers like Web Logic 8.1, IBM Websphere.
- Excellent experience in using Drools Guvnor.
- Handfull experience on brower capabilities for chrome.
- Strong knowledge on design principles like OCP, DRY, DIP, ISP and LSP.
- Worked on various application/web servers like Apache Tomcat, Web Sphere, Web Logic and JBoss etc.
- Expertise in using EJB, RAD.
- Expertise in backend programming writing and tuning of Stored Procedures, Queries, Database, etc. in Oracle 10g/9i, MSSQL, MySQL and Access.
- Used profiler tools like YourKit, J-Profiler, JRMC for tuning Java, Memory Leak Detection and Memory Distribution Reports.
- Excellent communication Skills with good Teamwork qualities.
Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, SQL/PLSQL, UML, XML, XSL, XSLT
Operating Systems: Windows 98/2000/2003/ XP//NT/Vista7, Linux, UNIX
Java/J2EE Technologies: JSP 2.0/2.1, Servlets 2.4/2.5, EJB 2.0/3.0 (SLSB, SFSB, Entity Beans), JDBC 2.0/3.0, JSTL, Custom Tags, Filters, Listeners, JMS, MDB, JNDI, RMI, Web Services (SOAP, UDDI, WSDL)
Web/App. Server: Apache Tomcat 5.5/6.0, WebLogic 7.0/8.1/9.0/10.0 , Web Sphere 4.0/5.5, JBoss 4.0.5.
Frameworks Front Technologies: Struts1.0/1.1/1.2, Spring 1.2.4/2.0, Spring MVC, Hibernate 2.0/3.0, HTML, XML, Java Script, AJAX, JSTL, Custom Tags
Web development Tech.: JSP, XML, HTML, XSLT, JavaScript, jQuery, Servlets, JSTL, Ajax
Databases: Oracle 8i/9i/10g, SQL Server, MySQL, Windows 2008 Server and MSAccess.
IDEs: Eclipse 2.0/3.0/3.4/3.5 , WSAD, Jbuilder, IRAD 7.0
OOAD: Data Modeling and Design, Rational Rose, UML, Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram, Design Patterns
Development Methodologies: Waterfall Model, V-model, RUP, Agile, Scrum Process
Automation Tools: ANT, CVS, JUnit, Log4j
Confidential, Columbus, Ohio
Java Programmer/Analyst
- Involved in Design, Coding and Unit Testing for the application.
- Developed application using Java, J2EE, EJB, Struts and JSP.
- Wrote a code for Action Class, Session Class, BO Class and DAO class.
- Created the UI Validations using Struts validation framework.
- Developed EJBs for business logic.
- Worked with front end using JSP, HTML, jQuery, JSF, Ajax and JavaScript.
- Developed Cloud infrastructure like compute, storage, and platform services using OpenStack API.
- Created RESTful Web Service for Get, List, Delete and Create servers for the storage container services.
- Used Guvnor Drools tool to deploy the rule flows and for deploying the jars.
- Used websphere apllication server for deploying process.
- Used Object Oriented System Design and UML.
- Used RestClient tool for java application to test HTTP/RESTful webservices.
- Mapping and developed Data Access Object (DAO) Persistence Layer using Hibernate 3.0.
- Used browser capabilites to get the capabilities from browser definition files.
- Used HttpBrowserCapabilities Class inorder to get the capabilites of the browser .
- Used Eclipse Indigo as IDE tool to develop the application.
- Deployed the applications on IBM Web Sphere Application Server(WSD).
- Developed the J2EE components using RAD.
- Used SVN to manage code and work on same project.
- Developed Database Schema and SQL Queries for querying database on Oracle 11g.
- Used Maven scripts to build the application and deployed on Web Logic Application Server.
- Worked on packaging and deployment of the packages using Guvnor for the deployment.
- Involved in assembling, building and deploying enterprise applications using RAD.
- Expertise in using Drools Guvnor tool to build and control the jar files and managing the rule set and moreover deployment.
Environment: JDK 1.6, Struts 1.2, JSP, JavaScript,jQuery, Visio, Sparx, XML, JSON, TortoiseSVN 1.7.6, RESTful Web Service, Eclipse Indigo 3.7,Ajax, Oracle 11g, Oracle SQL Developer, RAD, Hibernate 3.0, Drools Guvnor, EJB 3.0,JSF 2.0, Maven 3.0.4, RestClient, Web logic Application Server 10.3.5, Win’7, WSD 8.5.5.
Confidential, Boston, MA.
Senior J2EE Developer
- Participated in the Software Development Life Cycle of Development, Performance Tuning and testing for various business features.
- Extensively worked on implementation Springcore classes. Used Spring Framework for implementing the above functionality.
- Involved in developing code for obtaining bean references in Spring Framework using Dependency Injection (DI) or Inversion of Control (IOC).
- Developed application using Java, J2EE, EJB.
- Implemented Logging and Transaction Management using spring’s Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) concept.
- Developed Object - Relational (O/R) Mapping and developed Data Access Object (DAO) Persistence Layer using Hibernate 3.0.
- Extensively worked in deploying jars by using Guvnor Drools tool.
- Deployed the applications on IBM Web Sphere Application Server.
- Used Object Oriented System Design and UML.
- Exposed various capabilities as Web Services using SOAP/WSDL.
- Developed user interfaces using JSP, HTML, JSF, XML and Ajax.
- Packaging and deployment of the packages using Guvnor for the deployment
- Used eclipse and RAD as the IDE and used eclipse standard/plug-in features for editing, debugging, compiling, and formatting.
- Used IBM Web Sphere Application Server(WSD) for deployment process.
- Using Profiler did the analysis for CPU and Memory Hot Spots with devoted views, unique snapshot comparison, Memory Leak Detection and Memory Distribution Reports. Also found the spots to tune the Java, JSP, Java Script, Jquery and SQL into the application.
- Used HttpBrowserCapabilities class and Http BrowserCapabilities constructor to get the browser capabilities.
- Check in and Checkout code releases from the SVN repository on daily basis.
- Developed the J2EE components using RAD.
- Expertise in using Drools Guvnor tool to build and control the jar files and managing the rule set and moreover deployment.
- Accessed and manipulated the Oracle database by writing SQL Queries and PL/SQL Stored Procedures.
- Used IBM Rational ClearCase for Version Control, facility for parallel development and software auditing.
- Assembling, Deployment and Testing of applications on Weblogic Application Server.
Environment: Java, J2EE 1.6, Spring Framework 2.0, Hibernate 3.0, SOAP, REST Web Services, JSP, Servlets, JavaScript,jQuery, EJB 3.0, JNDI, JDBC, Ajax, IBM Rational ClearCase 7.1, Eclipse Europa 3.4, Windows 2008 Server, Drools Guvnor, JSF 1.2,SVN, Oracle 10g, PL/SQL Developer, Apache ant 1.7, RAD, WSD 8.5.5, Weblogic Application Server 10.3, Win’XP.
Confidential -Hartford, CT
Java Developer
- Involved in Maintenance and Support of the web based J2ee Applications.
- Did enhancements to the existing projects on agile methodologies.
- Analyze Design, Develop, Test, and Deploy and Support the application.
- Worked for constructing widgets based on Dojo’s.
- Involved in code fixes, making the maven build, generating the war file and its deployment on the app server.
- Involved in service layer calls, invoking application based soap calls and also handling, stored procedure calls for the backend transactions.
- Invoked restful web services.
- Extensive use of spring batch and spring modules.
- Groovy for continuous build integrations
- Worked extensively on designing rich face gui using extjs 3.5 version.
- Implemented projects on agile methodologies
- Strong working knowledge in Core java concepts like OOPS, OOAD, Multithreading, Design patterns.
- WSD is used for deploying process.
- Involved in the bug tracking and Unit Testing using Junit.
- Worked with core java concepts like JVM internals, multithreading, garbage collection etc.
Environment: Jdk 1.6, J2ee, EJB, hibernate 3.0, Dojo’s, web 2.0,maven 2.2.1, dom4j parser, REST, Spring framework, struts framework, html, xml, Ext Js,web services, Websphere Message Broker, axis, log4j, Db2, Mainframes, RAD as our IDE,WSD 7.0/7.5.
Java/J2EE Developer
- Involved in designing the user interfaces using JSPs.
- Involved in analysis, design and development of e-bill payment system as well as account transfer system and developed specs that include Use Cases, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams and Activity Diagrams.
- Developed custom tags, JSTL to support custom User Interfaces.
- Developed the application using Struts Framework that leverages Model View Layer (MVC) architecture.
- Used WSAD for writing code for JSP, Servlets, and Struts.
- Implemented persistence layer using Hibernate that use the POJOs to represent the persistence database tables. These POJOs are serialized Java Classes that would not have the business processes.
- Deployed the applications on IBM Web Sphere Application Server(WSAD).
- Used SPRING framework to support Hibernate tool and Struts.
- Implemented the application using the concrete principles laid down by several design patterns such as MVC, Business Delegate, Session Facade, Service Locator, Data Access Object, Singleton and Factory.
- Used CVS for version control across common source code used by developers.
- Used XML Web Services using SOAP to transfer the amount to transfer application that is remote and global to different financial institutions.
- Used XML parser APIs such as JAXP (SAX) and JAXB in the web service's request response data marshalling as well as unmarshalling process.
- Developed JUnit test cases for all the developed modules.
- Used Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions.
- Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such as payment status report.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP 2.0, Struts 2.0, EJB 2.0, JMS, JNDI, Oracle, DHTML XML, DOM, SAX, Rationale Rose, WSAD 5.1.2 (Web Sphere Studio Application Developer), UNIX, IBM Web Sphere Application Server 5.1, Hibernate 2.0, spring, LOG4J, CVS
Software Engineer Intern (Java / J2EE Developer)
- Involved in Analysis and designing the application.
- Designed and developed web pages using HTML and JSP.
- Involved in Credit Card front-end validations backend processing.
- Did the front end pages using AJAX framework.
- Involved in designing, and writing business programs using MQ series.
- Designed and developed Servlets to communicate between the presentation and business layer.
- Used EJB as a middleware in developing a three-tier distributed application.
- Developed Session Beans and Entity beans to business and data process.
- Involved in using Legacy applications for the applet.
- Used JDBC for database connectivity with Oracle.
- Experience working within development frameworks (e.g. MVC Architecture) and XML data or web services.
- An intuitive sense for user interface design.
- Knowledge of object-oriented analysis and design.
- In depth knowledge of XHTML, HTML, CSS, JSON, and DOM
- Expertise Knowledge of MVC architecture, LAMP.
- Experience in developing interactive, graphic based application GUIs.
- Strong creativity, communication and problem-solving skills.
- Responsible for the revision of the codes, test and bug fixing.
- Used Clear Quest as a one stop for solving issues regarding the screen functionality.
- Written Delegate services provided web services SOA, XPATH, XSLT, XQuery, DTD to the end clients
- Created client side validation using JavaScript.
- Have used ANT to deploy the application.
- Used CVS for project management and version control and Bugzilla for bug tracking. sed Java Naming/Directory Interface (JNDI) to support transparent access to distributed components, directories and services
- Wrote DB2 Stored procedures to invoke the Business components.
- Effectively used Singleton&DAO design pattern to interact with DB2 system.
- Used JDBC calls to invoke the stored procedures and retrieve data.
- Used LOG4J frame work for debugging purpose.
- Conduct quality reviews of code / test plans
- Involving in Unit, Integration and Pre-production testing of the application.
Environment: WebSphere, JBoss,J2SE 5.0, EJB, Core Java, JSP, Servlets, Hibernate, Tomcat 5.0, Struts Frame Work, Spring Frame Work, Struts, TestCase, JUnit, Jbuilder 5.0, ANT, Eclipse,CSS, JavaScript,ATG Dynamo 5.0, Oracle Fusion BPM/BAM, XML, XSL, Log4j, JMS, WebServices, IBM WebSphere Message Broker 8.0,, LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), WebSphere Process server,SAS reporting, Web sphere Enterprise Service Bus, AD(Active Directory), ASP.NET, C#, CAS(SSO Authentication Server), Teradata,Lucence, Message Broker, JMS Aqua web logicBPM,Unix.