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Software Engineer Resume

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Languages & Frameworks: C, J2EE, C++

ORM Tool: Hibernate 3.0

Architecture &Framework: MVC, Spring MVC 3.0, Angular JS, Node JS, EXT JS (MVVM).

Web Service: SOAP, REST

Bug Tracking Tool: JIRA

Servers: JBOSS, Tomcat

UI: HTML/CSS, XML, XSD, AJAX, NodeJS, Angular JS, ExtJs, JQuery, JavaScript, Swings, JSP

Script: PHP, Python

IDE: Robomongo, Web Storm, Eclipse, Sublime, SVN, Jenkins, Star Team, IntelliJ IDEA, GIT.

Query Languages: SQL, PL/SQL

Tools: Maven, ANT, Log4J, SoapUI.

Testing: JUnit, Manual Testing

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, UNIX


Software Engineer



  • Developed new features from scratch and enhanced the existing functionalities for a health - related project operating for McKesson.
  • Maintained the application by fixing Change Request (CR) and updated the existing test cases based on the latest requirements.
  • Developed the system based on the analysis of the requirements, and tested thoroughly so that no issues should be left unturned.
  • Developed functional specification document, technical design document created and code documentation done for future s
  • Individual contributor for an application for assessing the newly joined employees of NTTDATA from the scratch using the latest technologies like NodeJS and MongoDB
  • Involved in Analysis, Design, Coding, and Integration testing of the Application. Possess excellent communication skills, analytical, problem solving and learning skills as well as keen interest in the emerging technologies.




  • Worked on SAP Service Ticket and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and Improvements

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