Java Developer Resume
Bloomington, MN
- Highly motivated software professional with 8+ years of experience in Design, Development, Testing and Implementation of various web based applications using Java, J2EE technologies.
- Extensive GUI development experiences using Spring MVC, Struts 1.x, JSF, Struts2.x and strong knowledge of ESRI based mapping
- Strong Service oriented architecture experience using Spring Restful web services and SOAP based web services
- Experience in Architecture, Design and Development of Object Oriented Software Systems and building complex, high performance, scalable and easily maintainable solutions for N - tier, Web, and Distributed applications.
- Having Good knowledge on the Agile methodology.
- Experience in developing Web Applications with various frameworks, Struts 1.x/2.0,Java Server Faces 1.x/2.x,Spring 2.x/3.x,Spring MVC,Spring AOP, Hibernate 2.0/3.0 ORM, JPA, J2EE, JSPs, XML/XSL,HTML5, DHTML, JavaScript.
- Experience in database programming using Oracle 10/11g, SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 , DB2, MySQL and proficiency in developing SQL in JDBC as well as client server environments.
- Expertise working onApplication servers in clustered environment and Apache Tomcat 5.x/6.x/7.x
- Implemented Service Oriented Architecture by publishing and consuming WebServices which has been developed using SOAP, RESTFul protocols,XML, JAXB, XSD and Apache Axis2 framework.
- Performed unit testing using JUnit aiding test driven development in some scenarios.
- Highly adaptable in quickly changing technical environments with very strong organizational and analytical skill
- Expertise in Grails 2.0 Framework, Struts, Spring and Hibernate
Languages: Java,XML,XSD, HTML5,XHTML, DHTMLCSS3,JavaScript, Grails, SQL, PLSQL,perl
Java Technologies: Java, J2EE,EJB,JDBC,Servlets,JSP,JQuery, Junit
Frame Works: Spring,MVC,Struts, Hiberante, Ajax
Development Tools: Eclipse, ANT, Maven, Log4j
Web Services: SOAP,REST
Databases: SQL Server, DB2, MS-Acces, Oracle
Environment: s: UNIX, Windows
Confidential, Bloomington, MN
Java Developer
- Involved in the development of the application in both front end and back end using J2EE, Spring (MVC, JDBC), JQuery, JSP and Crystal reports.
- Worked on JBOSS Application server in clustered environment and Apache Tomcat 5.x
- Used IntelliJ IDEA IDE for writing code.
- Used Agile software methodology.
- Used Microsoft SQL server (SQL,T-SQL) to write Stored Procedures, Triggers and SQL queries.
- Utilized Grails 2.0 to develop the intranet admin application to handle referring physician’s requests.
- Developed the web pagesJava,HTML,JavaScript,CSS, JQuery, JSP,Servlets,Tag libsandJ2EEtechnology framework usingSpring 2 (MVC,JDBC),Hibernate,WebServices with J2EE design patternsusingIntellij IDEA.
- Used Iterative methodology that included iterative application development, stand up meetings.
- UsedMavenandAntfor Build Automation; ensuring proper settings, avoiding/solving any errors.
- Worked along with Enterprise Architect to ensure that the application program code meets the design specification.
- Involved in creation of Test Cases forJUnitTesting.
- Performing code deployments to localJBossserver for testing inLinuxenvironment.
- Used Apache Log4J logging API to log errors and messages.
- Worked with QA for testing, Production releases Application deployment, integration and code reviews.
- Provided technical expertise to project team covering the coding issues and fixing the bugs.
Environment: Java1.6, J2EE, Spring, XML,Log4J1.2.1,IntelliJ IDEA, Subversion, Agile, SQL, JBOSS, JSP, JQuery, XML, Maven, Agile, Grails, HTML, CSS, UnixClient: SunTrust, Orlando, FL
Java Developer
- Used Iterative methodology that included iterative application development, stand up meetings and customer reporting backlogs.
- Involved in the development of the back end the application using Struts, Hibernate and Web Services.
- Used Spring MVC framework for Dependency injection and Spring Core.
- Implemented Persistence layer using Hibernate ORM and writing SQL queries based on Hibernate criteria API.
- Used Web logic application server for Oracle database.
- Implemented JAX-RS(Restful) Web Services using JERSEY Framework .
- Applied SOA concepts to implement Web Services integration
- Creating unit test strategy, preparing test environments and test cases.
- Monitored the error logs usingLog4jand fixed the problems.
- The batch framework made heavy use of XML/XSL transforms.
- UsedAntscripts to fetch, build and deploy the application to development environment.
- Used PL/SQL to write Stored Procedures, Triggers and SQL queries.
- Used ECLIPSE IDE for writing code.
- Creating JUnit test case design logic and implementation throughout application.
- Providing technical expertise to project team covering application design, database design and performance tuning activities.
- Involved in creation of Test Cases forJUnitTesting.
- Performing code deployments to localJBossserver for testing inLinuxenvironment
- Developed the web pagesJava,HTML,JavaScript,CSS, JQuery, JSP,Servlets,Tag libsandJ2EEtechnology framework usingSpring 2 (MVC, JDBC),Hibernate,WebServices with J2EE design patternsusingIntellij IDEA.
- Coding groovy, domain class to handle the business logic.
- Following Agile software methodology for project development.
Environment: Java1.6,J2EE,Spring,Hibernate3.0(JPA),XML,JUnit,Oracle10g,Log4J1.2.1,Eclipse,Unix,Subversion,ANT1.7.1,Agile, Web service, SOAP,REST, SIMS,JAXRS(REST),SQL Developer, Groovy
Confidential, Tallahassee, FL.
Java/J2EE Backend Developer.
- Understood the Entire AMS based application. Involved in requirement gathering, Design, Development, Programming, Deployment for AMS based application.
- Involved in Converting the Functional Design Document to Technical Design Document.
- Developed WebObjects project which utilizes a GUI written in Java with Interface Builder
- Involved in the development of both the back end and the front end of the application using Hibernate and Web Services.
- Converted the HTML Pages to JSF Tag Specific Pages.
- Developed JSPs and managed beans using JSF,JSTL.
- Developed Service layer using JDBC and injected the same into JSF managed bean.
- Implemented the JSF framework by writing Faces-config.xml and Form-Beans in the process of development.
- Implemented JSF datatable, dataScroller components to display search results and implemented the page navigation functionality in all the search screens.
- Implemented Customized and Hibernate validations in all the jsps.
- Developed faces-config.xmls and injected the Service beans into faces-config.xml.
- Involved in writing from Services-Layer to DAO’s Layer.
- Developed JSF Validators and Converters for calendar events monthly/weekly/daily date range validation, not null, length validations.
- Used Agile software methodology.
- Developed JSF navigation rules for Event create/edit/update/delete/view actions.
- Created Action Listeners and Action Events for all the JSF related Pages to handle all type of Actions.
- Involved in implementation of JSF MVC framework and developed DAO and Service layers.
- Configured JDBC Connection Pools in Weblogic appliction server for Oracle database, configured web.xml for various filter classes, listener classes and context parameters.
Environment: Java 1.5, JSF 2.0,Eclipse 3.3.2, Tomcat 5.5, Web Services, SOAP, Maven, Web logic 9.2, Oracle 9i, Oracle SQL Developer 3.0, Agile, HTML5,CSS3,XML, WinSCP Client.
Confidential, Calabasas, CA
Software Developer
- Used Object Oriented Design and Object Oriented Programming concepts like Polymorphism, Inheritance, Interfaces, Generics and Collections etc
- Extensively involved in design and implementation of front-end User Interface development using HTML,DOM, CSS, JSP, JSTL, Java script and perl scripting, JQuery,Dojo and AJAX.
- Created HTML and JSP’s for Graphical User Interface.
- Identified and implemented the user actions (Struts Action classes) and forms (Struts Form classes) as a part of Struts framework.
- Used Struts-Tiles as reusable components for JSP’s and developed user views using custom tags from JSP’s and data validation using Struts for easy expendability of the project.
- Used TDD software development methodology.
- The controller uses XML mappings in Struts to map the request to the server side functionality.
- Used Stateless Session Beans (EJB) in session façade and for implementing business logic.
- Used and Message Driven Beans (MDB EJBs) for sending Payment messages to backend servers to process the payment.
- Created ANT build file for deploying the application on the server.
- Extensively developed the application user Interface using JSP custom tags and JSTL.
- Used PL/SQL, Stored Procedures for handling Database in Oracle.
- Used SOA concepts to implement Web Services integration.
- Used Hibernate framework to deal with the all database related transactions.
- Developed the Maven build scripts for building the EAR file and used Eclipse as an IDE.
- Used Apache Log4J logging API to log errors and messages.
- Worked with QA for testing, Production releases, Application deployment, integration and conducted walk - thru code reviews.
- Worked closely with various interfacing teams for smooth and bug free delivery of application under mission critical time lines.
Environment: Java 1.6, Apache Struts 2.0, Hibernate 3.0, JSP 2.0, Servlets, Web services, HTML, CSS, AJAX, XML, XSLT, XSD, PL/SQL,, JQuery, Web Logic Portal 10.3.3, Oracle 11i, Maven, Eclipse, Log4J, UNIX, Windows XP.
Confidential, Jersey City, NJ
Java Developer
- Designed GUI screen for Insurance Quote to get User information with JSP, Struts tag library.
- Developed WebObjects project with GUI written in Java.
- Developed Action Classes, Service Classes for Resident Insurance premium payment module.
- Involved in Coding JavaScript code for GUI validation and worked on Struts validation frameworks.
- Involved in the development of both the back end and the front end of the application using Struts, Hibernate and Web Services.
- Wrote PL/SQL Queries to get Schedule of policy payment and defaults.
- Developed Session and Entity beans for Insurance Quotes.
- Developed web services usingApache Axisweb service engine. UsedSOAPrequest response exchange pattern to exchange business XMLs.
- Responsible for Writing JSP for Online Quote for Resident Insurance.
- Used Web Services for interacting with a remote client to access data.
- Developed CMP read only Entity beans to get Insurance Quotes.
- Fixed the bugs identified in test phase.
- Used TDD software development methodology
- Written Test cases for Unit testing in Pension Manager Module.
- Documented CR impact analysis and prepared implementation documents.
Environment: Java 1.4, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Struts, XML, SVN, ANT, JUnit, HTML,CSS, Apache AXIS, Web logic 8.1, SOAP, WSDL, Oracle 9i.
Java Developer
- Developed the front end with JSP, JSTLHTML, DOM, Servlets, Dojo JavaScript and CSS.
- Developed the data access classes using JDBC and SQL queries.
- Designed GUI screen for Pilot site.
- Developed and tested the applications using Eclipse.
- Developed the validations by using JavaScript, JQuery.
- Implemented Connection Pooling for database connectivity, transaction and retrieval queries using SQL with the backend Database management systems.
- Executed all the test cases successfully and fixed any bugs/issues identified during the test cycles of the project.
Environment: Java, AWT, Swing, Agile, JDBC, JSP, Servlets, Apache Tomcat, SQL.