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Developer Resume

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  • Developed a central Confidential t repository for tracking clinics, hospitals, and home care encounter events. The event model is based on HL7 v3 objects (internal use) for processing message transactions (30k/minute) translated from Siemens Soarian and other external clinical application sources.
  • Technical lead for the Enterprise Master Person Index ( Confidential ) platform. The Confidential services maintain a Single Best Record from internal and external Confidential t’s demographics. The Confidential is based on open source Mural Master Data Management (MDM) package and Confidential Confidential . Developed workflow services utilizing RESTful APIs for externalizing Confidential services.
  • Technical lead for the Clinical Data Repository (CDR) project that standardizes various sets of data from internal applications, e - Prescribing and clinical messages. The CDR stores the data into an Event Sourcing stream, which populates clinical dashboard view models.

Technologies used: Event Store/CQRS, ElasticSearch, HL7 v3 RIM structures, NetBeans 7.4, Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) 6, JPA 2.0, Postgres 9, ElasticSearch and Mirth Connect integration engine.


Enterprise Architect/Project Lead


  • Provided Informatics leadership for defining clinical translational services driven by Confidential s ( Confidential ) and the Harvard Catalyst clinical trials clinical care facilities.
  • Facilitated focus groups sessions throughout the Harvard clinical community to establish a distributed agile team approach for monthly software releases that were driven by continuous user feedback process.
  • Technical lead of clinical trials review and resource scheduling Web application for multi-facility operations and integration utilizing the Java EE 6 platform.

Technologies used: Agile/Scrum, HL7 v3 RIM based transaction store, NetBeans 6.9.1, Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) 6, JSF 2.0, PrimeFaces 3, JPA 2.0, EJB 3.1, GlassFish v3 and MySQL 5.1.


Architect/Technical Lead


  • Implemented (hands on) the “Core” services Java EE module utilizing Java Persistence Architecture (JPA) to support all clinical research genotype and phenotype use cases.
  • Early adopter of the HL7 version 3 clinical-genomics family history models and clinical integration with Electronic Health Records (EHR) for Confidential t care to research support.
  • Developed the integration ESB hub to support all upstream and downstream systems participating with clinical research workflows. The hub design requirement is also responsible to coexist with current legacy systems for incremental migration strategy.

Technologies used: NetBeans 6.5, Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) 5, EJB 3.0, JPA, SVN, GlassFish v2, GlassFish ESB, JMS, JSF IceFaces 1.8, JDBC Binding Components, JSR-268 Portlets (Liferay 5.2) Amazon EC2, Oracle 10g and MySQL 5.1.




  • Develop JSF with SUN’s Woodstock components, Web event driven application to manage Clinical Electronic Data Capture (EDC) and analysis services.
  • Define requirements and develop distributed Electronic Health Records (EHR) services based on HL7 version 3 RIM, CCD and (LOINC) healthcare national vocabulary standards.

Technologies used: SDLC best practice Rational Unified Process (RUP), NetBeans 6.0, Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) 5, EJB, JPA, CVS, OpenESB (JCAPS 6), Mural Master Data Mangement, Web Services, XML Schema, Apelon DTS, TCP/IP - HL7 Binding Components, GlassFish v2 JEE, Tomcat, Amazon EC2, SQS, S3, Oracle 10g and MySQL.


Enterprise Architect/Lead Developer


  • The Projects platform requirements are for providing real-time collaboration between hospital care/financial systems, clinical ancillary systems ambulatory care centers, physician organizations and participation with analysis for Regional Health Information Organizations (RHIO) data requirements.
  • Participate with establishing Hospital Information Management workflow requirements for supporting distributed Electronic Medical Records (EMR). JCAPS 5.1.3
  • Responsible for Hospital Confidential t Registration, Emergency Room, Radiology, Confidential Computerized Physician Order Entry, Pharmacy and Ambulatory systems integration with HL7 2.x messaging/workflow development.

Technologies used: SDLC best practice Rational Unified Process (RUP), eINDEX Single Confidential t View, Enterprise Data Manager, JMS Grid, eGate integrator, eWay Adapters (TCP/IP HL7), custom Object Type Definition (OTD), XML Schema, Web Services, NetBeans 6.0, and Oracle 9. Agile Unified Process applied, Use Cases, UML and Confidential enterprise clinical product.


Enterprise Architect/Project Oversight (IV&V)


  • Architectural oversight for the Confidential ( Confidential ) implementation,
  • Responsible Clinical Health services department developing the disease surveillance systems; the application base is designed to facilitate a service oriented architecture (SOA) framework providing services for integrating statewide and federal clinical healthcare systems and databases for very large data sets.
  • Verification of claims data specific tasks claims processing automation for provider electronic submissions with Rules Engine implementation.
  • Assess project deliverables for compliance with Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) application .

Technologies used: SDLC best practice Rational Unified Process (RUP), Enterprise Architect, Oracle JDeveloper, J2EE, EJB 2.0, JSP, WebLogic 8.1, Oracle PL/SQL, HL7 2.x and X12 messaging.


Senior Architect/Developer


  • Responsible for department wide data conformance and development for Immunization Registry system.
  • Presentation and interface layers are built on Apache Cocoon framework (XML, XSLT); middleware components are based on EJB 2.0 specifications.
  • The PHIN Portal architecture utilizes the following Core J2EE Patterns - Application Service for business rules, Business Delegate and Session Façade for component layering, Business Object for local Entity Beans CMR and Data Transfer Objects with assemblers for composite data exchange between tiers.

Technologies used: SDLC best practice Rational Unified Process (RUP), Rational Developer Suit, Java, JBuilder EE, JESS Rule engine, Apache Cocoon, XForms, Eclipse Hibernate, EJB 2.0, Oracle 9 AS, MVC and Oracle 9i RDBMS, Oracle clinical warehouse. PHIN portal is deployed on WebLogic 8.1, J2EE cluster of 3 Solaris 8 SUN Fire 480s




  • Designed and developed the software for Octave®, a microarray/bio-sensor instrument product used to characterize molecular interactions for Proteomics information analysis. .
  • This was a re-architected version of the client-server Lablink application.
  • The business logic from Windows clients and Oracle’s PL/SQL where re-factored into object domain models implemented with Session Beans with Entity Beans (EJB) at root level for Java Object graphs.
  • The Windows clients were re-designed to provide thin-client interface with the J2EE application server.
  • The Apache Axis framework was used for the SOAP EJB container interface.
  • The services were based on Session facades accessing remote Lablink clinical data warehouse and HL7 lab results.
  • Data feeds from worldwide installation base from laboratory equipment stored to central clinical repository

Technologies used Rational Unified Process (RUP), Delphi 6, Java, JBuilder 7 J2EE, InterSystems Cache, WebLogic 6.1, JMS, Apache Axis Web Services, Interbase 6.0, IBM DB2 clinical warehouse, Oracle 7.2/IBM AIX RS6000.

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