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Senior Software Engineer (contract) Resume

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Herndon, VA


Web Services: (EC2/S3), Raspberry Pi, Scratch, HTML5, Game Theory,Complexity, Apache Hadoop, Big Data, iPhone, Android, XCode


Confidential, Herndon, VA

Senior Software Engineer (Contract)


  • Participated in the development, maintenance, and support of Cisco's social community public site. This site allows networking experts to exchange information and answer each other's questions. Created JSON - based web services to enhance interconnectivity with mobile devices (iPhone and Android). Generated reports of web service usage and user rankings.
  • Remediated issues related to the site's integration with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. Customized out-of-box application for various enhancements including improved SEO and remediation of XSS vulnerabilities. Handled support requests (caching, account management, troubleshooting) and participated in deployments using the cloud tool. Troubleshot complicated defects related to database integration and authentication.

Environment: Jive 4.5.4, jQuery 1.2.3, Eclipse 3.7.2, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.5, Struts 2.0FreeMarker 2.3.15, Spring 2.5.6, Spring MVC, Spring Web Services, PostgreSQL 9.0.4Maven 2, JDK 1.6.0, SAML, OAuth, iOS/iPad/iPhone, Android, PhoneGap 1.5.0-2.5.0



  • Participated in upgrading next generation portal RIA application for creating customer service requests. Studied and enhanced application's search functionality which facilitates efficient routing of requests to correct group. Ensured successful packaging and deployment of application into production.

Environment: WAS 6.1, WebSphere Portal 6.1, XML Access, Dojo/Dijit 1.6, Java 5/6, Spring 3.0.6, Spring MVCHibernate 3.2, Scrum/Agile, Deployment Packages, REST/Ajax, Ant 1.7, SVNTomcat 6, Windows 7, JSR-286, SOA, Apache Lucene 3.0

Confidential, Pleasanton, CA

Hands-On Portal Architect (Contract)


  • For external, Internet-based applications, participated in the major phases of the software life cycle as a hands-on WebSphere Portal and Software Architect. Made key technical decisions and implemented designs for an application which generated estimates of insurance claims. In addition, augmented senior technical staff of a large team responsible for the 2009/2010 enrollment application launch for Medicare, a product line which represents almost forty percent of the company's revenue.

Environment: JSR-168/286, Maven 2.0.10, Windows XP, MacBook, Hibernate 3.3.1, Spring 2.5, JSF 1.0, Log4jApache Axis 1, JAX-RPC, WAS 6.0/6.1, WebSphere Portal 6.0/6.1, Oracle 9i, DojoTeamsite, VMWare (CentOS), Agile/Scrum

Confidential, San Jose, CA

Senior Software Engineer (Contract)


  • Worked in a group responsible for higher-end localization of Internet-facing technical support pages into Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and Japanese. Also participated in the Wiki-fication of technical support pages. In addition, contributed to the launch of portal platforms that personalized the user's experience with technical support documentation and allowed technical experts to collaborate with one another through media including email, instant messenger, and 'click-to-call'.

Environment: WAS 6.0, WebSphere Portal 6.0, RAD 6, Java 6, PHP, Spring 2.5, Spring MVC, Hibernate 3.2Scrum/Agile, SVN/CVS, jQuery, REST, Ant 1.7, Tomcat 5.5, Windows, Solaris, JSR-168


Project Founder / / Software A rchitect


  • Launched open source enterprise application which allows users to create applications without writing code. Web pages, macro, templates, and deployment are all managed through a web browser.

Environment: JSP, Servlet, JSP Tag, JMX, SOAP, HTML, Eclipse TPTP, JProbe, XML, Windows XP Pro, AntMessageDigest, Hibernate, Spring, Tomcat 5.5, JBoss 4


Senior Software Engineer (Contract)


  • Added additional clients to existing product, which allowed corporations to identify the nature of their credit card transactions (including lodging, transportation, and per diem expenditures).
  • Responsible for providing purchasing solutions for a major energy trading company. Worked with team members and external client.
  • Worked with a team to identify and resolve bugs in customized solutions for pharmaceutical distribution companies.
  • Worked with a team who was responsible for adding mortgage companies to existing system which allowed Realtors nationwide to appraise houses and determine mortgage application approval.
  • Responsible for full life cycle launch of organization's intranet that allowed users to create their own mash-ups as well as have access to RSS feeds and other dynamic content.
  • Member of a group tasked with implementing a parts procurement system within 100 days for a leading computer manufacturer.
  • Worked with a team to create a high profile trade show demonstration of the company's cell phone client-based applications to book hotel rooms and coordinate industry conferences.
  • Established a system of decision-based automated invoice approval for a major airline. Actors included end-users as well as other automated systems.

Environment: Java, J2EE/JEE, EJB, Oracle 8i/9i, Solaris 6/8, Weblogic 4.5.1/5.1/7/8 , XML, HTML, JAXP, XSL, RedHat 7.2/9, JUnit, JMS, MDB, XPath, XQuery, SunONE, JBoss, JSP, Servlet, Struts 1.1, JNDI/LDAP, SunONE, JBoss, JavaScript, WebSphere 4, ETL, PL/SQL, Windows NT/2000/XP

Confidential, San Mateo, CA

Software Engineer


  • Worked within a team to create web front-end and automated (IVR) customer service line. These solutions allowed customers to have Internet-purchased goods shipped to them same-day.

Environment: JSPs, JavaBeans, EJBs, Oracle 8i, WebLogic, XML, ASP, COM Object, Windows NT

Confidential, Morganville, NJ

Software Engineer


  • Responsible for working with clients to create screen phone applications. Applications included music and book purchases, weather forecasts, and stock quotes.

Environment: Java Servlets, Apache, Oracle 8, Windows NT

Confidential, Rockaway, NJ

Product Support Engineer


  • Worked in the support strategy group of the power equipment testing division. Devised a support regime for the major product release - a test array for cell phone and laptop batteries.

Environment: Windows, Visual Basic 6

Confidential, Waltham, MA

Call Center Modeling and Research Intern


  • Worked with a renowned queuing theory expert to create Erlang C software to model call center staffing levels.

Environment: C, HP-UX

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