Senior Java/j2ee Developer Resume
Richardson, TX
- Around 6 years of expertise in Design, Development, Deployment and Maintenance of various web based, client - server applications using the latest Java/J2EE tools and Frameworks.
- Well versed with the multi-tier client-server architecture using various Java technologies such as J2EE,JDBC,Javascript,JSP, Servlets, Jquery,HTML,CSS,XML,XSLT and DTD
- Hands on experience with the analysis of project requirements and their design with various OOAD concepts using the Unified Modeling Language with IBM Rational Rose, MS-Visio and Visual Paradigm
- Strong experience coding in Integrated environments like the Eclipse IDE and IBM RAD
- Proficiency in implementing the MVC architecture across various projects using the Struts, Struts 1.2 and the Spring MVC frameworks respectively.
- Prowess in implementing the dependency injection mechanism for supporting the Data Access Object(DAO) pattern using the Spring IOC
- Strong ability to design the Object Relational Model (ORM) using the Hibernate framework
- Experience in working with database technologies SQL,PL/SQL, Functions, Packages and Stored Procedures across diverse databases such as MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and DB2 respectively.
- Worked extensively with the testing by writing test cases using Junit 4 and also performance testing using Jprobe.
- Experienced in other programming languages such as C and C++
- Proficient in working with the deployment of code in various application servers Toncat,Websphere and JBOSS
- Worked extensively with Log4j for generating user defined messages for run time exceptions and Errors.
- Well versed in designing web pages and their browser side validation using JSP,HTML,CSS and Javascript, also worked with AJAX to integrate dynamic content to the web page
- Experience in creating the project build file using the ANT and Maven technologies.
- Experience in working with web services using both SOAP and RESTful services.
- Prowess in working with different software life cycle process models from the conventional waterfall model to the sophisticated Agile programming.
- Vastly experienced in working with the design patterns such as the Front controller pattern, MVC pattern, Data Transfer Object pattern, Singleton and Factory Pattern.
- Expertise in version control and configuration with various tools such as CVS and Clearcase .
- A highly motivated person, loves to work in a team, always yearning to learn new things and evolve every day. Possesses excellent soft skills and problem solving skills.
Languages: C,C++,Java, HTML, CSS and XML
Scripting Languages: Javascript, Jquery and AJAX
Databases: MySQL, MS-SQL Server 5.5, DB2 and Oracle10g
J2EE: JSP,JDBC, Servlets, JSTL and Web services(SOAP and RESTful)
Frameworks: Struts 1.0,1.2 MVC,Spring IOC, Spring MVC and Hibernate ORM
Web and Application Servers: Tomcat 5.X, 6.X, IBM websphere and Jboss
IDE's: Eclipse and IBM RAD
Design Tools: Rational Rose, MS-Visio and Visual Paradigm
Others: Junit 4X,Jprobe,Jmeter, Ant, Maven, Sql optimization, DOM parser, Sax parser
Confidential, Richardson, TX
Senior Java/J2EE Developer
- Involved in the requirements gathering analysis and design with the OOA/UML
- Responsible for the transition from the initial to the high level requirements using the Visual Paradigm.
- Implemented design patters such as DAO, Singleton, Front Controller, MVC and Factory patterns
- Worked with the Spring IOC framework for dependency injection.
- Integrated Spring and Hibernate, injecting Hibernate Template class into the DAOs
- Worked extensively to integrate Hibernate and Spring frameworks by setting up a DAOs pattern for the front end forms, these DAO communicate with the database using the hibernate mapping template configured in the hibernate.cfg.xml and .hbm with POJO class.
- Exposed the functionality of the application as RESTful web services, so other applications can integrate with GP Export. Used Jersey library to implement web services.
- Responsible for writing build scripts in ANT and deploying the War and Jar flies in the application server.
- Worked on front end WebPages using HTML,CSS,XSLT,JSP,Javascript and Jquery.
- Worked on PL/SQL to configure stored procedures and Triggers.
- Designed test cases for Unit testing and Integration testing using Junit.
Environment: JDK1.6, J2EE, Spring 3.0,Spring IOC, Hibernate ORM, OOAD, UML, XML, HTML, JavaScript, XSLT, Apache Ant, Eclipse 3.1, SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle 10g,Jersey(Jax-RS) and Visual Paradigm
Confidential, Des Moines, IA
J2EE Developer
- Worked on the revamp of the entire UI of the application by using the JSP and HTML for web content and XSLT style sheets.
- Designed and developed an ORM for inserting/deleting and updating user defined data from the website into the DB2 database using the Hibernate Template.
- Implemented object dependency injection with the Spring IOC framework.
- Implemented the front controller pattern as well as the MVC and the DAO patterns by using the Spring MVC framework to transfer user form data in the form of beans and using interceptors for redirection of POJOs to the specified location. configured the WSDL files using the JAX-WS for implementing SOAP web services in the application.
- Worked with Clearcase for code check in and check out and version control
- Deployed the application on the IBM web sphere application server in various environments such as the test, Development and the production using the Maven build.
- Implemented user oriented errors and messages using Log4j.
- Participated in the unit testing of the application suing the Junit 4.x
Environment: JDK 6, J2EE, Spring MVC 2.5.6, HTML, JavaScript 1.6, XML, XSLT, XPATH, CSS, Ajax, JUnit, Rational ClearCase, Eclipse 3.5, IBM Rational Application Developer 7 (RAD), WebSphere 7.0, DB2, Maven,JAX-WS,Log4J,Spring IOC
Confidential, Albuquerque, NM
Java Developer
- Extensively involved in developing the Application GUI using HTML, JSTL, JSP and CSS
- Worked on AJAX and Javascript the former or injecting Dynamic content into the webpage and the latter for Browser end validation of user fields.
- Worked with Struts 1.2 framework for carrying user data from the fields in the form of POJOs to the transaction database.
- Involved in working with the Jersey and JAX-RS to implement the RESTful web services throughout the application.
- Worked on the Hibernate ORM where I was responsible for configuring the hibernate mapping files like the hibernate-cfg.hbm for mapping the user beans to tables.
- Deployed the application in the Tomcat server, configuring the build.xml file using ANT build
- Designed and Developed Struts Action classes and defining them in action-servlets.xml file to inject the Service layer beans using Spring IOC.
- Involved in configuring various XML files throughout the project like the web.xml, struts-config.xml, action-servlets.xml and applicationContext.xml
- Involved in Unit testing and Integration testing using JUnit and Jmeter
- Worked with the database team to create stored procedures for searching an applicant and his transaction history with the help of his number using PL/SQL
- Performed SQL query optimization for applicant data integrity and efficiency using Database Tuning advisor.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, Struts1.2,Spring2.0,Hibernate3.0, Tiles, JavaScript, AJAX HTML, Ant, Log4j, Eclipse IDE, Toad, Version Control,JAX-RS,Junit,Jmeter,MS SQL 2008(SQL,PL/SQL and Database tuning advisor)
Confidential, Irving, CA
Java Developer
- Designed front end web pages for the application using JSP,HTML and CSS style sheets
- Worked with Hibernate ORM for storing user objects such as login information and Card details into their respective databases.
- Implemented the MVC and the DAO design pattern using the Struts 1.0 Framework for user form data.
- Worked on Javascript and Jquery for the validation of the front end form data on the browser side.
- Implemented dynamic data content generation using AJAX for a specific modules in the application like adding a new credit card.
- Worked on the Struts Tiles framework to implement a common layout thought out the web pages.
- Developed session beans to carry out user requests from the client interface.
- Created stored procedures for data retrieving using PL/SQL on the MySQL database
- Worked extensively with the Apache Maven to configure the build.Xml file and delpoy the application on the JBoss server.
Environment: Servlets 2.4, JSP 2.0, JBoss, Struts, Hibernate, Java, JSP, MySQL database, PL/SQL, HQL,HTML, JUnit, JSTL,AJAX,XML,J2EE,Apache Maven,Javascript,CSS and MySQL Database
Associate Java Developer
- Coordinated with the business team for the illustration of the requirements.
- Worked with Rational Rose on the Unified Modeling Language concepts for the various UML diagrams for the high level requirements.
- Worked with HTML/CSS to design static web pages to present an overview of a front end screens.
- Worked with JSP and Javascript to add dynamic content, validating the bank account number at the browser and e-Banking customer authentication
- Worked with J2EE technologies such as the JDBC and Servlets for establishing a connection between the front end forms and back end database for user storing user login information and retrieving them for authentication
- Developed Core java code for retrieving user account balance in the form of objects and display it in the front end for a given user id.
- Performed version control by doing the code Check out and Check in the code on a daily basis by using the CVS tool.
- Worked with the testing team to design test cases for checking code functionality for the "check-available balance" using Junit
Environment: Java, Servlets, JDBC, JSP, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Eclipse IDE, DB2 database, Tomcat web server, Junit, CVS and Rational Rose