Senior Architect Resume
Chicago, IL
- Over 15 years of experience in system architecture, design and development of Java (EE) applications across multiple industries - financial, insurance, banking, airline and healthcare companies.
- Versatile project experiences and leadership roles in object-oriented analysis, software design patterns, extreme programming methodologies and various best practices.
- Extensive background in enterprise infrastructure and middleware solutions such as messaging and communications, business processes, web services and service oriented architectures.
- Hands-on development skills using many open source solutions from Software communities such as Apache, Redhat JBoss and Spring. Practical experience in migrating legacy systems into service-oriented components on Enterprise Application platforms.
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Senior Architect
- Responsible for releases engaging technical design and development of Service Oriented Architecture in private cloud platform.
- Implement secure services, service orchestration and registration using Mule ESB and integration platform.
- Engaged in developing cloud practice, open source development and client presentations involving private, public and hybrid cloud related technologies.
- Engaged in Mobile practice in responsive web area. Practiced modern technology stacks of Restful service, Angular JS, and Data Driven Document (D3) JS technologies.
Skill Highlights:PaaS, Private Cloud, Amazon Web Service, Open Stack. Pivotal tc Server, Mule Soft, Mule ESB, Spring IO Platform, Spring framework, Spring Tool Suite™ (STS), PostgresSQL, MongoDB, Angular JS, D3 JS
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Technical Lead / Consultant
- Responsible for releases involving banking, trust statement opt-out, tax forms, private client resource aggregation, loan payment and other money transfers.
- Design service oriented architecture for the above system enhancements to support both Portal based desktop interfaces and other various mobile devices.
- Develop banking web site using Dojo, Spring, Struts and Oracle stored procedures on Oracle WebLogic Portal 10g.
- Design HTML5/CSS, JavaScript and AJAX based web pages using responsive techniques to accommodate both desktop and mobile devices with mixed native and web widgets.
Skill Highlights: Dojo, HTML5/CSS, JavaScript, Spring framework, Apache Struts, Weblogic Portal 10.3, Eclipse IDE, Microsoft TFS, Oracle 11g, Linux, Sun Solaris
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Sr. Consultant / Web Architect
- Designed RiskWeb framework using the combination of Java Seam Web framework, JSF/Facelet, Richfaces, iBatis persistence layer and Oracle stored procedures. This helped migration of the company’s existing legacy application into a modern web application in a cost effective way and reused most of the business logic already resided in Oracle.
- Designed generic bus system on top of apache ActiveMQ and Jencks JCA framework. The new framework allow communications between risk applications through XML based message and provide capabilities of retry failure message logging (DLQ) and resending, message scheduling capabilities.
- Using the RiskWeb and Communication Bus framework mentioned above, designed and created Net Asset Value analysis tool and Newedge internal rating tool and Guarantee administration and management applications. Supported user requests and enhancements of these applications on a regular basis. Log issue and provide fixes according to business’ needs. Helped creating business object reports by preparing Oracle queries, views and stored procedures.
Skill Highlights: Seam EJB3, JSF/Facelets, Richfaces, Ajax4JSF, XHTML, iBatis, Spring framework, Weblogic 10.3, Eclipse IDE, Subversion, Oracle 11g, Toad, ActiveMQ, Linux, Sun Solaris
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Sr. Java Developer / Consultant
- Added CDS trade selection feature on Advantage trade system GUI. Provide batch scripts to load CDS portfolios.
- Enhanced existing Rates Authoring workflow to allow data cache consistency check and invalidation.
- Allow event and notification upon Rates Authoring completion. Design heavily replying on Spring framework - Spring Remote and Spring AOP.
- Facilitated routine point release and patches in production; coordinate QA and operations for test planning.
- Respond to trade supports’ requests to provide prompt issue solving and product enhancement.
Skill Highlights: Java Swing, FPML, JMS, TopLink, Spring, Groovy, Borland Enterprise Server, J2EE/EJB, Eclipse IDE, Rational Rose, ClearQuest, Perforce, Sybase, Embarcadero DBArtisan, Sonic MQ, Sun Solaris
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Sr. Consultant / Solution Architect
- Enhancing web plug-in for portal search functionalities such as taxonomy search, multiple channel associations, and multiple translation associations. Web development using XML/XSLT. Developing build scripts using Ant and Maven.
- Optimizing SOA and Restlet web service integration layer bridging Vignette EMC publish and search indexing engine, simplifying XML data structure using XML schema (XSD), minimizing the marshal/un-marshaling overhead.
Skill Highlights: Vignette Web Content Management, Vignette Dynamic Portal, JSR 168 Portlet Specification, WSRP Portlet, JEE/EJB3, JMS, Eclipse / Maven / Ant / SVN Subversion / TortoiseSVN, JUnit/JMock, WebLogic, Oracle, SQL Server
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Sr. Software Developer / Performance Tuning Consultant
- Implemented JBoss Caching for Basel II system on WebLogic platform. Selective caching capability on objects reduced the application run time from 16 hours to 7 hours in a clustered environment or a net performance improvement of 40% to 50%.
- Responsible for the technical guidance of Rules Framework refactoring. The new framework relies on POJO design, Spring AOP and other Spring framework technology, which in turn allows easier system configuration on the operation side as well as more extendable rule addition and modifications on the business side.
- Led the research and proof of concepts in implementing batching inserts (Hibernate vs. Spring JDBC) across the calculation processes to provide potential performance gains. Developed database stored procedures and triggers using Oracle PL/SQL.
- Responsible for WebLogic 9.2 migration; designing and developing notification framework handling Basel II run status and system health monitoring capabilities; integrate the notification components as JMX MBeans in WebLogic service container.
- Routinely performed Change Request development as well as Production, QA, UAT support. Participated in major after-release analysis and design in balancing the pace and scopes between software refactoring and business functions.
Skill Highlights: JEMS JBoss Enterprise Middleware, Spring, Hibernate, WebLogic JMS, WebLogic JMX, J2EE/EJB, JUnit/JMock, WebLogic 9.2/ WebLogic 8.1, Oracle 10g, Eclipse IDE, SVN/TortoiseSVN, TOAD, MS Visio, Sun Solaris, Windows
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Sr. Java Developer / Consultant
- Developed Java trade adaptors to support communications between Advantage front and back offices, design object model-message conversion and persistence using Spring/Hibernate, Xstream and Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL).
- Setup integrated development and testing environment using scheduled build tasks on Cruise Control. Develop build scripts using Ant and Maven.
- Practice agile methodology for product development, point releases, and documentations.
Skill Highlights:XML (XSD, XPATH, XSLT), FPML, JMS, Hibernate, TopLink, Spring, Xstream, OGNL. Groovy, J2EE / EJB, CheckStyle, Metrics, WebLogic 9.2, Eclipse IDE, Rational ClearCase, Sybase, Sonic MQ, Sun Solaris
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Sr. Java Developer / Consultant
- Implemented message models for FX Transfers (Allocate/Claim).
- Setup build-deploy-release process using maven and shell scripts.
- Enhanced trade posting and registration process to support trade updates and post-updates from both Globex trading system and external clearing-firm.
- Built message dictionaries to encode and decode M1, Trex and FIXML messages. Built Java/FIXML conversion library using JiBX / PPX XML pull parsers.
Skill Highlights: FIXML and FIX protocols, J2EE/EJB, JMS, JiBX, Maven, Ant, JUnit/JMock, WebLogic 8.1, Oracle, Eclipse IDE, IntelliJ IDEA, Rational ClearCase, Sun Solaris
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Sr. Software Developer / Consultant
- Work with BA in reviewing function specifications for traditional credit products, OTC, hedging and guarantees. Capture software data models, component models in UML.
- Design and develop configurable process flow and control; build rule engine based stateless processors; The program warranted large throughputs through parallel processing of millions of transactions in each processing stage. The system is implemented on top of WebLogic JMS, MDB and CMT technologies.
- Lead developers on issues of coding standards, exception chaining, EJB design patterns, application build processes and other best practices. Coordinate code refactoring on a controlled basis.
Skill Highlights:Basel II Capital Regulatory Framework; J2EE/EJB, Java Messaging Service, Hibernate OR Mapping; JUnit, JMock, JCoverage, Ant, WebLogic 8.1, WebSphere Application Developer Studio (WSAD 5.1), Oracle 9i, TOAD, IBM Rational Rose, Rational ClearCase UCM, Sun Solaris, Windows, Mercury Test Director
Confidential, Schaumburg, IL
Sr. Software Developer / Consultant
- Delivered system design documents capturing domain models, and detailed software UML models. Developed online functions including flight shopping, booking, flight upgrades, trip templates using Struts web framework laying on WebLogic EJB enabled SOA architecture.
- Implemented messaging contract using XML schema compliant to Open Travel Alliance (OTA) specification representing United Airline booking engine.
- Participated in the design and implementation of Service Broker architecture using WebLogic JMS/MDB for asynchronous messaging and JAXB for Java XML transformation. The Service Broker is a preliminary idea of Enterprise Service Buss (ESB), which allows bridging to various services enabled by Web Service, Oracle, Jolt, TEXEDO and even plain XML files with a convenient switch in the configuration.
- Applied JUnit and JCoverage on above 80% of the source code to ensure code quality. Led the research and proof of concepts on various mock testing for EJB, Servlets and Taglib etc.
Skill Highlights:OTA Specification, XML Schema, JAXB, Caster’s Java/XML, Java/SQL Mapping, SOAP, Web Service, J2EE/EJB/JMS, Jakarta Struts, JSTL, Java Servlet/JSP, JSP TagLib, JUnit/JMock, JCoverage, Ant, Log4J, WebLogic 8.1, Oracle, TOAD, Rational Rose, SVC, Eclipse IDE, Eclipse UML, XML Spy, TogetherJ, Sun Solaris
Confidential, Mt Prospect, IL
Sr. Software Engineer / Lead System Designer
- Laid out product infrastructure adopting cost-effective open source solutions. Designed tiered system architecture using clustered Apache HTTP servers, JBoss application server, and MySQL database on Red Hat Linux.
- Designed service modules pluggable into GE PACS imaging system running on BEA WebLogic Server V7 across distributed network.
- Designed and developed Java APIs that integrates user behavior auditing into client applications. The API relies heavily on java management extension (JMX) technology.
Skill Highlights: J2EE/EJB, JSP, JMX, JDO, Apache Jakarta Struts, Jakarta Jetspeed Portal; JUnit, Ant, Log4J, WebLogic 7, Sybase, JBoss/Tomcat, MySQL, Redhat Linux, Rational ClearCase, XML Spy, Six Sigma DFSS/DMAIC, Crystal Ball
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Java Web Developer / Consultant
- Developed function modules including deals, contacts and actions etc. Provided J2EE design guidance in using loosely coupled components and design patterns such as font controller, session façade, dao and chain of responsibilities Participated in software design and impact analysis; coordinating integration testing under an aggressive deadline.
- Implemented database objects such as views, stored functions and procedures in Oracle, developed front-end pages using JSP, Java Scripts, Oracle XSQL, XML, and XSLT.
Skill Highlights: CRM, J2EE/EJB, JSP, Java/XML, Oracle XSQL, Struts, JUnit, Ant, Log4J, JavaScript and DHTML, IBM WebSphere, Oracle 8i/9iSQL Navigator, Apache, PVCS, Oracle JDeveloper, XML Spy
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Sr. Java Developer / Consultant
- Designed trade entry components allowing transaction to be processed and audited in fine-grained procedures on IBM WebSphere platform.
- Led object-orientated analysis and relational database design; directed the team in working with unified development processes; provided technical help in using rational rose and IBM WebSphere.
- Integrated build and release processes through automated deployment using ant and UNIX shell scripts.
Skill Highlights: J2EE/EJB, Java Servlet/JSP, Java Messaging Service (JMS), Ant, Log4J, IBM DB2, IBM WebSphere Application Server, Visual Age for Java, Oracle 8i, Oracle Enterprise Manager, Rational ClearCase
Confidential, Lisle, IL
Sr. Software Engineer / Consultant
- Collect and define system requirements specifying UCI (Universal Client Interface) module structures, designed system use cases, workflows and class models in Rational Rose.
- Implement UCI on the basis of legacy C++ program; develop Java IDLs interfacing C++ server programs through CORBA; building application GUI components using Swing features such as jtree, jtable, custom event listener and drag-drop, etc.
Skill Highlights: Rational Rose UML Modeling, Java Swing, OMG CORBA, Visual C++, Java IDL, Unix Shell Scripting, Iona OrbixWeb, Rational ClearCase, Windows NT 4.0, Borland JBuilder 4.0
Confidential, Deerfield, IL
Software Developer / Java Web Developer / Consultant
- Developed web based interviewing engine used by Pizza Hut customer survey. Built web sites using Java Servlets and JSP, XML/XSL technologies.
Confidential, Mt Prospect, IL
- Built web based appraisal and marketing system featuring content generation workflows in document publish and management. Worked extensively on java XML parsers, XSLT, apache FOP PDF creation, Seagate Crystal Report Netscape LDAP and Oracle database.
Confidential, Deerfield, IL
- Full-life-cycle development of Confidential ’s online store and ERP/supply chain system; Enhanced ordering process featuring real time order tracking, credit card authorizations, price updates and discount algorithm etc.
Skill Highlights: Data Warehouse, E-Commerce, Call Center, ERP, Supply Chain, J2EE, Java Servlets, JDOM, JDBC; Apache FOP; PL/SQL, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), JavaScript and DHTML, IBM WebSphere Application Server, Oracle 8.0, MS SQL Server 7.0, Oracle Enterprise Manager, Seagate Crystal Report 8.0, Netscape LDAP Server, PVCS, WinCVS, Dreamweaver