Senior Technical Architect Resume
San Jose, CA
- Java architect with over 15 years experience developing enterprise software applications, frameworks, reusable components, and tool kits
- Good understanding of OO design principles, design and architectural patterns as applied to software development
- Proficient in Core Java, J2EE architectures, Spring, ORM frameworks
- Strong knowledge of XML, SOAP, REST, AJAX frameworks
- Delivery focused with extensive experience working in team environments
- Good written and oral communication skills
Senior Technical Architect
- One of the global team leads responsible for the development of a new, strategic reconciliation platform to replace an existing vendor platform called TLM for performing reconciliations
- Developed the core UI and backend MVC service infrastructure using Angular JS on the client & Spring MVC based patterns on the server
- Developed sub - transformations in Pentaho (underlying orchestration platform) to load fixed format feed files, perform technical and business validations, data enrichment (e.g., balance calculations), matching etc.
- Responsible for implementing continuous integration & testing strategy for the platform, ensuring unit test coverage, tracking code violations using Sonar, implementing integration test scenarios (using Fitnesse), end to end smoke tests and user acceptance tests, build, deploy & release management using Maven plugins. Created a Fitnesse test harness for testing Pentaho transformations.
- Worked on developing integration architecture to integrate the reconciliation platform with a break management workflow system (OTM) using Spring Integration.
Senior Architect
- As the lead architect at Tarnea, a cloud based start-up, I was responsible for driving the technology strategy, design and development efforts. Led a development team of 12 to build a SaaS based platform that provides automation to retailers, distributors, and, principals through smart apps on mobile devices and through a web portal.
- Designed an offline device to cloud sync architecture using REST/Http and plain java object serialization. The sync framework was designed to do one time initial & subsequent 2-way syncs of offline client data on Android device with the cloud server. The framework supports synchronizing multiple entity groups sequentially, guaranteeing data integrity during dropped connections, transaction controls and optimized sync times with minimum number of round trips & optimized payloads.
- Served as lead for building 2 enterprise Android apps, one a mobile CRM app used by field sales agents to take orders, track outstanding payments, and a retailer transaction processing app that automates sell, order, receive, and inventory management of goods in a retail store. Designed as a layered Android activity based application with clean, object oriented layers (UI, domain, ORM) that captures user transactions & stores data in SQL Lite database on the device. The applications were fully compatible with Android 3.x, 4.x versions.
- Served as lead to build HTML 5, JQuery based web portal for distributors to fulfill orders received from online and device channels. The distributor web portal is deployed as a multi-tenant portlet deployed within a Liferay content management system. The portlet uses Spring MVC framework, Ajax calls made to secure REST / JSON services implemented over a Apache OfBiz ERP backend.
Technologies used: Core Java, Android SDK (SQLLite, GreenDAO), Apache OfBiz (Open Source ERP), Liferay (CMS)
Senior Technical Architect
- Designed and developed a Java based reconciliation engine that runs matching rules to reconcile breaks between intercompany trades for various derivative products such as swaps, options, fx, commodities, etc.
- The framework matches trades based on user specified rules & displays results in a configurable manner. This application is an integral part of the balance sheet posting workflow. The reconciliation algorithm was abstracted & packaged as a generic reconciliation framework that is being reused by several other reconciliation apps within the Controllers space.
- Migrated several existing Java server side regulatory reporting applications to an in-house high availability, fault-tolerant, distributed caching environment hosting transactional ORM caches (that implement MVCC to ensure thread-safety across reader/writer threads) that load domain specific (e.g., positions, transactions, etc.) data daily for specific business dates (e.g., last 5 business days, month-end, quarter-end, etc.) from database, archives, etc.
- Key developer in a major re-engineering effort to convert feed-based flows from upstream systems for several product lines to a real-time pull. This improved the availability time of data to Controllers & downstream systems from 8 - 12 hours to less than 2 hours & also improved the scalability given the increasing volume of data.
Technologies used: Core Java, Tomcat / JBoss, Jira / Atlassian Plugin development, SVN Toolkit, Selenium, Fitnesse, SourceForge, Wiki, Sharepoint, CVS, SVN, luntbuild, Teamcity, Hudson, Hikari, JUnit/JFCUnit, IntelliJ IDEA plugin development, Sonar, Emma, Clover, Free Marker, etc.
Confidential, San Jose, CA
Senior Software Engineer
- aset and Data Model framework. The Dataset/DataModel framework provides support for loading, displaying, and processing data on a form. Supports representation of flat, hierarchical, tabular data, provides support for loading data from server, provides event model for data change events.
- Provides type converters, metadata, serialization/de-serialization routines.Technical lead in the design and development of wrapped Amdocs Text controls for text, text area, password, and, currency with enhanced features such as hyperlink detection & launch, find and replace, mask formatters, regular expression, data type validation.
- Was part of team that designed and developed a simple Broadcasting, Messaging framework for forms.
Technologies used: Java Swing, J2SE, JDNC, JDIC, JGoodies, xerces-DOM, jaxp-XPATH, XSLT, JUnit/JFCUnit, Eclipse IDE and plugins such as EMF (Eclipse Modeling Framework), GEF (Graphical Editor Framework), Weblogic
Web Application Framework/Architecture Team Member
- Developed the Activity History module that tracks the history of activities performed on a typical Clarify business object. Developed a common framework to support log/view activity history functionality for different types of Clarify business objects such as case, subcase, solution, site, contact, account, lead, action item, opportunity, interaction, dialogue, etc.
- Provided consulting services to a joint Accenture - Amdocs project implementing a Billing-CRM system for Cegetel, France. Worked onsite with the implementation group in Mauritius in ( ) Accenture engineers on the ClarifyCRM web framework
Technologies used: J2EE - Servlets, JSP, Custom Tag Libs, Struts, EJB, JMS, DOM, Javascript, Weblogic, JBuilder
Team Member
- Was responsible for development and supporting the Clarify Traveler offline client, a subsystem of the Clarify Traveler product suite with its own set of client exe’s, dlls, an offline database, an offline synchronization process. Supported and enhanced the Clarify Traveler offline client through releases 8.5 (Saturn), 9.0 (Jaguar), and, early 10.0 (Cougar)
Technologies used: ClearBasic, VC++, Rogue Wave DBTools.h++, Tools.h++
Confidential, San Jose, CA
Software Development Engineer
- As a development engineer, I served as the development lead for their Corporate Reporter module (written in C++). I was also a part of the team to port their Windows 16-bit product to Win 32 platform & involved in the transition of the product suite from a 2-tier to a 3-tier architecture.
Technologies used: VC++/MFC, Rogue Wave DBTools.h++, Tools.h++