Java Developer Resume
Richardson, TX
- More than 7 years of IT industry experience.
- Sound technical background, hands - on development experience in latest areas of client/server and Internet computing, good communications and analytical skills.
- Experience in using open source projects like commons, Maven and Log4J to increase productivity and software quality.
- Implementation of Design patterns and software development process.
- Expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM Script, FTP protocols.
- Proficient in programming using Java2, J2EE (EJB), JSP, JDBC, Servlets,
- Experience in using Oracle, HTML, FTP protocols, PL/SQL.
- Extensive experience in developing and deploying applications using Websphere, Web logic, Tomcat and JBOSS.
- Experience in using IDEs like Eclipse and NetBeans.
- Experience in using Spring & Spring MVC framework.
- Experience in ORM like Hibernate and IBatis.
- Experience in using Web Services Using SOAP using CXF Framework.
Programming Languages: Java 1.4/1.6, C++, PL/SQL
Java Technologies: JDBC, JMS, JSP, JNDI
Frame Works: Spring MVC, Jakarta Struts 1.1, JUnit and Spring
Databases: Oracle, MYSQL, SQL Server 2008
IDE s & Utilities: Eclipse and NetBeans
Web Dev. Technologies: HTML, XML, JSON
Protocols: TCP/IP, HTTP and HTTPS
Operating Systems: Linux, UNIX, WINDOWS 98/00/NT/XP
Confidential, Richardson, TX
- Involved in preparing HLD of the project.
- Used ANT Build tool in the application
- Involved in resolving Automation Issues like Automation Downtime settings, Automation Alerts, Automation Schedulers
- Developed Web services using AXIS, JAXB and SOAP
- Involved in creating Uverse daily status reports.
- Involved in writing the SQL in SQL Developer DB.
- Involved in JUNIT testing for the Integration testing.
- Involved in using Mockito and Power Mockito’s in the unit tests
- Involved in solving the Sustainment tickets.
- Actively involved in getting the production issues resolved.
- Involved in Code review
- Attending the status meetings to update the team status.
Environment: J2EE, SOAP Webservices, XML, XSD, SQL Developer 3.5, Web Logic 10.3, LOG4j 1.2.16, ANT 1.8.1, ATG 9.3, JDeveloper 12.0, Code Collaborator 8.4, Tortoise SVN 1.6.16, WINSCP 5.5, JUnit 4.7, Mockito 1.9.5, CXF 2.3.2, PowerMockito 1.5
Confidential, Richardson, TX
- Involved in Code review
- Involved in writing a service class using SOAP Webservices and JAXBElement
- Involved in resolving Automation Issues
- Involved in writing the SQL in DB.
- Involved in JUNIT testing for the Integration testing.
- Involved in using Mockito and Power Mockito’s in the unit tests
- Used ANT Build tool in the application
- Involved in solving the Sustainment tickets.
- Actively involved in getting the production issues resolved.
- Attending the status meetings to update the team status.
Environment: J2EE, SOAP Webservices, XML, XSD, SQL Developer 3.5, Web Logic 10.3, LOG4j 1.2.16, ANT 1.8.1, ATG 9.3, JDeveloper 12.0, Code Collaborator 8.4, Tortoise SVN 1.6.16, WINSCP 5.5, JUnit 4.7, Mockito 1.9.5, CXF 2.3.2, PowerMockito 1.5
Confidential, Bismarck, ND
Java Developer
- Involved in Functional and Detailed Designs.
- Extensively implemented JSP/HTML in presentation
- Implemented Javascript for client side validations
- Extensively used the J2EE design patterns like Business Delegate, Service Locator
- Used Spring Web MVC for controller.
- Implemented Singleton class to load the property files
- Implemented EJB (Stateless session Beans) and exposed them as Web Services.
- Worked with JMS (java messaging service) for asynchronous communication.
- Implemented the Hibernate framework to interact with database.
- Implemented Spring with Hibernate for the transaction management for Database
- Used ORM (Object Relational Mapping) technologies hibernate for database access.
- Configured the Database Tables with java objects using Hibernate Config xml files
- Involved in Application/data base query performance Tuning.
- Involved in JUNIT testing for the component unit testing.
- Actively involved in getting the production issues resolved.
- Attending the status meetings to update the team status.
Environment: Java 1.6, Maven, J2EE 1.6, EJB 3.1, Oracle 11g, JBoss 5.0, JAX WS 2.2, JMS 1.1, SOAP 1.2, LOG4j, JSP 2.2, UNIX, Spring 3.0.0, Spring MVC 3.0.0, Hibernate 3.0, Active MQ 5.3
Confidential, Hartford CT
Software Developer
- Worked with different use cases and had hands on experience in conducting one-on-ones with Business Analysts to understand the requirements
- Applied Hibernate experience, including mapping files for complex datamodels
- Used ANT Build tool in the application
- Involved in development of services based architecture utilizing open source technologies like Hibernate ORM and Spring Framework.
- Developed presentation layer using Spring MVC. Client side validations using Spring Validation framework.
- Extensively used Mercury test director while fixing bugs
- Applied Experience with object/ relational technologies
- Created Soap WebService for Multirater application
- Extensively used Toad querying the data while testing the application
- Implemented enhancements for an existing functionalities
- Implemented JUnits for the implementations
- Participated in daily scrum meetings
- Worked on agile methodology
Environment: Java 1.4, Spring 2.5.x, Hibernate, Rational Clear Case, MercuryTest Director, JavaScript, SOAP 1.2, Microsoft Visio, Share point, TOAD, DozerBean Mapper framework, WAS 6 Application server
Confidential, San Mateo, CA
J2EE Developer
- Using SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) provided end-to-end integrated portfolio solutions along with end-to-end managed services for addressing various challenges faced by Application.
- Used Spring for dependency injection and to cache the Admin Details in jvm during initial load.
- Developed the service and DAO layers for the application using Spring.
- Design the database schemas, writing SQL queries and PL/SQL procedures, applying optimization techniques, Logging of data processing to log tables for system tracking purposes.
- Involved in the development of GUI screens using JAVA Server Pages, XML/XSLT, HTML and JavaScript.
- Used apache AXIS and jTestCase for the web service invocation.
- Wrote JAVA interfaces to bring data change using oracle.
- Web framework is used to render different JSP templates for presentation layer for consistent look and feel.
- Wrote several SQL Scripts to load data into the Oracle Database.
- Used Clear Case the version control tool for code commit and update.
Environment: JAVA 1.5, Spring, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, Junit, xml, javascript, Jboss Tools, Eclipse 3.1, Oracle 9i, JTestCase, WPS, Rational Clear Case.
Java Developer
- Bean Providers job of coding the Session Bean and Entity Bean using container managed persistence.
- Application Assemblers job of combining all these Enterprise Beans into one large Banking application, as per the requirements. And also defined the security behavior such as specifying the role name, method permission’s etc, in the deployment descriptor and also the transaction behavior for this particular application.
- Deploying job of resolving any external dependencies and customizing these deployed enterprise bean in this specific Banking application. Finally deployed the jar files in the EJB Container and WAR files in the Web Container on to the Weblogic server.
- Used Struts Tag libraries.
- Web components using JSP, Servlets with the Jakarta Struts Framework.
- Developed Servlets to connect to the Session beans from JSP.
Environment: J2EE 1.4,Weblogic 6.0, Jakarta Struts 1.1,Hibernate 2.0, Eclipse Helios, EJB 2.1, JSP 2.0, Servlets 2.4, Oracle9i, JNDI 1.2, HTML/DHTML 4.0, XML 1.0, SOAP 1.2, JavaScript 1.2.