Java Developer/programmer And System Administrator Resume
Detroit, MI
- Total 8 years of IT experience and 5 years of professional experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) core area such as Analysis, Design, Coding, Implementation Testing, and Deployment of Object Oriented and Web based Enterprise Applications using Java/J2EE technology.
- Highly experienced, years experience on and Enterprise applications, Distributed Application Development, Client/Server Applications, Servlets /Applet communication, Internet/Intranet based database applications and developing, testing and implementing application environment using J2SE, J2EE, MVC design pattern, Java, Servlets, JSP, JavaScript, Hibernate 3.0, Springs 2.5, AJAX, Web Services (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI), HTML, XML, XSL, XSLT, and Apache - Tomcat, Linux
- Experienced in various open source frameworks and tools: Spring 2.5, Hibernate 3.0, Log4J 1.2.7, and ANT 1.6.1, Maven 2.
- Worked on IDEs like Eclipse and Net Beans
- Expertise using the various application Servers JBoss 4.2.3, Web Logic 8.1 and Tomcat.
- Expertise in using J2EE Design Patterns including MVC, Singleton.
- Extensively worked on preparing HLD/LLD based on OOAD Design Patterns
- Knowledge on web services, cloud computing and service oriented architecture.
- Experience in writing & executing Unit Test cases using Junit Testing Framework for performing unit test and determining the application functionality.
- Worked on medical software and especially used Java2D libraries, DICOM Files and Image Processing
- Experienced in Version control systems tools like CVS.
- Extensively worked on OS Administration in Windows, UNIX, Solaris and Linux.
- Articulate in written and verbal communication who can fluently communicate in the languages of both people and technology. Organized self-starter and team player with strong interpersonal skills.
- Expertise in Managing all post implementation support activities including responding to end user questions and resolving production issues.
Languages: Java 1.5/2, C, Perl, and MySQL
Technical Electives: Robotics, Digital System Design, Intelligent Systems I, Digital Computer Design, Mini-Micro Computers, Digital Signal HW Design, SoftWare Specification Writing, Introduction to Systems Programming
J2EE Technologies: JSP, Servlets, JNDI, JDBC, EJB, JMS, Hibernate 3.0, Springs 2.5, AJAX, Web Services (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI), DOM, JBOSS Cache, SAX, HTML, XML, XSL, XSD, XSLT, XPath.
Framework and Tools: Apache Ant builder, Spring, Hibernate, Jasper Reports.
IDE s/Development tools: NetBeans 6.7.1, Eclipse 3.0
Design Methods: Design Patterns, OOA/OOD, UML, Agile
Version Control Tools: CVS, SVN and Visual Source Safe
Database: MS SQL Server, MySQL, Microsoft Access 2000/XP
Protocols: HTTP, TCP/IP, SOAP, SMTP, LAN and WAN
Documentation Tools: MS Office 97/2000/2002 and Visio
Operating Systems: Windows XP/2000/NT/98/95, Red Hat Linux 7.3, UNIX, Mainframe vms and cms
Web/Application Servers: Apache Tomcat 5x/4x
Hardware: LAN devices, IBM Compatible PCs, Terminals, Printers, Modems
Confidential, Detroit, MI
Java Developer/Programmer and System Administrator
- Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as analysis, design and development.
- Used Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) and UML methodology to develop Use Case diagrams, Object Diagrams, Class Diagrams, activity diagrams, and Sequence Diagrams to represent the detail design phase using Rational Rose.
- Involved in development of the screens of medical system module.
- Developed Japer Reports for generating PDF, XML and HTML.
- Solved the problems faced by clients and make them understand the functionality.
- Implemented MVC architecture using JSP. Bug fixing, Maintenance of the old modules that are already in production.
- Used Eclipse and Netbeans as the integration environment for developing, debugging and maintaining project code files.
- Involved in testing, debugging, bugs fixing, and documentation of the system.
- Responsible for code merging and code review to release branches.
- Involved in fixing the bugs or defects in the application.
- Monitoring the Team members and resolving trouble shootings.
- Used CVS as version control system.
- Worked with MAVEN and involved in creating JAR, WAR and EAR files.
- Converted embedded perl code to jsp for clinic applications.
- Programmed using Javascript, Java, JSP, Servlets, MySql and iReporter.
- Designed Web Forms For Medical Referral/Consult as an Example. Web Forms that edit/insert/retrieve and delete data from MySql administration tables. Later ported to Oracle database.
- Designed iReports with web applications for printing documents that use database data for registration, progress notes and encounter forms.
- Used existing company application builder for making database applications.
- Inserting, manipulating and displaying clinic records for staff use.
- Corrected and modified code as requested by the client.
- Created java classes and JSP pages for report generation in html, excel and pdf documents using POI libraries for procedure billing and cerebral angiogram as examples.
- Applied Code maintenance work such as determining the size of RAM available on the three platforms WINDOWS/LINUX and IMAC.
- Implemented JAAS modules and classes in tomcat6 as a standalone server.
- Did trouble shooting and debugging work on various JSP and ‘java web start’ and PERL based applications.
- Worked on Medical Manager Files (comma separated and other types of files) by reading/parsing and storing in SQL tables.
- Trouble shot an image archive application for image rendering on screen and image filtering routines.
- Worked on authentication issues for basic and web form based authentications.
- Made summary screens for printing essential data in an ancillary prescription sub form as a part of a higher Confidential t information center portal.
- Researched Java2D libraries, DICOM Files and Image Processing.
- Worked on a Sure Scripts project to send prescriptions' xml messages to a Sure Scripts company which routes them to pharmacies. I made the ground work for this project from its requirement's document. I have used JAXB classes and made the GUI interface to the application. During this process, I was exposed to web services while doing the research for the project.
- The Sure Scripts project consisted of many software layers. One layer was to download a Pharmacy file containing pharmacy records and parse it storing extracted data in a Pharmacy table on nightly bases using cronjob scheduler.
- Created a web form that Interfaces to the table and displays searched for data.
- Used JAXB to create beans from the xml messages and marshal them to Sure Scripts in a request and get the response back and un marshal it in xml form and store them in database.
- Created a web form that functions as an interface for received REFREQ messages in database and gives the physician a choice of responses to make and then send a REFRES to Sure Scripts. Each response type is done on its own jsp file. Responses such as accept, accept with changes, denied New Rx to Follow and deny.
- Worked with Spring and Hibernate to migrate data from MySql database tables to Hibernate classes for a plan to move current company applications to using Spring and hibernate technologies.
- Included installing and maintaining Company LAN network PCs to preserve programming activities
- Using my background as an electronics engineer, I helped in breaking down programming tasks on conceptual level for programmers in order to code applications
- Install RedHat Enterprize Linux 5 and connect work pcs in a LAN using Eathernet cards and Cat5 cables. Connected via an ADSL modem/Router and Hub
- Web environment involved Apache2/tomcat5+, mod jk and Java, servlet/jsp and used eclipse as an IDE
- Copying and migrating applications between personal computers on our LAN
- Researched and installed java authentication and authorization (JAAS) for tomcat and jsp applications.
- Installing company applications is part of my normal work activity.
Environment: JSP, Java, J2EE, Hibernate, Spring, Jasper Reports, MySQL, Eclipse, NetBeans, Web Services JAXB, JAAS, RedHat Linux, UNIX, and Tomcat
Maintenance Engineer/Electrical Engineer
- Maintenance and upgrading of personal computers
- Maintenance of printers and setup with computers
- Keeping Modems and terminal servers functioning and connected
- Departmental work including specification writing and being in committees
Electronics Engineer
- Helped in Commissioning of computer/central processing unit controlled processing lines.
- Maintenance and trouble shooting of Electrical Control Systems
- Some PLC programming for mechanical systems