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Java Analyst Resume

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  • Professional J2EE Software Developer with 7 years of focused experience of Web based applications with provisioning of groundbreaking and customized solutions to meet capricious industry requirements.
  • Participated in entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Requirement Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, Documentation and Support of software applications.
  • Designed and modeled projects using techniques in UML - Use Cases, Class Diagrams etc.
  • Developed web applications based on different Design Patterns such as Model-View-Controller (MVC), Data Access Object (DAO), Front Controller, Business Delegate, Service Locator, Transfer Objects etc.
  • Designed and implemented highly available highly scalable clusters usingAWS.
  • Implemented in Amazon Cloud a centralize log data processing system for the analysis of data streamed from different applications running in development, testing and production environment.
  • Experienced in creative and effective front-end development using Angular Js, Node Js, JavaScript, HTML, DHTML, XHTML, JavaScript, Ajax, Angular Js, BootStrap Js and CSS.
  • Developed web application in open source java framework Spring. Utilized Spring MVC framework.
  • Configured and developed web applications in Spring, employing AOP and IOC.
  • Developed Web Services in Spring Web Service and Java (JAX) WS.
  • Aced the persistent service, Hibernate for object relational mapping with database. Configured xml files for mapping and hooking it with other frameworks like Spring, Struts and other technologies.
  • Have excellent Relational Database understanding and experience with Oracle 10g/11i, IBM DB2 7.X/8.X, SQL Server 2005 and MySQL 5.0/5.5.
  • Strong experience in database design, writing complex SQL Queries and Stored Procedures.
  • Worked on test driven software development where Junit testing was employed.
  • Experienced in using Version Control Tools like CVS, SVN and VSS.
  • Have extensive experience in building and deploying applications on Web/Application Servers like JBoss, WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, Glassfish and Tomcat.
  • Experience in developing Web services provider and client using Spring and Axis to provide WSDL.
  • Used Maven’s different plugins from basic like clean, deploy, install etc. to customize for different purposes like JAXB XJC tool. Used Repositories and dependencies.
  • Experienced in parsers like SAX, DOM, XPath, JDOM, and XML Beans.
  • Experience working with Agile Methodologies including XP, SCRUM and Test-Driven Development.
  • Strong work ethic with desire to succeed and make significant contributions to the organization.
  • Strong problem solving skills, good communication, interpersonal skills and a good team player.


Operating System: Windows 7, Linux, Fedora, UNIX.

Languages: C, C++, C#, Java, J2EE, PHP, HQL, Shell Scripting.

Frameworks: Spring 2.x/3.x, Hibernate 3.x/4.x, Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring AOP.

Databases: IBM DB2 8.x, Oracle 11i/10g, SQL Server, MySQL, MS Access, MongoDB.

Web Technologies: JSP, Servlets, HTML, DHTML, CSS, JNDI, JDBC, Java Beans, JavaScript, Angular Js, Node Js, JQuery, AJAX, Java Script, Web Services, SOAP, REST, XSLT.

Design Patterns: Data Access Object, Singleton, MVC, UML.


IDE: NetBeans, WSAD, MyEclipse, Eclipse, WebStrom, Intellij.

Tools: SQL Developer, DB Visualizer, Maven, ANT, Log4J, Junit, JBoss Hibernate Tools, Jenkins, Jira.

Version Control: Subversion SVN (subclipse, tortoise), CVS, Visual Sour Safe, Rational Clearcase, GitHub.


Web/App Server: Apache Tomcat, BEA Web-logic, JBoss, Glassfish.


Confidential, Chicago, IL

Java Developer


  • Analyzed business requirements and existing software for High Level Design.
  • Designed detailed software structure and architecture documents using Use cases, sequence diagram and UML.
  • Worked in an Agile development process with three months release, monthly Sprint and daily Scrum.
  • Implemented the search functionality for Internal Application using Angular JS.
  • Responsible for developing theUIpages using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, AngularJS, JSON, jQuery, AJAX.
  • Developed a core component of Analytics with Angular JS.
  • Developed System architecture based on MVC, WebServices, DAOs, Service Façade etc.
  • Conducted Performance Review of Oracle Database for business critical applications with Senior Leadership team.
  • Used AWS as provider for different applications. Also used client and provider both in same application module.
  • Designed Application layer with EC2, RDS, and Elastic Cache.
  • Deployed Splunk to manage our log infrastructure.
  • Employed Java (JAX) WS for JARs respectively.
  • ProvidingAWScost optimization techniques based onAWSpricing model.
  • Implemented the business layer by using Hibernate with Spring DAO and also developed mapping files and POJO java classes using ORM tool.
  • Used Java XPath for parsing, changing values, transforming and comparing XML from a given XML document/String.
  • Used different plugins of Maven to clean, compile, build, install, deploy and more for jars and wars.
  • In some of modules Spring DAO Support was used to integrate Hibernate at persistence layer.
  • Configured Hibernate hbm files for ORM mappings like many to one and one to many relational.
  • Configured Hibernate to work with Spring, by setting up Session Factory in Spring context file. Used named queries, Hql, list, merge and create or update.

Confidential, CA

Java Analyst


  • Involved in the design and followed Agile Software Development Methodology throughout the software development lifecycle
  • Designed Use Cases, Class Diagrams, and Sequence Diagrams using Visual Paradigm to model the detail design of the application.
  • Brief experience on implementing the Angular js in creating animations based on CSS classes.
  • Converted wire frames to HTML prototypes.Designed and conducted presentation onAWSmigration strategies, promoting the benefits of moving applications to the cloud.
  • Extensively used XML Web Services for transferring/retrieving data between different providers.
  • Implemented the struts MVC framework, JSP for designing and developing the user interface and AJAX is used for asynchronous server calls.
  • Consumed Web services with Apache CXF Framework.
  • Supported numerous departments needs forAWSimplementations as part of theAWSSCRUM team.
  • Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
  • Used JMS Queue communication in authorization module.
  • Designed and implemented Business Delegate, Session Facade and DAO Design Patterns.
  • Used JAXB API to bind XML Schema to java classes.
  • Used the report generation in the SQL Server 2005 databases written in PL/SQL.
  • Consumed Web Services (WSDL, SOAP, UDDI) from third party for authorizing payments to/from customers.
  • Used ANT for building the enterprise application modules, Used CVS for Version control, Log4J to monitor the error logs and performed unit testing using J Unit.
  • Deployed the applications on IBM Web Sphere Application Server 5.0.
  • Provided tuning recommendations and future memory requirements to Primary DBA team to make the changes in Database like table reorg, add enough spaces to database.

Confidential, GA

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Followed Agile Rational Unified Process throughout the lifecycle of the project.
  • Involved in requirements analysis and gathering and converting them into technical specifications using UML diagrams
  • Use Case Model, Business Domain Model, Activity & Sequence Diagrams and State Diagrams.
  • Applied Object Oriented concepts (inheritance, composition, interface, etc) and design patterns (singleton, strategy etc).
  • Responsible for designing and reviewing web services WLSD, their structure, data types and operations with Application architect team.
  • Responsible for Web Services consuming and packaging using Axis.
  • Applied Spring IOC Container to facilitate Dependency Injection.
  • Used Spring AOP to implement security, where cross cutting concerns were identified.
  • Involved in designing and developing architectural structure for Hibernate Interceptors and Web Filters
  • Involved in design and decision making for Hibernate OR Mapping.
  • Developed Hibernate Mapping file(.hbm.xml) files for mapping declaration
  • Responsible for designing front end system using JSP technology, HTML and JavaScript.
  • Re-factored large code base to conform to best practices to spring design patterns.
  • Integrated DroolsBusiness Rules Engines implementing business rules.
  • Involved in Managing Web Services and operations.
  • Involved in developing the core base Classes and designed the packaging needed for the project.
  • Implemented Stored Procedures for the tables in the database DB2.
  • Involved in designing reporting generating system from XML files using XML technology, JAXP.
  • Involved in Developing and performing Mock Testing and Unit Testing using JUNIT and Easy Mock.
  • Built project using Apache Maven build scripts.

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in Project Design, Documentation, Design Reviews and Code Reviews.
  • Developed static and dynamic Web Pages using JSP, HTML and CSS..
  • Designed and Implemented Layouts for the existing JSP files.
  • Used Spring Model View Controller (MVC) 2 architecture. Used JSPs in front end, spring frame work in business layer and Hibernate in persistence layer.
  • Developed Spring IOC to communicate with the persistence layer.
  • Developed Spring AOP framework for security transactions, reusability logging purpose.
  • Developed Session Beans and used J2EE Design Patterns like MVC and Business Delegate.
  • Used Hibernate ORM framework as persistence engine, configured hibernate.xml file and Involved in Mapping, Coding and Fine tuning of hibernate Queries.
  • Developed user interfaces using Struts, JSP.
  • Developed Struts Action classes, Business Delegate Object, Data Transfer Object, and Data Access Object classes.
  • Developing and coding J2EE Components with JSP, Java Beans, business objects with EJBs and Servlets.
  • Used JDBC for database connectivity and used connection pooling to optimize database connections Source Version Control CVS.
  • Extensively used Hibernate in data access layer to access and update information in the database.
  • Designed XSDs, XML Schema for data transmission and XSL style-sheets to generate Excel sheets, graphs, ppt, and pdf from xml documents.
  • Used Log4j for logging and debugging.
  • Developed and prepared test cases for unit testing with Junit

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