Ios Developer Resume
- Having around 7 years of experience in iOS development industry in designing & developing User Interface applications in iPhone and iPad application development using Objective - C, Swift, Cocoa Touch, UI Kit, HTML5, java script, CSS.
- Excellent knowledge of UIKit framework.
- Working knowledge of API's like Map Kit, Facebook API and Twitter API.
- Good understanding of Memory Management and Cocoa Touch.
- Sound knowledge of MySql and Core Data, SQL.
- Expert in Objective-C, C, C++ and knowledge Java Script.
- Well versed with various source control tools like Git, Tor-toise SVN.
- Team-oriented, technically motivated, and creative. User oriented with a desire to learn client's business requirements.
- Experienced in object oriented analysis and design.
- Possess ability for critical thinking, analysis, good interpersonal and communication skills.
- Result oriented, committed and hard working with a quest to learn new technologies and undertake challenging tasks.
- Ability to write and maintain technical documentation to describe coding, testing, changes, and corrections.
- Good knowledge in thread management.
- Familiar with deploying applications using third party.
- Experienced in Unit Testing.
- Familiar with concurrence programming.
- Experienced in using libraries like open CV, Aalamofire, AFKnetworking.
IOS Applications: Objective-C/Swift and Cocoa development for iPhone and iPad devices in XCode Interface builder-UIKit, Cocoa touch, Trained in iOS9 with XCode 7 OSX 10.11, Appboy.
Programming Languages: C, Objective C, Swift 2.0, swift 3.0, C++, Java Script, HTML5, CSS3
Databases Languages: SQLite, Core data
Operating Systems: MAC OS 10.11, Windows, LINUX
Tools: XCode 8, Sublime Text, Instruments, Test flight
Confidential, NJ
IOS Developer
- Used Core data to store data locally on the device for Barcode Scanning feature.
- Developed UI Interface as per requirements
- Worked on Unit Testing
- Agile Methodology is used to develop entre application.
- Worked both with Story Boards and Programmatically creating user interfaces.
- Used Cocoa Touch framework with Objective- C to implement UI View Controllers, UI Views, UI Buttons through UI Tab Bar, UI Navigation Controller, UI Table View and Storyboards.
- Used Core Data to display data from the local database.
- Implemented Push Notification for special offers and Wish list items saved by user.
- Implemented Delegates and Custom Protocols to communicate between classes.
- Worked with Swift 2.0, swift 3.0.
- Worked on NS JSON Serialization to fetch the data from the website
- Familiar with test strategy and test design
- Worked on Product Image Comparison using UI Image Picker Controller
- Implemented GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) and blocks to have a responsive UI.
- Implemented Auto Layout for all the views to work on all devices.
- Using TDD (Test Driven Development) Application is developed.
Environment: iOS 8.0/9.0, Swift 3.0, Objective- C, Xcode, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa framework, HTML 5, AngularJS, PHP, JSON, Interface Builder
Confidential, NJ
IOS Developer
- Created models in MVC and development of delegates for updating model information.
- Created of various views, table views, customized views and popover view controllers.
- Implemented Core Data for persistent storage of user data.
- Redesigned several screens including default application landing screen as per newer wireframe.
- Created custom checklist and sharing them with selected app users by calling web services through JSON libraries and connecting to SQLite database with the Objective-C interfaces.
- Created of notifications to detect the autorotation in the customized sub views.
- Implemented NS Operation Queue and NSURL Connection to integrate with backend web services.
- Developed Navigation between views mixture of using UI Navigation Controller,
- UI Gesture Recognizer and UI Popover Controller.
- Performed testing using TDD. Depending on the test case result changes will be made.
- Performed all tasks from UI design and implementation to writing code for various features.
- Managed data and memory management from streamlining code and using various debugging tools like instruments.
- Interacting with QA on deliverables on every iteration and customer feedback implementation.
- RESTful API (commonly JSON) to communicate with the server.
Environment: iOS 7.1 and higher, Xcode 5.1, 6.3, iPad, iPhone, Objective-C, UI Kit, JSON, XML, AVFoundation, SQLite.
Confidential - Columbus, OH
IOS Developer
- Worked extensively with Objective-C, Cocoa and UI Frameworks.
- Worked with Xcode for debugging the updated version.
- Worked with basics of SWIFT for updating the app.
- Worked extensively on table view controller and made customized table view cells according to the client requirements.
- Utilized UI TabBar Controller, UI Navigation Controller, UI Table Views, UI Web Views. and UIScroll View to display content as required in the App.
- Worked on NSURLConnections, CLGeocoder and annotation to pick the nearest location.
- Worked on NSMutable data and response data to get the responses from web services.
- Utilized Quartzcore framework for supporting graphics.
- Worked on UIpicker view and delegate to pick the location.
- Utilized table views and created column to differential data from one another.
- Worked on corelocation to locate the current location and nearby Cigna companies.
- Iterative design process upon client approval build out of all assets: buttons, products shots, UI Components, etc.
- Worked on Web Service calls, Alamo fire and JSON parsing included in the project.
- Worked with UIKit Framework for development and maintenance.
- Added animation between UI Views for smooth transition and better user experience.
- Used the XIB to design for iPhone by using Auto-layout.
- Implemented data catching using Core Data and Application Directory.
- Reported progress/challenges to project lead.
Environment: Objective-C, Swift 1.0, Cocoa Touch, UI Frameworks, corelocation Foundation, CoreData, Core Graphics, Quartz Core, Basic iOS APIs, iOS Simulator.
Confidential, Columbus, OH
IPhone Application Developer
- Created custom UI Views, custom Table Views, custom Buttons and custom Table View Cell for user interface.
- Used Objective-C and Cocoa Touch Framework to build the app, including UI Kit, Map Kit, Foundation, UI Navigation View, UI Tab Bar Controller, UI Table View and Storyboard.
- Worked on Map Kit that retrieves nearby store locations and displays current location.
- Created custom annotations and annotation views.
- Participated in daily Scrums and monthly Sprint planning.
- Implemented application interaction with web server database with JSON parsing.
- Implemented custom UI Tab Bar Controller & UI Navigation Controller for easy navigation of the app.
- Used UIKit, MapKit and Core location to enhance user to find nearest store locations.
Environment: Xcode 4.3, iOS 6.0, Objective-C, Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, Mac OS X, Cocoa framework, iPhone Simulator, JSON and core data.
IOS developer
- All views were developed by using UIKit.
- File management done within the application.
- QTMovie player is used to play videos.
- Table views, Tab Bar controller for navigation from one view to other view.
Junior iOS developer
- TO develop ring tone maker AV foundation, UI Kit frameworks used.
- By using AV player audio file played.
- NSURL connection is used to get url for particular audio.