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Senior Ios/web Developer Resume

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Atlanta, GA


  • Nearly 8 years of experience in iPhone application development; Xcode, Interface Builder, Objective.
  • Extensive experience with UIKit, Core Graphics, Core Animation, Core Data, ASI, CF Network, Map Kit, frameworks.
  • Interacted with web services through use of the JSON and ASI Framework.
  • Integrated system with WebEOC functionality for emergency purposes and safety of employees.
  • Strong understanding of iOS SDK, Objective C, and XCode Interface.
  • High level of proficiency in Swift to implement new features into the application.
  • Have extensively worked with auto layout including constraints and non constraints.
  • Worked in mobile enterprise platform for secure login and data encryption.
  • Strong knowledge and understanding of SDLC methodologies and processes.
  • Worked in rapid iterating agile environment with daily Scrum meetings.
  • Highly motivated, dedicated, strong team player with excellent communication skills.
  • Used TDD to ensure that all the chunks of code in an application have been tested for optimum functionality, both individually and in synergy with one another
  • Used Node JS to built the backend service to handle multiple call on multiple devices.
  • Have technical proficiency and thorough understanding in the following Frameworks: iPhone SDK, UIKit, Map Kit, Web Kit, Audio Toolbox, AV Foundation, Cocoa design patterns and concepts like delegation, protocols and categories, Core foundation, Core Data, Core Location, Core services, Core Graphics, Core animation, Quartz core, Address Book and Message.
  • Used XML parser, JSON, CSV to retrieve data for display on the iPhone/iPad from server, created and customized Views, Table Views, Collection views, action sheets, segmented controls, Tab Bars and Navigation Bars.
  • Thorough understanding of backend database technologies like SQL and MySQL, and the embedded database SQLite.


Programming Languages: Objective - C, Swift, C/C++, and Python.

Operating System: iOS 8, iOS 7.0 SDK. OSX 10.8, 10.9, 10.10

Applications: Objective-C and Cocoa development for iPhone and iPad devices in Xcode Interface builder-UI kit, Cocoa touch, Cocoa Pods, Core Data.

Scripting Languages: JavaScript. Node JS

Web Services: XML/JSON Web services.

Markup Languages: HTML and XML.

Database: SQL server, SQLite with Core iOS sandbox, building, and database in iOS sandbox.

Data Transfer Structures: XML, JSON.

Tools: XCode 3.0/4.0/5.0/6.0/6.1.3 , WinSCP, Putty, Toad, Informatics Power Center 8.6, MS Office.

Version Control: GitHub, SVN, Accurev, Anthill Pro.


Confidential, Atlanta, GA

Senior IOS/Web Developer


  • Participated in developing innovative and user-friendly GUI.
  • Worked on Push Notification feature using APNS when user is in offline/online mode.
  • Used Xamarin Test Cloud to run tests on a library of over 2,000 different physical phones,ipads and tablets and to generate crash reports.
  • Used Xamarin Aanalytics to track down the performance of the application.
  • Created a mobile web client using the Sencha Touch Javascript framework that consumed the same RESTful API. Leveraged HTML5 and CSS3 to render uniformly cross-platform for mobile.
  • Participated in unit testing with other developers and conducted buddy testing on their code.
  • Maintain existing software modules and create new ones for Automation tools using C/C++and add features to Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) application.
  • Implemented the functionality for all data transmission between server and mobile device using HTTP request and XML Parsing technique.
  • Used UIKit Framework and OpenGL ES to manage the thickness of the lines and curves for 2d and 3d drawings.
  • Implemented the functionalities of WebEOC as per the company needs in the event of emergency situation.
  • Have integrated app with facebook, instagram, snapchat, twitter and RSS feed
  • Used Core Image API for image processing and manipulating the image whether it is still image or a video image.
  • Worked in the TDD environment to ensure that design is clean and the code is callable and testable.
  • Used Core animation based layers to render all the changes to the screen by calling the layers to execute the necessary function.
  • Used Unity 3D to design the app images and fonts necessary to create the main menu screen.
  • Experienced with Git, including branching and merging strategies.
  • Back end response was JSON based and parsing was done using NSJSONSerialization.
  • Used specific XML schema for app's BLE 4.0 profile, and use CoreBluetoothFramework APIs for the app to connect different devices of Apple.
  • Used Swift syntax to evaluate and interact with app in a script like environment.

Environment: iOS 8.4.1 (iPhone SDK), OS X Yosemite 10.10, Swift, Sencha Touch 2.3,Objective C, Cocoa Touch, Apache Cassandra 2.2. Cocoa framework, Xcode 6.4.

Confidential, Houston, TX

Senior IOS Developer


  • Used AV Foundation Framework to record audio from the device.
  • Implemented Drop box API for sharing and backup.
  • Implemented Core Data framework to store user Data.
  • Implemented NS Operation Queue and NSURL Connection to integrate,synchronize with enterprise backend and database.
  • Fixed bugs as documented by QA team.
  • Developed cross platform mobile (iOS and Android) version of desktop webapp using Sencha Touch 2.
  • Worked both on iOS and android Platforms using Sencha Touch.
  • Implemented support for OS X 10.8 & 10.9 and prepared new version for appstore.
  • Used Core Location Framework to calculate a user’s current GPS location from a point of interest or determine if they are nearby to other users.
  • Used Instruments to fine tune the app performance and memory management.
  • Used Appium tool to test various mobile devices and also ensured adequate automated coverage to reduce the scope of Regression testing.
  • Implemented Mac OS X 10.10 app using C++for transferring photos and video to website through webcam. Implemented Growl notification system.
  • Followed a work data flow principle for design and development.
  • Worked closely within a cross functional team of testers and developers.
  • Worked with GDB and Xcode for debugging.
  • Worked with Subversion to checkout and update the codebase changes.

Environment: OS 7.1 beta3, Sencha Touch 2.0.1, Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9, Objective C, Xcode 5.1, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa framework, HTML, XML Parser, Apache Cassandra 1.2.

Confidential, Manchester, NH

IOS Developer


  • Developed and executed User interfaces using XCode interface Builder and iPad Simulator.
  • Experience working with the OS X application development.
  • Developed the App Using Cocoa Touch Frameworks such as UIKit Framework, Core Foundation, Core Animation and Core Graphics.
  • Server Side components like web Services to sync data at client side and update server.
  • Involved in Significant Customer interaction resulting in stronger customer relationships.
  • Wrote the common utilities like Logging, File utilities and Foundation framework.
  • Implemented Core Data framework to store user Data.
  • Implemented NSOperationQueue and NSURLConnection to integrate with backend web services.
  • Experience collaborating with senior backend and senior mobile developers in an SCRUM Agile Methodology with little supervision.
  • Analyze highly complex business requirements; generate technical specifications to design or redesign complex software components and applications for mobile systems.
  • Worked closely within a cross functional team of testers and developers.
  • Solved major defects in navigation controller behavior for the application.
  • Developed complete client iPad login and signup module that includes UI design and backend communication with Web Services.

Environment: iOS 6.1 beta 1, XCode 4.6, SQLITE3, SQLite Manager, Objective - C, Cocoa, Instruments, Map Kit, Core Location, JSON and AVFoundation.

Confidential, Columbus, OH

IOS Developer


  • Implemented UI based off wireframes.
  • Implemented NSOperationQueue to connect to web service for relevant data.
  • Worked with JSON and APNS for push notification services.
  • Worked with Core Plot to display chart data to user.
  • Parsed JSON data using Rest Kit framework.

Environment: s: iOS 5.0.1, XCode 4.2, SQLite3, SQLite Manager, Objective - C, Cocoa Touch and Instruments.

Confidential, Plano, TX

Mobile App Developer


  • Implemented NS Operation Queue and NSURL Connection to integrate with backend web services.
  • Worked extensively with Objective C and Cocoa frameworks.
  • Wrote unit tests for testing specific functionality and logic.
  • Fixed bugs as documented by QA team.
  • Used Instruments to fine tune the app performance and memory management.
  • Followed a work data flow principle for design and development.
  • Worked closely within a cross functional team of testers and developers.
  • Coding and Maintenance of existing product using Struts MVC framework.
  • Debugging issues at onsite whenever required.
  • Worked with GDB and Xcode for debugging.
  • Worked with Subversion to update the codebase changes.

Environment: s: iOS 4.1, SQLite3, SQLite Manager, Objective - C, Cocoa Touch and Instruments


ETL Developer


  • Creation of ETL design.
  • Extensively worked with Source Analyzer, Transformation Designer, and Mapping Designer.
  • Used Parameters and Variables to implement Object Orientation techniques and facilitate the reusability of code.
  • Developed transformation logic and designed various Complex Mappings using the Designer.
  • Tuning the informatics mappings to handle bottlenecks.
  • Tuning the sql queries for better performance.
  • Creation of Unix shell scripts.
  • Designing SQL queries for all the data validations.
  • Develop the mapping to fulfill the requirements and perform all units testing related to the solution being developed.
  • Worked extensively with Java Frameworks.

Environment: Informatics Power Center 8.6, MS Office, Windows NT/2000, UNIX, Java, WinSCP, Putty, Toad.

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