Android Application Developer Resume
Chicago, IL
- Android software developer with 4 years of hands - on experience in software development
- Experience in Methodology and Standard determination/implementation, System Architecture and Structural Optimization, as well as Development and Deployment
- Knowledge of data structures and database techniques as well as in-depth knowledge of algorithms
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
- Intricate involvement in all key stages of SDLC with focus on analysis, design, development, and maintenance
- Highly motivated, enthusiastic, and always striving for new knowledge
- Ability to work well under pressure and multi-task
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, ability to work independently as well as part of an integrated team
Languages: Java, JavaScript, C++, C#, VBA, SQL, XML, HTML
Operating Systems: Android, Windows, Mac
Technologies: SVN, GIT, TCP/IP, HTTP, UDP, AJAX, Atlassian JIRA, Stash
Frameworks: Android, Gradle, Swing UI, QTP, JavaFX, GWT, AngularJS, Bootstrap
Confidential, Chicago, IL
- White labeling to keep several versions of the app within the same codebase. Each product flavors enable providing custom resources such as images, strings and java classes for the different products.
- Cache newsfeeds in local database
- Redesigned custom fragment transition animation of reward card, and backwards compatibility.
- Designed and implemented base android dialog with custom style and fonts, as well as sectioned content.
- Created Java translation tool to combine android, iOS and server strings, generate csv file for translation service, and parse back to resource files.
- Code view and quality improvements
- Analyze Crashlytics reports, identify and correct bottlenecks and fix bugs
Environment: Java, Android Studio, Gradle, Genymotion, ADT, Atlassian, Beanstalk, Volley, UrbanAirship, Fabric, Crashlytics, Jenkins
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Android Application Developer
- Worked closely with UI/UX and PM to conceptualize and design various flows of the application
- Created base structures such as base activity/fragment, adapters, abstract controllers for easy extension
- Wrote several custom views and animations to better display device status and enhance user interaction, such as glowing rings, dashed circle, seek arc, and etc.
- Used toolbar across the app as a replacement of action bar for easy customization
- Adopted the more advanced and flexible recycler-view and card-view to create complex lists and cards with material design styles, make list re-ordering more efficient and scrolling more smooth
- Implemented asynchronously downloading images and disk/memory caching
- Worked on blur image efficiently with android render-script, and various bitmap operations and transformations
- Used Future to do background tasks and Settable Client Future to ensure tasks are executed in sequence
- Optimized race conditions and multi-threading issues
- Helped improving code quality in client API and fixed bug
- Analyzed Crashlytics report, addressed and fixed defects and bugs
Environment: Java, Android Studio, Genymotion, ADT, Atlassian, Git, Slack, JSON, EventBus, Ion, Picasso, Crashlytics
- Redesigned app theme, font and new UI components targeting phone and tablet screens
- Implemented guest preview, data from local database
- Optimized quiz questions answer options, web view touch events
- Added top app menu and bottom smart menu to the app
Environment: Java, Android, SQLite, ADT, SVN, Git, JSON, XML, Eclipse
- Redesigned the UI, implemented side navigation, fade in/out animation, action bar customization
- Adopted single activity application with multiple fragments
- Integrated barcode scanning, beacon module, and SDK reporting
- Implemented complete account system: basic, rewards, loyalty, next card, and A-List
- Added location based features: push notifications and mobile promotions
- Various banners that drive users to product, app sections, promotions, contests and more
- Developed fonted text view with custom typefaces, button with carrot
- Applied data caching and reusable functionalities
- Helped troubleshooting communications between app and backend
- Implemented refine feature, filter the product search results by size, brand, color, etc.
- Optimized low memory issues
- Worked on GPShopper Platform (SDK)
- Created a dispatch for location changes
- Performed non-UI improvements and optimizations
- Developed Utils: compose emails, dial phone number, show direction, and dp/px conversion
Environment: Android Studio, Eclipse, JIRA, Stash, Java, GSON, ION, EventBus
- Designed and developed main modules of the application
- Integrated high chart into project
- Used bootstrap framework to make application compatible across all platforms: mobile and desktop
- Implemented MVP design pattern to make application reusable and reliable
- Applied AJAX to the application
Environment: AngularJS, Eclipse, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, JSON, HTTP, Tomcat7.0
- Designed and developed main modules of the application
- GPS/Telephony manager to get current location according to the handset’s current status
- Created listener to monitoring network status
- Scan for available Wi-Fi networks and connecting programmatically
- UDP connection to get client IP address
- HTTP protocols between the AP and the application to query and change AP parameters
- Wrote test cases and plans
Environment: Android, Java 6, Eclipse, ADT, Android SDK toolset, SVN, XML, HTTP
- Implemented in-app purchase items for each CFA level
- Designed new UI components targeting phone and tablet screens
- Implemented synchronization of user data across mobile clients
- Managed creation of offline policies to previously downloaded materials
Environment: Java, Android, SQLite, ADT, SVN, Git, JSON, XML, Eclipse
- Redesigned layout of three sections and navigation menu
- Applied sophisticated logic to login validation
- Conducted performance optimizations
Environment: Android, Java 6, Eclipse, SQLite, ADT, Android SDK toolset, SVN, Git
- Implemented fetching real-time stock data from over json/xml feed, applied java XML processing and data analysis
- Implemented a real-time/customized stock chart using to visually represent stock data
Environment: Java, Eclipse, ADT, XML, JSON, joda time, AChartEngine
Confidential, Chicago, IL
- Android layout components
- Good understanding of Android activity lifecycle, handling of screen rotation events
- Researched on 3rd party libraries that allowed backward compatibility with older versions of Android
- Good understanding of static and dynamic fragments
- A-synchronicity in Android using AsyncTask and Loaders
- Worked with 4 major Android application components: Activities, Services, Broadcast receivers, and content providers
- Worked as an Assistant to the Instructor to work with students on practical assignments
Environment: Java, Android, XML, HTML, JSON
Confidential, Portland, OR
System Administrator and Database Designer
- Communicated and held meetings with the sponsors to ensure all requirements were met for the database
- Maintained the team webpage and established contingency plans for the whole project
- Designed a tool to convert data from PDF and Word documents into the database
Environment: ASP.NET MVC2.0, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, C#, EXCEL