J2ee Developer Resume
Arlington, VA
- 4 years of work experience in J2EE programming and developing large - scale enterprise applications
- Completed development work abiding by Software Development Life Cycle Activities, like Agile
- Worked with many design patterns such as: Model View Controller, Factory Pattern, Singleton Pattern, Front Controller Pattern, and Session Façade Pattern.
- Created application using UML diagrams such as Use Case and Sequence diagrams
- Developed applications using Java 7, JDBC, JSP 2.1, Java Servlets 3.0, EJB 3.0, Struts 1.3, Spring 3.0, Hibernate 3.6, and HTML5.
- Experience in coding with JUnit 4.0, Log4J, ANT and SVN.
- Experience programming with CSS, HTML 4.0, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, and Maven
- Hands-on experience using Java based application servers like Oracle WebLogic 12c
- Implemented EJB 3.0 architecture in the business tier (Using Session Bean and Message Driven Bean)
- Programmed applications using Spring framework using Inversion of Control (dependency Injection), Aspect Oriented Programming, and Spring MVC.
- Good experience using Struts Framework using Struts-Tiles, Validator Framework, Dynamic Forms, and Spring
- Experience programming using RESTful and SOAP based WebServices as the consumer and producer
- Created applications using different frameworks to create applications, like Struts 1.3 with Hibernate 3.0 and Struts 1.3 with Spring 3.0
- Experience programming with Hibernate and JDBC using Oracle 10g
- Showed strong communication skills in a team and client based environment
Web Frameworks: Spring 3.0, JSP 2.1 and Servlets 3.0, Apache Struts 1.3
Middle Tier Frameworks: EJB 3.0, WebServices
DAO Frameworks: JDBC, Hibernate 3.6
Languages: Java Enterprise Edition 7, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, XML, SQL
Build Tool: Apache ANT
Testing Tool: Log4j
RDBMS: Oracle 10g
Deployment Platforms: Oracle WebLogic 12c/11g/10g
IDE: Eclipse Kepler
Confidential, Chantilly, VA
J2EE developer
- Created JSPs for the User Interface and assigned logical names for navigation use with Struts’ Tiles.
- Used jQuery, CSS and JavaScript to format JSPs for the user interface
- Used HTML and JSTL to create forms and content for the User Interface
- Used a Business Delegate EJB to connect form actions to necessary business methods
- Used Struts 1.3 with Spring 3.1 to add logging, security and transaction features
- Used a mix of EJB 3.0, WebServices, and POJOs in a Service Locator Pattern
- Used data services to make changes to the tables in the database
- Retrieved and manipulated data in the database using Hibernate 3.6
- Connected Hibernate 3.6 and Spring 3.1 in order to add AOP functionality and inject dependent classes
- Used Apache Subversion as a means of revision control and software versioning
- Used Apache ANT to build any necessary deployable files for the program
- Used Oracle WebLogic 12c to deploy the project
Environment: Struts 1.3, EJB 3.0, WebServices, Spring 3.0, Oracle Weblogic 12c, Hibernate 3.6, ANT 1.9.3, Oracle Database 10g (Oracle 10g), HTML 4, JSTL, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS.
Confidential, Arlington, VA
J2EE developer
- Used Spring MVC with JSPs to construct the user interface
- Formatted viewable content using JavaScript, jQuery and CSS
- Used XML-driven and annotation driven configuration for POJOs
- Used EJB 3.0, WebServices and POJOs to create a Service Locator and Business Delegate pattern
- Used Spring 3.1 with Hibernate 3.6 to handle logging, transaction, and security coding
- Handled database operations with Hibernate 3.6 using an Oracle 10g database server
- Created deployable files using Apache ANT 1.9.3
- Used Apache Subversion for version and revision control
- Used Oracle WebLogic 11g to deploy the project
Environment: Spring 3.1, Hibernate 3.6, EJB 3.0, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, HTML 4, JSTL, ANT 1.9.3, Oracle WebLogic 11g, Oracle 10g
Confidential, Washington, DC
J2EE developer
- Used Struts 1.3 with Spring 3.1 for the view and model portions of the modules
- Created many JSPs and enhanced with various HTML design tags and JavaScript.
- Created form actions using a service locator pattern in different dispatch actions
- Deployed application on Oracle WebLogic 10g via ANT scripts.
- Used JavaMail to create notification for administrators, as well as for user confirmation
- Retrieved and manipulated data from the database using Hibernate 3.6 on a Oracle 10g database server
- Used Oracle WebLogic 10g to deploy the project
Environment: Struts 1.3, Spring 3.0, Hibernate 3.5, Oracle WebLogic 10g