Applications Developer Resume
Austin, TX
Seeking a full - time opportunity to work as a Software Developer
Databases: Oracle, MySQL, DB2,
Web Technology: JSP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, Node.js, JSON, XML, AJAX
Programming Languages: Core Java, JAVA Spring MVC, JAVA Spring core and beans, J2EE- EJB, Groovy
Other Tools: MAVEN, EH Cache API, DataTables API, Glassfish, Tomcat, Agile, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Junit, Perforce, Jenkins, GIT, Gradle, Splunk, Jenkins, Netflix Eureka(Spring Cloud)
Web Services: REST API, JAX-RS
Cloud Technologies: AWS Lambda, API Gateway, AWS RDS, AWS CloudFormation
OS: Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, Debian)
Confidential,Austin, TX
Applications Developer
- Exposure to AWS SDK and “AmazonRDSClient” interface.
- Exposure to AWS CloudFormation to construct a stack constituting of AWS RDS instance and Parameter group.
- Implementation of “Recovering the database from Snapshot” using AWS CloudFormation template.
- Exposure to PostgreSQL in order to connect to RDS instance.
- Feature implementation of ELB-Logging, Dynamically determining latest AMI and ReplacingUpdate policy of AutoScaling Group within the tool.
- Involvement in solving complex problems specific to AWS RDS and AWS Cloudformation, Security Groups, Autoscaling Groups.
- Implemented spring boot microservice in REST for jdbc connection and SQL script execution in RDS Postgres instance.
- Familiarity with Spring Security.
- Deployment of multi-tier applications across different VPCs.
- Used Jenkins for Continuous Integration and delivery.
- Used mockito and Junit for Unit testing.
- Exposure to Splunk to retrieve the logs
- Configuring up Jenkins jobs and pipeline for continuous intrgration.
Environment: Groovy, SpringBoot framework, AWS RDS, AWS CloudFormation, Basic Auth(LDAP Auth, In-Memory Auth) AWS ASG/ELB, Gradle, Windows OS, GIT, Spring boot REST microservice, Junit, Mockito, Splunk
Confidential,Rockville MD.
Applications Developer
- Wrote a microservice that creates databse user accounts on Postgres RDS instance.
- Microservice does JDBC database connection and script execution.
- Implementation of Spring security basic authentication mechanism to authenticate the microservice.
- Deployed microservice on AWS Autoscaling Group using AWS Code deploy.
- Consumed the API using RestTemplate class
- Exposure to Continuos integration and delivery tool- Jenkins.
- Used Spring cloud Netflix Eureka to perform service discovery and registration.
Environment: Java SpringBoot, REST Microservice, AWS ASG, AWS code deploy, Jenkins, Netflix Eureka, Spring security- Basic Authentication
Applications Developer
- Automation of Web UI using Selenium Webdriver
Environment: Java, Selenium webdriver, TestNG framework
Confidential,Boston, MA
Application Engineer
- Actively participated in requirements gathering, analysis, design, and testing phases.
- Designed class diagrams and sequence diagrams as a part of Design Phase using Microsoft Visio.
- Designed User Interface using JSP, CSS, JQuery, Javascript.
- Used Spring Framework to ensure Application scalability, Security and Concurrency Management.
- Web Services for data transfer from client to server and vice versa using REST.
- Worked in multithreading to synchronize the data when more users come in and deal with concurrency issues using Singleton Class and locking mechanism.
- Used Glassfish Application Server for deployment and Maven for build.
- Implemented Caching Mechanism using EH Cache API.
- Implemented various J2EE Design patterns like Singleton, Business Delegate, Façade Design Pattern and Factory Design Pattern.
- Used JUnit framework for unit testing of application and Maven to build the application.
- Used SLF4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions.
Environment: JAVA, J2EE- Spring MVC, JNDI, MS Active Directory, HTML, JavaScript, Jquery, JSON, CSS, JUnit, UML, Restful web services, JAX-RS, Eclipse, Glassfish, Design Patterns, AGILE, Windows OS
Applications Developer
- Actively participated in requirements gathering, analysis, design, and testing phases.
- Designed class diagrams and sequence diagrams as a part of Design Phase using Microsoft Visio.
- Used Spring Framework to develop the Application.
- Used Apache Http Client library to generate requests and responses.
- Worked in multithreading to synchronize the data.
- Worked with Future, Callable, Runnable interfaces of JAVA 1.8
- Used Glassfish Application Server for deployment and Maven for build.
- Implemented various J2EE Design patterns like Singleton, Business Delegate, Façade Design Pattern and Factory Design Pattern.
- Used JUnit framework- Mockito for unit testing of application and Maven to build the application.
- Used Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions.
Environment: JAVA Multithreading API- Future and Callable Interfaces, J2EE, Spring framework, Dependency Injection, HTML, JavaScript, Jquery, CSS, Junit framework Mockito, UML, Glassfish, Intellij IDEA, Design Patterns- Singleton Design Pattern, Factory Design Pattern, TDD, AGILE, OS- Linux.
Applications Developer
- This project involved migration of existing “eval” API of MATLAB and Simulink Server (MSS) that evaluates “eval” requests of MATLAB code obtained from client (EdX/Cody/MOOC applications) onto AWS Lambda.
- Implemented “createFile” API that creates MATLAB files on AWS Lambda to be evaluated from “eval” API.
- Was involved in design, implementation and unit testing phases of the project.
- Worked with npm and Async and File modules of node.js at length.
- Used cloud watch for debugging logs.
Environment: Node.js, NPM, AWS Lambda, OS- Debian, POSTMAN, AWS Lambda, CloudWatch, NodeUnit, TDD.
Software Development Intern
- Involved in Requirements Gathering, Design, Implementation and Testing phases of the application.
- Used Spring MVC 3.0 coupled with REST service calls for services like “Grade Calculation” and ‘Score reporting”
- Used ORM tool Hibernate to map objects with Mysql.
- Used Ajax to invoke service from front end.
- Used HTML, CSS and Jquery for front end design
Environment: Spring3.0 MVC, MySql, Hibernate3.0, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Apache Tomcat, GIT, Maven
Assistant System Engineer Trainee
- Involved in Requirements Gathering, Design, Implementation and Testing phases of the application.
- Used Core Java and Java Server Pages for UI development and Business Layer. Used servlets as controller to delegate the requests.
- Oracle was the database for storing and retrieving data
- Used Hibernate as an ORM tool
- Performance of Operations like “Registration of parties”, “Ability to view the registered parties”, “Count the number of votes received by each party”.
Environment: Core Java, Hibernate3.0, Oracle, putty, Winscp, Maven, Tomcat Server, Servlets, JSP, Linux