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Senior Lead Mobile Developer Resume

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Parsipanny, NJ


  • More than 8 years of experience in Computer Programming Knowledge in Design Patterns and Multi Core environments. Extensive experience in iOS and Android native application development and Windows Phone 7 & 8.
  • 5 years of experience in iOS native application development using objective - C and Swift.
  • Experience using Swift to develop and support iOS apps
  • Several apps published in the iTunes store, Google Play Store and Windows
  • Main highlights are use of Design patterns, threads, Core data, Realm, Auto layout, UI Kit, Core Location, Localize app, Map Kit, Core Animation, deep links& Universal deep links, SOAP & REST Web Services, encrypting data, music streaming and video streaming.
  • 2 years of experience in Windows Phone 7 & 8.
  • Native application development using C#/, XAML. Worked with Design patterns, Threads, LINQ/SQLite, UI/UX Controls, Maps, SOAP & REST web services, Accelerometer, GPS, encrypting data, Animations, music streaming and video streaming.
  • More than 1 year in Android native application development using Java. Worked with Design patterns, Threads, SQLite, UI/UX Controls, Intents, SOAP & REST Web services.
  • More than 1 year experience in Unity using C#. Animations create touch events and controls, game logic, use of Vuforia SDK for augmented reality.
  • More than 3 years of experience in using Git version control
  • Near 2 years of experience in SVN, Mercurial and Visual Studio Team Foundation.
  • Almost 3 years of experience in iOS & Android as team leader, highlighted activities: user requirements specifications, use of SCRUM product backlog and burn down chart tools to manage team goals and sprints. Design E-R data bases. Management of apple member center, release and development certificates and provisioning with personal and enterprise accounts


Object oriented Languages: Objective - C, Swift, Java, C#,C++.

Other Languages: Python, JavaScript, HTML, SQL, C, PHP, Elixir.

Operating Systems: MAC OSX,Windows, Linux.

Mobile OS: iOS, WindowsPhone, Android.

Mobile Platforms: iPhone,iPad, Windows Phone, Surface, Android smartphone.

IDE’s: XCode,VisualStudio,Eclipse,Android studio.

Methodologies: SCRUM, Moprosoft, PMI, Kanban, PSP,TDD.

Beta Testing: Testflight, Diawi, Fabric.

Graphic Design: Gimp, CorelDraw.

DBMS: Postgres, MySQL, SQLServer, Sybase.

Continuous Integration: Jenkins server, Appium Server

Project Tracking: Jira, redmine,Teambox, ASANA

Cross-Platform: Unity, Kony.

Mobile Device Management: Airwatch.


Confidential, Parsipanny, NJ

Senior Lead Mobile Developer

Environment : iOS 8, Web Services JSON, XCode, Android 5.0, Android Studio, Swift,Objective-C

  • Use of auto layout in Interface Builder and with visual format to adapt each view to the screen layout.
  • Create AFNetworking wrapper API Client module for web services requests / responses.
  • Create modules that implement UICollectionViewDataSource and UICollectionViewDelegate to provide the data and control Home UICollectionView.
  • Create modules to control and use UIPageViewController and UIScrollView for the CollectionView Header.
  • Create module to control login show and hiding behavior using UIView animation with duration.
  • Create logic in login module for UITextView username and password validations.
  • The mobile app consumes JSON services (Restful) to provide functionality like listing the available squads saving user information, etc. I used Swift as the main programming language.
  • Create Login module and create Category module for password encryption with SHA1.
  • Create control module for side menu show and hide and display menu options using UITableView and UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate protocols.
  • Create control module for Explore by experience UICollectionView options using CoreAnimation.
  • Implement CoreData for handle graph and persisten model data.
  • Use of Blocks and Gran 8Central Dispatcher for handle resorts data filtering in browse and discovery.
  • Implement UITableView, UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate to show Browse and Discover results.
  • Follow Scrum methodology with 2 to 3 weeks sprints and daily meetings.
  • Verify a check ipa with Fortify HP software.


Environment : iOS 9, Android 5.0, Web Services JSON, XCode, Android Studio, Swift, Objective C.

  • Use of auto layout and Size classes to adapt screen layout for iPhone and iPad Devices.
  • Create AFNetworking API Client module for web service requests/responses using Swift programming language.
  • I used swift as the main programming language for the App development.
  • Create and configure project in Xcode with user defined strings for automatic configuration of Facebook,Google analytics and Instagram accounts when select debug, release, test and store schemes.
  • Integration of Google analytics SDK.
  • Create module for management and define Google Analytics tags.
  • Create Login module and create Category module for password encryption with SHA1.
  • Create Wish list module using MapKit to draw countries and allow user to select and deselect those that he would like to visit.
  • Create user location module with CoreLocation to detect users current position and allow to search places of interest, Restaurants, Entertainment, Hotels/Resorts using Google Places API.
  • Create flight module using Skyscanner API to retrieve flights information and allow user to select the flight of destination.
  • Create module integration with Yahoo Weather API to display this information.
  • Get user´s requirements and analyze the business logic and application logic.
  • Create flow diagrams with business rules and application rules using draw.io .
  • Verify and check navigation maps and mockups with the design team and the development team.
  • Help the client to define the applications scope and deliverables.
  • Implement and configure Jenkins server server for code continuous integration, implement and configure iOS compile flow with Jenkins extensions and Commit hooks with Git CE server.
  • Implement and configure Appium Server for unit testing.


Senior Mobile Developer

Environment : iOS 9, Web Services JSON, XCode, Android 5.0, Android Studio Objective C, Swift

  • Refactor code and create bridging header file for objective-C and Swift.
  • Refactor code from using Frames to support Autolayout using Interface Builder.
  • Create doctor register form View with UITextViews and DatePickers validations.
  • Create QR code generation with cocoa pod QRCode and generation with QRCodeReaderViewController in order to read and write patient information.
  • Use of UIScrollView with paging for display and automatic dragging of each QRCode.
  • Create menu module with UITableView and UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate to display and manage menu logic.
  • Implement Core Data for graph object model handle and persist data.
  • Create module to handle NSUserDefaults store and retrieve data.
  • Integrate Fabric Crashlytics SDK.
  • Integrate Fabric Twitter SDK.
  • Integrate Google Plus SDK.
  • Integrate Facebook SDK.
  • Create Login module to allow user to log with Twitter,Google Plus, Facebook or User and Password.
  • Create category module for password encryption with SHA1.
  • Verify and checked navigation maps and mockups with the design team and the development team.
  • Implement unit test.


Senior Mobile Developer

Environment : iOS 8, Web Services JSON,XCode, Android 5.0, Android Studio, Objective C, Swift

  • Create module to play scheduled live news using Ooyala SDK.
  • Create the bridge file because Swift was used as the main programming language, although, some previous modules that were developed with objective-C .
  • Replace native AVPlayerViewController with the Ooyala SDK and configure it to support advertising.
  • Create module with UITableView, UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate to show live news options using Swift.
  • Create Live news manager to detect news schedules and validate if show is at time schedule to show inside the live menu options.
  • Integrate CoreData with MagicalRecord pod for graph object model handle and persist data.
  • Create share menu options View and Share manager to control Twitter,Facebook,Google Plus, Email and Whats app share options.
  • Add Fabric Twitter SDK.
  • Add Instagram SDK.
  • Create wrapper module for Twitter SDK for share news.
  • Create wrapper module for Instagram Share.
  • Create module for news detail view with UICollectionView and UIPageViewController to show a HeaderView with share options, the main content and allow to slide between news.
  • Create module to support to show twits, Instagram post and Facebook posts that the news feed contains.
  • Add Deep links support configure urlScheme on info.plist file and Create module to handle navigation from AppDelegateapplicationOpenUrl to the app content.
  • Add iPad support with auto layout and sizeClasses.
  • Technical support to publish App on Apple Store.
  • Implement unit tests.


Senior iOS Developer

Environment : iOS 9, Web Services JSON, XCode, Objective-C, Swift

  • Create Swift and Objective-C bridge file,due the project was initially created and maintained with objective-C but the new modules were created using Swift.
  • Create Home module with UICollectionView, UICollectionViewDataSource and UICollectionViewDelegate to allow vertical and horizontal scrolling of content items.
  • Create wrapper to manage HysteriaPlayer pod.
  • Refactor code from using Frames to AutoLayout support with Interface Builder.
  • Create automatic songs playing manager with tap and hold gesture.
  • Refactor code for Radios section, replace UITableView with UICollectionView control.
  • Create delegate class which conforms to UICollectionViewDataSource and UICollectionViewDelegate for Radios section.
  • Create subclass of UICollectionViewCell to customize collection view items for Radios Section.
  • Create radios search View, using UITableView, creating class that conforms to UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate, use of API Client with AFNetworking for request/response and parse results.
  • Use of Blocks for Radios data search filter by country.
  • Add Deep links support configure urlScheme on info.plist file and Create module to handle navigation from AppDelegateapplicationOpenUrl to the app content.
  • Add universal deep link support, create apple-app-site-asociation, add entitlement and handle content navigation from application:continueuseractivity:resotrationHandler delegate in AppDelegate.
  • Create module for new membership mode management.
  • Technical support to publish App on Apple Store.
  • Add support for English language, not yet released.
  • Verify and checked navigation maps and mockups with design team.
  • Implement unit tests.


Senior iOS Developer

Environment : iOS 7, Web Services JSON, XCode, Objective C

  • Create classmanager to display vessels ETA according to UTC provided by web service.
  • Create project template setting and using Objective - C as the main programming language.
  • Add auto layout on each view createusing interface builder and visual format.
  • Add Deep links support configure urlScheme on info.plist file and Create module to handle navigation from AppDelegateapplicationOpenUrl to the app content.
  • Create Settings View using UITableView and UISegmentedControl for handle display of PushNotifications alerts configuration or User profile configuration.
  • Create push notification manager module to handle type of Push Notifications the user wants to received. Register device to use push Notifications in AppDelegate and code logic for PushNotifications income filters.
  • Use of Client API with AFNetworking request/response to update server about push notifications user would like.
  • Add Facebook SDK Integration.
  • Create class for logic and handle MFMailComposeViewController to allow user to send email of vessels schedules.
  • Create favorites module, using a Custom class to show favorites categorized by Vessels, Containers and Transports and in a DropDowList control. Add logic to delete and add Favorites to this list.
  • Add CoreData for object graph model and persist data. Add cocoa pod MagicalRecord Core Data Wrapper.
  • Technical support to publish App on Apple Store.
  • Create module for manage support for English and Spanish languages using NSLocale settings.
  • Verify and checked navigation maps and mockups with design team.
  • Create module favorites with a UITableView using UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDeleggate for display each favorite in a row and SubclassingUITableViewCell for cell customization.
  • Implement unit tests.


Senior Mobile Developer 

Environment: iOS 7,Android 4.0,Windows Phone 7,Web Page, Web

Services: JSON, XCode, Eclipse, Visual Studio.

  • Create class manager to handle AVPlayerVideoController events using Objective-C as the main language.
  • Create module for handle video splash logic.
  • Create new API Client with AFNetworking to handle requests/responses.
  • Create Category class of NSString to use NSRegularExpression for user Email validation.
  • Add Unity View to show augmented reality videos using Vuforia SDK.
  • Change application layout and Look and Feel.
  • Get the user´s requirements and analyze business logic and applications logic.
  • Create flow diagrams with business rules and application rules.
  • Verify and checked navigation maps and mockups with the design team and the development team.
  • Helped the client to define the applications scope and deliverables.
  • Scheduled development team activities and coordinate them with the Product Manager, using redmine Community edition.
  • Create, coordinated and tested web services contract.
  • Create and developed Windows Phone project structure.
  • Verify and checked Android project structure.
  • Verify and checked iOS project structure.
  • Create Request/Response and parser manager for REST web services.
  • Verify and checked navigation maps and mockups with design team.
  • Add Realm Framework to persist data. Create object model classes.
  • Create Windows Phone App from scratch.
  • Implement unit tests.


Senior Mobile Developer

Environment: iOS 7,Android 4.0, Web Services: JSON, XCode, Eclipse, Objective-C

  • Create walkthrough manager to handle GestureRecognizers and logic with the Objective-C programming language.
  • Create API Client with AFNetworking for requests/Responses.
  • Create custom class with NSJSONSerialization responses parser.
  • Create walkthrough view to show a set of UIImages describing basic use of the app, using also UIScrollView with paging and UIPageControl.
  • Create side menu with UITableView, UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate. Add show and Hide animation using UIViewanimationWithDuration.
  • Create Vehicle,Geofence search module, using UISearchController.
  • Create map manager for displaying control points, vehicles paths and geofences. Using MapKit, MKOverlay and MKOverlayRenderer to draw paths between control points. Use of MKPolygonRenderer to Drawgeofences.
  • Create class module manage get control points historic data path of a vehicle, using map manager to draw the data and API Client to retrieve de data.And manage NSDates validations.
  • Create class inherit from MKPointAnnotation and MKAnnotationView,also create to conform to MKAnnotation protocol to create customs pin annotations and description.
  • Create class to manage automatic update and show vehicle current location, using MapKit and NSTimer.
  • Create each UIView with auto layout with Interface Builder.
  • Designed and Implement data base using Core Data for graph object modeling and persist data.
  • Add support for Spanish and English using NSLocale settings.
  • Verify and checked navigation maps and mockups with design team.
  • Implement unit tests.


iOS Developer / Unity Developer

Environment : iOS 7,Unity, Web Services JSON, XCode,Mono,Vuforia SDK, Objective-C

  • Refactor code from Frames to auto layout support.
  • Create push notification manager, register in AppDelegate to get push token and Request web server to register the device to receive push notifications. Using Objective-C as the main language.
  • Create product search module manager, using UISearchViewController and API Client with AFNetworking for requests/responses.
  • Create module show products search results using UICollectionView, UICollectionViewDataSource and UICollectionViewDelegate. Also create class inherit from UICollectionViewCell to customize collectionView items.
  • Create modules master - detail Simitips, using UITableView to show each simitip item and UIImageView, UITextLabels and UITextView to show simitips items detail information.
  • Create product detail module with UITableView to show product information and UIImageView to show product image.
  • Create module manager to handle products filter using UISegmentedControl.
  • Implement unit tests.

Senior iOS Developer / Unity Developer

Environment : iOS 6, Unity, Web Services JSON, XCode, Mono, Vuforia SDK.

  • Create iOS project in Unity and adjust it to integrate Viur modules in it. Coding image tracking using C# language and create unity scene using Vuforia unity extension.
  • Upload Vuforia Cloud trackers.
  • Create Home module manager to handle Facebook login and show camera scanner using Objective-C language.
  • Integrate Facebook SDK.
  • Integrate Twitter SDK.
  • Integrate Fabric Crashlytics SDK.
  • Create Download manager in C# to handle video and modeling downloads.
  • Create C# functions bridge to communicate C# with Objective-C
  • Create tracker application logic after detection iOS, unity extension does not support online streaming so Video has to be downloaded first and then play it.
  • Create module manager in C# to add support for gesture recognizer on the 3D Model.
  • Create module manager to handle screenshot functionality using UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions or UIGraphicImageContext get an image of the current screen bounds and create and UIImagePNGRepresentation.
  • Create share module to allow user use Facebook or Twitter to share the screen shot.  


Senior Mobile Developer / Unity Developer 

Environment : iOS 6, Web Services JSON, XCode, Objective-C

  • Create iOS project in Unity and adjust it to integrate Viur modules in it. Coding image tracking using C# language and create unity scene using Vuforia unity extension.
  • Upload Vuforia Cloud trackers.
  • Integrate Fabric Crashlytics SDK.
  • Create C# functions bridge to communicate C# with Objective-C
  • Create module manager in C# to add support for gesture recognizer on the 3D Model.
  • Create module manager to handle screenshot functionality using UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions or UIGraphicImageContext get an image of the current screen bounds and create and UIImagePNGRepresentation.
  • Create Unity scene on default model tool, add lights, sounds and Skull, Heart and DNA models.

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