Sr. Ios Developer Resume
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- 7 years of overall experience in the software development field.
- 5 + years of experience developing iOS mobile applications using iOS Technologies and Xcode and 1 + year of experience working with android development teams.
- Responsible for translating client goals into achievable technical specifications.
- Worked on counseling and advising as well as the technology roadmap of multiple mobile projects.
- 2 + years of experience working with Swift, over 5 + years with Objective - C & 1 + years on Java.
- Proficient at API consumption using both XML and JSON. Made use of URLSession, URLRequest, NSURLSession, NSURLConnection, Alamofire and AFNetworking.
- Proficient at implementing Authentication mechanisms using Key Chain, Touch ID & Oauth2.
- High understanding on memory management (MRR & ARC).
- Worked with Core Location, MapKit & Google Maps to handle the user’s location and to display custom markers and annotations on a visual map.
- Good foundations with design patterns such as MVC, MVVM, MVP, Viper, Delegation, Notifications, Observer, Blocks, Façade, Adapter & Factory.
- Good foundations on multitasking with Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) and NSOperationQueue.
- Proficient at tracking bugs and issues using BreakPoints, NSLogs, LLDB statements in combination with different tools provided by Instruments.
- Made use of Auto layout with constraints using Storyboards, Xib files and Size Classes.
- Knowledgeable on persisting data making use of the following technologies: NSUserDefaults, Plists, File System, SQLite and Core Data.
- Knowledgeable on 3rd party libraries using Carthage & CocoaPods.
- Experienced on TDD environments using XCTest and OCMockito.
- Extremely passionate on the iOS field with hunger for knowledge and robust solutions.
- iOS
- Android
- Swift
- Objective C
- Java
- Python
- Django
- PayPal
- Stripe
- Unity
- Pair Programming
- Delegation
- Concurrency
- API Consumption
- Mapkit
- Google Maps
- Core Location
- Push Notifications
- Continuous Integration
- Git & Subversion.
Confidential, CA
Sr. iOS Developer
- Worked closely with the product owner to estimate the scope of the work in terms of resources and time as well as a clear roadmap for the future.
- Developed under the SCRUM Agile Framework with 2 week sprints.
- Version Control was achieved through a git private repository.
- Continuous Integration achieved with Jenkins.
- Usage of Core Data to persist trackable user blood pressure records and worked with child contexts in Core Data.
- Made use of the MVVM architecture with RXswift as a binding mechanism.
- Made use of Protocol Oriented Programming to solve multiple inheritance issues.
- API Consumption through URLSession with custom local data classes. JSON parsing with JSONSerialization.
- Lazy loading of images with NSOperationQueue.
- Unit testing with XCTest and Quick Nimble.
- Worked with Core Bluetooth to enable the heart data gathering from the wireless finger electrodes.
- Used proper data structures to interpret the services and characteristics from the peripheral device.
- Worked tightly to follow the FDA’s guidelines.
- Used size classes and programmatic constraints to offer responsiveness for multiple devices.
- Technologies: Swift, Jenkins, Core Bluetooth, GCD, Size Classes, Constraints, RXswift, MVVM, SCRUM, Git, Cocoapods, XCTest & Core Data.
Confidential, Atlanta, GA
Sr. iOS Developer
Responsibilities:- Worked on designing the local data classes.
- Worked closely with the android team to coordinate common cross platform logic.
- Introduced some functional programming, making use of structs for immutability.
- Migrated from Swift 2 to Swift 3.
- Continuous Integration achieved with Xcode Server Bots.
- Used Key Chain and Touch ID for authentication.
- Made use of the MVC architecture with delegation, KVO and notifications as means of communication between classes.
- Version Control was achieved through a git private repository.
- API Consumption through URLSession with custom local data classes. JSON parsing with JSONSerialization.
- Developed under the SCRUM Agile Framework with 2 week sprints.
- Unit Testing of micro features with XCTest, worked under a TDD development environment.
- Used local model classes to represent API objects & parsed information with JSONSerialization.
- Worked with SSL to maintain the required encryption link between server and client.
- Used size classes and programmatic constraints to offer responsiveness for multiple devices.
- Made use of Cocoa pods to handle third party libraries.
- Technologies: Swift, Xcode Server Bots, GCD, NSOperationQueue, Size Classes, Constraints, XIB, Storyboards, MVC, Delegation, Push Notifications, SCRUM, Git, XCTest, UITableViewController & UICollectionViewController.
Confidential, Atlanta, GA iOS Developer
Responsibilities:- Worked closely with the business team to translate ideas into technical solutions.
- Worked closely with the android team to coordinate common cross platform logic.
- Developed in Objective C with loosely coupled code.
- Made use of categories to extend the functionality of Objective C proprietary classes.
- Continuous Integration achieved with Jenkins.
- Used Key Chain for authentication.
- Made use of the MVC architecture with delegation, KVO and NSNotifications as means of communication between classes.
- Version Control was achieved through a git private repository.
- Developed under the SCRUM Agile Framework with 2 week sprints.
- Unit Testing of micro features with XCTest & OCMockito. Worked under a TDD development environment.
- API Consumption through AFNetworking with custom local data classes. JSON parsing with NSJSONSerialization.
- Worked with SSL to maintain the required encryption link between server and client.
- Made use of Carthage to handle third party libraries.
- Used size classes and programmatic constraints to offer responsiveness for multiple devices.
- Technologies: Objective C, MVC, AFNetworking, SSL, Jenkins, SCRUM, Categories, TDD.
Confidential, Atlanta, GA iOS Developer
Responsibilities:- Responsible for the maintenance and update of the app.
- Implemented custom UIButtons through the app.
- Worked with UITableView with custom cells.
- Worked with UICollectionView with custom cells.
- Developed in Objective C with loosely coupled code.
- Made use of categories to extend the functionality of Objective C proprietary classes.
- Continuous Integration achieved with Jenkins.
- Made use of the MVC architecture with delegation, KVO and NSNotifications as means of communication between classes.
- Version Control was achieved through a git private repository.
- Developed under the SCRUM Agile Framework with 2 week sprints.
- Unit Testing of micro features with OCMockito. Worked under a TDD development environment.
- Made use of Core Location and MapKit to display user’s location in relation to the local map.
- API Consumption through NSURLSession with custom local data classes. JSON parsing with NSJSONSerialization.
- Worked with SSL to maintain the required encryption link between server and client.
- Used size classes and programmatic constraints to offer responsiveness for multiple devices.
- Technologies: Objective C, MVC, NSURLSession, SSL, Jenkins, SCRUM, Categories, TDD, XCTest, UITableView, UICollectionView, OCMockito.
Confidential, Atlanta, GA iOS Developer
Responsibilities:- Worked with UITableView with custom cells.
- Responsible for the maintenance and update of the app.
- Implemented custom UIButtons through the app.
- Made use of categories to extend the functionality of some Objective C proprietary classes like NSString.
- Made use of the MVC architecture with delegation, KVO and NSNotifications as means of communication between classes.
- Version Control was achieved with SVN.
- Worked with GCD to handle concurrency and main UI events.
- Developed under waterfall management.
- Made Unit tests with XCTest.
- API Consumption through NSURLConnection with custom local data classes. JSON parsing with NSJSONSerialization.
- Used size classes and programmatic constraints to offer responsiveness for multiple devices.
- Technologies: Objective C, MVC, NSURLConnection, SVN, Waterfall, Categories, TDD, XCTest, UITableViewController, NSURLRequest NSJSONSerialization.