Solutions Architect Resume
San Jose, CA
- Over 16 years of experience in design, development, deployment and integration of enterprise scale information management applications for leading companies using Java/J2EE and Cloud technologies.
- Extensively worked in developing the web applications using the AngularJS, NodeJS, Struts Framework, Spring Framework and Hibernate ORM.
- Extensively worked building REST APIs using Jersey Framework.
- Extensively worked on SOA Integration platform using Mule ESB.
- Involved in development of cloud based applications using the Confidential Prime Service Catalog and Confidential Process Orchestrator.
- Solid experience on Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) including Servlets, JSP, JNDI, EJB, Java Mail, Security.
- Experience in XML and XML parsers, SOAP, UDDI and WSDL Services.
- Have good understanding and implementation experience in Web Services (SOAP and REST).
- Worked extensively with Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) including Core Libraries, Generics, Collections, NIO, Applets, AWT, Swing, Internationalization (i18n), JDBC, Networking, RMI, JNI, Scripting, Security.
- Good Experience in DHTML, JavaScript, Ajax, JQuery.
- Solid experience in developing and deploying the applications on Application Servers like BEA WebLogic, JBOSS and IBM WebSphere, Tomcat.
- Experience in using IDEs like Eclipse, MyEclipse, WSAD and RAD for Application development.
- Extensively used CASE tools like Rational Rose and RSA.
- Solid background in Object - Oriented analysis and design - OOAD. Very good Confidential GoF & J2EE Design Patterns, UML.
- Knowledge of SQL and Database Systems. Worked on Oracle 9i/10g, SQL Server, DB2, MySQL.
- Strong Database development experience in writing functions, procedures, packages, triggers and views in PL/SQL. Worked on TOAD.
- Extensively worked on open source technologies. Worked on Apache Tomcat, Ant, Maven, Log4j, JUnit, iText, POI
- Worked with version control systems like Rational Clear case and CVS, VSS, Subversion, Harvest, GIT.
- Domain experience in Commercial Insurance, Retail, Education, Logistics and Telecommunication
- Have good knowledge on Data Structures and Computer Software Algorithms.
- Excellent debugging, problem solving and testing skills.
- Very good experience in using Windows, UNIX, LINUX and Solaris platforms.
Programming Languages & Scripts: Java 2, HTML, XML, SQL, PL/SQL, Java Script, CSS, Ajax., Jquery,JSON, Angular JS
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition: Servlets, JSP, JSTL JNDI, EJB2, Java Mail, Security, J2EE Design Patterns, Core Libraries, Generics, Collections, NIO, Applets, AWT, Swing, Internationalization (i18n), JDBC, Networking, RMI, JNI, Scripting, Security, GoF Design Patterns.
Frameworks : Spring 3.x, Struts 2.x, Hibernate 3. x., Jersey, Angular1/2, NodeJS
Developement & Methodologies : UML, Agile (SCRUM) methodologies
Web Services & XML: Axis2, XSL/XSLT, XHTML, SOAP, WSDL, DTD, Schema
Application Servers: BEA WebLogic 10, JBOSS 4.x and IBM Websphere 5/6, Apache Tomcat, JBOSS 4, Node JS server .
Tools: Load Runner 8.1, Win Runner, Rational Rose, Visio, Connect Direct, Oracle Top Link, LDAP, Siteminder, Eclipse, MyEclipse 3.4, WSAD 5/6, RAD7, Ant, Maven, Log4j, JUnit, iText, POI, JCaptcha, Solr, CAS, Jive, Perl, Confidential Service Portal, Confidential Process Orchestrator, Mule ESB on-premises/CloudHub, Mule Anypoint Studio Platform, Rally -Agile Software Project Management Tool, JIRA Issue and Project Tracking Tool, Microsoft Project & Portfolio Management Tool.
Continuous Integration and Deployment Tools: GIT, Jenkins and Udeploy
Rule Engine: Drools
Document Database: Mongo DB, Cassandra
RDBMS: Oracle 8i/9i, MS SQL Server, DB2, MySQL,
Data Platform Technologies: Hadoop (Hive, MapR)
O/S: Windows, UNIX and Solaris
Solutions Architect
Responsibilities:- Participated in gathering and understanding of Business Requirements.
- Developed Graphic User Interface prototype using Angular2 and NodeJS JavaScript libraries.
- Worked with Yeomen & Gulp for configuration and deployment of application.
- Created application using automated development and build tools like ANSC and Jenkins.
- Worked building API using AJSC with Cassandra.
- Worked with infrastructure support team to resolve technical challenges related to application integration and deployment.
Environment: Angular2, NodeJS, Eclipse, Visual Source Code, ITrack, Jenkins, GIT and ANSC/AJSC Framework, Cassandra.
Confidential, San Jose, CA
Technical Lead
Responsibilities:- Prepared Design and Technical Implementation documents based on Business Requirement Specification.
- Assisted Team in building Mule APIs and Hadoop Hive & MapR Tables and Single Access Pages using Angular JS and Node JS.
- Coordinated the team to resolve Hadoop hive/HBase database and Mule MapR connector performance issues.
- Performed Integration of LAE component to Salesforce.
Environment: Salesforce, Mule ESB runtime, Mule Anypoint Studio platform, Angular JS, Node JS, D3 JS, Hadoop (Hive, MapR), SVN.
Confidential, Palo Alto, CA
Integrations Consultant
Responsibilities:- Prepared Design and Technical implementation documents based on Business Requirement Specification.
- Created Integration flows for Single Sign-On and Batch processing of users and their profiles.
- Implemented Rabbit MQ queue messaging for asynchronous processing of user profiles.
- Extensively participated in deployment of Mule ESB applications using Cloud Hub.
- Prepared TestCases and participated in Unit Testing and Integration Testing Microservices.
- Customized SSL endpoints and enabled SSL for SSO application flow in Mule Cloud Hub.
Environment: Mule ESB runtime, Mule Anypoint Studio platform, MSSQL, Rabbit MQ, Mule VM Queues, Mule Cloud Hub, SAML, MS Visio 2007, Perforce.
Confidential, Milpitas, CA
IT Analyst
Responsibilities:- Involved in Layer 7 migration from 6.0 version to 8.1 version by validating Service Groups and Schema Migration.
- Extensively participated in creation and deployment of Mule ESB applications.
- Worked to creating new API’s using RAML and onboarded customer API’s to Mule API Gateway using Mule Anypoint platform.
- Involved in performance tuning of Mule ESB product using Apache Bench and JMeter.
- Performed Mule Management Console integration with MySQL database.
- Worked in a Scrum Agile process with two week iterations delivering new features and working software.
Environment: Mule ESB, Mule API Anypoint platform, Layer7, MySQL, Jenkins and Udeploy, Apache Bench, JMeter
Confidential, Simi Valley, CA
Responsibilities:- Identified and Implemented reusable framework components like Loggers using Log4J, FTPClient using Apache Common FTP, FileFormatter using XML and Cache using JCS and Scheduler using Apache Common WorkManager.
- Preparation of Detail Design Documents for ETL and Audit processes using Rational Software Architect tool..
- Involved in creating Spring Batch jobs with chunk processing methodology for ETL processes.
- Implement Audit Metrics capturing processes in ETL spring batch processes using Listeners.
- Created Web interface to display application errors using JSP pages with JSTL and Spring3 framework.
- Implemented design patterns in the project such as Data Transfer Object, Data Access Object.
Environment: JSP2.0, Servlets2.3, HTML, CSS, XML, JSTL, JavaScript, Spring 3, Hibernate 3, Spring Batch2.5, RAD7, Mainframe DB2, RSA8.1, Harvest, Log4j, JUnit3.8.1, Hibernate Tools, JRecord, JCS, Quartz,JAXB
Confidential, Boston, MA
Senior Java/J2EE Developer
Responsibilities:- Prepared System Design Document using StarUML open source tool.
- Analyzed ATG Dynamo functionality of existing websites which involved understanding JHTML code and migrating to JBoss server.
- Implemented Client side interface using JSP, JSTL, JavaScript and CSS. Used Spring framework to develop the server side logic in integration with Hibernate to persist data to MySQL database.
- Implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to get traffic from Search Engines.
- Incorporated JCaptcha (Java Completely Automated Public Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) functionality during user Registration process.
- Implemented distributed caching using JBoss Tree cache with MBeans to cache premium news articles.
- Implemented Quartz scheduler to update the Cache object with latest changes in premium news articles from database. And Integrated Jive community forums in application using Jive software.
- Provided search facility using Solr search. And Implemented single sign-on feature using CAS.
Environment: JSP, HTML, XML, Spring 2.5, Hibernate 3, Restful Webservices, JBoss 5.0.1, MySQL 5.1, irise, Unix, ATG Dynamo, SVN, JUnit, Jive, Jcaptcha, Solr, SpringSource Tool Suite, Quartz, JBoss Tree Cache, CAS
Senior Java/J2EE Application Developer
Responsibilities:- Involved in Migration of application from JBoss Server to Web Sphere Application Server6.
- Involved in Migration of application from Web Sphere Application Server ver. 4/5 to ver. 6
- Developed Use Cases, UML diagrams such as Sequence Diagrams, Activity Diagrams and Class Diagrams, for enhancement modules using Rational Rose.
- Used frameworks like Struts, Spring, Hibernate to develop the enhancements with Universal DB2 as the database.
- Used EJB 2.0 to implement Business logic using Stateful/Stateless Session Beans and Entity beans.
- Used Java Naming and Directory Interface for accessing Enterprise beans and Data source in Distributed environment.
- Used Connect Direct to transfer files from Unix box to Mainframe box using Unix shell scripts.
- Used Java Mail to provide email notification on success or failure of a batch job.
- Used Maven and Ant to automate build process for one of Enterprise Architecture Framework application.
- Performed Load Testing using Load Runner and Used Wily Interscope to monitor the application.
- Siteminder with Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) was used for user authentication.
Environment: Spring3.x, Hibernate 3.x, Struts 2.x., JSP 1.2, Java Script, EJB 2.x, JDBC, HTML, XML, DB2, Ajax, Web Sphere Application Server 6, JBoss 4.2, MyEclipse 3.4, RAD7, UML, Rational Rose, CVS, JUnit, Load Runner8.1, Siteminder, Design Patters, Connect Direct, AIX Unix Server, Java Mail, Ant, Maven, Struts Security, Log4j, iText
Java/J2EE Application Developer .
Responsibilities:- Developed Use Case Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams & Class Diagrams in UML
- Used Struts Tiles for better presentation of different sections of a JSP page using JSP1.2.
- Used Validator framework to perform server side validations.
- Implemented the application using Struts 1.1 framework that uses MVC design pattern
- Implemented various design patterns in the project such as Business Delegate, Composite View, View Helper, Front Controller, Session Façade, Value Object, Data Transfer Object, Data Access Object and Service locator.
- Implemented Coding Standards using Checkstyle and PMD.
- Oracle 9i was used as the database. Created store procedure using PL/SQL through Oracle 9i client
Environment: Struts 1 .x, JSP 1.2, JDBC, EJB 2.x, Java Script and HTML/DHTML, XML, Oracle 9i, WebServices, Web Sphere Application Server 5, WSAD 5, Rational Rose, Windows NT Server, Clear Case, Win Runner, Checkstyle, PMD, J2EE Patterns, JUnit, SQL, PL/SQL.
Java/J2EE Application Developer
Responsibilities:- Analysed Business Requirement for Expression Builder.
- Prepared Low Level Design for Expression Builder Module.
- Implemented Expression Builder module using Swing .
- Prepared Unit Test cases and Tested them using JUnit .
Environment : Swings, JDBC, Oracle 9i, JUnit, Windows98
Java/J2EE Programmer
Responsibilities:- Involved in Analysis and Design of Currency Converter module.
- Created JavaBeans like DBConnector and ReplaceSingleQuotes.
- Used Oracle7 as backend database and JSP pages to respond to client reqest.
- Used Weblogic7 as the application server to deploy the application.
- Created Stateless Session Beans for login process and Currency Converter using EJB1.1.
Environment: JSP 1.x, Javascript, XML, JavaBeans, EJB 1.x, Weblogic7, Oracle, JUnit, Windows98