Ui/java Developer/ Full Stack Developer Resume
Durham, NC
- Java developer with 7+ years of experience in Software development life cycle - analysis, design, architecture, development, testing, deployment, maintenance.
- Worked on Waterfall, Agile and SOA methodologies.
- Expertise in object-oriented technologies, client-server systems, web-based applications, and business applications.
- Good experience in Object Oriented Analysis & Design (OOAD) using different design methodologies/ process frameworks like SDLC, tools like UML, Rational Rose.
- Extensive experience in designing and developing Enterprise Applications for J2EE platform using Core Java, Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JMS, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, XML, Web service, Axis, NetBeans, Eclipse, ANT.
- Expertise in design and development of web applications using JSP, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, JQUERY, AJAX, JSON, XML, XSL, XSLT, Node.JS, Angular.JS, ReactJS, require.js and bootstrap.
- Experienced in React-JS and working with Reactflux architecture, Redux architecture using complex Object Oriented concepts in improving the performance of the websites.
- Strong experience in Spring Framework such as Spring MVC, IOC, AOP, DI, Spring Boot, SpringAspects, REST, Spring Integration, Spring Testing, and Spring JDBC .
- Strong hands-on experience with Spring IO, Spring Boot implementing REST and p roficient in using design patterns like Singleton, DTO, DAO, Factory, Session Facade, Front Controller, and Service Locator.
- Well versed in MVC (Model View Controller) architecture using JSF and Struts, Spring, spring web flow, JPA, JTA, JNID implementing JSTL (JSP Standard tag library) & custom tag development.
- Experience in working on XML related technologies like XML, XSLT, XPATH, XSL, DTD, DOM, and XML Spy tool .
- Good Knowledge of Web Application Development Technologies such as HTML, DHTML, CSS, XSLT, XML (SAX, DOM), Custom Tags, JAVA SCRIPT.
- Worked on the JavaScript library JQuery, MS FrontPage, JSP, Struts Tag Library, AngularJS, ReactJS, NodeJS, Skilled at progressing from problem statement to well documented designs.
- Extensive experience in JSON, JAXB, JAXP and good experience in development and implementation of RestfulWeb Service as a Provider using messaging medium as JSON and have also implemented Soap based web services using apache-CXF.
- Experienced in developing database to create its objects like tables, views, functions, triggers, and stored procedures packages using PL/SQL in Oracle, MS SQL Server and have knowledge of working with NOSQL databases like Mongo-dBusing Mongoose.
- Extensive experience using spring framework and ORM mapping tools like Hibernate and IBatis, which implements Java Persistence API (JPA).
- Used Log4J for extensible logging, debugging and error tracing also Worked on JUnit for unit testing.
- Experiences with build tools include Maven, Gradle and Jenkins Version/Source Control tools including SVN, Rational andClearCase. IDE tools like WSAD, Eclipse, Spring STS, and Borland JBuilder and Oracle Jdeveloper.
- Experienced in RDBMS Design, DB normalization, ER modeling, SQL, PL/SQL, procedures, cursors, functions, triggers, and goodUnderstanding in creating SQL and HQL Queries in Oracle, MySQL, DB2.
- Developed code using Test Driven Development (TDD), and Pair Programming.
- Experience in using Quartz scheduler to create a jobs scheduling in Java applications
- Involved in developing Test plans, Test Cases (Manual/Automated), Test Procedures and white-box and black-box testing.
- Used Continuous Integration / Continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools Docker, Jenkins to deploy this application to AWS and used GIT for Version Control of code for incremental development.
- Worked on various application servers and web servers like WebSphere, BEA Web logic, JBossand Tomcat.
- Experienced in working with on-shore/off-shore models and performing production support.
- Developed JMS based communication framework for the application to interact with Activiti BPM workflow engine.
- Developed microservices which enhanced the application performance and reduced the failure rate
Languages: C++, J2EE, Java (1.8/1.7/1.6)
Technologies: JSP 2.1/1.2, Servlets 2.x/3.x, JavaBeans, JDBC, Struts2.x/1.x, Hibernate3.x/4.x, Spring3.0/4.0, Web Services, SOA, JMS2.0, SAX/ DOM/JAXB/STAX/XSTREAM, AJAX
Web Technologies: HTML/DHTML, XHTML2.0, JavaScript1.x, XML1.0, XSL, XSLT, XPATH CSS, JQuery, Angular-JS, ReactJS, NodeJS, AWS
Development Tools (IDEs): Eclipse, JBuilder, NetBeans, MS Visual Studio, Spring Tool Suite, Rational rose, UML2.X.
Web/Application Servers: Tomcat7.x, WebLogic 10.3/9.2/8.1, IBM WebSphere7.x/8.x, JBOSS
Database: Oracle 11g, SQL server 2008, PL/SQL, MySQL, Mongodb.
Platforms: Windows, UNIX, LINUX, MAC
Testing Tools: JUnit 4.x, JIRA.
Version Control: SVN, Rational ClearCase, GIT
Methodologies: Agile Methodology, Waterfall model.
B uild Tools: Design patterns
Gradle, Maven,ANT,Jenkins,Docker.: Singleton, DAO
Confidential, Durham, NC
UI/Java Developer/ Full Stack Developer
- Participated in Agile methodology for application development. Analysis, design, coding, unit, and integration testing of business applications in an object-oriented environment.
- Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML5, bootstrap, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript and Angular JS.
- Built the responsive UI with AngularJS, Bootstrap, Node.JSand developed the dashboard for displaying charts, graphs, and other analytics-related widgets.
- Developed various AngularJS directives to help build the functionality and UI behavior using JavaScript, alsodevelopedfilters and angular services.
- Used Angular libraries like angular-UI-router, angular-resource to create the effective single page application and used angular-cookies to temporarily store the data used in this application.
- Developed mock-up screens in the prototype to demo the application screens to business users using HTML, AngularJS, Bootstrap
- Used Angular-JS, AJAX for asynchronous validations for the input fields of the forms with the data existed in the database.
- Used $http and $resource service for retrieving data from the server via XMLHttp request object in Angular.js framework.
- Developed JMS based communication framework for the application to interact with Activiti BPM workflow engine
- Extensively worked with XML files as the Source and Target, used transformations like XML Generator and XML Parser to transform XML files, used OracleXMLTYPE data type to store XML files.
- Developed CSS styles to maintain the uniformity of all the screens throughout the Responsible for design and development of the web pages from mock- ups also designed CSS based page layouts that are cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant.
- Ensured Service design fits into overall SOA driven program and also implemented the logging framework in the SOA environment.
- Used major components like Serializers, Parsers, Mappers, and Streamers in Data Transformation Studio for conversion of XML files to other formats.
- Created Cryptography modules for JWE, JWS and JWT.
- Created single page applications with nested and multiple views using Angularui-router, custom directives for reusable components used across the application.
- Worked on Querying and manipulation of the content using XQuery/XPath and XSLT
- Extensively used Core Java collections, Generics, Exception handling, Design patterns for functionality, such as portfolio summary and user information also developed Services, Business Delegate, POJO, Controller and DAO.
- Extensively Implemented Springboot, dependencyInjection (DI) and aspect oriented programming (AOP) features along with hibernate.
- Used JMS (Java Mailing Service) API to mail notifications upon the success or failure when the backend processes are completed and to send mail notifications regarding any system related problems.
- Wrote HibernateCriteria queries for data retrievals and have performed the ORM mappings to map java entities to database tables.
- Configured Spring declarative transactionmanager and implemented transaction management in DAO layer.
- Implemented RESTFUL web services using springboot and consumed using spring REST services. Published Rest services for performing CRUD operations from database.
- Used JSON for data exchange between application modules along with XML and WS-Security for authenticating the REST messages along with encryption and decryption.
- Focused on Test Driven Development (TDD) thereby creating detailed JUnit tests for every single piece of functionality before writing the actual functionality.
- Integrated Spring and Hibernate, configured logging and developed exception handling for the application. Used Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions.
- Involved in setting up AWS services with EC2 instances, S3 bucket, IAM, RDS took part in deploying application in AWS.
- Writing and retrieving files to and from AWSS3bucket for UI to render data faster that involves complex and time consuming server side logic.
- Wrote Junit test cases to test the Spring DAO layer and created Batch Services to generate reports using Spring Batch and used Mockito for Behavior Driven Development (BDD).
- Involved in configuring builds using Jenkins with Git, plugins, configured and used Jenkins to deploy the applications onto Dev, QA, UAT environments.
- Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with, Jenkins and GitHub and AWSAMI’s. Converted our staging and Production environment from a handful AMI’s to a single bare metal host running Docker.
- Worked on Attlasian products such as Git for Version control, Source tree, JIRA for project tracking, Confluence for project Wiki.
- Worked on Cross-Browser compatibility and fixed the bugs, for several browsers. Designed the table less web applications using CSS and with the help of tags as per W3C standards.
- Parameterized different JVM settings to obtain optimal values for the application. Automated the deployment to each environment
Environment: Java 8,HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap, J2EE, JSON, XSLT, POJO, Spring 4.3, Hibernate 4, JMS, GIT, REST, log4j, JUnit, Jenkins, XML, Ajax, XSD, Java Script, JQuery, Angular-JS 1.6, Linux, Spring Tool Suite(STS), Activiti BPM.
Confidential, MN
Java/ReactJS Full Stack Developer
- Designed and developed the application using Agile methodology, Wrote Technical design documents, Implementation plans and testing documents for the requirements.
- Responsible for refactoring existing JQuery/Ajax front-end web application into ReactJS
- Implemented Model-View- Controller (MVC) architecture using Spring framework. Used SpringContext to add support for message sources and internationalization.
- Designed and developed a cost-effective enterprise level batch application to schedule batchjobs using open source scheduler Quartz
- Designed and developed web application for internal business users using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, AJAX, ReactJSwith ES6.
- Designing and Developing microservices which enhance reusability and reduces the failure rate
- Used React Redux architecture to create the data layers in the application and to bring the Model View Controller architecture for the application.
- Worked on switching the app to a React SPA with ReactRouter. Developed and maintained reusable React components.
- Developed REST service calls from REACT to backend using React-thunk and took part in developing actions, reducers and defined initial state.
- Worked closely with design team and provided rapid prototypes using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, ReactJS
- Created UI and developed interactive presentation layer using Ajax, JQuery, JavaScript and handled all aspects of the web application including maintaining, testing, debugging, deploying & maintenance.
- Enhanced the UI by Ajax scripting to make the web pages more dynamic by making asynchronous calls to the server, used JSON objects for communicating data between client and server.
- Used Twitter Bootstrap framework for developing customizable and fully responsive for various screen sizes and JQuery core library functions for the logical implementation part at client side.
- Developed Business components using Java Objects, Core Java, Multithreading, Servlets, and JSP. Effectively used data structures and algorithms to solve complex problems, reducing time complexity and memory usage.
- Implemented business logic using Spring service layer, Spring Dao layer using Spring Framework and transaction management in DAO layer. Configured and implemented Spring declarative transaction manager.
- Developed Server side components based on Struts MVC and the persistence layer build on ORM framework Hibernatefor second level caching which resulted in enhanced performance of the application.
- Implemented a Java Web Service client to interact with Web Services and for Integrating with the Enterprise Information System Tier by using RESTful web services.
- Tested several modules identifying bugs and worked on debugging of project using Junit and resolved the JIRA bugs assigned.
- Working with Developers in UI Integration and defect fixing and involved in UI Testing which is generally testing the graphical user interfaces, how user interacts with the application, testing application elements like fonts, layouts, buttons, images, colors etc.
- Involved in configuring builds with Gradle plugins, to deploy the applications onto Dev, QA, UAT environments.
- Developed web applications and coordinated with other teams and web-service providers. Deployed the applications on BEA WebLogic Application Server and monitored performance.
Environment: JSP, Spring 3.2, Hibernate,Web Services REST, XML,CSS, HTML,AWS,JavaScript, Bootstrap, Json, AJAX, ReactJS, REDUX, JIRA, Junit, Oracle 11g, WebLogic, Gradle, Servlets.
Confidential, CO
MEAN stack Developer
- Worked closely with internal clients to define business objectives, project scope, solution space and design/development approach for various knowledge research applications.
- Design the cross-browser multi browser compatible Interfaces using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and AngularJS frameworks.
- Developed the application using Angular-JS, Node-JS, Express-JS, NOSQL Mongo-DB, Angular-UI, HTML5, Bootstrap, CSS3 and JavaScript. Updated a legacy JSP user interface to a single page web app using Angular, Require, D3Graphs and JQuery Data tables.
- Designed, developed, tested, integrated, and deployed large numbers of complex rules in rule flows, Drools Fusion and Drools CEP.
- Wrote Drool rules in rule flow for fetching the rule data from the database.
- Planned and programmed a work queue system on a NodeJS Server with RabbitMQ. It uses Express to create a REST API allowing users to create jobs and retrieve data from MongoDB.
- Used Angular.js framework for building web applications with the associates to perceive the user interface layouts. Developed various AngularJS directives to help build the functionality and UI behaviour using JavaScript .
- Built the reusable service components using Angular JS services with Object Oriented JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CS S3 based on the visual designs.
- Developed Bootstrap responsive web application pages using Angular.JS services, controllers and directives for front end UI and consumed RESTful web service API.
- Developed REST services using Node-JS, Express-JS, Body-Parser, Underscore-JS, and other node modules to serve the web application with JSON data.
- Used REST Services to interact with the Web Services enabled application to talk and retrieve data in present application.
- Used Angular libraries like angular-UI-router, angular-resource to create the effective single page application and used angular-cookies to temporarily store the data used in this application.
- Used Angular-JS, AJAX for asynchronous validations for the input fields of the forms with the data existed in the database.
- Developed the functionalities under Agile Methodology, JIRA processes and used JIRA for task assignment, bug tracking and fixture. Used on the client side and Mocha to write the tests at server side.
- Resource management using Git version control, Grunt task runner, Composer, and Bower dependency management.
- Implemented best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques for designing webpages. Used CORS to enable cross origin resource sharing for this project by using CORS module in Node-JS.
- Used Continuous Integration/Continuous delivery(CI/CD) tools likeJenkins to deploy this application to AWS and used GIT for Version Control of code for incremental development.
Environment: HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, JQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, Angular-JS 1.5, Mongoose, Node-JS, Exp ress-JS, RabbitMQ, JSON, MongoDB, RESTful web service, Mocha, Jasmine, SEO, Grunt, Agile, JIRA, GIT, AWS, Jenkins.
Confidential, NJ
Sr. Java / J2EE Developer
- Played a pivotal role for the entire development life cycle which involved application design, development, testing & release also worked with a multi-disciplinary team to convert business needs into technical specifications.
- Developed usecase diagrams, Activity flow diagrams, Class diagrams and Object diagrams in the design phase. Implemented Tiles based framework to present the layouts to the user.
- Wrote Action Classesto service the requests from the UI, populate business objects & invoke EJBs. Extensively used Java 5 Generics, Autoboxing/ Unboxing, and Collections.
- Extensively used Java best practices and implemented several Core designpatternslike Singleton, DataAccessObject (DAO), and BusinessDelegate etc.
- Configured Struts DynaActionForms, Message Resources, Action Messages, Action Errors, Validation.xml, and Validator-rules.xml.
- Worked on front end using Struts framework. Involved in JSP page designing using Struts-JQuery and Struts-JSON pagination.
- Designed and developed base classes, framework classes and common re-usable components. Implemented caching techniques, wrote POJO classes for storing data and DAO’s to retrieve the data and did other database configurations using EJB.
- Developed SOAP based Web Services for Integrating with the Enterprise Information System Tier.
- Extensively involved in the enhancements, troubleshooting, bug fixes and change requests for the WebServices.
- Used Hibernate to interact with database. Worked on both Hibernate named queries and the Hibernate Criteria Queries to do the database operations.
- Involved in Configuration and Usage of Apache Log4J for logging and debugging purposes also Configured application flows, controlling logic and navigation.
- Used JIRA as a defect tracking system for the application, and Tortoise, CVS as a code repository to manage project code.
- Used JAXP (DOM, XSLT), XSD for XML data generation and presentation. Wrote Junit test classes for the services and prepared documentation.
- Responsible for application setup and configuration in the development, QA and Production environment and preparation of the timely builds using ANT, releases, and deployment on Tomcat Server for web applications and web portals respectively.
Environment: Java/J2SE 1.5, JSP, Struts 2, JAXP, XSLT, DOM, XML, EJB 3.0, SOAP, Web Services, JNDI, Junit, Apache Tomcat, CVS, Oracle11g, Junit, JavaScript, DHTML, POJO, Hibernate, Log4j, JIRA, ANT.
Java / J2EE Developer
- Implementing the Design and developing modules using Agile Methodology. Planning iterations for effective design and development of the Modules.
- Designed and developed web based UI using JSP, StrutsTaglibs and developed action classes to handle the user request.
- Developed the User Interface validation frame work in combination of custom validation build on top of Struts validation frame work from the form bean.
- Implemented EJB's session bean to maintain application session and Entity Beans for the persistence also Implemented methods to validate, keep Alive session for login process & maintaining session credentials.
- Implemented Spring Beans using IOC and Transaction management features to handle the transactions and business logic.
- Used DAO design pattern to handle the interaction with Data base (MySQL Server) and Hibernate as ORM to map Java classes to data base tables.
- Used Hibernate Query Language (HQL) for accessing data from database and created Hibernate POJO Objects and mapped using Hibernate Annotations.
- Developed SOAP services to talk with adapter classes and exposed them to front-end. Worked on serialize and de-serialize of data in applications using JSON.
- Used several design patterns like business delegate, DAO, and front controller in the development process.
- Developed Monitoring, logging and exception handling frame works. Configured several log4j adapters and log4j view Chainsaw.
- Developed testing frame work for User Interface and server side components using testing frame works like HTTPUnit, and Junit also Tested components using Junit Mockitoduring development.
- Developed automated Build files, reporting and documentation using Maven. Worked with the business experts to understand existing business processes and determined a shared approach that would serve their business needs using the new packaged application.
- Used SVN for source code version controlling. Configured development environment using JBOSS application server for developer’s integration testing.
Environment: Jdk 1.5, J2EE, JSP, Struts, EJB, Hibernate, SOAP, Log4J, DHTML, XML, MySQL Server, JBOSS server, HTML, JUnit, Data Admin, Eclipse, SVN, Mockito,Maven.