Platform Architect/cloud Architect Resume
New, YorK
- Senior Software Engineer/Technical Manager with strong development/analytical experience (20+ years on software design/implementation)
- Extensive hands - on experience in implementing cloud based *aaS technology infrastructure across diverse clustered/scaling cloud computing environments.
- Seeking enterprise platform engineer/architect position to build out a containerized "greenfield" CI-CD environment (docker/kubernetes/openshift).
- My experience is with private/internal enterprise CI/CD cloud infrastructures in institutional client settings (e.g., intl bank & intl financial institution). The "cloud" tech stack I am mostly working with - and interested in continuing to work with - is working with container infrastructures such as Kubernetes/Openshift/Docker.
Platforms/OS: Openstack, Openshift, Docker, Kubernetes, Cloudify, VMware, Linux (Ubuntu, RHEL, Centos, Mac OS X), iOS (v5+)
Languages/Frameworks: Python, Nodejs, Swagger, JavaScript, C++, R, Java, Objective-C, STL, Boost
Databases: Oracle(11g/12c) PL/SQL, MySql, MongoDB, Redis, SQL Server
CI/CD: Openshift, Kubernetes, Docker, Jenkins, Maven, Selenium
Security/SSO: OpenID, OAuth2, CAS, Netegrity Siteminder, SSH, SSL/PKI/HTTPS
Statistical SW: R, sklearn, pandas/numpy, Minitab, Mathematica
Network Inspect/Dbg: Fiddler, Wireshark, winpcap, Sulley
Software: Openshift, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Puppet, Jelastic, Cloudify, Jenkins, vSphere/vCenter, ESXi, nginx, Zabbix, Eclipse (PyDev/Nodeclipse), IntelliJ PyCharm/WebStorm, Sublime, Brackets, Jupyter, Visio, Oracle JDeveloper
Confidential,New York
Platform Architect/Cloud Architect
- Implemented declarative pipelines in Jenkins blue ocean to concurrently run multi-platform builds/tests
- Stand up CI environment using Jenkins and integrate with enterprise environment (LDAP+certs)
- Configure pipeline to automate multi-platform browser based testing using Jenkins/Selenium suite to enable CI
- Enabled continuous deployment using Jenkins, Selenium, Git, Artifactory and containerized runtime deployment platform in Openshift/Kubernetes
- Built POCs to enable rapid infra adoption and implementation - leveraged POCs for (1) documentation set, (2) onboarding tutorial/knowledge sharing using Atlassian confluence, and (3) to enable regression testing of any/all enhancements to the CI/CD platform especially as dealing with security hardening requirements and integration points with enterprise infrastructure
- Developed interfaces/dashboard (python/flask/d3.js/react.js/crossfilter.js) to service PaaS inventory use cases.
- Developed inventory record linkage automation to match logical records to the physical scanned data leveraging multiple classification algorithms (logistic/svm).
- Developed scanning and ETL processes servicing software inventory, information security and configuration management use case (python/ansible).
- Implemented orchestration for clustering/autoscaling PaaS use cases for large clients using Openshift, Docker, Ansible, Openstack, Cloudify and Nginx/Jelastic stacks.
- Develop automated trade strategy execution platform leveraging real-time/historical data, charting, and statistical evaluation (python/R/Java).
- Implemented VMware automation using python for IaaS and VM provisioning.
- Implemented Node OAuth2 for Node.js REST API Endpoints.
- Developed JSON interfaces using node.js, angular, ejs templates, bootstrap, express.js, mongodb and REST API.
Confidential,New York
Director of Software Development
Responsibililties:- Led multiple global technology teams and off-shore development centers based in four different continents.
- Managed delivery, implementation and program for clients, specializing in capital markets new issuance trading platforms and technologies
- Directed SDLC implementations and enforced SLA terms for security, scalability and performance and functional specifications.
Confidential,New York
Software Development Manager
Responsibililties:- Development for the ABS Analytical Platform and Manager Workstation producing ratings and indexes, across 500+ issuers.
- Developed infrastructure for market data surveillance processing to support market feeds, ABS products, primary analysis and syndicate initiatives.
- Designed/Developed/Implemented historical security performance time series, and security master warehouse, used for data quality processing and security surveillance for all ABS related ratings actions.
Confidential,New York
Software Development Manager
Responsibililties:- Managed development for servicing and securitizing credit sensitive residential mortgage based products and trading and analytic systems used for firms investments.
- Directed IT development including the Whole Loan Trading System, Bond Trading System, Claim Processing System, and BPO Ordering System. Including regular status and strategy meetings with senior business leaders.
- Supervised processing and quality for whole loan historical performance time series, and loan master warehouses, used for whole loan bidding, structuring, underwriter reporting and investment surveillance
- Lead development teams supporting portfolio management to the traders, analysts in the securitization process, and feeding the General Ledger and underwriting investment banks. Vendor systems included Intex Loan Performance, Bloomberg, Transunion, and various Trustees.
Confidential,New York
Project Manager/Technical Lead
Responsibililties:- Responsible for Prime Brokerage platform of systems providing end-to-end technology solutions for institutional trading execution and settlement of multiple financial products with hierarchical arranging account relationships.
- Facilitated implementation of global prime brokerage portal and migration of the international prime brokerage site logic and functionality into the global PB site.
- Lead implementation for reporting platform supporting all identified fund reporting requirements enabling flexible and configurable daily-batch and real-time report execution. Implemented Reuters RV interface for real time pricing and portfolio management accounting and status reporting.
Confidential,New York
Technical Lead
Responsibililties:- Responsible for the development and enhancements of the Asset Liability Management System (ALMS) enabling portfolio management with fixed income and ABS holdings and liability management functions pertaining to hundreds of municipal client accounts.
- Managed successful implementation of Oracle packages supporting real-time Bloomberg market data and trade affirmation messages for repo and reverse-repo transactions from the Bloomberg portfolio management software feeding into back-office systems.
- Implemented automated asset allocation implementing with a 3rd party Java, Perl, and GAMS.
Confidential,New York
Technical Lead
Responsibililties:- Designed and implemented the enterprise reference data model supporting a global identification of counterparty and settlement instruction (Swift clearing) information across products and regions through data consolidation, normalization into a single replicated repository with phased integration implementations across multiple regions.
- Designed and developed enterprise reference data model supporting a global identification of counterparty and settlement instruction (Swift clearing) information across products and regions through data consolidation, normalization into a single replicated repository with phased integration implementations across multiple regions.