Associate Software Engineer Resume
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Mount Laurel, Nj
ConfidentialMount Laurel, NJ
Associate Software Engineer
- As a Java developer, I collaborated with a team of ~20 engineers to develop and maintain a large Eclipse - based project, utilizing the Eclipse Modeling Framework. Source code was managed with SVN, and we employed an agile methodology with sprint lengths of two weeks. During this time, I also developed a tool using the IBM Rational Rhapsody API to extract key data from customers’ SysML models, compare it against our PostgreSQL database, and produce tabular output.
- I briefly worked on a C++-based data analysis solution used for analyzing Aegis Combat System data using Visual Studio, and extended the tool's reporting capabilities with BIRT.
- With a partner, I developed automated regression tests for use against mission-critical shipboard control systems, saving a net 72 hours of testing time monthly. Using the same IDT-developed tool, I build and maintain nightly automated regression tests, leveraging Jenkins for nightly automated test runs.
Philadelphia, PA
Computer Science Tutor, Lab Assistant
Responsibilities:- I offered assistance as a peer tutor in the Computer Science department. Tutoring sessions were held on a walk-in basis, and covered topics including discrete math, programming in Java and C, and data structures and algorithms.
- I also worked as a lab assistant, helping with a twice-weekly session for an introductory Java programming course.
Course Project in Game Programming and Design
- Worked with a partner to develop a 3D space flight game in Java. We used the JMonkey game engine and managed our source code with Git. The player takes control of a spaceship in an arcade-style third person-view and must destroy all enemies within the given time limit in order to advance to the next stage. Enemies pursue and fire upon the player when in proximity.