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Java Lead And Mentor Resume

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  • Expertise in various methodologies (Waterfall, Agile, devOps) of the software development life - cycle process including analysis, design, development, implementation, integration, testing, debugging, production, maintenance.
  • Extensive experience in developing applications using Java, JQuery, Responsive design/Bootstrap, JSP, Servlets, JSTL, Tiles, JDBC, JNDI, SQL, AJAX, JavaScript, HTML, Flex, Air
  • Experience in configuring and deploying Web Applications using Apache, Apache Tomcat. Strong Working experience in Design, Development and implementation of several J2EE frameworks like Spring Framework, Spring security, Hibernate, ehcahes.
  • Experience in developing and implementing Web Services using REST APIs using Spring and experience in implementing Charting using flex charting and fusion charting.
  • Good experience in implementing several object oriented design patterns such as Singleton, Prototype, Model-View-Controller, Front Controller, Data Access Object, Decorator, Observer, Circuit Breaker etc.
  • Experience in build tools for enterprise applications using Maven and Gradle for dependency versioning, create profile, documentation and build.
  • Experience with version control tools like SVN, GIT and created different branches and tags in different release cycles with different release numbers.
  • Good at Documenting and Understanding User requirements and System Specifications and convert it to technical document which is easy for development prospective.
  • Worked on Oracle with toad client, HSQL and MySQLwith HS client.
  • Keep abreast of new technologies, quick learning, dedicating and highly adaptable to new working environments.
  • Experience in AWS (Amazon web services) - To build ubuntu server, setup development environment using java, Apache, Apache tomcat, Jenkins, github, maven and maven central.
  • Setup Jenkins/hudson and created jobs for different environments on the test and development servers for the continues integration.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills involving in client interactions. Worked 2.5 years in USA at the client location and worked with lot of technical clients.


Operating System: Unix, Linux, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Languages/Framework: JAVA, Spring MVC, Spring security, Spring-Boot, Spring AOP, Spring Rest, Tiles, HTML, Java script, Ajax, Jquery Rest service, Handler Bars, JNDI, log4j, Spring Config server, Eureka server,,Zool proxy, Hystrix, Hystrix Dashboard, Microservices.

Database: Oracle, MySql

Continuous integration tool: Jenkins/Hudson,Application/Webserver Apache, Apache Tomcat 7, 8,version control tools SVN (Subversion version control system), Git (github, bitbucket)

Build tools: Apache Maven, Gradle

IDE/Plugins: Eclipse, spring tool suite, Entity Manager, git, svn etc.,GUI HTML, Java script, Adobe Flex, Adobe AIR

Methodology: Waterfall, Agile, devOps,Cloud public AWS cloud (Amazon Web service)

Others: Apache POI, ehcache, log4j, Alive PDF, Fusion Charts, Flex Charting.



Java Lead and Mentor

  • This will replace the already existing module which is running from many years and having lot of technical level issues.. We will be using already existing API's which is running fine to get and save the data from different modules and internal projects.
  • The Approach to setup the architecture of this project is very much modern.
  • Leading the application from technical and architecture side.
  • Involved in requirement meetings with the client.
  • Write a Micro-service architecture to overcome the deployment issue(s) So that module in the project can be shipped individually.
  • Used the Circuit breaker design pattern using spring Hystrix.
  • Setup Eureka server for service discovery.
  • Setup Zull proxy to overcome cross domain issues which running Ajax app on different port to support modern browsers.
  • Setup spring-config server for centralised configuration setup rather than in individual micro service.
  • Communicate micro-services using rest full template.
  • Working to implement the authentication server to single sign on for the whole modules.

Confidential .

Java Lead and Mentor

  • This is a very big project having multiple modules. I am working on Bundle Builder module of this project .
  • Which is a integration of direct TV and wireless services So that customer can avail different offers from the retail stores as a bundle.
  • Developed the application using agile methodology and used Scrum method of project management.
  • Involved in requirement meetings with the client.
  • Discuss the detailed work flow
  • Working on front end code as per the mocs shared by designers.
  • Creating rest services for the front end consumption.

Confidential .

Java Developer and Mentor

  • Application Reporter (AR) was designed as a tool to allow application support users to view canned capacity utilization reports. Although the original intent was for application users, capacity planners also use it frequently.
  • The Purpose of AR is to provide a set of canned reports for applications to view resource utilization using tabular form data and charts.
  • Developed the application using agile methodology and used Scrum method of project management.
  • Involved in requirement meetings with the client.
  • Discuss the detailed work flow with the team and assign work with in the team.
  • Configured ehCache to load the cached data into secondary storage area.
  • Involved in front end development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Created Hibernate persistence classes using JPA annotations.
  • Implemented Log4j log framework
  • Implemented MAVEN for building the application artifacts and deployed onto Unix environment.
  • Added agile in this project. Then move to Dev-ops
  • Worked on Charting functionality by using fusion chart API and flex charting.
  • Develop core business logic for this project.
  • Implemented build automation, dependency library management and continuous integration using Maven and Hudson.
  • Involved in tracking the production issues and fixing the issues.


Developer and mentor

  • The Exception Engine Knowledge base (EEK) allows capacity planners to do exception-based planning instead of having to monitor every system. The tool points out exceptions onto which the capacity planners can key into applications which may be running out of capacity.
  • The purpose of EEK is to flag unusual resource utilization to allow capacity planners to make adjustments before capacity becomes a problem.Every time a new hardware configuration (CPU +Memory+Model+Processor type) is seen for the first time an exception is generated.
  • These exceptions are self-acknowledged.
  • These exceptions are based on some metrics of cpu, memory etc..
  • A metric exception is triggered when if the metric is
  • Turned on for exception
  • Within the shift
  • Above the override warning or critical threshold
  • For equal to or greater than no of consecutive hours.
  • Developed the application using agile methodology and used Scrum method of project management.
  • Discuss the requirement with the client.
  • Discuss the detailed work flow with the team and assign work with in the team.
  • Involved in group meeting with teammates and made substantial changes to the design to improve performance of the Application.
  • Designed and developed web interfaces and business logic using MVC architecture, J2EE, JSP, Java Script, HTML and XML Technologies.
  • Exposed many rest services and send the data in JSON and xml format. Extensively used JSON encoding and decoding techniques to convert complex objects to string and vice versa.
  • Involved in service layer development using spring framework.
  • Coded business services using spring and also interacted with the database using Spring DAO layer.
  • Worked with Hudson/Jenkins for the continuous integration.
  • Worked on design patterns like delegate, service layer and various internal design frameworks -links framework, notification framework, and audit framework.
  • Developed application service components and configured Hibernate JPA .
  • Worked on Reporting functionality.
  • Develop core business logic for this project.
  • Implemented build automation, dependency library management and continuous integration using Maven and Hudson.
  • Involved in tracking the production issues and fixing the issues.
  • Created persistence.xml file and configured the persistence unit along with Entity classes
  • Implemented automatic e-mail alerts to the user regarding the automatic Synchronization and automatic renewal reports.
  • GIT for version control with GIT-BASH tool for command line tool.
  • Used JIRA- itrack for creating and managing the scrum stories, tasks and defect tickets.
  • Actively involved in code reviews and also in bug fixing.


Backend Developer

  • It requires scheduling and monitoring crontabs and other batch job using Unix Platform which is automatic using any tool.
  • It also requires scheduling and monitoring manual trigger job (Switch collect KSH). It also require to regular monitoring of shell script as well.
  • Process the raw data and insert into databases. Handle main business logic of the project.
  • Presenting the data in user readable format on the web pages.
  • Working as a developer and mentor for this project.
  • Discuss the requirement with the client.
  • Work on core business part of the application.
  • Used extensively file I/O.
  • Worked in spring JDBC and SQL queries.
  • Successfully completed U2L migration in my project.
  • Successfully completed database migration in the project.
  • Successfully completed cold fusion application migration in the project.
  • Involved in production issues. Created many cron jobs in Unix envoirnment.



  • Working as a developer.
  • Discuss the requirements with the team lead and develop the software.
  • Worked on code review part
  • Used Sub-version system for code versioning.

Web Developer



  • Working as a developer.
  • Discuss the requirements with the team lead and develop the software.
  • Used SVN for versioning control.
  • Worked on Adobe Flex and Adobe AIR language


Web Developer

  • Working as a developer.
  • Discuss the requirements with the team lead and develop the software.

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