Full Stack Developer Resume
Chattanooga, TN
- Over 8 years of experience in Object Oriented Programming, design and development of Multi - Tier distributed, Enterprise application using Java & J2EE technologies.
- Well versed with complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using various methodologies like Agile Methodology, Waterfall, and Test-Driven Development.
- Experience with design patterns like Singleton, Factory Pattern, Prototype, Business Delegate, Session Facade, Service locator, Observer, Decorator, Front Controller, and DAO pattern.
- Expertise in developing UI using JSP, HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, Bootstrap, jQuery, Ajax, Angular JS, React JS and Node.js.
- Developed Web-based enterprise applications using Java/J2EE, Core Java, Servlets, JDBC, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP and REST) and MVC Framework (Struts, Spring MVC).
- Hands on experience with different Spring framework modules like Spring Core, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Batch, Spring Security, and Spring Boot.
- Experience with Java 8 features such as lambda expressions, Streams, Parallel Operations on Collections.
- Experience in developing the application with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Micro Services Architecture and Test-Driven Development.
- Hands-on experience on various AWS Cloud services like EC2, Route53, EBS, Auto Scaling, VPC, Cloud Formation, S3, RDS, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, IAM, Cloud Watch and other services of the AWS infrastructure like Dynamo DB, SQS and EMR focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance and auto-scaling.
- Having Good experience in developing and migrating existing application into cloud based platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
- Expert in Core Java with strong understanding of Garbage Collector, Collections, Multithreading, Event Handling, Exception Handling, and Generics.
- Strong experience in developing and consuming SOAP and RESTful based Web Services.
- Expertise in XML technologies like DTD, XSD, XSLT and various parsers like DOM, SAX and JAXB .
- Experience using persistence framework like Hibernate, JPA for mapping java classes with Database and using HQL (Hibernate Query Language).
- Experienced in implementation of JMS to exchange information over reliable channel in an asynchronous way by using Active MQ, Rabbit MQ as a message queue.
- Have Knowledge on Stream frameworks like Kafka.
- Experience in developing XML based Web Services (SOAP/UDDI/WSDL) using Top Down and Bottom Up approach and REST based services with JAX-RS, Jersey, and Spring Integration.
- Strong experience in database design using PL/SQL to write tables, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Indexers and proficiency in writing complex queries to retrieve data.
- Expertise in using JDBC API and Hibernate for connection and access to databases.
- Good experience with Relational databases like Oracle, My SQL, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2 and No SQL databases like Mongo DB, Cassandra, and Dynamo DB.
- Experience with application servers like Web Logic, JBOSS, Apache Tomcat and IBM Web Sphere.
- Expertise in using various IDE tools like Spring Tool Suite, RAD, Eclipse and IntelliJ.
- Proficient in Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment tools like Jenkins.
- Experience with JUnit and Mockito in developing test cases and Log4J in determining application functionality.
- Having Experience on UNIX, LINUX, Python Shell Scripting, and Deployment of Applications in Server.
- Experience working with version control tools like Git Hub, Subversion(SVN) and CVS.
- Good experience with JIRA in issue tracking.
- Experience with build automation tools like Gradle, ANT and Maven for builds and deployments to different environments.
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills and self-motivated individual showing ability to learn and use new technologies and frameworks in considerably less time.
Languages: C, C++, Java, J2EE, SQL, PL/SQL
Enterprise Java: JSP, Servlet, JNDI, JDBC, Java security, JSF
Mark-up/XML Technologies: HTML, XHTML, JavaScript, Angular JS, CSS, XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, AJAX, jQuery, JSON, DOJO, Node.js
Tools & Framework: Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, JMS, JSF, Log4J, JUnit, Jasper reports, SOAP UI, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Maven, Jenkins, Apache Camel
Web services: SOAP, RESTful, UDDI, WSDL, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, JAX-B, Axis2, CFX, Microservices, AWS
Web/App Servers: WebSphere, WebLogic, Apache Tomcat, JBOSS
Database: Oracle, SQL-server, MySQL server, DB2, Toad, Mongo DB
Development Tools: Eclipse, RAD, Spring Tool Suite(STS), Net Beans, IntelliJ
O-R mapping: Hibernate, JPA, JTA
Modeling/ CASE Tools: Rational Rose, MS Visio Professional, Star UML
Testing Tools/ Others: JUnit, SoapUI, Putty, Jenkins, RTC, Selenium, Mockito
Version Control: CVS, SVN, Rational clear case and GitHub
OS & Environment: Windows, UNIX, and LINUX
Design Patterns: MVC, Front Controller, Singleton, Business Delegate, and DAO patterns
Confidential, Chattanooga, TN
Full stack Developer
- Efficiently managed the tasks and working and delivering features in a fast-paced scrum environment.
- Experience working in Agile development following SCRUM, Sprint, and daily stand-up meetings.
- Created sample code to test the CICD (continuous integration continuous delivery) pipeline.
- Involved in developing UML Diagrams like Use Case, Class, Sequence diagrams.
- Involved in developing the UI layout for web application that matches requirements of the client using technologies like HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap, AngularJS.
- Used Node.js to handle multiple jQuery Ajax requests to the server-side code.
- Involved in building a single page and cross browser compatible web application using AngularJS (Angular routing) and Bootstrap .
- Implemented Multithreading, Concurrency, Exception Handling, Generics, and Collections whenever necessary.
- Used Java8 features like Lambda expression s and functional interfaces , wherever possible.
- Have extensively used Java8 Streams , Lambda’s , and filters to process Order data
- Used Java8 Stream API to process the data declaratively.
- Developed application on Spring framework by utilizing its features like Spring Dependency injection , Spring AOP , Spring Security , Spring Web flow with Spring MVC .
- Developed & Implemented OAuth2 functionality with Spring Security to secure the REST API for authentication and authorization.
- Used Hibernate named queries concept to retrieve data from the database and integrate with Spring MVC to interact with back end persistence system.
- Used Hibernate functionalities like Transaction Management, Batch Transactions, and cache concepts.
- Used Java Message Service ( JMS ) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information for status report.
- Used JMS to send and receive messages from the MQ and differentiated messages using Apache Camel.
- Developed SOAP based web services using WSDL , SOAP , JAX-WS and AXIS .
- Produced as well as consumed RESTful web services using Jersey API's.
- Developed reusable and interoperable Web service modules based on SOA architecture using RESTful APIs.
- Implemented request and response objects using SOAP web services and created routes using Apache Camel.
- Used Amazon workspace in AWS cloud by using AWS SDK through Java for providing Virtual Desktop Images (VDI) to the users.
- Used AWS SDK for connection to Amazon S3 buckets as it is used as the object storage service to store and retrieve the media files related to the application
- Wrote services to store and retrieve user data from MongoDB for the application on devices.
- Used MongoDB as a NoSQL for storing JSON data.
- Design and developed Microservices business components using Spring boot.
- Experienced first-hand the best/worst practices for integrating Microservices into existing system architecture
- Used Unix Shell Scripting to update the databases and Start up the application server.
- Developed JSON structure for the data transfer in between google web tool kit and business tie
- Configured and customized logs using Log4J for application logging and notification tracing mechanisms.
- Used Jenkins to load JAR files from Database required for running the application.
- Used Maven as build and dependency management tool for creating EAR, WAR, JAR file to be deployed in JBOSS application servers
- Used JUnit for suite execution and Assertions.
- Used GIT Version Controller to maintain the version of the files and took the responsibility to do the code merges from branch to trunk and creating new branch when new feature implementation starts.
- Also worked in Production and used JIRA tracking tool to manage and track the issues reported by QA.
Environment: Java 1.8, J2EE, EJB, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, AngularJS, Node JS, Spring framework, Spring MVC, Spring Security, OAuth2, UML, Hibernate, JSP, Servlet, JDBC, AWS, Mongo DB, Microservices, Apache Camel, Web services, RESTful, XML, JMS(MQ), Unix, JSON, Log4J, Maven, JBOSS, Jenkins, Junit, GIT, JIRA.
Confidential, Albany, NY
Java/ J2EE Developer
- Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modeling, analysis, design, and development.
- Involved in requirement gathering and creation of UML diagrams.
- Designed UI using JSP and HTML , and validated with JavaScript for providing the user interface and communication between the client and server.
- Used AJAX , DOJO , PHP, JavaScript , and GWT to create interactive user interface.
- Created many custom filters using AngularJS and external module to manipulate the routing.
- Involved in developing the application using Spring MVC and used other modules of Spring like Spring DI, Spring IOC, and Spring AOP.
- Participated in coding Spring AOP components for the Logging, Exception handling and Transactional Model to handle many requests.
- Used Hibernate Persistence Strategy to interact with database.
- Responsible for creating SOAP and Restful Web services with WSDL , SOAP , JAX-WS , CXF and JAX-RS .
- Used Web services for sending and getting data from different applications using SOAP messages.
- Implemented Service oriented architecture (SOA) by developing and consuming Restful web services based on JAX-RS and Jersey .
- Involved in importing data from various sources to the NoSQL & Cassandra cluster using Java APIs.
- Worked on exporting data to flat files using Teradata Fast Export.
- Worked on the performance tuning for Teradata SQL statements using Teradata Explain command
- Used Java Message Service (JMS API) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information.
- Used MOCKITO to develop test cases for java bean components and test them through TestNG framework.
- Used Code coverage plug-in like SonarQube to improve the coverage and quality of code.
- Experience with Test Driven Development and Dockers.
- Used Jenkins to load JAR files from Nexus required for running the application.
- Used JUnit framework for unit testing of application and ANT to build the application and deployed on BEA Web Logic application server.
- Used JIRA for design, and Quality Centre for bug tracking.
- Used Eclipse as the IDE and used eclipse standard/ plug-in features for editing, debugging, compiling, formatting, build automation, test case template generation.
- Used Tortoise SVN for maintaining the component and for release and version management.
Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, DOJO, GWT, Angular JS, Hibernate, Spring MVC, JSP, Servlets, Web services, Restful, WSDL, SOAP, JAX-WS, CXF, JAX-RS, JDBC, Teradata, JMS API, MOCKITO, SonarQube, Dockers, Jenkins, JUNIT, ANT, BEA Web Logic, Eclipse, Oracle, SVN.
Confidential, Denver, CO
Java/J2EE Developer
- Involved in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) like Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Testing of the project.
- Reviewed the functional, non-functional requirements and high-level designs.
- Worked with Agile Methodologies.
- Used JSF UI Components and Prime Faces to develop UI pages.
- Prototyped use of JSF for presentation development and Spring for middle tier development to analyze if use would ease development.
- Developed client side validations using jQuery and JavaScript and developed composite components using JSF facets .
- Various JSF , Rich faces tags were used to implement asynchronous requests to web container.
- Created logging system for development stage using Apache Commons Logging.
- Produced SOAP Web Service using Apache Axis. Generated WSDL files for the Service that served XML data.
- For logging and other functions used Spring AOP and Spring IOC Framework to implement them.
- Used Dependency Injection feature of Spring framework to inject dependency into objects and to wire objects of business classes.
- Developed persistence layer Data access objects using DAO pattern, JDBC, Hibernate.
- Used Java Mailing or Messaging Service ( JMS ) API's for mailing detailed notifications depending upon the success and failure once the backend process is complete and for mailing administrator of any system related problems.
- Used SoapUI for web services testing.
- Used multithreading in programming to improve overall performance.
- Developed Multi-Threaded/Concurrent applications and Unix Shell Scripting.
- Implemented Collections for managing the dynamic data and other Core Java APIs.
- Worked on Garbage Collection for memory issues to improve the performance.
- Involved in writing SQL and PL/SQL - Stored procedures, functions, sequences, triggers, cursors, object types.
- Developed lookup tables and views to speed up queries.
- Worked with XPath when need to identify objects in the XML.
- Used Log4J for logging and tracing the messages.
- Developed unit test cases using Jasmine and performed end to end testing using Protractor.
- Used Jenkins as build management tool.
- Selenium was used to keep a track of bugs.
- Used CVS as version control system.
- Deployed application on JBOSS Application Server and development using Eclipse
Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSF Prime Faces, JSF Facets, JSF Rich Faces, EJB, Struts, Spring (Dependency injection, AOP, IOC), Apache Commons Logging, SOAP, Apache Axis, WSDL, DAO pattern, JDBC, Hibernate, JMS, SoapUI, Multi-Threaded/Concurrent, Unix, Collections, Oracle SQL, PL/SQL, XML, XPath, Log4J, Jasmine, Jenkins, Selenium, CVS, JBOSS, Eclipse IDE.
Confidential, Chicago, IL
Java Developer
- Involved in Understanding and analyzing the requirements and part of the process of designing the system in WATER FALL methodology.
- Designed, developed, and validated User Interface using HTML, JavaScript, SWING and CSS.
- Implemented server-side programs by using Servlets and client side by using JSP.
- Handled the database access by implementing Controller Servlet.
- Developed the application using Struts Framework that leverages classical Model View Controller (MVC) architecture.
- Developed Struts Action Forms, Action classes and performed action mapping using Struts.
- Used Hibernate as the Object/Relational Mapping Framework to access and manipulate data from the database.
- Deployed project on web application server in Linux environment.
- Wrote stored procedures and Database Triggers using PL/SQL .
- Used Log4J for logging/detecting errors in the application.
- Expertise on entire Intranet and Internet applications using Web/Application Servers like Apache Tomcat.
- Involved in unit testing, integration testing.
- Used Firebug to keep a track of bugs.
- Also, used CVS as the version control manager.
Environment: Java, J2EE, HTML, SWING, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Servlets, Struts MVC, Hibernate, Linux, PL/SQL, Log4j, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat, Firebug, CVS.
Java Developer
- Involved in understanding and analyzing the requirements of the project.
- Developed UI navigation using Struts MVC architecture.
- Designed, developed and User Interface using HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, and CSS.
- Used JavaScript to perform Client-Side Validation.
- Implemented server-side programs by using Servlets and JSP.
- Used JDBC to interact with the underlying MySQL Database.
- Deployed Applications on Apache Tomcat Server.
- Involved in Unit testing for various components.
- Used Log4J for any logging purposes during the development of the application.
Environment: Java, Struts MVC, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, MySQL, Log4J, Apache Tomcat and, Eclipse.