Senior Ios Developer Resume
- Around 6 years of iOS experience working with native tools.
- 2+ year developing with Swift.
- Following the best coding practices and MVC or MVVM design pattern as core architectural design.
- Experience with Singleton, Delegation, Adapter, Observer and Publisher - Subscriber design patterns.
- Experience saving data locally in the device using NSUserDefaults, Core Data, SQLite, KeyChain and FileSystem.
- Proficient in developing UI with Storyboards, Xibs, Autolayout and Sizeclasses to created apps for Multiple screen sizes.
- Experience with both MRR and ARC memory management.
- Experience with multithreading applications using GCD, DispatchQueue and NSOperationQueue.
- Experience with Location and Maps using CoreLocation and MapKit
- Knowledge in GIT and SVN version control systems.
- Worked on all the major frameworks of iOS like CoreFoundation, AVFoundation, UIKit, CoreLocation, MapKit, CoreBluetooth and others.
- Experience working with Audio/Video using AVAudioPlayer, AVPlayer, MPMoviePlayerController and HLS.
- Experience working with Animations implementing Core Anmination and Core Graphics.
- Worked with web service communication SOAP and REST and parsing of XML or JSON data.
- Worked with XCTest to design unit test cases for Test Driven Development.
- Worked with some useful tools like Carthage, Cocoapods, Github, SourceTree, etc.
- Experience working with Agile/Scrum, Kanban or Waterfall methodologies.
- Built 3D scenarios using Unity and Blender.
- Programmed mobile applications for the Samsung Gear VR.
iOS: Swift, Objective-C, Xcode, Cocoa Touch, Design patterns, Core Data, SQLite, UI/UX, Concurrency, TDD, Unit testing, Animations, Push Notifications, Bluetooth, CI.
Other: Agile, Scrum, Git, Unity, C#, REST, SOAP, Samsung Gear, Oculus Rift, Blender, HTML, JavaScript, React.
Senior iOS Developer
Responsibilities:- Development in Swift. Migration from Swift 2 to Swift 3.
- Worked on the Apple Watch UI implementation.
- In charge of the Touch ID feature support.
- Developed a custom UI for displaying graphics for the FICO credit score display.
- Worked with Autolayout and size classes to achieve an universal application.
- Used UIKit along custom MKAnnotations to display the user nearby ATMs.
- Enhancements in Networking module implementing Adapter pattern.
- Implemented background task using OperationQueues.
- Worked on the application networking layer to retrieve the nearby ATMs details.
- Used Core Location to determine the user position. Used in several areas of the application, including security features.
- Implemented Push Notifications to display alerts to the user about their account.
- Worked on the constraints of the account summary screen to improve its appearance.
- Integrated Flurry App analytics.
Skills: Swift, MVVM, Adapter, Apple watch support, MapKit, OperationQueues, Core Location, Geocoding, CocoaPods, URLSession, JSON, Optical Character Recognition, camera, secure web services, Touch ID, custom UI, Autolayout, Constraints, Size Classes, Key Chain, Authentication, Jenkins.
Senior iOS Developer
Responsibilities:- Developed application from scratch using Swift.
- Implementation of Autolayout and size classes to achieve an universal application.
- Developed a view displaying the images of the products including their basic details in an attractive way. Used UICollectionView.
- Worked on the implementation of push notifications for the application.
- Implemented a Live Chat to broadcast news.
- Added an application rating reminder for the user. Used UIAlertView along the application url and openURL.
- Worked on the Facebook Login implementation. Used the Facebook login SDK for iOS.
- Participated in the payments implementation using Paypal API.
- Implemented an UITabBar for switching between several application sections.
- Implemented a custom UI displaying promotional images along basic content for the login page. Used a timer on an UIScrollView with pagination enabled containing an UIImageView along a couple of UITextViews.
- Added App Analytics for tracking product popularity and current trends.
- Agile was used as the software development methodology in a small team comprised of 4 developers and 2 designers.
Skills: Swift, Storyboard, Autolayout, Custom UI, Live Chat, Agile, Payments, XCTest, UICollectionView, PushKit, VoIP, UITabBar, UINavigationController, Authentication, FB SDK, PayPal API, CocoaPods, Alamofire, TDD, Git, GCD.
Senior iOS Developer
Responsibilities:- Implemented a hamburger menu to enable the user select clothing categories, new designs, and application settings.
- Implemented a function to clear the application cached images.
- Added the option to rate the application. Used a formatted itunes store URLWithString and openURL to make the transition.
- Implemented a custom UICollectionView to display products in an attractive and reusable way.
- Participated on the mobile payments implementation using a third party library (Paypal API).
- Worked on the Shopping cart implementation.
- Implemented the Facebook login integration on the application.
- Worked on the networking layer RESTFul web services communication using URLSession.
- Implementation of GCD to perform task on background.
- Developed on a 6 person team following Agile.
- Used GIT for the application source management on a private repository.
- Added App Analytics into the application.
Skills: Objective-C, Xibs, Custom UI, URLSession, Mobile Payments, Authentication, UICollectionView, UITabBar, UINavigationController, shopping cart, XCTest, TDD, Agile, Git, GCD.
Confidential iOS Developer
Responsibilities:- Tracked user location using Core Location to display nearby pharmacies and licensed doctors within the state.
- Developed the initial screen featuring basic application information and the sign in / sign up view.
- Implemented the sign-up view. Involved handling UITextFields, UIDatePicker, UIPickerView and additional custom views.
- Worked on the user authentication implementation. Involved communicating with a custom web service on the networking manager in a separate thread.
- Implemented the physician selection screen. It involved the use of a UISplitViewController.
- Worked on the payment support feature. Involved using a third-party library (Stripe API).
- Developed Unit Tests for core features of the application. Involved using XCTest.
- Worked on the videoconference implementation using a proprietary framework.
- Used Kanban and Test Driven Development during the application development.
Skills: Objective-C, Xibs, Kanban, Core Location, URLConnection, Videoconferencing, VoIP, Web Services, GCD, Blocks, Delegation, MVC, Singleton, Authentication.
iOS Developer
Responsibilities:- Implemented the first launch overlay tutorial
- Implemented a custom hamburger menu with collapsing items, using a UITableView embedded on a UIView along a Search bar and their respective delegates.
- Implemented a custom UICollectionView for displaying news headers.
- Implemented a UIScrollView to display a given news details.
- Incorporated Google Admob into the application
- Developed a custom UI to enable users to submit photos or videos of breaking news and severe weather along their details either by taking a picture or video directly from the camera or selecting it from their media files. Used a UIImagePickerController.
- Implemented Push Notifications to display time sensitive information such as breaking news or severe weather alerts.
- Made use of CoreLocation to display information based on the current user location.
- Elaborated unit tests using XCTest and a custom.
Skills: Objective-C, Xibs, Custom UI, Google Admob, Push Notifications, CoreLocation, Video Player, Notifications, KVO, Delegation, GCD, Blocks, Core Graphics, UITableViews, UICOllectionViews.
Mobile Developer
Responsibilities:- Worked as part of the iOS development team (3 members). Developed a mobile application for a big hospital.
- Analyzed client’s requirements during several meetings.
- Designed and developed the iOS application alongside my team mates (Some of the features included: Complete Directory of doctors with emergency contact and the ability to call them from the app, scheduler for any drugs the doctor may have prescribed, general information about the location, among others.
- Gave a high-quality presentation to the client, explaining the different features the application had and how to use it.
- Documented code for future maintenance.
Skills: Objective-C, Xibs, Waterfall, Push Notifications, CoreLocation, MVC, Delegation, UIKit, AVfoundation, NSNotifications.