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Java Developer Resume

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Fremont, CA


  • Software Development experience in designing and developing web applications using Java, J2EE.
  • Professional experience in using Core Technologies Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, Custom tags, JDBC, JavaBeans, JavaScript, JNDI, JMS, JTA, HTML, XHTML/DHTML, XML, SOA, Web Services
  • Hands on experience in using J2EE Frameworks: Spring, Hibernate, Web Services, SOAP, RESTful, Jersey.
  • Well versed with all the phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation. Knowledge on both Agile and Waterfall methodologies and JIRA agile Tool
  • Well versed with data structures like Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Hash table, Trees, Tries and Collections API in Java.
  • Experience with Web/ Application servers: Tomcat Server, Web Sphere and Web Logic
  • Hands on Experience in integration with Maven, JUnit and Log4j frameworks.
  • Experience in writing Build Scripts using Shell Scripts and using CI (Continuation Integration) tools like Jenkins and Github.
  • Strong knowledge in UML, Use Cases, Collaboration, Class, Activity and Sequence Diagrams
  • Used of J2EE design patterns like MVC, Business Delegate, Singleton, Front Controller, Adaptor, Factory & Abstract Factory Patterns.
  • Used Android SDK to develop and test Android applications.
  • Strong knowledge on various Version Control tools like SVN and GIT. Used IDE’s like Eclipse, Net beans, IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio.
  • Worked on major components in Hadoop Ecosystem including Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Flume and MapReduce.
  • Tutor students on Java and object - oriented concepts.


Programming Languages: Java, C++, C, SQL, Android.

J2EE & Frameworks: Core Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, EJB2.0, JDBC, MVC Architecture, Java Beans, JSTL, JTA, Hibernate, JUnit, Log4j, ANT, MAVEN

Front End Technologies: HTML, XHTML, CSS, Servlets, JSP, XML, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery.

Web Services: AWS EC2, S3, EMR, Dynamo DB, SOAP, and Rest.

Big Data Technologies: HDFS, Hive, Map Reduce, Pig, Sqoop, YARN.

Application Servers: Apache Tomcat, WebLogic Server, WebSphere.

Version Control Tools: SVN, GIT

Databases: MySQL, Oracle 11g, IBM DB2, SQLite

IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA.

Operating Systems: Linux, UNIX, MAC, Windows 7, Windows 8.



Java Developer


  • Contributed to an ecommerce web application SpringMVC Framework to create different modules in the application
  • Designed and Coded JEE components using Spring and Hibernate
  • Responsible for developing Spring Controllers, DAO and replaced some JDBC code using Hibernate framework
  • Developed UI layer using combination of JSPs, HTML, JavaScript / jQuery for front end. Utilized RESTful web services
  • Involved in creating UML, Class diagrams and Sequence diagrams with the help of Rational Rose
  • Worked on deployment of the application and helped build team to provide deployment scripts using Ant, Maven and Jenkin
  • Wrote JUnit tests and Configured Log4j Mechanism for the project.

Environment: Java, UML, Spring MVC, Hibernate, UML, Log4J, HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, DAO, ANT, Maven, Jenkins.

Confidential ava Web Developer


  • Built a spring based web application using spring frameworks like Spring MVC, Spring, JDBC to rent cars, which lets the user to login to his account and make a reservation for an upcoming trip.
  • Used JSP & HTML with other CSS Frameworks for the View templates and used the most popular SQL database management system.
  • Used Hibernate in the Backend which took care of the mappings from entity beans to database tables.

Environment: Java, STS, Bootstrap, Spring MVC, Hibernate, MySQL.


Data Analysis-Hadoop Developer

  • Implement an efficient system to extract, load and transform all data related to Confidential plans to perform analytics like comparing plan offerings by various criteria to select as well as design suitable plan for the members based on multiple factors.
  • Data ingestion was performed by moving the CSV datasets into HDFS. ETL was performed onto the data using Pig Lain Scripts.
  • The Partitioned HIVE tables are built over the cleansed CSV files that are stored in HDFS which were generated by pig scripts.
  • Using Sqoop, exported the Analyzed summary data stored in HIVE tables to traditional RDBMS.

Environment: Hadoop, HDFS, Pig, Hive, Sqoop.

Uber Data Analysis/Hadoop Developer


  • Performed data analysis on Uber dataset to find the days on which each basement has more number of trips and find the days on which each basement has more number of active vehicles.
  • Wrote custom mapper and reducer classes to do the analysis using the datasets provided.

Environment: Hadoop, Java, Ubuntu, Sqoop.

Label Reader - Android Developer


  • Using Java used Android SDK to write backend code.
  • Used XML to code frontend of the app.
  • Used tesseract API to read text from Images.
  • Developed a Label reader application to help visually impaired people to read text on packages.
  • All the image processing algorithms used were imported from the OpenCV library in Android.
  • Accuracy in text detection is reasonably good but can be improved.

Environment: Android, Android Studio, OpenCV, Tesseract API, Balasamiq, XML.

Email Application-Java Developer


  • Built an Email application that can send, retrieve and delete emails.
  • Session Bean and AJAX were used in the login XHTML page to access the managed bean.
  • All the retrieved emails were displayed in HTML tables using Facelets.

Environment: Eclipse, Java, Ajax, JavaMail API, EJB.

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