Principal Architect/lead Resume
Hamilton New, JerseY
- Confidential is a strong technician, able to tackle any problem he’s presented with.
Environment: s: Linux (SuSE, RedHat/RHEL/CentOS/Fedora, Oracle Linux, Ubuntu), Docker/Kubernetes containers Java Enterprise (WebLogic, JBoss, Tomcat, Glassfish) Windows, IntelliJ IDEA, Netbeans, Eclipse (using both as an IDE and writing extensions for)
Programming: Java, JSF, EJB, CDI, Microservices, JMS, AMQP, MQTT, Groovy, C#/ASP.NET, XML, PHP, Perl, Oracle, Netezza, MySQL, PostgreSQL; Maven, Gradle, Ant; Spring, Struts and Hibernate. WebServices, REST API, JavaScript, Shell scripting, WLST, Web 2.0, JavaScript, jQuery, Backbone.js, RequireJS, Angular
Development: OOD, Agile, Project Management, Feature and task oriented
Principal Architect/Lead
Responsibilities:- Enterprise Architect responsible for the development and implementation of a large - scale cloud solution that drives enterprise quality management in the pharma and CPG areas.
- Worked with internal business stakeholders to define requirements and implementation planning within R&D teams as well as worked with Customer Success teams to define reporting requirements.
- Assisted Solutions Consulting teams with planning for customer demos in the pre-sales cycle as well as Delivery Consultants and Support in the implementation and production stages to get best practices into the hands of our customers when working with our cloud product line.
- Lead the development team of the initial prototypes of our cloud offering, into the first couple of years of implementation until moved into an architect role. Responsible for platform selection, prototyping and explaining technical decisions.
- Implemented various features using JAX-RS (REST APIs), Domain Driven Development, Test Driven Development, Backbone and AngularJS.
- Developed end-user reporting and analytics using Amazon Kinesis, ElasticSearch, Kibana and Highcharts.
- Implemented audit trailing use cases with Hibernate Envers and Apache Kafka. Implemented a message routing component with Apache ActiveMQ Artemis and Spring Boot.
Application Developer/Lead
Responsibilities:- Maintain and implement systems that support the business and make them more operationally efficient. Provided guidance to younger development staff on improving application design as well as technical design (code reviews).
- Helped the business define project scope and flow of data for support within projects and post go live. Designed and implemented web based applications using the latest Java technology stacks: Seam, JSF, CDI, Java EE 5 and Java EE 6.
- Define development standards for the entire organization, including Java Web Development, PL/SQL, Source Control (branching/tagging standardization), EJB and JPA. Developed WLST scripts for creating automated deployment of applications, datasources and domain creation.
- Demonstrated high returns by implementing continuous integration as a part of our build process, automating builds and capturing changes between releases.
Independent Software Contractor
Responsibilities:- Worked with existing teams to understand their software platforms and provide insight on how to improve them. Worked with Spring, Hibernate, Netbeans, Tomcat, MSSQL to work on both desktop and web based applications. Key implementations were:
- A Toad like editor for modifying entities. Programmers could install at runtime an XML file that contained queries for finding/updating entities rather than hard coding logic.
- Reviewed and provided specifications for increasing the modularity of software components
- Court software for the Philadelphia Municipal Court
Software Development Engineer
Responsibilities:- Designed and implemented an IVRu system based on Java EE. Provided support for the legacy environment, maintenance and a few selective new features. Participated in the detailed design of a new version of the IVRu system to coincide with a new billing platform. Created a workflow/business rule engine based on Groovy and written in Groovy. Key parts of this include:
- Implementing a Friends and Family IVR maintenance for customers in Brazil
- Redesigned software using Spring, removed unnecessary RMI lookups to a secondary server.