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Java Developer  Resume

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  • An accomplished Master's Degree in Applied Computer Science Software and Engineer specialized in object oriented and web design using Java. 7 years of experience in Java development including the full life cycle of the software. Primary language: Spanish, good oral and written English skills.
  • Experience in UML Diagramming Use Cases, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Database Design for Design Documents.
  • Used several design patterns such as Singleton, Factory, Data Access Object, Model View Controller and Facade.
  • Extensive experience using RDBMs: PostgreSQL, MySQL.
  • Experience using Hibernate Framework.
  • Exposed and consumed SOAP based Web Services.
  • Experience developing REST API using Spring (Boot, Data REST) and Netflix OSS Stack Technologies.
  • Experience documenting REST API using Swagger.
  • Experience using Maven, GIRA, GIT and SVN.
  • Front - end experience using Angular2, HTML5, Java Script, Bootstrap, Richfaces, PrimeFaces and Facelet.
  • Experience using Testing: Junit, SoapUI and JMeter.
  • Experience using Jasper Report
  • Experience using XML technology: XSL, XSLT and XPATH
  • Experience Desktop Application (Swing).
  • Experience with GNU/Linux (Debian - Ubuntu) as User and Windows.
  • Experience using standards for medical applications as HL7-CDA and IHE.
  • Experience using XAMP Stack.


Programming Languages: Java, PHP, C++

Scripting Languages: JavaScript

Markup Languages: HTML, XML, XSLT, XSD, XPath, XQuery

Web Technologies: Bootstrap, CSS

Desktop Technologies: Swing

Middleware: EJB 3.0, Web Services (SOAP & REST)

Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL

Database Query Languages: PL/SQL, HQL

J2EE Frameworks: Hibernate, Spring

Unit Testing Tools: J-Unit, Jmeter

Servers: Jboss, Node JS and Apache (Tomcat)

Repositories: Subversion SVN, Git

Development tools: Eclipse, NetBeans, Jboss Developer Studio, Web storm, Maven

Operating Systems: Windows 7,8,10, UNIX (Debian-Ubuntu)

Documentation and research: MS Office, OpenOffice

Software engineering: Rational Unified Process - RUP, Xtreme Programming - XP, CRISP-DM, Hefestos. RUP, BPMN. Visual Paradigm, Enterprise Architect and Rational Rose.



Java Developer


  • Create a local environment to configure the different horizontal services such as discovery, configuration and routing using Eureka, Spring Configuration/GIT and Zuul using Netflix stack.
  • Design and develop the useful microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Data Rest.
  • Develop a centralized security service for microservices using the standard Oauth2.
  • Encrypt the persistent information through the jasypt library and integrate it with Hibernate 4.0.
  • Used Spring framework for IOC (Inverse of Control), security and managed other Java Beans and Spring Boot to build Microservices.
  • Maven 3.0 were used as a build tool and dependency management.
  • PostgreSQL 9.2 were used to store the information.
  • Angular 2-CLI, Bootstrap, Java Script and Node JS were used for the construction of the user interface.


Java Developer


  • Create Swing Components to build the UI
  • JAX-WS for the Web services clients.
  • SoapUI were used to test the services
  • Used Maven as a build tool and dependency management.


Java Developer


  • Design and develop the cancelation, validation microservices using JAX-WS.
  • Spring framework were used for IOC (Inverse of Control), security and managed other Java Beans.
  • Junit were used for unit testing.
  • Implemented the MVC Design Pattern within the web automation project.
  • Vaadin were used for the UI Web Elements, HTML, CSS and Java Script.
  • Used PostgreSQL to store the information.
  • Provided implementation to produce and consume Restful web services.
  • Provide support to the others services developed (stamp and consume).


Java Developer


  • Design and develop the DerechoHabiente module.
  • Used Jboss Tools, Facelets and Richfaces library, HTML, CSS, Java Script.
  • Implemented the MVC Design Pattern within the web automation project.
  • Utilized Richfaces for the UI Web Elements.
  • Used PostgreSQL to store the information.


Java Developer


  • Analyze and acquire the performance of integration IHE profiles: PIX, XDS and PDQ.
  • Implement the profiles using JAX-WS
  • Consumed SOAP Web Services and used SoapUI for testing.
  • Validate the correct operation of the middleware through the international validator Gazzelle and Jmeter.


Java Developer


  • Providing support to the different modules such as: configuration, appointments and medical emergencies.
  • Used Jboss Tools, Facelets and Richfaces library, HTML, CSS, Java Script.
  • Consumed SOAP Web Services and used SoapUI for testing.
  • Keeped track of defects by communicating with QA and testing teams during and after the development process.
  • Used PostgreSQL to store the information.


PHP Developer


  • Design and develop the Child Births module.
  • Design using UML diagram and generate the artefacts.
  • Ubuntu, Apache Mysql and PHP.
  • Exposed Web services methods through SOAP protocol using Native SOAP API.
  • Used MySQL to store the information.

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