Iot Solutions Architect Resume
- Experience as a Director/Manager/Software engineer/IOT solutions architect/Data analyst/Researcher working for a variety of entities like Confidential, the Confidential, SConfidential, a fortune 500 mining company called Confidential, Confidential consulting,Confidential, a couple of small businesses and a startup
- Directed a technology area within a Confidential program for a couple of years.
- Managed software developers at several different companies over the course of my career. This includes making sure the individual people get their job done and help with some of the coding and testing.
- I have demonstrated the ability to take different open source apps/widgets/algorithms that have been developed in different frameworks/programming languages and combine them to solve a solution for a customer.
- I have close to 10 years experience working in the Internet of Things (IOT) area of Information Technology, including industrial IOT and covering everything from sensor implementation, connectivity, data storage and real time analytics.
- I have more than 10 years experience in both server side development using Java, SQL and NodeJS.js and client side development using HTML5, JQuery, ExtJS, Sencha Touch, AngularJS. In addition to creating schemas and writing queries in the following relational database management systems: MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle,IP.21.
- I have worked with big data platforms and tools like Confidential and Confidential. Familiar with cloud computing.
- Experience doing data mining/analytics on military vehicles, mining machines and seismographs using languages like R, SQL and Matlab and techniques like wavelet transforms, clustering, classification, regression, neural networks, sequential Monte Carlo and particle filtering.
- I have over 20 years experience in computational science both developing modeling and simulation algorithms (e.g., simulating the transfer of sunlight or laser light through the atmosphere) and writing computationally efficient code to be run on high performance machines (e.g., clusters, cray vector supercomputers).
- I spent 3 years working for a mining company to help provide remote health monitoring solutions to customers. Primary responsibility was to create predictive maintenance algorithms that would issue alarms/alerts for machines and to create HTML5 based user interfaces (e.g., dashboards) using an IoT data broker platform called Confidential.
- Over the past couple of years I have done work for Confidential concerning Industrial Internet of Things software development using Java, Javascript, SQL and the data broker platform called Confidential and I have done some contract work for clients that I have setup a permanent relationship with.
- I am currently employed by Confidential as an IOT solutions architect. My first project involves creating a solution for Confidential that uses Confidential to keep track of customers assets and provide information like utilization and health.
Computing Languages: Java(J2SE,JDBC), Java(Mobile/Android), C++, C, Fortran, JavaScript, Pascal, C - shell, Perl, SQL, WSDL (SOAP), R (Statistical program Language), Matlab, PHP
Software Frameworks: ExtJS, Sencha Touch, JQuery, Web Application, Node.js, PhoneGap, AngularJS
Web technologies: XML, HTML, HTML DOM, CSS3, Ajax, Servlets/Java Server pages, Rich Internet Applications, HTML5 technologies
Database Management Systems: MySQL, MSSQL, IP.21, Oracle
Application Programming Interfaces: Netbeans, Microsoft Visual Studio, Android Studio
Version Control System: Visual Studio, Github
Information Systems: Sales Force
Operating Systems: Windows, MacOSX, Linux/Unix, Android
Geographical Information Systems (GIS): Dynamic mapping engines (e.g., Google Maps, Google Earth, MapTP)
Statistical techniques for signal/image processing: Fourier/Wavelet Transforms Neural Networks, Bayesian Networks, regression, Principal Component Analysis
Data (Information) Fusion Techniques: Bayesian Filtering, Kalman Filter, Sequential Monte Carlo Filter, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, particle filters.
High Performance Computing: Message Passing Interface, Threading and concurrent computing in Java, JavaScript web workers
Big Data Technologies: Cassandra, IP.21, Hadoop, Hive.
IOT Standards and Protocols: IPv4,IPv6, Wifi, Bluetooth, MQTT, CoAP, Websocket, XMPP, SOAP
IOT Development Platforms: Thingworx, Predix.
IOT Open Source Hardware: Arduino, Raspberry PI, Intel Realsense 3D camera, Microsoft Kinect
Hardware: PCs, High Performance Computing machines (clusters, multi-core PC’s), Smartphones
IOT Solutions Architect
- IOT Development with Predix I was working on a couple of applications that provide analytics solutions and real time user interface displays for GE jet engines using the Predix platform. The work involved writing algorithms in java to perform query searches across several data lakes and to display that data in a dashboard like display using AngularJS.
IOT Solutions Architect
- IOT Development with confidential Built a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) display for a feeder Breaker machine that sits underground. I developed both the user interface and the backend endpoints using confidential(Composer and Services written in javascript).
Solutions Architect
- UI software engineering Build and maintain a user interface so customers can see their data (using ExtJS)
- Database Development Develop and maintain a MySQL database Schema along with its views, procedures and functions
- Servlet Development Create and maintain endpoints in Java using the Spring Tool Suite.
Solutions Architect
- UI software engineering Developed user interfaces using the AngularJS Framework that allows customers to see their data.
- Database Development Developed a database schema in Oracle along with functions, procedures and views to interact with the tables.
- Servlet Development Creating endpoints in Java using the Spring Tool Suite.
Solutions Architect
- UI software engineering Developed user interfaces for clients including dashboards, mobile apps (using Confidential) and regular desktop interfaces. Also developed several Confidential applications using Google Maps.
- Data analytics/Fusion software engineering Working on data fusion type algorithms.
- One involves combining HD video from a Sony camera with time of flight data from the
- Kinect/Real sense sensor (version 2) and GPS tracking data. The end result will be 3 dimensional video with location and orientation information. Another project involves using the Kinect sensor to determine characteristics of individuals in its view (approximate age, sex, total number). The use case for this might be for the confidential and advertising.
- Computer engineering Working on several projects involving the use of the Confidential pen source micro - controller. One is a seismograph and the other is a 3 axis accelerometer for monitoring purposes.
- Helping sell the service.
Industrial IOT Solutions Architect
- UI software engineering Developed web page mashups (e.g., dashboards) for both internal and external customers to monitor their equipment in real time using the ThingWorx and a custom framework developed by confidential division. This involved both using Thingworx composer and the Javascript Framework ExtJS to build the user interface and writing services in javascript for the endpoints. Additionally it involved creating requirements for software engineers conmfidential to follow in their work for us.
- Data mining/analytics software engineering Developed analytics/diagnostics routines in SQL, R and Matlab to look for problems with machines and issue alarms/alerts to monitoring personnel. The two main databases that were used in this endeavor included MSSQL and IP.21 and a variety of data mining techniques were used including classification, clustering, wavelet transforms, regression,neural networks.
- Interfacing with customers Helped deal with any issues that internal/external customers would have. This would entail either fixing the issue myself or reaching out to the right person either in our company or outside our company. Also managed a few contractors who did work for us.
IOT Solutions Architect
- Solutions architect Designed and developed an entire server/client system that allowed the customer to store and retrieve all their data from a central location through the Internet using mostly open source technologies (Apache Tomcat, MySQL, CentOS).
- Server side software engineering - Developed all the servlet code in Java and created thousands of SQL queries.
- UI Software engineering Built user interfaces using the JavaScript Frameworks
- ExtJS, Sencha Touch and jQuery.
- Data mining/analytics software engineering Created an algorithm using the principlef multilateration (uses time difference of arrival of signals) to determine if a recorded event on a Seismograph is from a valid blast
- Database Administration Created the database schema using MySQL that consistedf hundreds of tables.
- Linux System Administration Provided administration on the server which used
- CentOS as its operating system.
Director of Integrated Modeling and Testing
- Teaching/Training Taught training classes in Matlab, Real - time computing, Monte
- Carlo methods in science and engineering. I presented talks on Distributed testing and analytical processing tools (applied to a database of vehicle sensor data).
- Research Developed signal processing algorithms for vehicle sensor data using wavelet transforms and Google Maps (spatial data mining).
- The purpose of these algorithms was for noise reduction and test event analysis.
- Management Managed a group of programmers that helped with code development.
- High Performance Computing software engineering Worked on several algorithms
- that were written in Matlab to transform parts of code from a serial to parallel implementation.
- Sell the service to potential users throughout the Confidential.
- Solutions Architect Designed and developed a website for the clients.
- The web pages showed real time weather data that were obtained from the network
- UI software engineering Designed and created all the web pages that were essentially dashboard displays using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Unix System Administration Performed system administration on the server running the web site.
- This included setting up and maintaining the routines that automatically download the weather data.
- Management Managed a couple of programmers who helped me with the work. This
- included making sure the entire operation ran smoothly and in particular making sure the forecast products were provided to the clients by the deadline.
- Help sell the service.
- Software engineering Developed Java applets to graph/plot data and show satellite images.
- I developed a Java applet to read in Landsat images and perform corrections on the images by removing the contribution from atmospheric dust. Created software to analyze data from a Lidar instrument and I modified the Lidar operating software.
- I also created data analysis algorithms in the Interactive Data Language.
- Research I ran numerous 3D radiative transfer models on a supercomputing cluster and compared the results. I analyzed data gathered from a Lidar instrument that is used to determine both cloud and sea ice thickness and I analyzed data that was gathered from numerous ground based instruments like cloud profiling radars, micropulse lidars, radiosondes. I helped write a few proposals that received funding.
Teaching/Research assistant
- Computer engineering Helped setup and maintain a weather data distribution system
- that was initially satellite based and eventually converted to an Internet based system
- that ran on a Sun Microsystems workstation (called the IDD system).
- Unix System Administration Worked as a Unix systems administrator and maintained the IDD.
- Teaching - Worked as a lecturer while pursuing a Master s degree, teaching math, geography and atmospheric science courses.
- Research Developed numerical models to simulate supercell thunderstorm
- development and to simulate the transfer of heat, moisture and momentum between a forested canopy and the free atmosphere.
- Software engineering Developed routines in the Unix C-shell programming language
- and a couple of proprietary software plotting packages to automatically generate images
- f weather related phenomena to display on the web.