Vp Of Engineering & Chief Architect Resume
- 12+ years of successful Senior Management/Leadership track record in Software Engineering R&D, Execution and Delivery, New Product Introduction, Global team Building, Scientific & Technological Research, Product Innovation, Business & Market Analysis, Project Management, Academic Collaboration and Entrepreneurial Ventures in emerging domains
- 20+ years of hands - on technical development and leadership in architecting and implementation of large scale software R&D products in Object Oriented Paradigm, Big Data Platform Architecture and Analytics, Internet of Things, Database and Web (JSON, AJAX, CSS, CMS, WordPress, REST), Embedded Systems, SAAS/PAAS, Mobile Apps, CAD/CAM
- Expert in Algorithms/Data Structures, Linux, Platform Architecture, Machine Intelligence, Deep Learning, Data Mining, NLP, ETL, C/C++, Python, Perl, Scala, Java and Frameworks, Ruby, Ad Technologies, ELK, Cloud Computing, SAAS, Open stacks, Web Front/Back (PHP), Hadoop (HDFS, HBase, Hive), NoSQL, Security, Mobile Apps, Virtualization, Software QA, AWS
- A seasoned management guru for High Tech Business Development with a proven track record in Software Architecture, Team Building, Business Development, Resource Management, Project Management, Customer Alignment and Technology Evangelism
- A unique mix of hardcore R&D, hands on development and engineering management
- Expert in creating top notch business and engineering presentations for the C-level management
- Successfully built a cutting edge R&D/Product team in a startup comprising 29 members
Research Interests:
- Application of Big Data Science in healthcare, education and smart ad generation
- Embedded software development for Internet of Things and Internet of Everything
- Consumer driven Android and iOS mobile apps for emerging domains
- Inter-disciplinary Scientific Research: Bio-Computing, Energy Harvesting, 3-D printing for diverse areas, Eco Aware Software R&D, Usage of data science in day-to-day applications
Languages: C/C++, Java & Frameworks, Javascript, Scala, Ruby, Perl, Python, PHP, R, BASH, HTML
Development Eco Systems: Hadoop, LAMP, MEAN, Full Stack, Apache, Mobile
Data Science, Analytics & Engineering: Oracle, MySql, SqlServer, Cassandra, MongoDB, HBase
Advanced Algorithms and Software Techniques: Combinatorial Optimization, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Data Mining/Extraction, Deep Learning, NLP, Advanced Search Techniques, Statistical Modeling, ILP, Image Processing, Smart Ad Tech, Pattern Recognition and Analysis
Operating Systems: Linux, Solaris, Windows, IBM-AIX, Android, Open source systems
Big Data: Cloud infrastructure, SAAS, IAAS, PAAS, Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Map Reduce, HDFS, Apache Frameworks (Kafka, Spark), Flume, Graph Databases, Hadoop YARN, Apache Mesos, Mahout
Search: Lucene, SolR, Elastic Search, Logstash, Kibana, Graph theoretic algorithms
ML and NLP Frameworks: UMLS, cTakes, HiTex, coreNLP, Abner, Mallet, BioPython, NLTK
Process Automation: Jenkins, Electric Commander, Confluence, Agile, Scrum, SDLC
Embedded Systems: IOT, Firmware, FPGA Based Ecosystem, Hardware Accelerator
VP of Engineering & Chief Architect
- Chief Architect, Innovator and VP for a Data Analytics/Cloud Computing based mobile/web IoE/SAAS solution for Global Healthcare with a large global SAM and SOM
- Designed a vertical platform to efficiently and intelligently analyze very large data sets for extracting targeted and contextual information; Used Big data analytics (ML, NLP), IP-PR, IOT, Advanced Algorithms, Cloud Infrastructure (Java, ELK, Scala, Python, Apache, SOLR, AWS), Hadoop, Mobile and web (front/back) to create ground breaking solutions for healthcare
- Technology: Java Frameworks, Android, Python, ML/NLP Algorithms, Mathematical Modeling, Optimization Techniques, Graph Theory, Cloud frameworks, Ad-technologies, Hadoop and NoSQL, Advanced Search (Lucene), AWS, Apache Eco System, Security
- Built and managed a world class engineering team located in global sites
- Developed, managed and successfully marketed a full featured Business Intelligence Tool Suite. Used Java based dev env. and NoSQL Databases
- Provides consultancy for cloud computing, data platform, contextual/targeted ad generation, data analytics, predictive modeling, machine intelligence for small and midsize startups
Senior Engineering Manager & Principal Engineer
- Technical manager/architect for a globally distributed R&D team for developing an embedded systems platform with web, database & big data analytics capabilities
- R&D and execution for heavy duty data warehousing tools, comprehensive platform for analyzing large data flows, cloud architecture, data science algorithms (SAAS model)
- Managed a team to develop the complete in-house Software development infrastructure
- Developed a C++, Java, Perl Based CAD/Embedded systems package with data analytics
- Built software stacks for continuous regression, integration and data management
Senior Engineering Manager and Principal Architect
- R&D leader, Technical manager and principal architect for Enterprise level system software, vertical stack, C++ Based Optimization Tool suite, Data Analytics Framework, Big Data Architecture in the CAD Research Laboratory for Ultra Sparc RISC processors
- Managed a world class software R&D team to develop a C++/Java based software tool suite (300,000 lines) to monitor and optimize the performance of a multi-core multi-threaded high performance RISC server used in data and control applications optimization tool suite
- Technology: Dynamic Programming, Convex Optimization, Lagrangian Relaxation, Graph
Engineering Manager & Principal Architect
- Manager and Principal architect for the firmware development team in the Embedded systems group of the high performance processor design division
- Conceptualized and developed a memory compiler tool suite in C++ and Perl
- Developed software components, hardware modules and verification frameworks
- Led a globally distributed engineering team to develop next generation CAD tools
Senior Design Engineer
- Architected and developed a C++/Web/Database oriented vertical data warehousing tool suite to monitor and manage projects. A cockpit for tracking bugs, issues and project health for various generations of products. The platform was based on MySQL, JavaScript, Perl, C++.
- Developed an in-house C++/Perl/MySql Based tool suite for IC design flow control. The flow control engine was heavily used for scheduling, monitoring and reporting design tasks
- Designed 7 Pentium chips with a world class IC Design team
- Developed in house EDA software and methodologies for Formal Verification, Gate Level Verification, Physical Design Optimization, Clock Design and Analysis
- Methodology leader for Clock Tree Synthesis, Clock Planning/Design, Timing Closure
- Resolved a long standing “power up sequencing bug” in Pentium families. Methodology lead for Analog-Mixed Signal design and verification using Synopsys and Mentor tools
Senior R&D Engineer
- R&D Team leader and developer for the High Level Verification Group.
- Developed complex algorithmic software packages in C/C++
- Senior R&D engineer in Functional Simulation, SW/HW Co-Verification teams
- Delivered Software/Hardware co-design and co-verification solutions
- Senior R&D engineer for Eagle product line up. Developed BFM models for processors