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Senior Java/j2ee Web Developer Resume

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  • 10 years of IT experience in Software development and System integration (including 5 years with Java/j2ee technologies) using a large set of technologies and skills.
  • Experience in J2ME and Android Smartphone programming.
  • Having worked in specialized software development on the VisioWave platform for VOIP and digital video surveillance using ActiveX and C++ technologies.
  • Experience in a large set of JAVA/J2EE large projects with understanding of concepts of ORM, MVC and IOC.
  • Web and front end technologies Javascript, AJAX (javascript,GWT,Prototype,YUI), PHP 4&5, scripting languages.
  • Experience in DMS and Data integration using Autonomy and ZyLab technologies.
  • Extensive experience in XML technologies and tools.
  • Experience in scripting for optical disk readers using HP Data Protector for storage.
  • Experience with WebMethods and JBOSS Portal and JSR168 specification.
  • Experience in CODE generators and data extraction:
  • A data extractor from raw text and classify it using regular expression. An excel to XML and JAVA and JSR Portlets code generator. An Extractor to extract raw text from HTML and PDF files. A CSV file reader and converter


Programming languages: C/C++, MFC,VB6 and VB.net 1.1, xml, java, html, asp and asp.net 1.1, php, sql.J2ME,Android,Linux script shells.

DBMS: (Access, MySQL, SQL server, IBM DB2 oracle, Borland Interbase…), Database modeling

OS’s: MsDOS, Windows (, 2000, 2003, XP), Linux.

Office: (Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms PowerPoint, Open Office, Excel VB scripting)

Text Editors: NotePad++, UltraEdit.

IDEs: Eclipse, JDEV, Borland C++, Visual C++ 6.0, XML SPY,XML Oxygen editor.

Curiosities: Python, OpenGL (3d), wxWidgets C++ Multiplatform GUI API

Team programming: CVS, Subversion (SVN).

Project management and bug tracking: Jira, Bugzilla, MS Project.

Automatic and Manual Performance profiling and Unit Testing: using tools like Junit, Jmeter, PHPUnit, Selenium web test framework.

JAVA APIS Frameworks: JSF, Struts, Xstream, JBOSS AOP, Hibernate, SAX DOM,XALAN,XML Beans,DOM4J,Xerces,JSR 168 Portal and Portlets (JBoss and WebMethods Portal)………..

JAVA Application servers, servlet containers and web servers: TomCat, JBOSS, WebMethods AS, Websphere and WSC (Limited experience). Apache, Microsoft IIS

XML and related technologies: DOM and SAX Handeling XML, XHTML, XSL/T, XSD, DTD Java XML APIs. Xstream, XML Beans, SOAP and web services.

Front end technologies and web technologies: Javascript, AJAX, html and CSS proficient


Confidential, Orlando

Senior Java/j2ee Web Developer


  • Senior Software engineer Java for the client Disney World. Responsibilities include creating UML artifacts, requirement gathering and coding using AmdroMDA framework for Model Driven Development.
  • Refactoring code to migrate from EJB2 into A web service based architecture
  • Created scripts for build automation and other Unix administration utilities.
  • Sub Contractor Senior Software engineer Java for the client Disney World. Responsibilities include creating UML artifacts, requirement gathering and coding using AmdroMDA framework for Model Driven Development. The AndroMDA generated model used Spring/EJB3 cartridge both technologies are widely used.
  • Sub Contractor Senior Software engineer Java Team Lead the final client AAA National. My responsibilities where 50% coding and 50% team management with Data Caliper working for Confidential . The final client is a major fortune 500 organization located in Orlando Fl. I participated in POC coding using technologies such as: RestEasy, JSON, Google Guice IOC. Java unit testing with JUnit and EasyMock, JavaScript Jasmine framework for testing. I also created SVN precommit hooks with Perl and several Perl scripts for automated Batch jobs. I was closely involved in implementing QA Plans test with client side and server side testing technologies. My responsibilities also included Document Gathering, Design document. Implementation and management of an offshore team located in Bangalore India.
  • Contractor with Consultis working as a senior software engineer for NumaraSoftware. Responsibilities include customization of NumaraSoftware asset management software (Footprints) using object oriented Perl (Moose), .net PL/SQL and T - SQL and Java. Other responsibilities include documentation. Prototyping and creation of test plans.
  • Contractor with Apex Systems working with PHP5, Jquery DB2,Oracle MS SQL and MySQL for Health Plan Services ( A Major health care technology provider for major health care companies). I work mostly on back end,stored procedures and batch processes. With some front end work.
  • Independent contractor working for with PHP 5, MySQL 5.1, Prototype and Scriptaculous to customize a CRM application. I’m working particularly to improve the speed of the application by moving the business logic from PHP to MySQL stored procedures and advanced queries.
  • Digital Architecture LAKELAND FL, PHP 5 developer working on a state of the art PHP based educational CMS (ACALOG ACMS) it’s the software that runs e-catalogs for major universities like Carnegie Mellon,ALAMO,FCCJ… the software contains more than than 100 tables in a MySQL Database. I used JavaScript Ajax programming using Prototype JS framework and customizing the javascript based FCKEditor. The software use object serialization. Scheduled jobs and a custom MVC framework.
  • Part time work with Confidential Freelance Java/J2ee,C++ and ColdFusion developer working and maintaining predictive dialers.

Confidential, Tampa, Florida

Java/j2ee Web Developer


  • Maintaining Confidential web sites.
  • Improving site code into more compliant W3C recommendations.
  • Front end development, using XHTML,CSS, Servlets and JSPs.
  • Some Back end using /JDBC and SQL queries.
  • JavaScript and AJAX porting of some portions of the website.
  • Best SEO practices used during development to maximize traffic and improve search engines ranking.

Confidential, Largo, Florida

Freelance Java/j2ee and C++ developer


  • Porting C++ and ColdFusion legacy digital PABX and voice logger applications to JAVA/J2EE interfaces and APIs.
  • Porting applications from Windows to Linux platform.
  • BASH scripts programming. Tools used Eclipse, VI, Dreamweaver, KDevelop, Visual C++ 6, TCP IP Socket programming using the ACE cross platform socket library.




  • LAMP developer (PHP, MySQL)
  • Worked as with a development teat as a freelancer to add the back end to their flash based sites the sites are:

Confidential, Clearwater, Florida

J2EE developer


  • Designing and implementing J2EE and open source based solutions for a HealthCare Messaging technologies using the following technologies Webworks framework, Free marker template engine, Hibernate 3.2,xml/xslt,Xmlbeans, swing, c++, HttpClient library, Spring framework and Spring ACEGI Security library.
  • Designing and implementing the Openldap schema for the login system.
  • Tests using jUnit.


Software Engineer


  • The Information System for the Tangier port and free trade zone (the largest port in construction in North Africa) because of the number of different actors and existing IT infrastructures involved in the project (Finance office, custom office, navigation office, PMIS…..)
  • The WebMethods EAI process and service based architecture was used to link the different actors using the WebMethods EAI and web services my part was to develop an administration application using the J2EE compliant WebMethods server and WebMethods portal (JSR168) technologies.
  • I also contributed in the design of automatic deployment scripts for the integration platform using Script Shell, SQL and Maven.
  • Unit tests using jUnit and manually testing XML files against XSDs. And Java Decompiler (JAD) to solve undocumented problems

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